who is the great whore in Revelation?

Yes all false religion whores after false gods--every one of them. Are you immature that you have to call names? I read the bible many times. Jesus is with 1 single religion--the rest make up the whore of babylon. Have you read the bible.

Oh yes.. I have read the Bible all my life.. You are dumb as a stump.
Israel is the whore of Babylon.. The Bible tells you so over and over and over again.
How is Israel and its system going to lead to the end of the world? We're not in OT times anymore lol.

If we are nearing the end of the times, then it would have to be a current country with great power and political system. That leaves China or the US and I doubt it's the US, but China is on the rise and could have the power to control other countries.

ETA: Let's say you pick a country like Canada for comparison purposes. We don't hear as much about it and other countries do not worry about it taking over another country.
To be fair, at the time when Christians were calling Rome "the Great Whore of Babylon", the Romans were doing all they could to genocide the Christians.
How is Israel and its system going to lead to the end of the world? We're not in OT times anymore lol.

If we are nearing the end of the times, then it would have to be a current country with great power and political system. That leaves China or the US and I doubt it's the US, but China is on the rise and could have the power to control other countries.

ETA: Let's say you pick a country like Canada for comparison purposes. We don't hear as much about it and other countries do not worry about it taking over another country.

LOLOL.. Revelation and Daniel are history not prophecy, you moron.

You Scofield futurists are so ignorant.
LOLOL.. Revelation and Daniel are history not prophecy, you moron.

You Scofield futurists are so ignorant.
Lol, you are stupid as sh*t and your mother knows it. She's prolly flushed you down already like I have.
LOLOL.. Revelation and Daniel are history not prophecy, you moron.

You Scofield futurists are so ignorant.
these are mature talks sir. There is no room for name calling. Havent you realized if one calls you a name and you do not like it, then you call them a name back, you have become what you did not like to see in others--0 wisdom on that path.
these are mature talks sir. There is no room for name calling. Havent you realized if one calls you a name and you do not like it, then you call them a name back, you have become what you did not like to see in others--0 wisdom on that path.

I'm not a sir. When you get Daniel wrong, you get everything else wrong.
To be fair, at the time when Christians were calling Rome "the Great Whore of Babylon", the Romans were doing all they could to genocide the Christians.

Christians never called Rome the whore of Babylon until Martin Luther in 1507.
That really has nothing to do with prophecy in Daniel

The Book of Daniel is all about the Maccabean Revolt and the Seleucid Empire .. The rededication after the temple was defiled is the reason for Hanuka.. Your teachers are really ignorant.. JW's were invented in the US in 1870, but you claim to know more than the Jews and Christians.
well, I think the great whore is "organized religion" which in God's eyes probably is not terribly organized, at least not organized around CHRIST and His Precious Words

Thank you for your viewpoint, but some experts in the field of theology disagree and consider Kamala Harris to be the Hoe of Revelation.

The Book of Daniel is all about the Maccabean Revolt and the Seleucid Empire .. The rededication after the temple was defiled is the reason for Hanuka.. Your teachers are really ignorant.. JW's were invented in the US in 1870, but you claim to know more than the Jews and Christians.
Yes my teachers have holy spirit. They did not need the schools of men where many false teachings reside. And are thus distributed throughout the earth misleading all who listen away from entrance into Gods kingdom.
Much in Daniel are directed to these last days. Like at Daniel 2:44 where Gods word assures that when Jesus comes to the earth again will wipe out every mortal govt in existence and Gods kingdom will rule forever. At 8:17 assures it is for the time of the end( last days)
Yes my teachers have holy spirit. They did not need the schools of men where many false teachings reside. And are thus distributed throughout the earth misleading all who listen away from entrance into Gods kingdom.
Much in Daniel are directed to these last days. Like at Daniel 2:44 where Gods word assures that when Jesus comes to the earth again will wipe out every mortal govt in existence and Gods kingdom will rule forever. At 8:17 assures it is for the time of the end( last days)

Daniel was written in 168 BC about Antiochus IV Epiphanes.. Plus Babylon, the Persians,the Greeks and the Romans. Why do you think the Jews celebrate Hanuka?

Your teachers should go to school.
Daniel was written in 168 BC about Antiochus IV Epiphanes.. Plus Babylon, the Persians,the Greeks and the Romans. Why do you think the Jews celebrate Hanuka?

Your teachers should go to school.
Daniel 8:17--So he came beside me where i was standing,but when he came i got terrified so that i fell upon my face. And he proceeded to say to me understand oh son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end.

Even trinity scholars know100% that Daniel and revelation work together. And since Daniel 2:44 has not occurred yet. It is your teachers who are in error. To all serving those kind of teachers i say--RUN from them.
Daniel 8:17--So he came beside me where i was standing, but when he came i got terrified so that i fell upon my face. And he proceeded to say to me understand oh son of man, that the vision is for the time of the end.

Even trinity scholars know 100% that Daniel and revelation work together. And since Daniel 2:44 has not occurred yet. It is your teachers who are in error. To all serving those kind of teachers i say--RUN from them.

Do you understand english?
Daniel and Revelation are related and connected

I am not an expert on last days stuff... I mean, even Jesus said that only the Father knows when the End will come... not the Son... which is odd because normally there is no separation... (so called) btwn the Two

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