Who saw THIS coming?

Can't say I'm really shocked Hollywood follows what ever the popular trend of the moment happens to be it was Obama but now the luster of him has worn off and now they are just waiting to see who the next flavor of the month they can follow will be.
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama
Who cares? When did Stone stop being a nut...Obama has done nothing but add safeguards to Cheny's secret operation, and Stone's wacky idealism would get something worse and unelectable...
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama
You've lost it, dude. Get help.
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama

I disagree with 'loss of freedoms' and 'scandals.' And maybe 'national debt.'

Bush created an entire department of government, Homeland Security, which is behind the TSA nonsense that's been going on.

He also created the patriot act which intruded on Americans like never before. It made wiretapping and drones possible.

As for the national debt? I was a sophomore in high school when we invaded Iraq. That created an anti-american sentiment in the world like nothing that had ever been seen before. Now just like we want to ween ourselves off of middle east oil, the rest of the world wants to ween themselves off of America. And that's Dubya Bush's greatest legacy.
Oliver Stone is a Liberal, and is impatient.

Obama is a Centrist Democrat who leans Left on Social issues and leans Right on National Security and corporatism.

All the teabaggers say worse things about their Republican leaders, but we've all gotten used to it from that crowd.

The only reason some people think this is a story is because Democrats and Liberals rarely speak this way.
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama

I disagree with 'loss of freedoms' and 'scandals.' And maybe 'national debt.'

Bush created an entire department of government, Homeland Security, which is behind the TSA nonsense that's been going on.

He also created the patriot act which intruded on Americans like never before. It made wiretapping and drones possible.

As for the national debt? I was a sophomore in high school when we invaded Iraq. That created an anti-american sentiment in the world like nothing that had ever been seen before. Now just like we want to ween ourselves off of middle east oil, the rest of the world wants to ween themselves off of America. And that's Dubya Bush's greatest legacy.

Rottweiler is just full of shit.

  • The unemployment was caused by Bush.
  • The national debt was run up by Bush.
  • The loss of freedoms became entrenched under Bush.
  • The taxes are higher due to Bush putting an expiration on his debt-raising tax cuts for the rich.
  • The poverty is up due to Bush's Great Recession.
  • Bush has Obama beat by a mile, scandal-wise. Mostly since Obama hasn't had any scandals.
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

How can W. possibly be worse than Obama?

Unemployment: much higher under Obama

National Debt: much higher under Obama

Loss of freedoms: much higher under Obama

Taxes: much higher under Obama

Poverty: much higher under Obama

Scandals: much higher under Obama
You've lost it, dude. Get help.

You've exposed yourself to be an ill-informed, kool aid drinking hack.

You're an idiot and have literally zero credibility. Degenerate.
Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

kiddo you have a lot to learn Carter use to be the worse president in the twentieth century until obama came along.
Taxes have only gone up for those making over$400k....if you really want to hear how you're FOS. And they are WAYYYY overdue to pay enough....

They're also going up for anyone who doesn't want to take it up the ass from an insurance company.
I agree that, collectively, Hollywood has the attention span of a flea and are into whatever is "in" at the moment. I don't believe they are honest about things because some just don't think things through and many are just good at jumping on bandwagons if they think an issue or politician is cool.

If anything eventually turns liberals away from Obama, it will be his undying loyalty to Muslims, including those with strong terrorist ties. Their treatment of women is deplorable. Unless the likes of Madonna think it's cool for women to remain silent unless spoken to and keep all but their eyes covered, they'll eventually offend Muslims by being honest about their thoughts on women's rights.

Funny that the ones who often defend Muslims would be considered the worst of the infidels.

Then we have Bono actually acknowledging that capitalism, not handouts, is what brings people out of poverty.

Ashton Kutcher understands that opportunities tend to look like work and that being intelligent is sexy. Shame his acceptance speech probably went over some heads.

Yes, the smarter one becomes, the more they realize that liberal policies are nothing but the good intentions that the road to hell is paved with. They aren't good for anything.

Some actually believe they are helping and others know that the feel-good policies are crap, but it keeps the minions happy and allows government to transfer more power from the people to themselves.
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Obama's been a terrible disappointment if you ask me...

But I'm still young and all I really knew before him was Dubya. And he's got a long way to go before he's that bad.

Is this how it'll always be? When I'm 50 will I be just as disenfranchised with politics?

kiddo you have a lot to learn Carter use to be the worse president in the twentieth century until obama came along.

Uh... nevermind.

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