Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower?

I am really getting tired of that chart. That chart shows spending GROWTH, not total spending.

Obama is spending more than Bush, but he increased his spending less than Bush increased his from Clinton.

Now for the love of god, can liberals please stop posting that chart and saying Obama is a small spender?

These numbers are one of the reasons I'm an independent now. I just don't buy that republicans are for less spending.
the republicans have been sooo duped for so long that they don't like big government, unless its giving the American tax dollar to the corporations then they're fine with it .... but if its to help a person out they're against it ...
I will tell you that not only are the Democrats incredible spenders, but so are the Republicans. I have said this many, many times. You want to make conservatives happy? Take a red pen and start doing away with the CRAP that this government spends its money on. The Department of Education for starters. When the Republicans get into office, they are JUST AS BAD as the Democrats.

Your chart is a nonstarter. Barry and his cronies want to spend as much as they can get their hands on, but right now like Bill Clinton, he has to deal with a Republican House that (thank the Dear Lord) says NO to his insane proposals. Only, unlike Bill Clinton, Barry doesn't know how to make that into a positive.

Major FAIL...
If we really wanna cut spending on shit we don't need, how bout cutting the money we've been spending on these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last decade? That'll save $12 billion a month right there!

Then we can cut the obscene defense budget in half. That'll save another $450 billion anually.

Republican's are not serious about cutting spending, because they won't start with defense budget. All spending cuts start with the Pentagon.
So, how is Obama a small government spender? When Bush took office the debt was $5 trillion, when he left it was $10 trillion, so roughly $5.2 trillion in spending. When Obama took office in 2009, the debt was still around $10 trillion. Guess what? As of the latter part of June, the debt has exceeded $17 trillion, 6.4 trillion of that IS OBAMA'S.

The facts are the facts liberals, no amount of name calling and racist insinuations will change that.
The graph in the OP shows you're FOS.
I am really getting tired of that chart. That chart shows spending GROWTH, not total spending.

Obama is spending more than Bush, but he increased his spending less than Bush increased his from Clinton.

Now for the love of god, can liberals please stop posting that chart and saying Obama is a small spender?

These numbers are one of the reasons I'm an independent now. I just don't buy that republicans are for less spending.
the republicans have been sooo duped for so long that they don't like big government, unless its giving the American tax dollar to the corporations then they're fine with it .... but if its to help a person out they're against it ...

i would much rather see this money spent on American corporations than send to undeserving foreign aid !! :up:
The funniest thing is how Liberals insist on passing themselves off as "Smart" and "independent thinkers"
national debt when obama took over----10 trillion
national debt 5 years later------17 trillion

nothing more needs to be said on the lie that is the OP.
Unfunded...unpaid for.

That's W. Bush's legacy - running up the credit card and sticking Obama with the payments.

When was welfare "paid for," dumbfuck? When did Obama "pay for" 20 million new food stamp recipients?

Since it was 'Georgie Boy' that created the near Second Great Republican Depression, you 'Conservatives' need to address that issue. You created it.

Giving mortgages to people who couldn't pay them is what caused "Second Great Republican Depression," and DimoRATs are clearly responsible for that.
When was welfare "paid for," dumbfuck? When did Obama "pay for" 20 million new food stamp recipients?

Since it was 'Georgie Boy' that created the near Second Great Republican Depression, you 'Conservatives' need to address that issue. You created it.

Giving mortgages to people who couldn't pay them is what caused "Second Great Republican Depression," and DimoRATs are clearly responsible for that.

That chart need not concern Republicans too much. Economics can be made so confusing and meaningless by simply mixing spending with debt and perhaps a few economic terms like "Say's law" a quote from Friedman, or the best bet is to bring in welfare.
It is true that Republicans find economics confusing. Democrats try to keep that in mind when trying to educate republicans.We try to keep it on a remedial level.
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It is true that Republicans find economics confusing. Democrats try to keep that in mind when trying to educate republicans.We try to keep it on a remedial level.

The claim that DimoRATs have a better understanding of economics is too hysterical for words.
Since it was 'Georgie Boy' that created the near Second Great Republican Depression, you 'Conservatives' need to address that issue. You created it.

Giving mortgages to people who couldn't pay them is what caused "Second Great Republican Depression," and DimoRATs are clearly responsible for that.

That chart need not concern Republicans too much. Economics can be made so confusing and meaningless by simply mixing spending with debt and perhaps a few economic terms like "Say's law" a quote from Friedman, or the best bet is to bring in welfare.

The chart is a bald faced lie. Anyone who says it's credible only announces that he is a gullible imbecile.
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There is a big difference in the economy now compared to when Clinton was in office. Spending is substantially higher due to increased spending on safety net programs due to the really bad economy plus entitlement spending is much higher now than it was under Clinton because we have more retirees. Both of these items make it much more difficult for Obama to try to follow a tightening of the belt as Clinton was able to do. It really is not a fair nor good comparison.

Safety net programs are spending of choice, not necessity. When you're running a deficit in excess of one trillion dollars a year and piling it onto an existing $17 trillion, a third of which was run up by this president, you cut back on spending of choice across the board regardless of what it's for.

This is where I disagree. Doing so is much more likely to make things worse. It's a big problem when you say you're going to cut off aid to poor people and assume they will go out and get a job. The problem is that the jobs aren't there to begin with. So now you end up with people becoming homeless and you also have less money moving through the economy. Want to cut spending? Cut it in areas that make sense like the military budget.

So Presidents control spending, is that what I'm seeing?

Depends on the day, who you are asking, and whether it's their side that looks good by whichever claim you are making.

Here's another example:

Republicans, when Obama talks about the jobs he's created: Government does not create jobs!

Republicans, when they want to attack: President Obama's unemployment is over 7.5%
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