Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

watergate-------one party spying on the other party, no one killed or injured. Nixon lied about it and was forced from office

Vietnam-----Kennedy and Johnson's war that killed 58,000 americans for nothing. Nixon ended it.

Nuclear threat-------Russia had nukes, still does.

Nixon spying on McGovern.

Nixon killed more Vietnamese with his round the clock bombings (escalation) of North Vietnam for months, than Kennedy and Johnson combined. Killed more Americans too. The American protest movement and the end of the draft, ended the war.

The "nuclear imminent threat" I referred to, was Bush's reason for entering the war in Iraq in 2003. A "nuclear imminent threat" that did not exist.

Let's pick it up right there.....

1. The weakness of Nixon due to the Watergate scandal allowed the Left-Wing Democrats to destroy any hope of either the United States living up to its commitments in South Vietnam, or of even allowing the aid that would have allowed the South to defend itself. Starting with the 1974 budget, they refused to allocate another penny, and forbade US military action “in or over” Indochina. Thus, no airstrikes if the North violated the peace treaty. They wanted the North to win….and they did.

a. When the Pentagon’s accountants tried to use a couple of hundred million dollars of unused appropriations left over from 1972 and 1973 to aid the South, Ted Kennedy organized Senators, 43-38, to forbid the expenditure.
David Frum, “How We Got Here,” p. 305.

2. Did you bring up those killed in bombings?

In the scholarly “The Black Book of Communism,” Stephane Courtois, et. al. calculate (p. 572) that the Communists immediately shipped between 200,000 and a million to ‘reeducation camps’ out of a population of 20 million. Execution numbered about 65,000 not counting those who died slowly in the camps.

a. The new Communist Vietnam caused hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to flee their homes, with over 800,000 taking to the high seas in tiny boats.
Commentary magazine, “Who Won Vietnam?”, May 1994.

Shall we add Cambodia to the blood on the hands of the Liberal Left Democrats?

Nixon had an unworkable plan for ending the war. While he was in charge American casualties went up, the war was expanded into Cambodia and Laos, massive amounts of civilians were killed in useless bombing campaigns and his efforts at Vietnamization was a predicted failure.
Prolonging the war would have done nothing but made America kill more Asians in mostly Asian civil wars, made a larger WALL in Washington, D.C. with more American names on it and eventually ended with the same results.
Blaming the war and it's loss on one party or the other is like pissing in the wind. Truman let the French take the shot at recolonization. Eisenhower gave financial support to the French and the first American airmen were killed at Dien Bien Phu. He also made the decision to put in American advisers and financial support after the French pulled out in defeat. Kennedy followed up with more advisers and LBJ introduced combat troops. Nixon followed LBJ's tactic's and only expanded the bloodshed. Ford allowed the abandonment with the choice to let congress have it's way and happily put the war to an end. Carter and Reagan failed to negotiate with Vietnam over Nixon's promised reparations and that led to the abandonment of an estimated 200 to 700 POW/MIA's.
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Nixon spying on McGovern.

Nixon killed more Vietnamese with his round the clock bombings (escalation) of North Vietnam for months, than Kennedy and Johnson combined. Killed more Americans too. The American protest movement and the end of the draft, ended the war.

The "nuclear imminent threat" I referred to, was Bush's reason for entering the war in Iraq in 2003. A "nuclear imminent threat" that did not exist.

Let's pick it up right there.....

1. The weakness of Nixon due to the Watergate scandal allowed the Left-Wing Democrats to destroy any hope of either the United States living up to its commitments in South Vietnam, or of even allowing the aid that would have allowed the South to defend itself. Starting with the 1974 budget, they refused to allocate another penny, and forbade US military action “in or over” Indochina. Thus, no airstrikes if the North violated the peace treaty. They wanted the North to win….and they did.

a. When the Pentagon’s accountants tried to use a couple of hundred million dollars of unused appropriations left over from 1972 and 1973 to aid the South, Ted Kennedy organized Senators, 43-38, to forbid the expenditure.
David Frum, “How We Got Here,” p. 305.

2. Did you bring up those killed in bombings?

In the scholarly “The Black Book of Communism,” Stephane Courtois, et. al. calculate (p. 572) that the Communists immediately shipped between 200,000 and a million to ‘reeducation camps’ out of a population of 20 million. Execution numbered about 65,000 not counting those who died slowly in the camps.

a. The new Communist Vietnam caused hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to flee their homes, with over 800,000 taking to the high seas in tiny boats.
Commentary magazine, “Who Won Vietnam?”, May 1994.

Shall we add Cambodia to the blood on the hands of the Liberal Left Democrats?

Nixon had an unworkable plan for ending the war. While he was in charge American casualties went up, the war was expanded into Cambodia and Laos, massive amounts of civilians were killed in useless bombing campaigns and his efforts at Vietnamization was a predicted failure.
Prolonging the war would have done nothing but made America kill more Asians in mostly Asian civil wars, made a larger WALL in Washington, D.C. with more American names on it and eventually ended with the same results.
Blaming the war and it's loss on one party or the other is like pissing in the wind. Truman let the French take the shot at recolonization. Eisenhower gave financial support to the French and the first American airmen were killed at Dien Bien Phu. He also made the decision to put in American advisers and financial support after the French pulled out in defeat. Kennedy followed up with more advisers and LBJ introduced combat troops. Nixon followed LBJ's tactic's and only expanded the bloodshed. Ford allowed the abandonment with the choice to let congress have it's way and happily put the war to an end. Carter and Reagan failed to negotiate with Vietnam over Nixon's promised reparations and that led to the abandonment of an estimated 200 to 700 POW/MIA's.

You make a lot of good points.
Those points you make prove Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan and cost more American lives.
If you are sticking by your point that is.
Better yet to go with the war is unpredictable fact.
How does one negotiate with Viet Nam on suspected POWs held in other countries.
Your post makes some good points but most of it is hit or miss all over the map shotgun strategy from the hip.
Nixon had an unworkable plan for ending the war. While he was in charge American casualties went up, the war was expanded into Cambodia and Laos, massive amounts of civilians were killed in useless bombing campaigns and his efforts at Vietnamization was a predicted failure.
Prolonging the war would have done nothing but made America kill more Asians in mostly Asian civil wars, made a larger WALL in Washington, D.C. with more American names on it and eventually ended with the same results.
Blaming the war and it's loss on one party or the other is like pissing in the wind. Truman let the French take the shot at recolonization. Eisenhower gave financial support to the French and the first American airmen were killed at Dien Bien Phu. He also made the decision to put in American advisers and financial support after the French pulled out in defeat. Kennedy followed up with more advisers and LBJ introduced combat troops. Nixon followed LBJ's tactic's and only expanded the bloodshed. Ford allowed the abandonment with the choice to let congress have it's way and happily put the war to an end. Carter and Reagan failed to negotiate with Vietnam over Nixon's promised reparations and that led to the abandonment of an estimated 200 to 700 POW/MIA's.

You make a lot of good points.
Those points you make prove Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan and cost more American lives.
If you are sticking by your point that is.
Better yet to go with the war is unpredictable fact.
How does one negotiate with Viet Nam on suspected POWs held in other countries.
Your post makes some good points but most of it is hit or miss all over the map shotgun strategy from the hip.

Obama should have gotten us out of Afghanistan. My opinion is that a new President should clean up military obligations they disagree with in the first year, perhaps two of the their term. The year or perhaps two may be needed to fulfill promises and obligations made by the previous administration and the time needed to conduct an orderly withdrawal. Every thing after that, the new President owns.

Garwood escaped Vietnam in 1979 via a smuggled letter to a foreign diplomat serving in Hanoi. He insisted he had knowledge of about 70 other POW's being held in Vietnam.
While little hope was ever given for MIA's lost to the Khmer Rouge, the Pathet Lao were known to have kept POW's alive and clearly understood their value as bargaining chips. In addition, the Vietnamese had a working relationship with them.
Both Carter and Reagan failed to follow up on the Garwood's claims and suppressed live sighting reports.
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Geez, any dumb ass can watch the Cain accusers and see they have zero credibility.
Thomas another matter but that was the FIRST TIME a Senate Judiciary hearing allowed that kind of testimony of "he talked dirty to me at work" nonsense in the confirmation hearings of a Supreme Court Justice.
Wow, take a look at the hearings and the obvious coaching by Senate Democrats of Anita Hill.
Even if her story was 100% true SO WHAT, DOES NOT COME CLOSE to what Clinton did.

I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

he was not found not guilty. congress did not remove him from office after the impeachment, that is not equal to being found not guilty.
The fact that it wasn't %60+ saying the moonbat messiah is the worst scares me.

Only %30 are paying attention?

We're screwed.

Geez, any dumb ass can watch the Cain accusers and see they have zero credibility.
Thomas another matter but that was the FIRST TIME a Senate Judiciary hearing allowed that kind of testimony of "he talked dirty to me at work" nonsense in the confirmation hearings of a Supreme Court Justice.
Wow, take a look at the hearings and the obvious coaching by Senate Democrats of Anita Hill.
Even if her story was 100% true SO WHAT, DOES NOT COME CLOSE to what Clinton did.

I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

he was not found not guilty. congress did not remove him from office after the impeachment, that is not equal to being found not guilty.

The democrooks refused to stand up for ethics as usual, or he would have been convicted. Clinton still had to suck it up and let his law license be suspended in a settlement.


He has failed at containing international terrorism, it has grown under him compared to when the GWOT began.

He has failed with the economy, more people are out of work today than any other time in history.

He has failed with policies that affect average Americans, obamacare was the biggest scam off all time.

He is a piece of shit out to destroy this country. The next POTUS needs to thrown him and his goons in jail.
I guess you've forgotten that Clinton was impeached.

Impeached for crimes he was ultimately found not guilty.

he was not found not guilty. congress did not remove him from office after the impeachment, that is not equal to being found not guilty.

The democrooks refused to stand up for ethics as usual, or he would have been convicted. Clinton still had to suck it up and let his law license be suspended in a settlement.

Therein lies a stark difference between the Democrats and the Republicans: attempt to be honorable.

1. Nixon was confronted by members of his own party who were disgusted with aspects of his behavior....and he resigned.

2. On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."
Washingtonpost.com Special Report: Clinton Accused

For Democrats/Liberals/Progressives, disreputable behavior is a resume enhancement.

This is a cornerstone of Alinsky Liberalism.

"For example, since the Haves publicly pose as the custodians of responsibility, morality, law, and justice (which are frequently strangers to each others), they can be constantly pushed to live up to their own book of morality and regulations. No organizations, including organized religion, can live up to the letter of its own book.

You can club them to death with their "book" of rules and regulations. This is what that great revolutionary, Paul of Tarsus, knew when he wrote to the Corinthians: "Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit, for the letter killeth." -- Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, P.152
Articles: The Totalitarian Minority

As long as the American people accept the immorality that infuses Liberalism, we will get no better government than we deserve.
Therein lies a stark difference between the Democrats and the Republicans: attempt to be honorable.

1. Nixon was confronted by members of his own party who were disgusted with aspects of his behavior....and he resigned.

2. On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."
Washingtonpost.com Special Report: Clinton Accused

Never mentioning the fact that the Nixon Watergate case was conclusive with the "smoking gun" tape. Nor admitting the Republicans in congress and elsewhere were actually backing him up until the Supreme Court ordered that Executive Privilege did not apply in the case of criminal activity, thus forcing him to release the tapes.
Therein lies a stark difference between the Democrats and the Republicans: attempt to be honorable.

1. Nixon was confronted by members of his own party who were disgusted with aspects of his behavior....and he resigned.

2. On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."
Washingtonpost.com Special Report: Clinton Accused

Never mentioning the fact that the Nixon Watergate case was conclusive with the "smoking gun" tape. Nor admitting the Republicans in congress and elsewhere were actually backing him up until the Supreme Court ordered that Executive Privilege did not apply in the case of criminal activity, thus forcing him to release the tapes.

Did Nixon lose his law license for perjury?

Who was that again?

Oh....right the rapist you support.
Therein lies a stark difference between the Democrats and the Republicans: attempt to be honorable.

1. Nixon was confronted by members of his own party who were disgusted with aspects of his behavior....and he resigned.

2. On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."
Washingtonpost.com Special Report: Clinton Accused

Never mentioning the fact that the Nixon Watergate case was conclusive with the "smoking gun" tape. Nor admitting the Republicans in congress and elsewhere were actually backing him up until the Supreme Court ordered that Executive Privilege did not apply in the case of criminal activity, thus forcing him to release the tapes.

Did Nixon lose his law license for perjury?

Who was that again?

Oh....right the rapist you support.

I believe you just called a former US President a "rapist".

Uh, there has never been a charge of rape filed against Bill Clinton, not ever.

Do hyperbole much?


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