Who Really Loves Russia?

"I absolutely LOVE Russia and always will..."

"During the early 1930s every non-apparatchik in the USSR was hungry, and the peasants were starving in their millions. The zeks [prisoners] of the gulag, from 1918 to 1956, were always somewhere in between.

The mature gulag ran on food and the deprivation of food. Illuminatingly, the history of Communism keeps bringing us back to this: the scarcity or absence of food.

[In] his natural indifference to all human suffering Frenkel was an excellent Bolshevik. It was he who advised Stalin to run the gulag on the steady deprivation of food.

Again they used norms and quotas:

for the full norm: 700 grams of bread, plus soup and buckwheat

for those not attaining the norm: 400 grams of bread, plus soup

The ‘full norm' was near-unachievable (sometimes more than 200 times higher than the Tsarist equivalent). A socialist-realist superman might manage it, for a time. But you were not meant to manage it. As the zek increasingly fell further behind the norm, he weakened further too, and his ration would soon be demoted to ‘punitive' (300 grams). As for the rations, Conquest cites those of the Japanese POW camps on the River Kwai: ‘There, prisoners got a daily ration norm of 700 grams of rice, 600 of vegetables, 100 of meat, 20 of sugar, 20 of salt, and 5 of oil…'; all these items were, of course, great rarities and delicacies in the archipelago. Solzhenitsyn describes a seven-ounce loaf (218 grams): ‘sticky as clay, a piece little bigger than a matchbox…'" Martin Amis, "Koba The Dread"

Your judgment remains in doubt.
Don't try to cover your ignorance about Russia with Wikipedia/Google quotes. Besides, the title of your thread mentions Russia, not Soviet Union. Russia has nothing to do with either communism or socialism. You are stuck in the last century.

1. I didn't use Wikipedia....I used Martin Amis' book.

2. Russia is the remnant of the USSR, dunce.

3. Clearly I've embarrassed you as to your lack of knowledge.....
Excellent.....you can refer to me as Karma.
Even if you repeat lies about Russia 100 times they won't turn into the truth or make Russia bad in the reality. And you Americans are strongly believing those lies Deep State wants you to believe. Why? Because the only country in the world (regardless if you like it or not) which can help you to drain your Swamp and to defeat Deep State is Russia. And every time you spread Deep State's "information" about Russia you are helping Deep State and playing against your country and yourself.

"The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. “

“The Americans and English fall easily for this kind of propaganda. “
Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote

Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

So, whom do you really want to help: your country or Deep State? If you want to help your own country then Russia should be your best ally.

"Even if you repeat lies about Russia...."

You're claiming that this isn't a fact?????????

"During the early 1930s every non-apparatchik in the USSR was hungry, and the peasants were starving in their millions. The zeks [prisoners] of the gulag, from 1918 to 1956, were always somewhere in between.

The mature gulag ran on food and the deprivation of food. Illuminatingly, the history of Communism keeps bringing us back to this: the scarcity or absence of food.

[In] his natural indifference to all human suffering Frenkel was an excellent Bolshevik. It was he who advised Stalin to run the gulag on the steady deprivation of food.

Again they used norms and quotas:

for the full norm: 700 grams of bread, plus soup and buckwheat

for those not attaining the norm: 400 grams of bread, plus soup

The ‘full norm' was near-unachievable (sometimes more than 200 times higher than the Tsarist equivalent). A socialist-realist superman might manage it, for a time. But you were not meant to manage it. As the zek increasingly fell further behind the norm, he weakened further too, and his ration would soon be demoted to ‘punitive' (300 grams). As for the rations, Conquest cites those of the Japanese POW camps on the River Kwai: ‘There, prisoners got a daily ration norm of 700 grams of rice, 600 of vegetables, 100 of meat, 20 of sugar, 20 of salt, and 5 of oil…'; all these items were, of course, great rarities and delicacies in the archipelago. Solzhenitsyn describes a seven-ounce loaf (218 grams): ‘sticky as clay, a piece little bigger than a matchbox…'" Martin Amis, "Koba The Dread"

How about this, you dolt?

Robert C. Tucker, Sovietologist historian, known best as a biographer of Stalin, wrote: "Nowhere [during the 'Great Purge'] were victims subjected to more atrocious treatment than in Georgia."
"Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above, 1928-1941," by Robert C. Tucker, p. 488.

a. Mamia Oreakhelashvili " After the Sovietization of Georgia, Orakhelashvili served as chairman of the Georgian Revkom and secretary of the Central Committee of the Georgian Communist Party. He later became deputy chairman of the Georgian Council of People’s Commissars ..."
Mamia Orakhelashvili - Wikipedia

During the 'great terror purges' of the late 1930s, 425 of the 644 members of the Georgian party congress were put to death.

Oreakhelashvili had his eyes put out and his eardrums perforated while his wife was forced to watch.

Stalin......Tender mercies.

b. Then there was party chief Nestor Lakoba, who had died before the purges, and buried with honor. They had his body dug up and burned, and is wife tortured to death in the presence of his 14-year-old son. The son was sent to the gulag....than brought back and shot.

c. Buda Mdivani was a veteran Georgian Bolshevik and Soviet government official energetically involved in the Russian Revolutions and the Civil War, who led Georgian Communist opposition to Joseph Stalin's centralizing policy....he was tortured for three months, and then shot....his wife, four sons, an daughter, were then shot as well.

You've really identified yourself as quite an imbecile.
Yet America is a terrible country in comparison.
Right now millions of snowflakes feel that going 10 mins without their cellphones is torture.
Yet they willingly vote these people into office that admire Stalin.

These 'Democrats'.....Leftists....are ready to ignore, and accept, every iniquity from Russia and every sort of communist for the reason Chambers wrote:

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.
They both work toward the very same ends for society.
And toward those ends, Democrats have, historically, engaged in a fervent embrace of Communist Russia.

How very amusing that they now claim that agenda about the other side.
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.
A tweet from me is one thing......a tweet from the POTUS is a little bit different.
I really don't care what your friggen opinion is of Trump, it's clear that your opinion is rarely accurate.

A tweet from any adult threatening you is hilarious. From the President of the United States, it has the dual effect of making him look like a fucking moron while inducing laughter and ridicule worldwide.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.
He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.
A tweet from me is one thing......a tweet from the POTUS is a little bit different.
I really don't care what your friggen opinion is of Trump, it's clear that your opinion is rarely accurate.

A tweet from any adult threatening you is hilarious. From the President of the United States, it has the dual effect of making him look like a fucking moron while inducing laughter and ridicule worldwide.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
So you support Iran in this, apparently.

How do you define treason?

Something to do with giving aid to our enemies.

If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.
A tweet from me is one thing......a tweet from the POTUS is a little bit different.
I really don't care what your friggen opinion is of Trump, it's clear that your opinion is rarely accurate.

A tweet from any adult threatening you is hilarious. From the President of the United States, it has the dual effect of making him look like a fucking moron while inducing laughter and ridicule worldwide.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.
If you tweeted a threat to me, I would laugh at you. Sorry if that hurts your pride but there is nothing more impotent than a grown "man" tweeting a threat. I'm sure the Iranian is having a belly laugh at our president. That isn't supporting Iran; that is reporting the truth.

Treason? Whatever loser.

Trump is a pussy.

That you are apparently too dense to know what that tweet was all about is also hilarious. PS: It was to impress those with simple minds and limited capabilities; it's no wonder you liked it.
A tweet from me is one thing......a tweet from the POTUS is a little bit different.
I really don't care what your friggen opinion is of Trump, it's clear that your opinion is rarely accurate.

A tweet from any adult threatening you is hilarious. From the President of the United States, it has the dual effect of making him look like a fucking moron while inducing laughter and ridicule worldwide.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.

Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
All USMB participants ...
Notice how these Russian trollers NEVER say anything negative about their master, Putin.
They don’t dare!
Putin critics lose their jobs. Some get killed.
Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

90 000 of American fans visited Russia's World Cup this summer and absolutely fell in love with Russia. They all must have been Kremlin trolls, ha?
Absolutely fell in love with Russia”?
Spoken like a true Putin propagandist.
I was hoping you could finally say SOMETHING negative about Putin’s regime.
Such as this ...

“To deliver Russia’s World Cup, at least 21 workers died in stadium construction, according to Building Workers International. This is almost enough to field two teams. According to BWI in its June 2018 report “Foul Play,” “most of these deaths were because of falls from heights or because of heavy equipment falling on workers, tragedies that could have been averted if safety and health conditions were enforced.”

In another low, North Korean forced laborers constructed a World Cup stadium. In an article titled “The Slaves of St Petersburg,” the investigative magazine Josimar documented that at least 110 North Koreans worked at the Zenit Arena in St. Petersburg, one of the venues for the 2018 World Cup Finals. “International experts describe the workers from North Korea as both slaves and hostages. One North Korean worker was found dead in a storage container outside the stadium.”
North Koreans working in Russia qualify as forced labor ...”

Russia’s bloody World Cup
I'm not surprised you PK1 have found one of very few negative reports about World Cup in Russia just because you hate Russia.

However millions of fans who actually came to Russia instead of listening to their lying Media figured out they had been fooled by Western Media, they fell in love with Russia and want to keep coming back.

FIFA president Gianni Infantino described Russia 2018 as the "best World Cup" ever ,

Listen to him, he speaks PURE English, I bet you will be able to understand.
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Some really good metal bands in russia and ukraine so...yeah I like Russia.
From my time living in Germany, and hearing the locals talk about how Russians acted when they were in the FRG, I really didn't have any fond feelings for that country. Reports of the constant theft and rip-offs against visiters during the 1980 Olympics were in the news. Russia is a corrupt country filled with criminals. Yet Bernie Sanders thought it would be a nice place to spend a honeymoon.
Sort of makes a sane person wonder what Bernie's been smoking.
You are talking about Soviet Union, not modern Russia. Soviet Union included 14 more republics besides Russia: Ukraine, 3 Baltic republics, Belarus, Georgia, etc. Those whom you thought were "Russians" could be the ones from different republics (which now are separate countries).

Modern Russia CAN NOT be compared to Soviet Union, it's totally different.
A tweet from me is one thing......a tweet from the POTUS is a little bit different.
I really don't care what your friggen opinion is of Trump, it's clear that your opinion is rarely accurate.

A tweet from any adult threatening you is hilarious. From the President of the United States, it has the dual effect of making him look like a fucking moron while inducing laughter and ridicule worldwide.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.

Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
Obama jailed Denesh Desousa, and Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement for jack-squat, so sadly we're already there. Both are Obama's political prisoners.
A tweet from any adult threatening you is hilarious. From the President of the United States, it has the dual effect of making him look like a fucking moron while inducing laughter and ridicule worldwide.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.

Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
Obama jailed Denesh Desousa, and Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement for jack-squat, so sadly we're already there. Both are Obama's political prisoners.

This just in…Obama has been out of office for over 500 days. He cannot jail anyone.

Those are the facts, now back to the bull-shit-orama.
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.
Are you happy about "dead Russian mercenaries in Syria"? And I am praying about every Russian citizen (about 60 overall) who has been killed while cleaning Syria from the mess Obama+Soros have brought there.

Two young women are among victims as well: Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Michaylova: they were trying to save wounded Syrian civilians.



Two nurses from Russian Far East killed on attack on mobile hospital in Aleppo


Too bad your Media fails to tell you the REAL stories and is too busy stuffing you with all kinds of fakes.
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All USMB participants ...
Notice how these Russian trollers NEVER say anything negative about their master, Putin.
They don’t dare!
Putin critics lose their jobs. Some get killed.
Western countries love to declare all kinds of Russian criminals “victims of Putin’s regime” and to shelter them. But morons and criminals remain morons and criminals regardless of the country they currently reside. For some reason when they start violating the laws in Western countries, they immediately stop being “political refugees” and are thrown to prison. Here is another recent example of such double standards.

A “Victim of Putin’s regime” arrested in France

90 000 of American fans visited Russia's World Cup this summer and absolutely fell in love with Russia. They all must have been Kremlin trolls, ha?
Absolutely fell in love with Russia”?
Spoken like a true Putin propagandist.
I was hoping you could finally say SOMETHING negative about Putin’s regime.
Such as this ...

“To deliver Russia’s World Cup, at least 21 workers died in stadium construction, according to Building Workers International. This is almost enough to field two teams. According to BWI in its June 2018 report “Foul Play,” “most of these deaths were because of falls from heights or because of heavy equipment falling on workers, tragedies that could have been averted if safety and health conditions were enforced.”

In another low, North Korean forced laborers constructed a World Cup stadium. In an article titled “The Slaves of St Petersburg,” the investigative magazine Josimar documented that at least 110 North Koreans worked at the Zenit Arena in St. Petersburg, one of the venues for the 2018 World Cup Finals. “International experts describe the workers from North Korea as both slaves and hostages. One North Korean worker was found dead in a storage container outside the stadium.”
North Koreans working in Russia qualify as forced labor ...”

Russia’s bloody World Cup
I'm not surprised you PK1 have found one of very few negative reports about World Cup in Russia just because you hate Russia.

However millions of fans who actually came to Russia instead of listening to their lying Media figured out they had been fooled by Western Media, they fell in love with Russia and want to keep coming back.

FIFA president Gianni Infantino described Russia 2018 as the "best World Cup" ever ,
It did not take much of an effort to find that sad article about HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS by Putin’s regime. There are many of those actually, by human rights orgs.
Since you could not find ONE thing negative about Putin’s Russia (as a paid Putin troll?), i simply helped you.
BTW, i don’t hate Russia. I like most Russians and have many Russian friends, and many of them in USA & Canada dislike Putin’s regime.
I don't think you actually grasp the situation.
The media claims Helsinki was like Pearl Harbor.
Trump was nice to Putin.
The sky is falling.
Imagine what this supposedly crazed President is capable of if he follows through on his Twitter threats.

So tell me, do you believe all of the MSM hyperbolic bloviation, or do you accept it and not believe it?
Pick one or the other.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.

Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
Obama jailed Denesh Desousa, and Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement for jack-squat, so sadly we're already there. Both are Obama's political prisoners.

This just in…Obama has been out of office for over 500 days. He cannot jail anyone.

Those are the facts, now back to the bull-shit-orama.
Earth to dumbass......Denesh was convicted during the Obama Administration and Manafort is being accused by Obama Administration officials still in the DOJ.

The only bloviating I hear is coming from you? I have heard that Helsinki was a laughably preventable disaster since the blob was groveling to Putin and Singapore was Trump being played like a banjo by Kim...never heard the Pearl Harbor reference before.

The Iran tweet meltdown was meant to do one thing, sate morons like you and reclaim some lost manhood. Instead he just makes people laugh harder at him
Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.

Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
Obama jailed Denesh Desousa, and Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement for jack-squat, so sadly we're already there. Both are Obama's political prisoners.

This just in…Obama has been out of office for over 500 days. He cannot jail anyone.

Those are the facts, now back to the bull-shit-orama.
Earth to dumbass......Denesh was convicted during the Obama Administration and Manafort is being accused by Obama Administration officials still in the DOJ.


Well, there are no Obama administration officials in the DOJ…there is no Obama administration fuck face.

Are you really this fucking stupid?
Some really good metal bands in russia and ukraine so...yeah I like Russia.
From my time living in Germany, and hearing the locals talk about how Russians acted when they were in the FRG, I really didn't have any fond feelings for that country. Reports of the constant theft and rip-offs against visiters during the 1980 Olympics were in the news. Russia is a corrupt country filled with criminals. Yet Bernie Sanders thought it would be a nice place to spend a honeymoon.
Sort of makes a sane person wonder what Bernie's been smoking.
You are talking about Soviet Union, not modern Russia. Soviet Union included 14 more republics besides Russia: Ukraine, 3 Baltic republics, Belarus, Georgia, etc. Those whom you thought were "Russians" could be the ones from different republics (which now are separate countries).

Modern Russia CAN NOT be compared to Soviet Union, it's totally different.

Yep, :rolleyes: totaly different:

Rampant, pervasive corruption.
No middle class to speak of.
Stagnant economic growth
...but hey, more Russian billionares and lavish Moscow real estate than ever.
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Thanks for letting me know just how misinformed you are. No surprise here, BTW.

Oh, and I noticed that when our enemies make threats against our country and our president tells them to bring it on cuz he's ready to kick their ass, you let us know that you support our enemies, which makes you an enemy. Feel lucky that Trump doesn't consider your punk ass a serious threat. Quite a change from the days under Obama where conservatives were attacked by armies of lawyers and IRS agents looking for tax fraud and election fraud.

Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
Obama jailed Denesh Desousa, and Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement for jack-squat, so sadly we're already there. Both are Obama's political prisoners.

This just in…Obama has been out of office for over 500 days. He cannot jail anyone.

Those are the facts, now back to the bull-shit-orama.
Earth to dumbass......Denesh was convicted during the Obama Administration and Manafort is being accused by Obama Administration officials still in the DOJ.


Well, there are no Obama administration officials in the DOJ…there is no Obama administration fuck face.

Are you really this fucking stupid?
Not as stupid as the **** that thinks when Trump was elected all of the Democrats left government service.
Some really good metal bands in russia and ukraine so...yeah I like Russia.
From my time living in Germany, and hearing the locals talk about how Russians acted when they were in the FRG, I really didn't have any fond feelings for that country. Reports of the constant theft and rip-offs against visiters during the 1980 Olympics were in the news. Russia is a corrupt country filled with criminals. Yet Bernie Sanders thought it would be a nice place to spend a honeymoon.
Sort of makes a sane person wonder what Bernie's been smoking.
You are talking about Soviet Union, not modern Russia. Soviet Union included 14 more republics besides Russia: Ukraine, 3 Baltic republics, Belarus, Georgia, etc. Those whom you thought were "Russians" could be the ones from different republics (which now are separate countries).

Modern Russia CAN NOT be compared to Soviet Union, it's totally different.

Yep, :rolleyes: totaly different:

Rampant, pervasive corruption second only to India maybe.
No middle class to speak of.
But hey, more Russian billionares and lavish Moscow real estate than ever.

"Modern Russia CAN NOT be compared to Soviet Union, it's totally different."

Totally different????


You can’t have freedom without private property. Every time government issues a regulation that nibbles away at private ownership, it moves from liberty to tyranny, from capitalism to communism.

But...there are some who imagine that socialism, communism, Liberalism, would take all of our worries away.
They shrug at the 100 million slaughtered to prove it.

One tends to think of the genocide of the Soviet Union when the concept is discussed, but the problems of communal rights have a more prosaic and daily consideration.

1.In Mikhail Zoshchenko’s "A Summer Breather,” a short story about families having to live together in the ‘worker’s paradise,’ we get a truer picture of communism in action.

“Getting your own individual little apartment is of course petty bourgeois pure and simple.
People should live in harmony as a collective family, not lock themselves up in their domestic fortresses.
People should live in communal apartments. Everything there's right out in the open. There's always someone to talk to. To ask for advice. To slug it out with.

There are of course some minuses.
The electricity, for example, can be a pain.
You don't know how to figure the bill. Who pays what.
Further on, of course, when our industry gets rolling, every tenant who wants to can put even two meters in every corner. Let the meters measure how much energy has been dispensed. Then, of course, life in our apartments will shine like the sun.

Well, but for the time being it really is one big pain.

For example, at our place there are nine families. One power line. One meter. At the end of the month it's time to fall in and pay up, and then, of course, there are some serious disagreements and now and again a punchfest.

Well, all right, you say: figure it per light bulb.
Well, all right, by the bulb. So one conscientious tenant turns on the light for maybe five minutes to get undressed or catch a flea. But another tenant sits there with the light on chomping away on something until midnight. And he won't turn it off. Although it's not like he's doing ornamental design or something.

And then there's a third one, an intellectual no doubt, who will stare at a book to literally one in the morning or later with no thought to the overall situation.
And maybe he'll even take out the bulb and put in a brighter one. And study his algebra like it's the middle of the day.
And maybe that same intellectual will even shut himself up in his lair and boil water or cook macaroni on a hot plate. This is what you have to understand!

There was one tenant at our place—a mover by trade—who literally went off his rocker on account of all this. He stopped sleeping at night and was constantly trying to find out who was studying algebra and who was heating up food on hotplates. And that was the end of him. Off his rocker.”
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.
Are you happy about "dead Russian mercenaries in Syria"? And I am praying about every Russian citizen (about 60 overall) who has been killed while cleaning Syria from the mess Obama+Soros have brought there.

Two young women are among victims as well: Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Michaylova: they were trying to save wounded Syrian civilians.

View attachment 206904

View attachment 206905

Two nurses from Russian Far East killed on attack on mobile hospital in Aleppo

View attachment 206906

Too bad your Media fails to tell you the REAL stories and is too busy stuffing you with all kinds of fakes.


They died because Putin's regime backed that country's dictator regime against internal rebellion and was bombing the SHIT out of Aleppo
The trumpkins had so many meetings with Russians, the break rooms at Trump Tower had mugs labeled Yuri and Ivan
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.
Are you happy about "dead Russian mercenaries in Syria"? And I am praying about every Russian citizen (about 60 overall) who has been killed while cleaning Syria from the mess Obama+Soros have brought there.

Two young women are among victims as well: Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Michaylova: they were trying to save wounded Syrian civilians.

View attachment 206904

View attachment 206905

Two nurses from Russian Far East killed on attack on mobile hospital in Aleppo

View attachment 206906

Too bad your Media fails to tell you the REAL stories and is too busy stuffing you with all kinds of fakes.


They died because Putin's regime backed that country's dictator regime against internal rebellion and was bombing the SHIT out of Aleppo
So, cleaning Syria from ISIS which Obama has planted there was "backing that country's dictator regime"? FYI, 90% of Syria has been cleaned from "rebels" (who were cutting people's heads and eating their hearts) and Syrians are now returning back to their homes. If it continues, it will help EU to slowly get rid of some refugees.

But talking to you, a person stuffed with Soros propaganda and living in a parallel world, doesn't seem to make much sense. Good luck helping Deep State, the worst enemy of your own country, is free spreading their fakes about Russia. And again: Russia may be the only country who can help yours to drain the Swamp and your president seems to understand it.
Need a tissue Shirley. Seriously…you make me laugh.

I imagine a President who jails people who don’t like him is your ultimate dream; we know how you guys admire dictators.
Obama jailed Denesh Desousa, and Paul Manafort is in solitary confinement for jack-squat, so sadly we're already there. Both are Obama's political prisoners.

This just in…Obama has been out of office for over 500 days. He cannot jail anyone.

Those are the facts, now back to the bull-shit-orama.
Earth to dumbass......Denesh was convicted during the Obama Administration and Manafort is being accused by Obama Administration officials still in the DOJ.


Well, there are no Obama administration officials in the DOJ…there is no Obama administration fuck face.

Are you really this fucking stupid?
Not as stupid as the **** that thinks when Trump was elected all of the Democrats left government service.

Sure you are….your blob could fire them all tomorrow but he doesn’t do it. Is he weak or stupid?. You’re both so you should be able to answer it.
FYI, Iran is Russia's favorite ally in the ME.

If Trump loves Russia so much, why is he threatening Iran?

He's not threatening Iran. He tweeted at them. As we saw with NK; he's a pussy. As we have seen with Mexico; he's a pussy and still haven't gotten a dime from them to pay for his wall. As we saw with Russia, he's a pussy. I'm sure the Iranian he was tweeting at had a huge belly laugh at our President.

He MAY be pussy. No one's actually called his bluff. But this should never be a NATION of pussies. Apologies to every one of the women's movements. :113:

I know there's a hundred dead Russian mercenaries in Syria and a lot of bomb craters. That's as close as it comes to calling his bluff.
Are you happy about "dead Russian mercenaries in Syria"? And I am praying about every Russian citizen (about 60 overall) who has been killed while cleaning Syria from the mess Obama+Soros have brought there.

Two young women are among victims as well: Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Michaylova: they were trying to save wounded Syrian civilians.

View attachment 206904

View attachment 206905

Two nurses from Russian Far East killed on attack on mobile hospital in Aleppo

View attachment 206906

Too bad your Media fails to tell you the REAL stories and is too busy stuffing you with all kinds of fakes.


They died because Putin's regime backed that country's dictator regime against internal rebellion and was bombing the SHIT out of Aleppo
So, cleaning Syria from ISIS which Obama has planted there

Idiot, Obama didn't plant ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). What he did is bomb the crap out of ISIS for years.

Russian state media has long spread falsehood that Obama's admin somehow caused ISIS and clueless idiots like you and our current doof President perpetuate that baseless bullshit.

Trump's Pants on Fire claim on Obama, Clinton founding ISIS

Russia, unlike what it claims on TV for it's dupe population, is NOT in Syria to fight ISIS, thats just a side job to their main occupation there - squashing rebellion and keeping Assad in power.
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