Who/what on Earth is the "alt-right"?

Whatever name you want to call them...Nazis...KKK...alt-right...these big time supporters of Donald Trump are racialists. They believe in white supremacy and that all the non-whites should be ejected from the West.

And they loooooove Donald Trump.

Simple as that.

Got it now, tards?
Sounds like all the tard is on you.

Hey! Here's one.
With so many differing and conflicting definitions of the "alt-right" from our friends of the southpaw persuasion, it's starting to look like the usual leftist fanatics DID decide that "alt-right" would simply mean "Anybody I don't like".

Which takes in nearly everybody who isn't a leftist fanatic nutcase.

Since you have been shown several times that those leftist fanatics at Breitbart gave you the definition- and still rant from ignorance I am trying to decide whether you:
  1. Just can't read or
  2. Just are too stupid to understand what you have read or
  3. Just enjoy trolling.
With so many differing and conflicting definitions of the "alt-right" from our friends of the southpaw persuasion, it's starting to look like the usual leftist fanatics DID decide that "alt-right" would simply mean "Anybody I don't like".

Which takes in nearly everybody who isn't a leftist fanatic nutcase.

Since you have been shown several times that those leftist fanatics at Breitbart gave you the definition- and still rant from ignorance I am trying to decide whether you:
  1. Just can't read or
  2. Just are too stupid to understand what you have read or
  3. Just enjoy trolling.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

Alt-right is mostly anti establishment rights. The left wants to put them in a bucket like everyone else and call them racists. Not the case.

its not really an organized group.

Alt-right is mostly anti establishment rights. The left wants to put them in a bucket like everyone else and call them racists. Not the case.

its not really an organized group.

Sounds like you just put everyone in a bucket yourself, and really now, not organized doesn't have anything to do with their racial proclivities.
I believe Its the old Ku Klux Klan......like:

"If you don't think like us Progressives in New York and San Francisco...you must be in the Klan and are a Racist Bigot and belong in a Basket of Deplorables".

Loons have worn out claiming a person is in the Klan because they don't agree with Loons; so we are being renamed "Alt-right".

The old epitaphs have become shopworn...and the Basket of Deplorables is a proven Loser....so they have simply come up with a new epitaph.

If you think Harry Reed was the sorriest piece of shit to ever serve in the Senate; that Nancy Pelosi is a Walking Around Idiot; that Hillary Clinton is a liar and a crook; that Barack Obama is a Marxist....then you are an Alt-Righter.

I guess.

Who knows what these desperate Loons are thinking....its like when they so completely discredited the word "Liberals" it was necessary to become "Progressives"....by which they secretly mean "Socialists".

They are very peculiar, hateful people. They are sure that they are smarter than us Inland Rustics, but they behave like Low Morons who just got off the Short Bus.


The left tells me they are a self identifying group. Thing is I've NEVER met someone who proclaimed to be alt right.

I never heard of them till lefty loons started talking about them.

^Proudly uninformed Trump supporter.

Nah... just not a loon like yourself.

I never heard of them till lefty loons started talking about them.

alt right primer - Google Search
It is interesting how Oligarchs around the world control their national media. In most of the world the Oligarchs own it all through the state and the government owns the media and the Oligarchs own the state. In Europe the national government owned media has competition from media that is owned by friendly Oligarchs who are trusted and went to all the right schools and go to the correct churches, etc.

In the USA, the Oligarchs hide behind layers of corporate ownership. They control the news directly and leave the state out of it so they can have more free reign.

And so we get almost 100% unanimity on scams like Black Lies Matter, Man-made Global Warming, and the glories of government take over of industries and reducing the population.

it is 90% falsehood and 100% staged bullshit political theater.
The left tells me they are a self identifying group. Thing is I've NEVER met someone who proclaimed to be alt right.

I never heard of them till lefty loons started talking about them.

^Proudly uninformed Trump supporter.

Nah... just not a loon like yourself.

I never heard of them till lefty loons started talking about them.

alt right primer - Google Search

Did you read that? Utter lunacy.... reads like the writing of a drug addict.

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