Who is to blame for Trump? You really want to know?

The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

Once again the far left shows us that they do not understand the Constitution or how the presidential election system works.

They will stay on their religious message yet prove why they are now the small minority.

So how many far left/Democrats have called to do away with the electoral college?

Your random babbling isn't contributing anything to this discussion.

As you randomly babble
You are a classic example of someone with an external locus of control.

No, I'm just some guy who can make an argument you can't refute.
No. Your argument is absurd. The people in the swing states rejected the policies of the past 8 years which were the policies of the left.

Free trade agreements are not a policy of the left. They are a Republican policy that some centrist Democrats have gone along with.

1992 - Bush vs Clinton vs Perot

Who were the anti-NAFTA players in that race?

There was only one. Ross Perot. Both Bush and Clinton supported NAFTA.

2012 - Obama vs. Romney - who were anti-NAFTA or other trade deal candidates? None.

2012 - Ohio - Obama wins the union vote by 23 points.
2016 - Ohio - TRUMP wins the union vote by 12 points.

Why? Because he took the left's position of protectionism. The Bernie Sanders position.

Clinton signed NAFTA, Clinton is a Democrat he is on the left and it was his policy no matter how you spin it.

Silly far left drone!

Most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Perot got 20% of the vote running against NAFTA.

Clinton was with the Republicans on NAFTA, as he was on welfare reform and some other issues.

You don't know enough about the politics of the nineties, or politics in general, to understand any of this.

See how the far left will do all they can to spin the fact that Clinton is a Democrat that signed NAFTA.

In the house: 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voted in favor of it.

Once again the facts never fit the far left religious dogma.

So this means you voted for Clinton in 1992 and do not want to own up to yet voting for worse than Bush again!
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

Once again the far left shows us that they do not understand the Constitution or how the presidential election system works.

They will stay on their religious message yet prove why they are now the small minority.

So how many far left/Democrats have called to do away with the electoral college?

Your random babbling isn't contributing anything to this discussion.

As you randomly babble

You're welcome to try to refute anything I've said.

Trump didn't win by moving the GOP to the right. He won by moving the GOP to the left.
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.

Why would you want to hear something that is beyond your comprehension?

You are just following the marching orders of your rich white masters!
The only thing he really said of substance was that Cooked Hillary was a terrible candidate.

We Conservatives have been telling you stupid Moon Bats that for over a year now but you wouldn't listen. She had more baggage than Delta Airlines and nobody really liked her.

Trump was out courting votes from real Americans concerned about the economy and lack of liberty while Crooked Hillary was doing exclusive fundraising with her rich friends and getting endorsements from crazy Hollywood Libtards.

For instance, on a day when Bernie Sanders was drawing a crowd of tens of thousands of people in Seattle Crooked Hillary was putting on a $25K a plate exclusive fundraiser on the other side of town for a few rich people.

The Democrats picked the wrong candidate. They picked the candidate of the Obama status quo while Trump and even that idiot Bernie were preaching real change that real Americans wanted.

The Moon Bats let Crooked Hillary and Debbie Dumbass screw them out of the real Left Wing Democrat candidate and they paid the price.

I don't think Bernie Commie would have won but he would have been the honest Progressive candidate. Instead the Democrats chose a corrupt dishonest bitch that really didn't stand for anything, other than making herself rich.
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

Once again the far left shows us that they do not understand the Constitution or how the presidential election system works.

They will stay on their religious message yet prove why they are now the small minority.

So how many far left/Democrats have called to do away with the electoral college?

Your random babbling isn't contributing anything to this discussion.

As you randomly babble

You're welcome to try to refute anything I've said.

Trump didn't win by moving the GOP to the right. He won by moving the GOP to the left.

Trump won because the left is to far left and as always the far left neglected many people as they always do, this time they spoke out!

Face it the far left religion is not being accepted by the masses..

Time to find a new religion!
No, I'm just some guy who can make an argument you can't refute.
No. Your argument is absurd. The people in the swing states rejected the policies of the past 8 years which were the policies of the left.

Free trade agreements are not a policy of the left. They are a Republican policy that some centrist Democrats have gone along with.

1992 - Bush vs Clinton vs Perot

Who were the anti-NAFTA players in that race?

There was only one. Ross Perot. Both Bush and Clinton supported NAFTA.

2012 - Obama vs. Romney - who were anti-NAFTA or other trade deal candidates? None.

2012 - Ohio - Obama wins the union vote by 23 points.
2016 - Ohio - TRUMP wins the union vote by 12 points.

Why? Because he took the left's position of protectionism. The Bernie Sanders position.

Clinton signed NAFTA, Clinton is a Democrat he is on the left and it was his policy no matter how you spin it.

Silly far left drone!

Most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Perot got 20% of the vote running against NAFTA.

Clinton was with the Republicans on NAFTA, as he was on welfare reform and some other issues.

You don't know enough about the politics of the nineties, or politics in general, to understand any of this.

See how the far left will do all they can to spin the fact that Clinton is a Democrat that signed NAFTA.

In the house: 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voted in favor of it.

Once again the facts never fit the far left religious dogma.

So this means you voted for Clinton in 1992 and do not want to own up to yet voting for worse than Bush again!

Thanks for confirming that most Democrats voted against NAFTA:

Democrats against it 156 to 102 in House, 26 to 27 in the Senate:

Total Democratic vote 182 AGAINST, 129 for.

Just one more historical fact that about 99% of RWnuts get wrong.
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
What is "protectionism," and what does it have to do with trade?
No. Your argument is absurd. The people in the swing states rejected the policies of the past 8 years which were the policies of the left.

Free trade agreements are not a policy of the left. They are a Republican policy that some centrist Democrats have gone along with.

1992 - Bush vs Clinton vs Perot

Who were the anti-NAFTA players in that race?

There was only one. Ross Perot. Both Bush and Clinton supported NAFTA.

2012 - Obama vs. Romney - who were anti-NAFTA or other trade deal candidates? None.

2012 - Ohio - Obama wins the union vote by 23 points.
2016 - Ohio - TRUMP wins the union vote by 12 points.

Why? Because he took the left's position of protectionism. The Bernie Sanders position.

Clinton signed NAFTA, Clinton is a Democrat he is on the left and it was his policy no matter how you spin it.

Silly far left drone!

Most Democrats voted against NAFTA. Perot got 20% of the vote running against NAFTA.

Clinton was with the Republicans on NAFTA, as he was on welfare reform and some other issues.

You don't know enough about the politics of the nineties, or politics in general, to understand any of this.

See how the far left will do all they can to spin the fact that Clinton is a Democrat that signed NAFTA.

In the house: 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats voted in favor of it.

Once again the facts never fit the far left religious dogma.

So this means you voted for Clinton in 1992 and do not want to own up to yet voting for worse than Bush again!

Thanks for confirming that most Democrats voted against NAFTA:

Democrats against it 156 to 102 in House, 26 to 27 in the Senate:

Total Democratic vote 182 AGAINST, 129 for.

Just one more historical fact that about 99% of RWnuts get wrong.

Wrong again most did not barely half did, but leave it to a far left drone to think that less than 50% is most!
You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

Once again the far left shows us that they do not understand the Constitution or how the presidential election system works.

They will stay on their religious message yet prove why they are now the small minority.

So how many far left/Democrats have called to do away with the electoral college?

Your random babbling isn't contributing anything to this discussion.

As you randomly babble

You're welcome to try to refute anything I've said.

Trump didn't win by moving the GOP to the right. He won by moving the GOP to the left.

Trump won because the left is to far left and as always the far left neglected many people as they always do, this time they spoke out!

Face it the far left religion is not being accepted by the masses..

Time to find a new religion!

Obama won the union household vote by 18 points. Trump cut that to 8 points vs. Hillary Clinton.

That didn't happen because the GOP moved further to the right under Trump.
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
What is "protectionism," and what does it have to do with trade?

Duh? That's when Trump said he'd have the GOVERNMENT slap a 35% tariff on imported goods.

LOL, you're jabbering away on this topic and don't know what protectionism is?

Jesus Christ.
Once again the far left shows us that they do not understand the Constitution or how the presidential election system works.

They will stay on their religious message yet prove why they are now the small minority.

So how many far left/Democrats have called to do away with the electoral college?

Your random babbling isn't contributing anything to this discussion.

As you randomly babble

You're welcome to try to refute anything I've said.

Trump didn't win by moving the GOP to the right. He won by moving the GOP to the left.

Trump won because the left is to far left and as always the far left neglected many people as they always do, this time they spoke out!

Face it the far left religion is not being accepted by the masses..

Time to find a new religion!

Obama won the union household vote by 18 points. Trump cut that to 8 points vs. Hillary Clinton.

That didn't happen because the GOP moved further to the right under Trump.

And the far left religious dogma continues without hesitation or question.

The far left religion is being rejected, time to own up to it.

See how the far left and ISIS are just a like now?
The far left claiming that government is the answer to all your problems is what killed the Democratic Party.

The party is in shambles and until true liberals take back that party, the far left needs to expect that they will be in the minority for a very long time.

You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
What is "protectionism," and what does it have to do with trade?

Duh? That's when Trump said he'd have the GOVERNMENT slap a 35% tariff on imported goods.

LOL, you're jabbering away on this topic and don't know what protectionism is?

Jesus Christ.
I asked you what it is, and you're definition of protectionism is a tariff on imported goods?

What part about a tariff is protectionism? Explain that...
If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.

I never said that. If you are arguing that government isn't a huge part of our trade already, I'd love to hear that as well.

So you agree that Trump's protectionist policies represent MORE government regulation of trade.

That's my point dumbass.
You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
What is "protectionism," and what does it have to do with trade?

Duh? That's when Trump said he'd have the GOVERNMENT slap a 35% tariff on imported goods.

LOL, you're jabbering away on this topic and don't know what protectionism is?

Jesus Christ.
I asked you what it is, and you're definition of protectionism is a tariff on imported goods?

What part about a tariff is protectionism? Explain that...
protectionism - Google Search
You seem to forget that Trump LOST the popular vote overall.

He won in the rust belt because he took the position that the GOVERNMENT needs to intervene in the free market in trade.

Once again the far left shows us that they do not understand the Constitution or how the presidential election system works.

They will stay on their religious message yet prove why they are now the small minority.

So how many far left/Democrats have called to do away with the electoral college?

Your random babbling isn't contributing anything to this discussion.

As you randomly babble

You're welcome to try to refute anything I've said.

Trump didn't win by moving the GOP to the right. He won by moving the GOP to the left.

Trump won because the left is to far left and as always the far left neglected many people as they always do, this time they spoke out!

Face it the far left religion is not being accepted by the masses..

Time to find a new religion!
They were too busy propping up the lie that the Obama economy wasnt killing the working class. And they weren't listening to the people.

They just expected everyone in blue states to vote in lock step with them....well...just because.

Democrats are cocky, self serving assholes and people are sick of listening to their bullshit.
WTF are you talking about? Government already is involved in trade; always was.

If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
What is "protectionism," and what does it have to do with trade?

Duh? That's when Trump said he'd have the GOVERNMENT slap a 35% tariff on imported goods.

LOL, you're jabbering away on this topic and don't know what protectionism is?

Jesus Christ.
I asked you what it is, and you're definition of protectionism is a tariff on imported goods?

What part about a tariff is protectionism? Explain that...
protectionism - Google Search
I asked you to explain it, in your words.

You got a problem with that?

Tell us why a tariff is PROTECTIONISM.
If you want to argue that protectionism represents LESS government regulation of trade,

let's hear it.
What is "protectionism," and what does it have to do with trade?

Duh? That's when Trump said he'd have the GOVERNMENT slap a 35% tariff on imported goods.

LOL, you're jabbering away on this topic and don't know what protectionism is?

Jesus Christ.
I asked you what it is, and you're definition of protectionism is a tariff on imported goods?

What part about a tariff is protectionism? Explain that...
protectionism - Google Search
I asked you to explain it, in your words.

You got a problem with that?

Tell us why a tariff is PROTECTIONISM.
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