Who liberals really are and who liberals are according to the rightwing never really matches

I don't believe everyone should be on welfare! In fact I believe in education, jobs programs and a strong capitalist economy to put most of the population into good paying jobs. Now if you're disabled to the point where you can't work at all I do have a heart for you.

I don't believe that gays or transgender people should have special rights...But they should have rights like everyone else.

I believe in the second amendment.

Says the guy with a derp Trump avatar and a Tealaban signature.

Partisan much?

Well, he is anti-infrastructure, science, and education....I know he wants to limit people too so yes I am against him.
A liberal believe in the big lie.


Every government in the world today is founded on a “big lie” that you’re about to see explained below. This is true regardless of party affiliation, nationality or era in which the government operates. All governments — past, present, and future — are founded on this “big lie,” without exception.

What is this BIG LIE? It’s the idea that those who are in power will represent the interests of others who have no power.

This “big lie” fantasizes that selfish, power-seeking, egoistic human beings are magically transmuted into humble, compassionate, ethical “representatives” the minute they win an election. We are to believe that all their hunger for power instantly vanishes at the moment they win, replaced by God-like universal love for all the people, even at the expense of their own careers or personal wealth accumulation.

The Big Lie - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Moans the idiot who thinks the government doesn't investigate itself ....... 8 times over Benghazi alone.

Says the idiot who thinks the government will investigate itself honestly.
And yet, they did. You just don't like the results from the first time they investigated themselves ... or the second ... or the third ... or the fourth ... or the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth.


Even worse for you, you lack even the minimal brain capacity to comprehend that if the government didn't actually investigate itself honestly, as you moronically claim -- there never would have been a second investigation into Benghazi after finding nothing following the first investigation ... no less, eight in total.

But then, you're a conservative; so thinking isn't something you bother with.
Not a con....haven't been one for a couple decades now.

To think Obama and his minions did nothing wrong in Benghazi, makes you a fool.

Now you're switching your argument.

You just went from claiming they lied -- to they did something wrong.

Your surrender is accepted.
You really are slow....lying IS DOING something wrong.

If only LWNJs would learn that government sucks ALWAYS.
I don't believe everyone should be on welfare! In fact I believe in education, jobs programs and a strong capitalist economy to put most of the population into good paying jobs. Now if you're disabled to the point where you can't work at all I do have a heart for you.

I don't believe that gays or transgender people should have special rights...But they should have rights like everyone else.

I believe in the second amendment.

Wow...that's pretty good.

Well, it would be conservatives who are fighting for those things.

The only issue being that conservatives somehow can't understand that big corporations use government to protect their positions and stupidly support "capitalism" which is really not capitalism at all.

Show me the conservatives pushing for equal rights for gays .....

Ah yes...equal rights.

Like you know what those are.
I don't believe everyone should be on welfare! In fact I believe in education, jobs programs and a strong capitalist economy to put most of the population into good paying jobs. Now if you're disabled to the point where you can't work at all I do have a heart for you.

I don't believe that gays or transgender people should have special rights...But they should have rights like everyone else.

I believe in the second amendment.

Says the guy with a derp Trump avatar and a Tealaban signature.

Partisan much?

Well, he is anti-infrastructure, science, and education....I know he wants to limit people too so yes I am against him.

If you would have voted for Hillary....your previous claim is bullcrap.
A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

You are not a liberal.

Let's get that straight.

First, liberals think (you fail on that alone).

You are a left winger.

Pure and simple.

Conservatives don't like Trump.

You see....you want your own supposed stereotyping dropped...but you are all to willing to lump conservatives into a group you can easily villify.

You are a moron.

Who cares if conservatives like Trump or not? Y'all put him in office -- y'all own him and everything he does.

What a laugh.

I could just as easily say the left own it too....because they do.

Regardless, he's not doing much (which is just fine by me).
The left does not own Trump. I don't care how retarded conservative you are.

Who cares what you own and what you don't own.

He's in.

You lost.

Suck on it.
Moans the idiot who thinks the government doesn't investigate itself ....... 8 times over Benghazi alone.

Says the idiot who thinks the government will investigate itself honestly.
And yet, they did. You just don't like the results from the first time they investigated themselves ... or the second ... or the third ... or the fourth ... or the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth.


Even worse for you, you lack even the minimal brain capacity to comprehend that if the government didn't actually investigate itself honestly, as you moronically claim -- there never would have been a second investigation into Benghazi after finding nothing following the first investigation ... no less, eight in total.

But then, you're a conservative; so thinking isn't something you bother with.
Not a con....haven't been one for a couple decades now.

To think Obama and his minions did nothing wrong in Benghazi, makes you a fool.

Now you're switching your argument.

You just went from claiming they lied -- to they did something wrong.

Your surrender is accepted.
You really are slow....lying IS DOING something wrong.

If only LWNJs would learn that government sucks ALWAYS.
Lying and doing something wrong are not synonymous. While lying is doing something wrong, doing something wrong doesn't require lying.

But I understand why you tried to switch your argument -- it's fucking brain-dead.

The GOP investigates Obama and Clinton's role in Benghazi and finds nothing. If you were sane and the government didn't investigate itself honestly, that would have been the end of it right there. But it wasn't. Not happy with finding nothing, Republicans cranked up a second investigation in their best efforts to find something on Obama and/or Hillary. If you're not brain-dead enough after idiotically claiming they don't honestly investigate themselves after reopening the Benghazi investigation a second time; just imagine how retarded you are after they opened it again and again and again and again and again and again.

All to hide the lies you claim were told. :cuckoo:

Hell, you're too senile to know you're crazy. You should consider yourself fortunate in that regard. You probably don't even realize what you're saying.

Just think about your claim that Republicans had proof that Obama, Hillary, and Rice all lied -- and they sat on it and instead said there were no lies.

Let that monumental idiocy sink in for a moment before you quadruple down on this stupid of yours.
A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

You are not a liberal.

Let's get that straight.

First, liberals think (you fail on that alone).

You are a left winger.

Pure and simple.

Conservatives don't like Trump.

You see....you want your own supposed stereotyping dropped...but you are all to willing to lump conservatives into a group you can easily villify.

You are a moron.

Who cares if conservatives like Trump or not? Y'all put him in office -- y'all own him and everything he does.

What a laugh.

I could just as easily say the left own it too....because they do.

Regardless, he's not doing much (which is just fine by me).
The left does not own Trump. I don't care how retarded conservative you are.

Who cares what you own and what you don't own.

He's in.

You lost.

Suck on it.

I've never seen such bitter winners wieners.

Of course my side lost. America lost as we are slowly coming to realize. You will too and when you try to pawn Trump off on us as him not being a conservative; that ain't gonna fly.

You own him and everything he does.
I don't believe everyone should be on welfare! In fact I believe in education, jobs programs and a strong capitalist economy to put most of the population into good paying jobs. Now if you're disabled to the point where you can't work at all I do have a heart for you.

I don't believe that gays or transgender people should have special rights...But they should have rights like everyone else.

I believe in the second amendment.

Wow...that's pretty good.

Well, it would be conservatives who are fighting for those things.

The only issue being that conservatives somehow can't understand that big corporations use government to protect their positions and stupidly support "capitalism" which is really not capitalism at all.

Show me the conservatives pushing for equal rights for gays .....

Ah yes...equal rights.

Like you know what those are.
I note you couldn't name one.

Thanks for playin'.
You are not a liberal.

Let's get that straight.

First, liberals think (you fail on that alone).

You are a left winger.

Pure and simple.

Conservatives don't like Trump.

You see....you want your own supposed stereotyping dropped...but you are all to willing to lump conservatives into a group you can easily villify.

You are a moron.

Who cares if conservatives like Trump or not? Y'all put him in office -- y'all own him and everything he does.

What a laugh.

I could just as easily say the left own it too....because they do.

Regardless, he's not doing much (which is just fine by me).
The left does not own Trump. I don't care how retarded conservative you are.

Who cares what you own and what you don't own.

He's in.

You lost.

Suck on it.

I've never seen such bitter winners wieners.

Of course my side lost. America lost as we are slowly coming to realize. You will too and when you try to pawn Trump off on us as him not being a conservative; that ain't gonna fly.

You own him and everything he does.

I don't need to pawn him off on anyone.

Your butthurt justification means nothing.

I don't apologize for Trump. He is what and who he is.....like that should have been a surprise to anyone.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

And this is why I overuse the word 'meme' regarding conservatives here. That is where they live, in a world where they have a list of 'the enemy is this, all of the enemy all of the time'. It's a false reality but they cling to it with a death grip.
I don't believe everyone should be on welfare! In fact I believe in education, jobs programs and a strong capitalist economy to put most of the population into good paying jobs. Now if you're disabled to the point where you can't work at all I do have a heart for you.

I don't believe that gays or transgender people should have special rights...But they should have rights like everyone else.

I believe in the second amendment.

Wow...that's pretty good.

Well, it would be conservatives who are fighting for those things.

The only issue being that conservatives somehow can't understand that big corporations use government to protect their positions and stupidly support "capitalism" which is really not capitalism at all.

Show me the conservatives pushing for equal rights for gays .....

Ah yes...equal rights.

Like you know what those are.
I note you couldn't name one.

Thanks for playin'.

Gays don't have the right to bear arms.

Gays don't have the right to free speech ?

Gays don't have the right to freedom from interference in religious matters from the the Federal Government ?

Who knew ?
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

And this is why I overuse the word 'meme' regarding conservatives here. That is where they live, in a world where they have a list of 'the enemy is this, all of the enemy all of the time'. It's a false reality but they cling to it with a death grip.

And they apparently elected a president based on that.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

How isn't it asking government to take care of them when they demand so much free shit?

Protesters wearing vagina costumes demanding free abortion.

Protesters demanding free health care.

Increases in freebies all the time that not only make people more comfortable on the doles but lure people onto the plantation. All we hear is how free internet should be added to the free cell phones. People are allowed to use EBT cards to buy cigarettes and other non-essential items.

Face it, too many are totally reliant on government for everything from housing to their bad habits. And the left defends this at every turn.

Welfare to work was bashed by the left and we've heard every excuse on the planet for why it's not fair to expect people to do for themselves. We're not talking about disabled, children or the elderly. Alcoholics and drug addicts are now considered handicapped. Great message to youth from dysfunctional homes. Just party your ass off till you're hooked and then a free ride awaits.

It's the left that insists minorities are too fucking inept to do anything for themselves. Don't expect them to stay in schools because their brains operate differently than whites. Don't expect them to be able to raise their own children. Don't expect them to ever be capable of competing in this world because they just aren't equipped to do that. They can't even get an ID, let alone a fucking job.

Those arguments have been used by the left for years.

When people demand that government foot the bill, they are basically saying that those who work are somehow responsible for providing whatever they want. And when someone suggests they join the rest of us in the work force instead of being a liability, accusations of bigotry and racism follow.

Who cares if conservatives like Trump or not? Y'all put him in office -- y'all own him and everything he does.

What a laugh.

I could just as easily say the left own it too....because they do.

Regardless, he's not doing much (which is just fine by me).
The left does not own Trump. I don't care how retarded conservative you are.

Who cares what you own and what you don't own.

He's in.

You lost.

Suck on it.

I've never seen such bitter winners wieners.

Of course my side lost. America lost as we are slowly coming to realize. You will too and when you try to pawn Trump off on us as him not being a conservative; that ain't gonna fly.

You own him and everything he does.

I don't need to pawn him off on anyone.

Your butthurt justification means nothing.

I don't apologize for Trump. He is what and who he is.....like that should have been a surprise to anyone.

Sure ya don't. That's why you're already posting, "Conservatives don't like Trump."

I don't believe everyone should be on welfare! In fact I believe in education, jobs programs and a strong capitalist economy to put most of the population into good paying jobs. Now if you're disabled to the point where you can't work at all I do have a heart for you.

I don't believe that gays or transgender people should have special rights...But they should have rights like everyone else.

I believe in the second amendment.

Wow...that's pretty good.

Well, it would be conservatives who are fighting for those things.

The only issue being that conservatives somehow can't understand that big corporations use government to protect their positions and stupidly support "capitalism" which is really not capitalism at all.

Show me the conservatives pushing for equal rights for gays .....

Ah yes...equal rights.

Like you know what those are.
I note you couldn't name one.

Thanks for playin'.

Gays don't have the right to bear arms.

Gays don't have the right to free speech ?

Gays don't have the right to freedom from interference in religious matters from the the Federal Government ?

Who knew ?

So you think they had equal rights because they had some of the same rights as heterosexuals??

That's some twisted conservative logic you have there. <smh>
Thread started by leftist and overwhelmingly overrun by leftists purporting to be liberals. :)

You're not liberals.

Every alleged "liberal" that has posted in this thread is a raging, butthurt,

braindead leftist, not a liberal.
Last edited:
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.


Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.



So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.



So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.

Simply one example of many that want to be taken care of by government.

What a laugh.

I could just as easily say the left own it too....because they do.

Regardless, he's not doing much (which is just fine by me).
The left does not own Trump. I don't care how retarded conservative you are.

Who cares what you own and what you don't own.

He's in.

You lost.

Suck on it.

I've never seen such bitter winners wieners.

Of course my side lost. America lost as we are slowly coming to realize. You will too and when you try to pawn Trump off on us as him not being a conservative; that ain't gonna fly.

You own him and everything he does.

I don't need to pawn him off on anyone.

Your butthurt justification means nothing.

I don't apologize for Trump. He is what and who he is.....like that should have been a surprise to anyone.

Sure ya don't. That's why you're already posting, "Conservatives don't like Trump."


Many don't.

Hate to break it to you.

It must really suck to know your girl got waxed by a guy that wasn't liked by the people who voted for him.


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