Who says Obama wasn't elected because he is "black"???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Samuel L. Jackson's 'I Voted for Barack Because He Was Black' a 'Surprising Confession'

He contended that Obama's message wasn't important, since he believes most politicians will say anything to get elected.

The following sentence suggests the former: "However, not everyone in the community thinks race is enough of a reason to vote for Obama."

Not everyone in the community thinks race is enough of a reason to vote for Obama.

Interesting comment given how liberal media outlets like the Huffington Post have been telling people for over three years that any white person that didn't vote for Obama in 2008 was racist.

Doesn't that therefore make Jackson a racist?

HuffPo: Samuel L. Jackson's 'I Voted for Barack Because He Was Black' a 'Surprising Confession' | NewsBusters.org

At least Jackson is honest!
How many whites also voted for Obama just because THEY didn't want to think by NOT voting for Obama they were racists?

If Jackson is representative of voters that voted for Obama because of skin color ... Today with Obama's track record..
maybe some of those people NOW realize it is MORE then skin color to consider!!!
Consider if fate had conspired to put Stanley Ann Dunham with a white man named barack obama. We would never have heard of her son who would likely be an assistant manager at McDonald's in Honolulu.
The only thing special about this President is, as joe biden put it, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
How many people didn't vote for Obama because he's black?

It's good old fashioned racism to believe that Obama only won because he's black. It's a way of saying, well,

a black man couldn't win a presidential election on his own merits; there must have been some strange reverse racism phenomenon occurring, because, you know,

black people aren't presidential material...
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How many people didn't vote for Obama because he's black?

It's good old fashioned racism to believe that Obama only won because he's black. It's a way of saying, well,

a black man couldn't win a presidential election on his own merits; there must have been some strange reverse racism phenomenon occurring, because, you know,

black people aren't presidential material...

There are and have been qualified (operative word "qualified") black people I've actually donated money to their campaign.. Name "Herman Cain" mean anything??
I also supported Michael Steele GOP head (Democrats NEVER have had a black DNC head by the way..).
Today Allen West is be called an "Uncle Tom" by people like YOU which is so RACIST!

It is good OLD fashion Hyperbolism, hysteria to make that cliched jump "ONLY way he won was because he's black" !

It is a FACT though Obama's ONLY reason to vote for him was he was black because he:
1) Never had ANY executive position.
2) He obviously doesn't know that businesses not only match employee payroll taxes BUT pay taxes if there are profits because he wants to destroy businesses!

Just an aside.. do you know that employers match i.e. employees pay SS/Medicare and employers pay for each employee matching amounts??
Are you aware of that when you castigate businesses as evil profiteers???
How many people didn't vote for Obama because he's black?

It's good old fashioned racism to believe that Obama only won because he's black. It's a way of saying, well,

a black man couldn't win a presidential election on his own merits; there must have been some strange reverse racism phenomenon occurring, because, you know,

black people aren't presidential material...

I'd lay odds that more people voted for him than against him because he is black. Of course a black man could win the Presidency on his own merits. What we are trying to point out, however, is barack obama's lack of any merit other than his complexion.
I've voted for Allen West twice, I supported Herman Cain and wanted Romney to choose Condi Rice as his running mate. I most definitely did not vote against obama because he is black.
It's racist to vote based upon skin color.. THAT'S TRUE RACISM. Liberalism the face of racism.. it's like the dude who accuses his girl of cheating when he was the one who was cheating.. Happens all the time.
Has nothing to do with skin color although I was accused of being racist for not voting for him. It went like this: So you didnt vote for O. You're racist? Unbelievable. This happened last night while having dinner in a small town in Colorado.
"Samuel L. Jackson's 'I Voted for Barack Because He Was Black' a 'Surprising Confession'

He contended that Obama's message wasn't important, since he believes most politicians will say anything to get elected.

The following sentence suggests the former: "However, not everyone in the community thinks race is enough of a reason to vote for Obama."

Not everyone in the community thinks race is enough of a reason to vote for Obama.

Interesting comment given how liberal media outlets like the Huffington Post have been telling people for over three years that any white person that didn't vote for Obama in 2008 was racist.

Doesn't that therefore make Jackson a racist?

HuffPo: Samuel L. Jackson's 'I Voted for Barack Because He Was Black' a 'Surprising Confession' | NewsBusters.org

At least Jackson is honest!
How many whites also voted for Obama just because THEY didn't want to think by NOT voting for Obama they were racists?

If Jackson is representative of voters that voted for Obama because of skin color ... Today with Obama's track record..
maybe some of those people NOW realize it is MORE then skin color to consider!!!

All you have to do is type in I voted for obama because he is black on You tube and you will find many examples of this fact...
How many people didn't vote for Obama because he's black?

It's good old fashioned racism to believe that Obama only won because he's black. It's a way of saying, well,

a black man couldn't win a presidential election on his own merits; there must have been some strange reverse racism phenomenon occurring, because, you know,

black people aren't presidential material...

How many? Hard to quantify, but all of those white folks who felt guilty for something that their great-great-grandparents did to the great-great-grand-parents of black folks, who are descendents of slaves.

Strangely, Obama is NOT one of those black folks. Hell, he is not even a genuine black person.

As far as your racist contention which in your mind you assign to people you call racists, that

"a black man couldn't win a presidential election on his own merits; there must have been some strange reverse racism phenomenon occurring, because, you know, black people aren't presidential material..."

you are dead wrong. Only THIS (half) black man is not Presidential Material.

But the last almost four years prove without a doubt, that if it was fate that 2008 gave rise to the first black president, Obama was the most unfortunate and worst choice.

You were probably among the loudest of those who mocked, ridiculed and called Uncle Tom such much better qualified blacks as Herman Cain or Alan West. You probably booed Mia Love. You probably still can't get over the fact that Clarence Thomas is on the United States Supreme Court.

And you and your ilk have the unmitigated nerve to call Republicans racists. If you and your ilk had the decency not to name-call people of color who don't agree with you, all kinds of vile names, maybe more people of color would not be scared to express their views without fear of being called Uncle Toms or worse.

Yes, Obama won the Presidency for two reasons:

The of the color of his skin and his unmatched arrogance, both of which appealed to the racists, the guilt-ridden and free-loaders. Sadly, they were in the majority.

BTW, how many truly racist African-Americans will NOT for Romney because he is - Oh HORRORS!!! - white?
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Consider if fate had conspired to put Stanley Ann Dunham with a white man named barack obama. We would never have heard of her son who would likely be an assistant manager at McDonald's in Honolulu.
The only thing special about this President is, as joe biden put it, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

I did not vote for him. BUt it wasnt because of his skin color. It was because I felt he was not qualified . And from his record . I was RIGHT . He still is not qualified and he has been president for almost 4 years.. Oh and by the way. For the record. Obama is NOT black . He is biracial. Just like my nephew.. If someone asks Colin if he is black he says NO I am biracial. I have black and white in me.
How many people didn't vote for Obama because he's black?

It's good old fashioned racism to believe that Obama only won because he's black. It's a way of saying, well,

a black man couldn't win a presidential election on his own merits; there must have been some strange reverse racism phenomenon occurring, because, you know,

black people aren't presidential material...

I'd lay odds that more people voted for him than against him because he is black. Of course a black man could win the Presidency on his own merits. What we are trying to point out, however, is barack obama's lack of any merit other than his complexion.
I've voted for Allen West twice, I supported Herman Cain and wanted Romney to choose Condi Rice as his running mate. I most definitely did not vote against obama because he is black.

That you support Alan West and Herman Cain hilariously destroys your entire attempt at an argument.

John McCain was a terrible candidate from a party that was out of favor after 8 disastrous years of GW Bush.

That the Democrats could only win that election because they nominated a black man is idiocy.

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