Who should be responsible for pension bills in Detroit?

The unions negotiated deals they should have known the city could not keep. The city goes bankrupt, tough luck. Union pensions shouldn't be any different from any other creditor in bankruptcy.
echoing what Edgetho said to an extent, there was NO ONE at the table negotiating for the occupants of Detroit other then those that would feather their beds.....the unions and the politicians.....

Christie said it 2 years ago to the unions and he had it right, don't blame me, blame all those folks that promised you the moon....

They will have to go the federal route and break those contacts, there simply isn't enough money coming in and the poor bastards left in that tax base have been taxed to the statutory limits for years now....its f*cking over.

The feds have the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) , they won't wind up in there and get 20 cents on the dollar, but I bet they take at least a 25% haircut...
It is my understanding that PBGC covers only private sector pensions. Public sector pensions are excluded.
Another thing government never did anything about was the practice of 'double dipping'..
This is where a retired government worker could collect TWO pensions.
The way it worked was say a person took a municipal job right out of high school or college. They worked their 20 years and 'retired'. They would then seek employment in another field under a different pension fund. Because of the worker's civil service seniority, they had preference to open jobs. They would work 20 years at that job and then retire drawing the second pension.
So theoretically, a worker could retire in his early 60's with not one but TWO pensions.
Real slick.
I knew people in and around my home town that were drawing pensions from two funds. They all had gobs of money. Summer homes in Upsate NY or the Pocono Mts of PA. Boats docked on the Hudson River or on Long Island Sound.
Meanwhile the average taxpayer is struggling to get by..Disgusting.
Detroit workers paid state, local and federal taxes. We should all chip in. It's the Christian thing to do.
Who should be responsible for pension bills in Detroit?

We should all chip in out of appreciation for all the great cars and music that came out of Detroit.

It will be a while before I stop laughing.
Hey, here's a suggestion..YOU pay up. It's your idea. You walk the walk.
I owe Detroit NOTHING. Nobody owes anyone anything.
There are only two constitutional governments in America state and federal, so it is a state problem. I'm sure both Michigan and the federal taxed the industry in Detroit, but I would suspect the problem will be dumped on the federal government.
echoing what Edgetho said to an extent, there was NO ONE at the table negotiating for the occupants of Detroit other then those that would feather their beds.....the unions and the politicians.....

It's a level worse than that. The current opinion of the court is that the state constitution obligates ALL STATE TAXPAYERS, few of which got any benefits from these contracts much less negotiated their obligations to them.
Detroit workers paid state, local and federal taxes. We should all chip in. It's the Christian thing to do.

The Christian thing to do is to chip in as a Christian, not take the gun of government, point it at every taxpayer and demand their life energy.

There are a few more lessons in Christianity you'll need to absorb since you seem to have taken in none of them.
Detroit workers paid state, local and federal taxes. We should all chip in. It's the Christian thing to do.

Fuck You!!! - No one chipped in when my retirement money went up in smoke.

Try to rise above your bitterness and help others in need.

I give to & help people every day for free. It's about time these scammers learn to give instead of take, take, take, take!!!!!

They were well paid for their work. Stop bleeding us dry.
I think America already paid up when we bought all of those Ameican-made cars. It's their problem they didn't manage their money well. I say bankruptcy is the way to go to restructure their debt. I pay quite enough taxes for my state already, I'm not paying theirs too. Too bad, so sad.
My family & I have always only bought American made vehicles, semi trucks & heavy equipment. I have given Detroit way more support than they ever deserved. I had some vehicles they should have refunded me my money on.

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