Who Was Really Born With A Silver Spoon In His Mouth?

It's pretty funny that Obama is trying to cast himself as the poor one and Mitt Romney as the rich banker millionaire type. Facts prove otherwise.

It's not that Obama was born rich, but he wasn't exactly poor ether. He also didn't have to struggle growing up, nor has he ever really had to work for much of anything he has. He want to Harvard and Columbia. After graduating from college he spent 2 years writing a book while "working" for a law firm.

Obama was born in Hawaii.....Mitt was born in Detriot Michigan. Obama went to private schools while Mitt went to public schools until his father could afford to send him to a private school. Obama attended Harvard and Columbia, Mitt attended Stanford where he worked as a night security guard. Mitt went on a 30 month Mormon mission to France were he spent most of his time being rejected finding few converts to a religion that does not allow alcohol in a country that lives to drink. Because Obama was the first Black editor of Harvard Law Review he received an offer to write a book he called "Dreams of My Father".

Mitt received a "Dear John" letter from Anne because of his time overseas and their long separation. Eventually he was able to return to the states and convince her to marry him. He also attended Brigham Young Univ. with Anne. I expect the left to call him a draft-dodger because of his deferments he received while a student and a missionary in France. Mitt did not protest the Vietnam war, but neither did Obama.

Mitt's father was on the Nixon cabinet and during this time he was accepted to Harvard Business school. Mitt graduated in the top third of his class and was heavily recruited and chose to work for Boston Consulting Group. Eventually he was hired away by Bain & Company where he learned his organizational and leadership skills. Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School and eventually signed on with Bill Ayers and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a radical student voter enrollment program.

Mitt Romney didn't inherit anything from his father. Everything he has today he worked for. Obama spent years teaching students how to protest and how to steal votes.

My question is this......who paid for Obama's education? Nobody knows.

Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

Rumor has it that Bill Ayers and associates paid for Obamas college and Obama lived with him at that time. Wouldn't surprise me any.
I heard that obamaturd had c's in high school and grade school. I would like to see proof of his so called honors. But since he is embarresed and won't unseal them, we will never know. He is a made man, not a hard working man.

I note the word self is missing. Rightly so.
It's pretty funny that Obama is trying to cast himself as the poor one and Mitt Romney as the rich banker millionaire type. Facts prove otherwise.

It's not that Obama was born rich, but he wasn't exactly poor ether. He also didn't have to struggle growing up, nor has he ever really had to work for much of anything he has. He want to Harvard and Columbia. After graduating from college he spent 2 years writing a book while "working" for a law firm.

Obama was born in Hawaii.....Mitt was born in Detriot Michigan. Obama went to private schools while Mitt went to public schools until his father could afford to send him to a private school. Obama attended Harvard and Columbia, Mitt attended Stanford where he worked as a night security guard. Mitt went on a 30 month Mormon mission to France were he spent most of his time being rejected finding few converts to a religion that does not allow alcohol in a country that lives to drink. Because Obama was the first Black editor of Harvard Law Review he received an offer to write a book he called "Dreams of My Father".

Mitt received a "Dear John" letter from Anne because of his time overseas and their long separation. Eventually he was able to return to the states and convince her to marry him. He also attended Brigham Young Univ. with Anne. I expect the left to call him a draft-dodger because of his deferments he received while a student and a missionary in France. Mitt did not protest the Vietnam war, but neither did Obama.

Mitt's father was on the Nixon cabinet and during this time he was accepted to Harvard Business school. Mitt graduated in the top third of his class and was heavily recruited and chose to work for Boston Consulting Group. Eventually he was hired away by Bain & Company where he learned his organizational and leadership skills. Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School and eventually signed on with Bill Ayers and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a radical student voter enrollment program.

Mitt Romney didn't inherit anything from his father. Everything he has today he worked for. Obama spent years teaching students how to protest and how to steal votes.

My question is this......who paid for Obama's education? Nobody knows.

Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

Rumor has it that Bill Ayers and associates paid for Obamas college and Obama lived with him at that time. Wouldn't surprise me any.
I heard that obamaturd had c's in high school and grade school. I would like to see proof of his so called honors. But since he is embarresed and won't unseal them, we will never know. He is a made man, not a hard working man.

Get serious. He must have had fairly good grades, as he was accepted to a rather prestigious school, Occidental College (which favors high SAT/ACT scores, and an impressive class rank. You don't get admitted to the Harvard Law School with a C average. In 2011 the average GPA of students admitted was 3.94, just short of a straight A average. And you certainly don't get elected president of the Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country with mediocre grades.

Admissions FAQ

What were Barack Obama's grades in high school
I heard that obamaturd had c's in high school and grade school. I would like to see proof of his so called honors. But since he is embarresed and won't unseal them, we will never know. He is a made man, not a hard working man.

You heard that, huh. And yet he went on to graduate in the top - what? 10% of his class at Harvard? Not too shabby for someone who got off to such a rocky start.

On the other hand, I doubt that he got bad grades.
Very true. A few weeks ago, some knob was on here saying that Mr. Obama had never accomplished anything in his life (elections to the Senate and Presidency didn't count). The hatred for the man is palpable.

As for Romney, all indications are that he is a very decent man who loves his wife and family, active in his faith, and (this shouldn't be overlooked) didn't injure the vast family fortune as a lot of heirs do. But to portray him as Horatio Alger is frankly silly and, if I may, is just another sad indication of what this board has become; partisan hacks who barely remember what reality was.

You have a party that's 90% white, based in the deep south with a history of extreme racism. It's not difficult to connect the dots.

The "Deep South" is mostly Southern Democrat asshole.
Surely you jest. Every governor in the south is a Republican. All the southern legislatures are controlled by Republicans with the exception of Arkansas and Kentucky which is split. Since 1993 the South has elected more Republican Senators than has the rest of the nation. Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas have voted for the Republican presidential candidate in all elections since 1980. In only a few elections have the remainder of the southern states voted democrat.

The strength of the Republican party in the South began when southern segregationist deserted the Democratic party in the 1960's spurred on by a hatred for Kennedy and Johnson for their leadership in passing the civil rights movement and forcibly integrating southern schools. The republican party was not their party of choice but the party of last resort. Since then the republican party has favored policies that appeal to southern evangelicals, legislation that reduces the size of the federal government, and opposed policies that favor minorities.

Southern Democrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stories of the American South: Changes in Souther Politics
Deep South - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of United States state legislatures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Very true. A few weeks ago, some knob was on here saying that Mr. Obama had never accomplished anything in his life (elections to the Senate and Presidency didn't count). The hatred for the man is palpable.

As for Romney, all indications are that he is a very decent man who loves his wife and family, active in his faith, and (this shouldn't be overlooked) didn't injure the vast family fortune as a lot of heirs do. But to portray him as Horatio Alger is frankly silly and, if I may, is just another sad indication of what this board has become; partisan hacks who barely remember what reality was.

You have a party that's 90% white, based in the deep south with a history of extreme racism. It's not difficult to connect the dots.

The "Deep South" is mostly Southern Democrat asshole.

Lol... That hasn't been true since the racists went GOP after the civil rights act.
Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.
I don't really care what grades Obama earned in high school, preschool, or college. I don't care how he got into Harvard. I don't even care if he was born out of the US. The time for all those issues was in 2009 and they were issues not bothered with by those that elected him. He won, decisively.

What I do care about is his record and instead there are scores of folks that dislike him for many reasons, didn't and wouldn't vote for him, that keep harping on issues that are of no value.

How about the economy? Unemployment/underemployment? Moving towards realistic energy development, not focusing only on 'green' jobs from technologies unproven or impossible? What about no budget in 3 years? What about Eric Holder and DOJ and issues of real import to America?
Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Did he really say that
Did his statement totally exclude them, all
Did his statement mean all rich people

"So many Christians..." really
keeping the "fruits of one's labour" is not greed
and a gov't that promotes free markets

is not greed. It is just smart policy

Our gov't's deficit spending created by all politicians is the only real gluttony
to be found here. For they spend which they did not create...
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there is nothing wrong with wealth.

there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be represented by an person who has NO IDEA what your problems are like.

Some people have understanding of others.

Some are blind to the needs of others.

Romeny has done this to himself.

lets not forget how many of you on the right here hated Romeny a few weeks ago.

There is nothing wrong with wealth? Really? Then why do you insist on hating on people that you perceive to be 'wealthy'? Or is it just wealthy liberals that are ok... wealthy conservatives are the bad people, right?

I don't really care what grades Obama earned in high school, preschool, or college. I don't care how he got into Harvard. I don't even care if he was born out of the US. The time for all those issues was in 2009 and they were issues not bothered with by those that elected him. He won, decisively.

What I do care about is his record and instead there are scores of folks that dislike him for many reasons, didn't and wouldn't vote for him, that keep harping on issues that are of no value.

How about the economy? Unemployment/underemployment? Moving towards realistic energy development, not focusing only on 'green' jobs from technologies unproven or impossible? What about no budget in 3 years? What about Eric Holder and DOJ and issues of real import to America?
Almost 2 years ago, when the Republicans were throwing their hat in the ring for nomination, the Obama record was at that point pretty dismal. Unemployment stood at 9.7%. Now it stands at 8.2% and falling. Industrial production is up. Retail sales are up. Mortgage delinquencies are down from a high 11.3 to 10.2%. The stock market is up 10%. Oil production under Obama is higher than any point in the last 8 years. After a 4 month surge in gas prices, they're now falling. As the summer ends and demand falls, gas prices should continue lower.

The Republicans can no longer say there is no recovery. They can only claim it's not fast enough. However, economist agree that the recession was the worst since the great depression and the economy should continue to improve, which is bad news for the Republican candidate.
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Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Did he really say that
Did his statement totally exclude them, all
Did his statement mean all rich people

"So many Christians..." really
keeping the "fruits of one's labour" is not greed
and a gov't that promotes free markets
is not greed. It is just smart policy

Our gov't's deficit spending created by all politicians is the only real gluttony
to be found here. For they spend which they did not create...

The problem with that philosophy is that the wealthy don't keep the "fruits of their own labor". they take the fruits of the labor of others.

It's not smart policy to have a system of vast disparity in wealth. Just ask Batista or the Shah of Iran or Tsar Nicholas II how well all that works out, usually.

You guys gripe about government dependence, when you've helped create it.
No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Did he really say that
Did his statement totally exclude them, all
Did his statement mean all rich people

"So many Christians..." really
keeping the "fruits of one's labour" is not greed
and a gov't that promotes free markets
is not greed. It is just smart policy

Our gov't's deficit spending created by all politicians is the only real gluttony
to be found here. For they spend which they did not create...

The problem with that philosophy is that the wealthy don't keep the "fruits of their own labor". they take the fruits of the labor of others.

It's not smart policy to have a system of vast disparity in wealth. Just ask Batista or the Shah of Iran or Tsar Nicholas II how well all that works out, usually.

You guys gripe about government dependence, when you've helped create it.

"they take the fruits of the labour of others"

Those places you mentioned, were not free markets
but at best, a statist form of gov't to promote crony capitalism
to protect friends and family. (sort of like how the US has become)

What the Labour Theory of Value?
I hope not- that was debunked long ago

Disparity in wealth is not the cause of strife
though the Left would like to think so

Strife is caused by the inability to move up or down
the different levels

Socialism stratifies society which helps to create a modern "feudal like" society
making it harder if not impossible to move within the different levels of wealth and
even more dependent on the gov't.

Granted, some of them may have good intentions
but we all know about the best intentions .....

A good gov't is one that promotes free market and competition
The US has not had that for a long time

The left would have you believe that crony capitalism is the end state of free markets; but it is not.

It is created by the gov't and business working in collusion to achieve their
goals- profits and non competition for the business and power and votes for the

I assume you agree that Jesus did not really say or mean all rich people
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Affirmative Action is a silver spoon that some get. Heck your parents dont even have to be successful to get it.
Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.

No, Mitt made his millions fucking over working folks, which is why I'll never vote for him.

I frankly wonder why so many "Christians" seem to think that obsessive greed is a virtue, when Jesus called it a sin and said rich folks were going to Hell.

Not a serious student of the Bible are you? Also, how many working folks have lost jobs since Dear Ruler took office? Guess you won't be voting for him either will you?
I don't really care what grades Obama earned in high school, preschool, or college. I don't care how he got into Harvard. I don't even care if he was born out of the US. The time for all those issues was in 2009 and they were issues not bothered with by those that elected him. He won, decisively.

What I do care about is his record and instead there are scores of folks that dislike him for many reasons, didn't and wouldn't vote for him, that keep harping on issues that are of no value.

How about the economy? Unemployment/underemployment? Moving towards realistic energy development, not focusing only on 'green' jobs from technologies unproven or impossible? What about no budget in 3 years? What about Eric Holder and DOJ and issues of real import to America?

Rest assured that whil Obama will try to make the election about made up issues like the "war on women", Mitt understands the election is about the economy and will use Obama's failed record against him at every turn. This isn't the slam dunk that liberals think it will be, just like the 2010 elections weren't. Did they learn? No.
Fact: Obama's Punahou High School is one of the most elite private schools in the country.

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