Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know?

Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know?

His parents are the ones to blame....
If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

His rant started to give me a headache.

I already know why Trump won. He won because he won the labor vote in several key states, and that was all he needed.

The LABOR vote. You know. The unions that MOST conservatives hate.

He won the labor vote by opposing the trade agreements, by talking about losing jobs to 'free trade' - a position most Republicans traditionally support.

He won by getting the vote of the people who look out their front window and see a shopping mall where a factory used to be.

He won by creating a Republican party that did the one thing the Republican party hasn't done for decades,

give a shit about the working man in America.

...or at least creating that impression. We'll see if he meant it.
So when is Trump going to stop importing his consumer goods produced in third world nations?
So when is Trump going to stop importing his consumer goods produced in third world nations?

Like I said, who knows if he means it? For all we know, Trump looked at the success of Perot in 1992 and said hey,
there's where I'm going to start my scam. I'll pander to those anti-NAFTA people, they're a huge bloc,

and then I'll pander to the religious right by waving a Bible around, and then I'll pander to the angry white people by throwing out the usual code words, then I'll pander to the fear of terrorism by doing some anti-Muslim shit, etc., etc., etc. And then I'll bash the Clintons!
If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

Holy crap.

They should duct tape every Democrat "leader" and member of the DNC into a chair and force them to watch this.

"Not everyone who voted for Trump is a sexist or a racist. How many times does the vote not have to go our way before we realize that our argument isn't won by hurling labels and insults? When will we learn that the key is DISCUSSION? If you're unwilling to discuss then you are creating the conditions in which Donald Trump and people like him can THRIVE."

Can we get rid of the Regressive Left and get THIS GUY to run in 2020?
Wow. I responded to the video without reading through the comments. evangelicals? whitelashing? comey? russian hackers?
It's as if this man was speaking to himself.

Oh wait, I think that was his point.

Never mind.

Carry on.
If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.]
I don't know who the hell this guy is, but I'm now his biggest fan.
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If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

His rant started to give me a headache.

I already know why Trump won. He won because he won the labor vote in several key states, and that was all he needed.

The LABOR vote. You know. The unions that MOST conservatives hate.

He won the labor vote by opposing the trade agreements, by talking about losing jobs to 'free trade' - a position most Republicans traditionally support.

He won by getting the vote of the people who look out their front window and see a shopping mall where a factory used to be.

He won by creating a Republican party that did the one thing the Republican party hasn't done for decades,

give a shit about the working man in America.

...or at least creating that impression. We'll see if he meant it.

You mean he got the attention of people that are in that basket of deplorables. You know, blue collar workers that DON"T have a college education. The same people you on the left have been cutting down since he became the nominee.
If you don't mind the excessive profanity, this man puts it in to sharp focus who made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

His rant started to give me a headache.

I already know why Trump won. He won because he won the labor vote in several key states, and that was all he needed.

The LABOR vote. You know. The unions that MOST conservatives hate.

He won the labor vote by opposing the trade agreements, by talking about losing jobs to 'free trade' - a position most Republicans traditionally support.

He won by getting the vote of the people who look out their front window and see a shopping mall where a factory used to be.

He won by creating a Republican party that did the one thing the Republican party hasn't done for decades,

give a shit about the working man in America.

...or at least creating that impression. We'll see if he meant it.

You mean he got the attention of people that are in that basket of deplorables. You know, blue collar workers that DON"T have a college education. The same people you on the left have been cutting down since he became the nominee.

No. The people that CONSERVATIVES denigrate every day.
Again I think the changes happening in the society took on a pace that many couldn't assimilate. Had it happened over 5-10 more years I think most would have slowly accepted it. The bathroom thing is one I'm on the fence about. My belief is in an adult bathroom it's a free world. But children should be shielded from all adult things until they are adults. My suggestion was a third bathroom everywhere for transgender people, problem eliminated.

But the idea that conservatives don't take negative actions without expectation of retaliation is ludicrous. Turn the tv on, you'll see plenty of reaction. And Republicans in the Senate telling the tens of millions that elected President Obama "we've decided that he was only elected for a 3 year term and your votes are now void. We won't allow him to appoint a Supreme Court justice as the Constitution requires because we do whatever we want. The Constitution doesn't matter".

You really think I or anyone else just let that pass, or won't take action on it?

I've finally come to the conclusion that it's time to break the union apart because Republicans have reached the point that they ignore the Constitution on this and whatever else suits them at the time. They are not Americans any more. So be it, go have the south and secede. Otherwise there WILL be another war. Contrary to popular con opinion liberals have and use guns just as much and understand the 2nd amendment. Better to break up into 3-4 smaller countries and everyone be happy.

No, I think what we really need to do is just divide the country right in half. One side for the conservatives and the other for the liberals. Anybody in between will just have to choose a side they want to live and not complain how they run their side.

Don't tell me how the right is going against the constitution simply because they stalled nominations of a court justice. There is nothing unconstitutional about it since there is no time frame. The Republicans said they will hear the nominations of the next President whoever it may be.

The country dividing could be the best thing since we are indeed drifting further and further apart. On the right, we have the influence of the Tea Party which are a group of constitutionalists. On the left, the last three presidential nominees were endorsed by the US Communist Party. There is no middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism.

I don't think you'll find many objections on the right of this country dividing. On the left, a different story. How do I know? Because I created the topic a few months back. Conservatives kind of liked the idea, and you liberals on USMB were outraged.

I couldn't be happier living in a country with no liberals. Because of lower taxation, all the jobs would be here. Since there would be no guns on your side, all the crime would be there. On our side, only those truly in need of government help would get it. On your side, half of the people would live off of the taxpayers draining whatever money you had in your government. Our side would embellish tradition and religion. Your side would embellish global warming and secularism. If all the liberals moved to the other side of the country, my property value would double overnight. We would return prisons back to prisons, and murdering somebody on our side would get you the death penalty in a matter of a few months after conviction. It would be a public hanging like the old west.

So anytime you liberals are ready, I'm right behind you. The only problem is building a wall large enough to keep liberals from entering our side of the country for work or safety reasons. But then again, our President would be Trump.
Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know? The left. America has rejected their failed policies.
Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know? The left. America has rejected their failed policies.

Wrong. Trump only won because he won 3 Democrat states in the rust belt.

He won them because he won the labor/union vote in those states. He won because Bernie Sanders didn't win.
No. The people that CONSERVATIVES denigrate every day.

What are you talking about? You libs were boasting how Hil-Liar had the vote of college educated people. You used that as a cut-down of Trump. You know, all those who did not have a college education were sticking with him as if it were a bad thing; a reflection on how stupid Trump really is.
Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know? The left. America has rejected their failed policies.

Wrong. Trump only won because he won 3 Democrat states in the rust belt.

He won them because he won the labor/union vote in those states. He won because Bernie Sanders didn't win.
You are a classic example of someone with an external locus of control.
No. The people that CONSERVATIVES denigrate every day.

What are you talking about? You libs were boasting how Hil-Liar had the vote of college educated people. You used that as a cut-down of Trump. You know, all those who did not have a college education were sticking with him as if it were a bad thing; a reflection on how stupid Trump really is.

Don't lie about what I said.

Establishment conservatives are anti-union and thus by extension anti-labor.

Trump won by defying that aspect of conservatism. Trump won with votes that Republics have not been getting in the past.
Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know? The left. America has rejected their failed policies.

Wrong. Trump only won because he won 3 Democrat states in the rust belt.

He won them because he won the labor/union vote in those states. He won because Bernie Sanders didn't win.
You are a classic example of someone with an external locus of control.

No, I'm just some guy who can make an argument you can't refute.
It is a symptom of the liberal mindset (such as it is) that they cannot grasp the notion - let alone accept it - that large numbers of reasonable people may legitimately disagree with them. It's got to be something like "the simple folks weren't ready" or some trick, deception, or nefarious immorality that only the beings of light can overcome.

Hence, some of the ridiculous behavior from sore losers and sour grape gluttons here and - until they get cold and tired - out in the streets of some cities.
This just in: we are NOT going to "break the Union apart" on the basis of an extended hissy-fit by liberals with the emotional development of a 3 year-old. We didn't when the same kind of arrested development was displayed by their counterparts during the obama presidency, and we're not going to now.

Everyone needs to get their shit together, calm down, and move forward.
Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know? The left. America has rejected their failed policies.

Wrong. Trump only won because he won 3 Democrat states in the rust belt.

He won them because he won the labor/union vote in those states. He won because Bernie Sanders didn't win.
You are a classic example of someone with an external locus of control.

No, I'm just some guy who can make an argument you can't refute.
No. Your argument is absurd. The people in the swing states rejected the policies of the past 8 years which were the policies of the left.

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