Who the hell is Kamala Harris and why the hell is she running for President?

All that matters is that she clicks two of the necessary boxes for the practitioners of identity politics.

It's just a shame she isn't a lesbian, so she could click three.
The government shutdown exposed the fact that 52% of Americans are 1 month away from bankruptcy. Those people should vote for Kamala. The people who benefitted from trumps tax breaks can vote for trump.

I benefitted from trumps tax breaks but overall I disagree with republican policies. Rich liberals like me should tip the scales.
Have you sent back your tax break yet?
No. I benefitted last year and I made more this year so knock on wood
So what, he put her in those positions after he "DATED" her. He got to know her so he thought she'd be good at it. You are the one who jumped to fantasy for no reason except that you don't like her politics. Or her color. Or her gender. I don't know which.

Under Kamala's leadership HUNDREDS of cases were overturned when it was discovered evidence was fabricated to convict the defendants. Do you really want someone like that leading the country? She's Hillary 2.0 another Dem with a track record of corruption and failures.
Sure wouldn't be any worse than what we've got leading the country right now? Are you serious?
But I didn't jump into this thread to talk about that. I'm just p.o.'d that some of you folks are smearing her as a slut for an affair with a separated man thirty years ago. Jesus.

I'm focused on her track record of corruption and failure, cross this candidate off the list.
If the Democrat is black and/or female, they CANNOT BE CHALLENGED. You are a white privileged RACISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
All that matters is that she clicks two of the necessary boxes for the practitioners of identity politics.

It's just a shame she isn't a lesbian, so she could click three.
The government shutdown exposed the fact that 52% of Americans are 1 month away from bankruptcy. Those people should vote for Kamala. The people who benefitted from trumps tax breaks can vote for trump.

I benefitted from trumps tax breaks but overall I disagree with republican policies. Rich liberals like me should tip the scales.

When did you become more liberal in your approach to politics?

All I have ever seen from you is the typical regressive leftist bull shit.
Please stop trying to define what liberal is. You don’t have a clue.

Give us an example of a liberal policy you like that you didn’t think I was in sink with
All that matters is that she clicks two of the necessary boxes for the practitioners of identity politics.

It's just a shame she isn't a lesbian, so she could click three.
The government shutdown exposed the fact that 52% of Americans are 1 month away from bankruptcy. Those people should vote for Kamala. The people who benefitted from trumps tax breaks can vote for trump.

I benefitted from trumps tax breaks but overall I disagree with republican policies. Rich liberals like me should tip the scales.
Have you sent back your tax break yet?
No. I benefitted last year and I made more this year so knock on wood
Seem like a hypocrite to me!
At the time Senator Harris dated Willie Brown, she was the 29 year old DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY of Alameda county.

Deputy DA is really low on the food chain. I used to drink occasionally with a deputy DA back in the 1990's, it really isn't that impressive of a gig and he was pleased to get a much better job with a local defense counsel.

Just stop. She was already well on her way when she briefly dated Brown. She didn't "sleep her way to the top" or any other misogynist things you can come up with. She's as qualified as many of the 16 people the GOP had running in 2016 and more qualified than probably half of them. Just stop.
Please demonize her. Call her a slut. Women will show up for her because you did this shit.

Me too!

You really think that women voters will be jazzed up to vote for a proven home wrecker? Maybe you're right, I'm not a political expert.
I already put the link showing that the Mayor and his wife had long been separated when the affair happened.

so what? having relations with married men to advance your career just shows that she is a Low Life.
Cheating on your wife with porn stars without a condom makes you a low life.

Remember it’s the married men who cheated on their wives who did wrong. Kamala didn’t break her vow to god. Trump and her lovers did.

There is no proof that the President did shit with Stormy Daniels, and he categorically denied it.

No proof outside the hush money...:rolleyes:
She's a mulatto woman who slept her way to the top...If only she were a rug muncher, another identity politics box could be checked.

A prog dream come true.

Is Harris really a mulatto? Mulattos are folks with 1 black parent and 1 white- like Obama supposedly has.

Harris has one black parent and one Asian Indian parent.
Lol, dude can't even get his racist terms straight.
So she's a mutt whore.
And you're a racist loser.
You really think that women voters will be jazzed up to vote for a proven home wrecker? Maybe you're right, I'm not a political expert.
I already put the link showing that the Mayor and his wife had long been separated when the affair happened.

so what? having relations with married men to advance your career just shows that she is a Low Life.
Cheating on your wife with porn stars without a condom makes you a low life.

Remember it’s the married men who cheated on their wives who did wrong. Kamala didn’t break her vow to god. Trump and her lovers did.
Don't you understand? At some point men will watch everything be destroyed as they will be maimed in killed by your insanity.
What the fuck did you even say?
The catholic kids. This will continue until we do not care.
She's a mulatto woman who slept her way to the top...If only she were a rug muncher, another identity politics box could be checked.

A prog dream come true.

Is Harris really a mulatto? Mulattos are folks with 1 black parent and 1 white- like Obama supposedly has.

Harris has one black parent and one Asian Indian parent.
Lol, dude can't even get his racist terms straight.

The term "mulatto" isn't racist in the least, its a description of someone's ethnic background.
The way it was being applied in this case was racist.
She's a mulatto woman who slept her way to the top...If only she were a rug muncher, another identity politics box could be checked.

A prog dream come true.

Is Harris really a mulatto? Mulattos are folks with 1 black parent and 1 white- like Obama supposedly has.

Harris has one black parent and one Asian Indian parent.
Lol, dude can't even get his racist terms straight.

The term "mulatto" isn't racist in the least, its a description of someone's ethnic background.
The way it was being applied in this case was racist.

With Harris, they'll be able to dust off their old Obama memes. It's one way to get them to embrace recycling I guess...
There is no proof that the President did shit with Stormy Daniels, and he categorically denied it.

I don't recall anybody ever accusing him of doing shit with her.

Sounds to me like he is more of a golden showers man.

Ha ha...funny. But in "fairness" Trump isn't accused of letting hookers pee on him. It's alleged he paid hookers to pee on a bed the Obama's slept in...which makes it 100% more credible.
Please stop trying to define what liberal is. You don’t have a clue.

Give us an example of a liberal policy you like that you didn’t think I was in sink with
My studies in political science didn't give me a clue? I guess I must have wasted my time reading all that John Rawls.

The difference between you and I is that I understand principles while you merely conform to leftist orthodoxy.
Harris is another out of touch far left crackpot like Obammy was.
She will promise the moon to bet elected and then she will steal the taxpayers blind every chance that she gets.

LOL, Oh the irony coming from someone who voted for a used car salesman.
So what, he put her in those positions after he "DATED" her. He got to know her so he thought she'd be good at it. You are the one who jumped to fantasy for no reason except that you don't like her politics. Or her color. Or her gender. I don't know which.

Under Kamala's leadership HUNDREDS of cases were overturned when it was discovered evidence was fabricated to convict the defendants. Do you really want someone like that leading the country? She's Hillary 2.0 another Dem with a track record of corruption and failures.
Sure wouldn't be any worse than what we've got leading the country right now? Are you serious?
But I didn't jump into this thread to talk about that. I'm just p.o.'d that some of you folks are smearing her as a slut for an affair with a separated man thirty years ago. Jesus.

I'm focused on her track record of corruption and failure, cross this candidate off the list.
Trumps corruption and bankruptcy’s don’t bother you?

The trump foundation for example because it was nothing more than a slush fund. That don’t bother you? You people now live in a glass house. You got nothing.
What to Expect from a Kamala Harris Presidency.....

Via email~

The SCOTUS has never directly ruled on the meaning of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the constitution with regard to POTUS eligibility. But in SCOTUS cases wherein they have given a definition of what a NBC (or a 14th amendment citizen in the case of Wong Kim Ark)is, Minor vs Haperstatt, Venus Merchantman Case of 1814) they defined an NBC as a person born of TWO, count them TWO citizen parents (the parents don’t have to be NBC) and born in one of the states of the Union, or the territories.

The authors of the 14th amendment, in the Congressional debates on the matter, also defined an NBC in the same manner. Rep. Bimgham and Senator Jacob Howard were the principal authors of the 14th amendment. Here is a quote from Howard which clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment in 1866, which was to define citizenship. He stated: “Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.”

Until this matter is formally adjudicated by the Court, I will defer to their NBC stare decisis definitions. Harris, Obama and a host of others were not, are not, and can NEVER be constitutionally eligible to be POTUS.

Whatever one thinks what the meaning of Article II, Section 1, clause 5 is, it is clear that the adoption of the 14th amendment did not alter it in any constitutional sense. How else can you account for the fact that the constitution only specifies for the office of senator and representative citizenship for a period of 9 and 7 years respectively, while the constitution requires the POTUS, to be NATURALLY born, owing allegiance to no other country? That is the ONLY constitutional provision for NBC. Obviously, there is a singular distinction with regard to that office. Under Jamaican and Indian citizenship law, for instance, It is conceivable that Jamaica or India could claim that Kamala Harris, thru her parents, is a citizen who owes allegiance to both of those countries FROM HER BIRTH. It was conferred upon her by those countries citizenship laws, just as valid as our own.

By the way, Ted Cruz (who I admire very much) made a very public demonstration of the fact that he was going to FORMALLY renounce his CANADIAN citizenship. What NATURALLY BORN US citizen has to do such a thing?

The framers of the constitution were patriarchs. (Yes I understand that is completely out of tune with modern sensibilities, but nonetheless it is true.) They believed that the citizenship of the FATHER was conferred upon his children. SCOUTUS incorporated in toto the ENTIRE 212th paragraph of Emerich De Vattel’s Law of Nations in their 1814 Venus merchantman case as they defined what an NBC is. Here is the money quote that Justice Livingstone that was cited when he wrote for the majority, “The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”

I suspect the reason that many do not want this issue formally examined is that they wish to foster and enhance the globalist influence on the office of POTUS. The NBC requirement was never intended to be a guarantee of allegiance, but a safeguard against undue foreign influence on the office of POTUS, PARTICULARLY from a father owing allegiance to a foreign sovereignty. The oath of naturalization requires a formal and legal renunciation of any prior national allegiances.

Jennie Spencer-Churchill, known as Lady Randolph Churchill, was a natural born US citizen, and a British socialite, the wife of Lord Randolph Churchill and the mother of British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.

Under US citizenship law at the time of Churchill’s birth, despite the fact that his mother was a NATURAL BORN US citizen, she could not transmit her US citizenship on to young Winston owing to her marriage to a foreign national, Sir Randolph Spencer Churchill, who was Winston’s father. That would not be legally allowed until the passage of the Cable Act of 1922, well after Churchill’s birth in 1874. The Cable Act only confers citizenship, NOT NATURALLY BORN citizenship. It did not refer to, or alter the meaning of an Article II, Sec. 1, clause 5 “natural born citizen” in any way.

Churchill was granted HONORARY US citizenship by an act of Congress on 9 April 1963. It was understood that his birth to a an NBC citizen US mother in Great Britain did not make him a citizen by law.
This is just one more indication of the fact that Obama, Cruz, Rubio OR Harris can NEVER be constitutionally eligible to the office of POTUS. We need to have this issue finally adjudicated by SCOTUS for the first time in US history, and finally get a definitive answer one way or another.
We have enough naturally born anti-american, anti-constitutional cultural marxists in our country now who aspire to be POTUS. I say let’s eliminate all those who don’t even meet the basic Article II criteria. Winnow the opposition.

This matter is SCREAMING for a definitive ruling on the meaning of Article II, Section 1, clause 5, by the SCOTUS for the first time in the history of the US. It is revealing to note what Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that when it comes to determining whether a person born outside the 50 states can serve as U.S. president when he said that the high court is “evading” the issue. The comments came as part of Thomas’ testimony before a House appropriations panel discussing an increase in the Supreme Court’s budget in April of 2017. Thomas said that to Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.

After two Obama terms, I think they are terrified of the implications of a ruling based on originalist constitutional intent and interpretation. That does not excuse the cowardice in refusing a grant of certiorari for those who wish to have SCOTUS exercise it’s Article III oversight on this matter.

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