Who Runs The Trump Campaign?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Donald has repeatedly complained that campaign advisers are paid too much for nothing. So, just who is behind the campaign? Who does the scheduling? Who finds the sites, accommodations, and all the other support stuff? Who gives him policy advise?

Anyone have an answer? I've done the searches and there really isn't that much information out there. Here's his official website @SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP

And, what surprised me is he's selling stuff on the website AND ASKING FOR DONATIONS! I thought he didn't want donations? I sent the following in the Contact section and will keep you posted if I get an answer:

What the hell is going on here? Is this truly the authorized official campaign site? If so, why are you selling items and asking for donations?

Trump has repeatedly said he isn't taking $$$$ from anyone!!!!!

According to the Federal Election Commission, this IS the official committee and a complete list of receipts and expenditures as of 6/30/2015 is @ http://www.fec.gov/fecviewer/CandidateCommitteeDetail.do?candidateCommitteeId=C00580100&tabIndex=1
I can't lie...it's me. And I'm doing a bang up job if I do say so myself.

I'm pretty sure Trump said he wasn't taking LARGE donations from lobbyists...but that he was taking small grass roots donations.

Who is Bush taking his donations from?

"Jeb Bush and groups supporting him have reported more than $120 million in contributions so far, significantly more than any other candidate."

"At least 23 companies registered as limited liability corporations gave more than $100,000 to super PACs supporting presidential candidates. The majority of these donations reported so far went to super PACs supporting Jeb Bush."

"More than 80 percent of the contributions to Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush came from donations of $2,700 — the maximum allowed per candidate, per election."

Jeb Bush raised $120 million dollars...Donald Trump? 1.9 million.

And how much has Jeb Bush raised from small donors? A measly 3%.

Donald Trump? 40%...and the rest has been self funded.

I can't lie...it's me. And I'm doing a bang up job if I do say so myself.
I'm pretty sure Trump said he wasn't taking LARGE donations from lobbyists...but that he was taking small grass roots donations.

Who is Bush taking his donations from?

"Jeb Bush and groups supporting him have reported more than $120 million in contributions so far, significantly more than any other candidate."

"At least 23 companies registered as limited liability corporations gave more than $100,000 to super PACs supporting presidential candidates. The majority of these donations reported so far went to super PACs supporting Jeb Bush."

"More than 80 percent of the contributions to Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush came from donations of $2,700 — the maximum allowed per candidate, per election."

Jeb Bush raised $120 million dollars...Donald Trump? 1.9 million.

And how much has Jeb Bush raised from small donors? A measly 3%.

Donald Trump? 40%...and the rest has been self funded.


Corey Lewandowski is the name of Trump's campaign manager. I've never heard of him.

Corey Lewandowski is the campaign manager for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. Prior to this, Lewandowski ran Americans for Prosperity's national voter-registration effort.

From Wikipedia

Yeah, that's what I found, too. Stull don't know anything about him. It would be interesting to know how much of Trump's shtick comes from Trump himself, and how much is part of the image the campaign is trying to build.

I get the impression that its mostly Trump.

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