Who Was Really Born With A Silver Spoon In His Mouth?


Those are 2 historic presidents born with silver spoons.

George Bush (both of them)

So we have 1 great president, one horrible president, and 2 so so presidents all born with silver spoons.....that tells me that this whole "silver spoon" business has ZERO impact on how good or bad a president may be ;).

I agree that JFK was horrible. The SOB sent me to Vietnam. Who were the so so Presidents?
So now that it's been established it's actually Mitt, we go with who cares! :D

who are you responding to?

All I know is my president is a multi-millionaire as is his challenger, mitt romney...as are the majority of all of our elected officials in congress.

The only reason this has all come up is because obama seeks to divide people and distract us from his own record as president by getting us to fight, like idiots, over this kind of stuff.

I'd be laughing my ass off if I was Obama.

Obama became a multi-millionaire within the past decade.
Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Not a serious student of the Bible are you? Also, how many working folks have lost jobs since Dear Ruler took office? Guess you won't be voting for him either will you?

I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.
No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Not a serious student of the Bible are you? Also, how many working folks have lost jobs since Dear Ruler took office? Guess you won't be voting for him either will you?

I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.

Funny...you keep on saying what I highlighted, yet you did not respond to my post 161 in this thread when I corrected you...

So here it is again....

I need to correct you on something. I believe you may have been one of those people that did not read up on what Bain Capital does (did), and, instead, believed what some commentators that are paid to defend the left and knock the right said.....

Bain Capital, under the leadership of Romney would interact with business brokers, bankers and Bankruptcy attorneys who would present to Bain Capital a variety of companies that were experiencing the negative affects of poor biusiness models and/or poor mamnangement. Those companies that were presented to Bain had solid infrastructures and therefore, despite a red bottom line, still offered the chance to be turned around or, at the very least, the chance to be broken down with the assets being sold off to minimize the losses to the lending institutions..and leaving something left over for Bain Capital.

Bain would only invest in companies where the alternative would be bankruptcy and/or closing its doors.

Bain would purchase the majority shares of these companies and institute whatever they felt it needed to prosper. A new business model, new management, etc.

Now...bear in mind....their actions saved the original business owner from losing everything....and temporarily saved the jobs of many of the existing employees.

Bain would then monitor the progress of the company to see if, in fact, they are able to turn it around.

Sometimes they did....saving all or most of the jobs, and in some cases, increasing the number employed dramatically.

Other times, the bleeding was too severe, so they had to shut it down and sell off the assets....something that would have happened before Bain came in anyway.

Thats pretty much what Bain did...and pretty much what Romney led.

Not that other crap you regurgitated.
No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Not a serious student of the Bible are you? Also, how many working folks have lost jobs since Dear Ruler took office? Guess you won't be voting for him either will you?

I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.

And I also responded to you earlier post about job creation with this and, of course, you ignored it...I believe it was post 165:

Actually, you seem to parrot what Jay Carney and the WH says and you are not interested in what is really happening.

I mean...when I heard that Obama created millions of jobs, yet the unemployment numbers barely budged...and the overall number of employed AMericans actually DECRERASED...I felt comnpelled to look into it....especially since I am/was (recently retired) a business planner/recruiter in the largest marketplace in America.

Sure enough, I found what I expected.

Company A closed its doors costing 100 jobs
Company B no longer had company A as competiton so it had a larger market share...and therefore able to hire 25 more people.

Net...75 jobs lost.....but....


25 jobs gained.

Had nothing to do with Obama. It was pretty much the free market at work as it is in any recession.

Didnt you want to know how it is possible that jobs are being reported as "beuing created" yet the number of those employed decreased?

Why didnt you care to know?
The Obamas only paid off their student loans 8 years ago. That doesn't sound very "Silver Spoon"-like to me...
Not a serious student of the Bible are you? Also, how many working folks have lost jobs since Dear Ruler took office? Guess you won't be voting for him either will you?

I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.

Funny...you keep on saying what I highlighted, yet you did not respond to my post 161 in this thread when I corrected you...

So here it is again....


Still don't care.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
Obama is pathetic..

sick of his class warfare

why doesn't the man just go to work and shut the hell up...We've all heard enough of his bullshit

truth hurts HUH !!!! that's why he doesn't shut the hell up ... when liars like your self try to spin his truths, where he nails you in the press for it, instead of defending your position, you say why doesn't he shut the hell up ....
Not a serious student of the Bible are you? Also, how many working folks have lost jobs since Dear Ruler took office? Guess you won't be voting for him either will you?

I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.

And I also responded to you earlier post about job creation with this and, of course, you ignored it...I believe it was post 165:


Well, you seem to be a very good Plutocrat Apologist. But frankly, after ten years of hearing this shit, I'm sick of excuses.

The problem with a economic system based on sating the greed of the Mitt Romney's of the world is that it is always self-defeating. They are never satisfied, even when they have enough money to last 100 lifetimes.
I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.

Funny...you keep on saying what I highlighted, yet you did not respond to my post 161 in this thread when I corrected you...

So here it is again....


Still don't care.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

You may not care.......but you are the one who said you would not vote for Rpmney becuase of what he did for a living....yet you showed us all that you have no idea what he did. You regurgitated what commentators said....you know...the ones that are supposed to spin...they have them on the right and the left....they get paid to spin....

So I offered you an exact description of what Bain Capital does.

Yet you wish to believe the spin and not use the truth to make decisions.

Your choice....but most would see that as foolish.
I'm a very serious student of the bible, but usually for the purposes of debunking it.... Sorry, man, you can't read the bible and think Jesus had a high opinion of rich people.

I also see a difference of happening to be in charge after the disaster happened (Almost all the job losses happened either before Obama got there or before his policies could take effect) and being someone who personally profited from the job losses, like Romney did with every company he looted.

And I also responded to you earlier post about job creation with this and, of course, you ignored it...I believe it was post 165:


Well, you seem to be a very good Plutocrat Apologist. But frankly, after ten years of hearing this shit, I'm sick of excuses.

The problem with a economic system based on sating the greed of the Mitt Romney's of the world is that it is always self-defeating. They are never satisfied, even when they have enough money to last 100 lifetimes.

Again, you refuse to understand the treuth.

Why did it not give you reason to wonder how it is possible to cvreate mil;lions of jobs YET there are less people in the workforce?

Is it that you prefer to live in a world of fuzzy math?

I dont get it. Didnt it bother you that the numbers didnt add up?

It bothered me.

So I did my research.

What I stated is not only fact....but it is basic logic.
The Obamas only paid off their student loans 8 years ago. That doesn't sound very "Silver Spoon"-like to me...


SO I guess 10 years from now, their children will be useless to the better of America..for THEY will be ones fed with a silver spoon.

I ifnd your jealousy quite humorous.
And I also responded to you earlier post about job creation with this and, of course, you ignored it...I believe it was post 165:


Well, you seem to be a very good Plutocrat Apologist. But frankly, after ten years of hearing this shit, I'm sick of excuses.

The problem with a economic system based on sating the greed of the Mitt Romney's of the world is that it is always self-defeating. They are never satisfied, even when they have enough money to last 100 lifetimes.

Again, you refuse to understand the treuth.

Why did it not give you reason to wonder how it is possible to cvreate mil;lions of jobs YET there are less people in the workforce?

Is it that you prefer to live in a world of fuzzy math?

I dont get it. Didnt it bother you that the numbers didnt add up?

It bothered me.

So I did my research.

What I stated is not only fact....but it is basic logic.

You put out a lot of Plutocratic apolgies I ignored because they were stupid.

Yes, it is possible to create million of jobs, but still be at the same place. With population growth, the econmy has to produce a minimum of 150,000 jobs a month just to keep pace.

Most of the job losses happened the first few months of Obama's term or the last few months of Bush's term. Since then, the private sector has been growing jobs, just not enough to meet the increases in the work force.

Conversely, Romney has never been about creating jobs, he's been about making the rich richer.

A guy who says "I like to be able to fire people" isn't going to instill a lot of confidence that he cares about Joe going to his thankless job every day...
The democrats are practicing what is known as avoidance therapy. If they can denigrate success enough, and relentlessly attack the successful punishing them, fewer people would want to do it.
The Obamas only paid off their student loans 8 years ago. That doesn't sound very "Silver Spoon"-like to me...


SO I guess 10 years from now, their children will be useless to the better of America..for THEY will be ones fed with a silver spoon.

I ifnd your jealousy quite humorous.

Nobody is saying Romney is useless because he was born with a silver spoon. The problem is when he tries to come off that he understands the struggles of working Americans and that he too, has struggled. His life experiences are different than most Americans and he needs to cut down on trying to pass as....I am one of you
Well, you seem to be a very good Plutocrat Apologist. But frankly, after ten years of hearing this shit, I'm sick of excuses.

The problem with a economic system based on sating the greed of the Mitt Romney's of the world is that it is always self-defeating. They are never satisfied, even when they have enough money to last 100 lifetimes.

Again, you refuse to understand the treuth.

Why did it not give you reason to wonder how it is possible to cvreate mil;lions of jobs YET there are less people in the workforce?

Is it that you prefer to live in a world of fuzzy math?

I dont get it. Didnt it bother you that the numbers didnt add up?

It bothered me.

So I did my research.

What I stated is not only fact....but it is basic logic.

You put out a lot of Plutocratic apolgies I ignored because they were stupid.

Yes, it is possible to create million of jobs, but still be at the same place. With population growth, the econmy has to produce a minimum of 150,000 jobs a month just to keep pace.

True. But thats the point. We are NOT at the same place. We have LESS people in the workforce. That is where the fuzzy math is. Not a less percentage of people...if that were the case, then yes, population growth is a factor. But no...we have LESS people...an actual number....LESS people in the workforce.

Most of the job losses happened the first few months of Obama's term or the last few months of Bush's term. Since then, the private sector has been growing jobs, just not enough to meet the increases in the work force.

Again, as I said, we have LESS people in the workforce.

Conversely, Romney has never been about creating jobs, he's been about making the rich richer.

He was about success for his company. The way they made money was by buying failing business models and turning them around. Without Bain, those jobs would have been l;ost anyway. With Bain, many were saved. You do not understand what Bain did....despitre my explaining it. Which means the truth hurts, so you refuse to acknowledge it.

A guy who says "I like to be able to fire people" isn't going to instill a lot of confidence that he cares about Joe going to his thankless job every day...

The fact that you are one of the few that still plays on that "taken completely out of context" line sopeaks volumes. If you spent the time to hear what he was speaking about, you would never refer to that line. Reade up on it. He was talking about venodrs that do not live up to their promises and expectations. He made it clear that he would have no problem eliminating a vendor if they did not service him as they promised they would

You are a victim of left wing spin and it is sad how you refuse to see it.

I have stated fact....AND LOGIC....yet youy prefer to believe the hyperbole and spin.

Sadly, you are making life choices based on such spin. Go for it. But bear in mind...that makes you a follower and a tool. But please...go for it.
The Obamas only paid off their student loans 8 years ago. That doesn't sound very "Silver Spoon"-like to me...


SO I guess 10 years from now, their children will be useless to the better of America..for THEY will be ones fed with a silver spoon.

I ifnd your jealousy quite humorous.

Nobody is saying Romney is useless because he was born with a silver spoon. The problem is when he tries to come off that he understands the struggles of working Americans and that he too, has struggled. His life experiences are different than most Americans and he needs to cut down on trying to pass as....I am one of you

I am a very healthy guy. Yet I completely understand the difficulties those whith physical and mental challanges experience.

I am a successful guy, yet I am quite aware of how difficult it must be to not know where ones next meal is coming from.

The fact that people continue to play on that is absurd.

One does not need to experience poverty to understand the strain on the fami8ly who is experiencing it.

SO I guess 10 years from now, their children will be useless to the better of America..for THEY will be ones fed with a silver spoon.

I ifnd your jealousy quite humorous.

Nobody is saying Romney is useless because he was born with a silver spoon. The problem is when he tries to come off that he understands the struggles of working Americans and that he too, has struggled. His life experiences are different than most Americans and he needs to cut down on trying to pass as....I am one of you

I am a very healthy guy. Yet I completely understand the difficulties those whith physical and mental challanges experience.

I am a successful guy, yet I am quite aware of how difficult it must be to not know where ones next meal is coming from.

The fact that people continue to play on that is absurd.

One does not need to experience poverty to understand the strain on the fami8ly who is experiencing it.

"I should tell my story. I'm also unemployed." —Mitt Romney, speaking in 2011 to unemployed people in Florida. Romney's net worth is over $200 million.

"There were a couple of times I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip" –Mitt Romney, attempting to identify with the problems of average folk (January 2012)
Nobody is saying Romney is useless because he was born with a silver spoon. The problem is when he tries to come off that he understands the struggles of working Americans and that he too, has struggled. His life experiences are different than most Americans and he needs to cut down on trying to pass as....I am one of you

I am a very healthy guy. Yet I completely understand the difficulties those whith physical and mental challanges experience.

I am a successful guy, yet I am quite aware of how difficult it must be to not know where ones next meal is coming from.

The fact that people continue to play on that is absurd.

One does not need to experience poverty to understand the strain on the fami8ly who is experiencing it.

"I should tell my story. I'm also unemployed." —Mitt Romney, speaking in 2011 to unemployed people in Florida. Romney's net worth is over $200 million.

"There were a couple of times I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip" –Mitt Romney, attempting to identify with the problems of average folk (January 2012)

you are better than taking one line from an entire speech and making a judgement call on it.
The Obamas only paid off their student loans 8 years ago. That doesn't sound very "Silver Spoon"-like to me...


SO I guess 10 years from now, their children will be useless to the better of America..for THEY will be ones fed with a silver spoon.

I ifnd your jealousy quite humorous.

No...I'm sure they'll have the dignity of a job. Where did I ever say that money automatically made someone "useless"? I have said that Willard is VERY out of touch and I'm sure it is the obscene amount of money he has always had that helped make him so.

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