Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

Civil servants know whats best for business, and growth !!! Yes sir........ lol

The government receives complaints from citizens and the government acts by creating regulations. EVERY law and regulation has been written because someone screwed someone, or didn't act responsibility.
You just don't understand how bad this country is at regulatory schemes. People in this country think that these regulations are drawn up by people with knowledge of the industries being regulated, they're not. They are drawn up by bureaucrats who very seldom have any background in the field they are regulating.

I'll give you my standard breakdown of what happens in an OSHA inspection in say a company of say 500 employees.
The CEO says" We are proud to work with our govt partners safety is important...."
It then goes to middle management who says "Oh no not this crap again"
6 months, 5 lawyers, 8 bureaucrats and $120k later the results get handed to the guys in the shop and they say "what in the f@#$ is this supposed to be? We don't do that, we have no idea what this means, that is plain wrong and is going to get some one killed".

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
I've had this very discussion so many times with people on the left that it's mind numbing. I believe it all comes down to the idea that people on the left see all business people as evil and it makes them feel good to stick it to evil people. Of course they don't realize that the vast majority of business people are middle class and anything that hurts us hurts our employees, the very people they think they're helping. Unfortunately they will never understand this, it doesn't make them feel good.

The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
I've had this very discussion so many times with people on the left that it's mind numbing. I believe it all comes down to the idea that people on the left see all business people as evil and it makes them feel good to stick it to evil people. Of course they don't realize that the vast majority of business people are middle class and anything that hurts us hurts our employees, the very people they think they're helping. Unfortunately they will never understand this, it doesn't make them feel good.

The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
Sounds familiar. I just listened to a friend complaining about "inspections". He was building a home addition, took him 7 months to get approval to begin and that's with professional engineering and architectural drawings.

What really set him off was that while in the city office waiting for paperwork (for 4 hours) he got a glimpse of their schedule posted on a wall. They had 7 inspectors listed, 6 had 1 inspection scheduled for the day, one had nothing. He laughed and said his inspection which was on the schedule involved a guy walking up to a ditch, watching my buddy stick a tape measure in the ditch and saying "OK looks good". Another tough day of work completed. The scary part is I know that these folks start at 70K a year. Add in bennies and they're costing us 100K to sit around with their thumbs up their ass.

How do you know that the inspectors that had one inspection listed weren't inspecting sub divisions? Or commercial buildings?
Basically because I know the city. It is entirely built out with zero new construction. On top of that I've been there for inspections, none require an 8 hour day, let alone 6 massive inspections in one day.

So there is remodeling. That takes longer to inspect then new construction to inspect.
Not 8 hours. When for instance you build an addition you dig the footers they come out and make sure they are to depth. Takes about 45 seconds. You lay the footers, they inspect make sure the proper materials are used, takes about 15 minutes.So on and so on. My best friend is in the business and he's irritated if these people are there for more than a half hour. This isn't rocket science.
Bad memories? Got to ride in the back of a police car? Stripped searched by the guy with cigar fingers?

The problem with you is you smoke too much pot. HTF did you get from talking about government regulations to crime? You are really way out there, let me tell you.

Government regulations aren't related to crime? Did you see the Wells Fargo verdict today? Explain how what they did wasn't a crime?

Bad news, The fine was peanuts, and the CEO didn't go to jail. :-( When we get a Democrat in the White House and majority in congress we'll get a change in the peanut verdicts!
Civil servants know whats best for business, and growth !!! Yes sir........ lol

The government receives complaints from citizens and the government acts by creating regulations. EVERY law and regulation has been written because someone screwed someone, or didn't act responsibility.
You just don't understand how bad this country is at regulatory schemes. People in this country think that these regulations are drawn up by people with knowledge of the industries being regulated, they're not. They are drawn up by bureaucrats who very seldom have any background in the field they are regulating.

I'll give you my standard breakdown of what happens in an OSHA inspection in say a company of say 500 employees.
The CEO says" We are proud to work with our govt partners safety is important...."
It then goes to middle management who says "Oh no not this crap again"
6 months, 5 lawyers, 8 bureaucrats and $120k later the results get handed to the guys in the shop and they say "what in the f@#$ is this supposed to be? We don't do that, we have no idea what this means, that is plain wrong and is going to get some one killed".

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
Got you beat. I haven't had a lost time injury in over 9 years. And yet I fight with them all the time, not so much at my own firm but in my side consulting job. The last 2 times I dealt with OSHA the inspectors were 1. a 23 yr old girl who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in English and 2. a woman that told us that 9 months earlier she was working behind the counter of a post office.

.A year earlier neither would have known an hydraulic power press from a trout. In the case of the English major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she had been alive. Now when I disagree with them I go in front of their boss, who graduated 8 years earlier with a degree in sociology.

OSHA is a jobs program for Mexicans, Chinese and now Vietnamese.
The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
The left only wants--they don't ask where it's going to come from. Just make it appear.

They also think that just because somebody has a business, they are loaded with money--money they actually don't need by liberal standards.

In my suburb, they had the same philosophy with us landlords. My Councilman at the time told me the Mayor thought we had too much money. So they instituted apartment inspections and fees to go along with them.

It costs us thousands because you now have to wait for an inspection, and of course, they always find something wrong no matter how many times they've inspected the apartment before. Then you have to hire somebody to do the work which could take weeks. Then you have to have the apartment reinspected. Then you can finally look for a tenant.

I explained to my Councilman that these idiotic money grab tactics only lower our property value because anybody that thinks of getting into the rental business will look to invest anywhere outside of our city. Sure enough, that's what happened, and the money they steal from us is offset by lower taxes they get from the rental properties.

The problem is liberals simply don't think.
Sounds familiar. I just listened to a friend complaining about "inspections". He was building a home addition, took him 7 months to get approval to begin and that's with professional engineering and architectural drawings.

What really set him off was that while in the city office waiting for paperwork (for 4 hours) he got a glimpse of their schedule posted on a wall. They had 7 inspectors listed, 6 had 1 inspection scheduled for the day, one had nothing. He laughed and said his inspection which was on the schedule involved a guy walking up to a ditch, watching my buddy stick a tape measure in the ditch and saying "OK looks good". Another tough day of work completed. The scary part is I know that these folks start at 70K a year. Add in bennies and they're costing us 100K to sit around with their thumbs up their ass.

How do you know that the inspectors that had one inspection listed weren't inspecting sub divisions? Or commercial buildings?
Basically because I know the city. It is entirely built out with zero new construction. On top of that I've been there for inspections, none require an 8 hour day, let alone 6 massive inspections in one day.

So there is remodeling. That takes longer to inspect then new construction to inspect.
Not 8 hours. When for instance you build an addition you dig the footers they come out and make sure they are to depth. Takes about 45 seconds. You lay the footers, they inspect make sure the proper materials are used, takes about 15 minutes.So on and so on. My best friend is in the business and he's irritated if these people are there for more than a half hour. This isn't rocket science.

What about set-backs? Health issue remediation?

If your friend is irritated, you should ask him what he is trying to hide?
Why would prices go up?
Oye vay...to offset the money workers here are now earning

They approved a $15 an hr increase occurring over 5 yrs.
Last yr workers making 8.25 hr, were now making $10.
This past July, it went up another.50 cents.

BTW...thx for the newsflash
Sounds familiar. I just listened to a friend complaining about "inspections". He was building a home addition, took him 7 months to get approval to begin and that's with professional engineering and architectural drawings.

What really set him off was that while in the city office waiting for paperwork (for 4 hours) he got a glimpse of their schedule posted on a wall. They had 7 inspectors listed, 6 had 1 inspection scheduled for the day, one had nothing. He laughed and said his inspection which was on the schedule involved a guy walking up to a ditch, watching my buddy stick a tape measure in the ditch and saying "OK looks good". Another tough day of work completed. The scary part is I know that these folks start at 70K a year. Add in bennies and they're costing us 100K to sit around with their thumbs up their ass.

How do you know that the inspectors that had one inspection listed weren't inspecting sub divisions? Or commercial buildings?
Basically because I know the city. It is entirely built out with zero new construction. On top of that I've been there for inspections, none require an 8 hour day, let alone 6 massive inspections in one day.

So there is remodeling. That takes longer to inspect then new construction to inspect.
Not 8 hours. When for instance you build an addition you dig the footers they come out and make sure they are to depth. Takes about 45 seconds. You lay the footers, they inspect make sure the proper materials are used, takes about 15 minutes.So on and so on. My best friend is in the business and he's irritated if these people are there for more than a half hour. This isn't rocket science.

What about set-backs? Health issue remediation?

If your friend is irritated, you should ask him what he is trying to hide?
Not trying to hide anything, he's trying to get back to work. As I said earlier the inspection that had him ticked was the holes dug for footers. It consists of him sticking a tape measure in a hole. A half hour later he's trying to get rid of the guy who still wants to talk baseball. And keep in mind this is the guys only task for the day.
Civil servants know whats best for business, and growth !!! Yes sir........ lol

The government receives complaints from citizens and the government acts by creating regulations. EVERY law and regulation has been written because someone screwed someone, or didn't act responsibility.
You just don't understand how bad this country is at regulatory schemes. People in this country think that these regulations are drawn up by people with knowledge of the industries being regulated, they're not. They are drawn up by bureaucrats who very seldom have any background in the field they are regulating.

I'll give you my standard breakdown of what happens in an OSHA inspection in say a company of say 500 employees.
The CEO says" We are proud to work with our govt partners safety is important...."
It then goes to middle management who says "Oh no not this crap again"
6 months, 5 lawyers, 8 bureaucrats and $120k later the results get handed to the guys in the shop and they say "what in the f@#$ is this supposed to be? We don't do that, we have no idea what this means, that is plain wrong and is going to get some one killed".

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
Got you beat. I haven't had a lost time injury in over 9 years. And yet I fight with them all the time, not so much at my own firm but in my side consulting job. The last 2 times I dealt with OSHA the inspectors were 1. a 23 yr old girl who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in English and 2. a woman that told us that 9 months earlier she was working behind the counter of a post office.

.A year earlier neither would have known an hydraulic power press from a trout. In the case of the English major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she had been alive. Now when I disagree with them I go in front of their boss, who graduated 8 years earlier with a degree in sociology.

OSHA is a jobs program for Mexicans, Chinese and now Vietnamese.

SWEET! I'm sure your comp carrier is VERY HAPPY!

So minorities are your issue.....VERY TELLING?
Why would prices go up?
Oye vay...to offset the money workers here are now earning

They approved a $15 an hr increase occurring over 5 yrs.
Last yr workers making 8.25 hr, were now making $10.
This past July, it went up another.50 cents.

BTW...thx for the newsflash

What is the net cost for an employee making $10.00/hr vs. $15.00/hr.

Answer that, and you'll answer why I asked the question.
Civil servants know whats best for business, and growth !!! Yes sir........ lol

The government receives complaints from citizens and the government acts by creating regulations. EVERY law and regulation has been written because someone screwed someone, or didn't act responsibility.
You just don't understand how bad this country is at regulatory schemes. People in this country think that these regulations are drawn up by people with knowledge of the industries being regulated, they're not. They are drawn up by bureaucrats who very seldom have any background in the field they are regulating.

I'll give you my standard breakdown of what happens in an OSHA inspection in say a company of say 500 employees.
The CEO says" We are proud to work with our govt partners safety is important...."
It then goes to middle management who says "Oh no not this crap again"
6 months, 5 lawyers, 8 bureaucrats and $120k later the results get handed to the guys in the shop and they say "what in the f@#$ is this supposed to be? We don't do that, we have no idea what this means, that is plain wrong and is going to get some one killed".

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
Got you beat. I haven't had a lost time injury in over 9 years. And yet I fight with them all the time, not so much at my own firm but in my side consulting job. The last 2 times I dealt with OSHA the inspectors were 1. a 23 yr old girl who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in English and 2. a woman that told us that 9 months earlier she was working behind the counter of a post office.

.A year earlier neither would have known an hydraulic power press from a trout. In the case of the English major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she had been alive. Now when I disagree with them I go in front of their boss, who graduated 8 years earlier with a degree in sociology.

OSHA is a jobs program for Mexicans, Chinese and now Vietnamese.

SWEET! I'm sure your comp carrier is VERY HAPPY!

So minorities are your issue.....VERY TELLING?
Mexicans aren't minorities in Mexico, Chinese aren't minorities in China, Vietnamese aren't minorities in Vietnam.

And yes my carrier's pleased, not that it has stopped my rates from rising.
How do you know that the inspectors that had one inspection listed weren't inspecting sub divisions? Or commercial buildings?
Basically because I know the city. It is entirely built out with zero new construction. On top of that I've been there for inspections, none require an 8 hour day, let alone 6 massive inspections in one day.

So there is remodeling. That takes longer to inspect then new construction to inspect.
Not 8 hours. When for instance you build an addition you dig the footers they come out and make sure they are to depth. Takes about 45 seconds. You lay the footers, they inspect make sure the proper materials are used, takes about 15 minutes.So on and so on. My best friend is in the business and he's irritated if these people are there for more than a half hour. This isn't rocket science.

What about set-backs? Health issue remediation?

If your friend is irritated, you should ask him what he is trying to hide?
Not trying to hide anything, he's trying to get back to work. As I said earlier the inspection that had him ticked was the holes dug for footers. It consists of him sticking a tape measure in a hole. A half hour later he's trying to get rid of the guy who still wants to talk baseball. And keep in mind this is the guys only task for the day.

So developing a rapport with an inspector is less important than getting back to work?
The government receives complaints from citizens and the government acts by creating regulations. EVERY law and regulation has been written because someone screwed someone, or didn't act responsibility.
You just don't understand how bad this country is at regulatory schemes. People in this country think that these regulations are drawn up by people with knowledge of the industries being regulated, they're not. They are drawn up by bureaucrats who very seldom have any background in the field they are regulating.

I'll give you my standard breakdown of what happens in an OSHA inspection in say a company of say 500 employees.
The CEO says" We are proud to work with our govt partners safety is important...."
It then goes to middle management who says "Oh no not this crap again"
6 months, 5 lawyers, 8 bureaucrats and $120k later the results get handed to the guys in the shop and they say "what in the f@#$ is this supposed to be? We don't do that, we have no idea what this means, that is plain wrong and is going to get some one killed".

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
Got you beat. I haven't had a lost time injury in over 9 years. And yet I fight with them all the time, not so much at my own firm but in my side consulting job. The last 2 times I dealt with OSHA the inspectors were 1. a 23 yr old girl who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in English and 2. a woman that told us that 9 months earlier she was working behind the counter of a post office.

.A year earlier neither would have known an hydraulic power press from a trout. In the case of the English major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she had been alive. Now when I disagree with them I go in front of their boss, who graduated 8 years earlier with a degree in sociology.

OSHA is a jobs program for Mexicans, Chinese and now Vietnamese.

SWEET! I'm sure your comp carrier is VERY HAPPY!

So minorities are your issue.....VERY TELLING?
Mexicans aren't minorities in Mexico, Chinese aren't minorities in China, Vietnamese aren't minorities in Vietnam.

And yes my carrier's pleased, not that it has stopped my rates from rising.

Rantings of a true RACIST!!!!!
Basically because I know the city. It is entirely built out with zero new construction. On top of that I've been there for inspections, none require an 8 hour day, let alone 6 massive inspections in one day.

So there is remodeling. That takes longer to inspect then new construction to inspect.
Not 8 hours. When for instance you build an addition you dig the footers they come out and make sure they are to depth. Takes about 45 seconds. You lay the footers, they inspect make sure the proper materials are used, takes about 15 minutes.So on and so on. My best friend is in the business and he's irritated if these people are there for more than a half hour. This isn't rocket science.

What about set-backs? Health issue remediation?

If your friend is irritated, you should ask him what he is trying to hide?
Not trying to hide anything, he's trying to get back to work. As I said earlier the inspection that had him ticked was the holes dug for footers. It consists of him sticking a tape measure in a hole. A half hour later he's trying to get rid of the guy who still wants to talk baseball. And keep in mind this is the guys only task for the day.

So developing a rapport with an inspector is less important than getting back to work?
That's irrelevant to the subject at hand. The fact is the inspector has nothing else to do, my buddy works for a living.
You just don't understand how bad this country is at regulatory schemes. People in this country think that these regulations are drawn up by people with knowledge of the industries being regulated, they're not. They are drawn up by bureaucrats who very seldom have any background in the field they are regulating.

I'll give you my standard breakdown of what happens in an OSHA inspection in say a company of say 500 employees.
The CEO says" We are proud to work with our govt partners safety is important...."
It then goes to middle management who says "Oh no not this crap again"
6 months, 5 lawyers, 8 bureaucrats and $120k later the results get handed to the guys in the shop and they say "what in the f@#$ is this supposed to be? We don't do that, we have no idea what this means, that is plain wrong and is going to get some one killed".

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
Got you beat. I haven't had a lost time injury in over 9 years. And yet I fight with them all the time, not so much at my own firm but in my side consulting job. The last 2 times I dealt with OSHA the inspectors were 1. a 23 yr old girl who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in English and 2. a woman that told us that 9 months earlier she was working behind the counter of a post office.

.A year earlier neither would have known an hydraulic power press from a trout. In the case of the English major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she had been alive. Now when I disagree with them I go in front of their boss, who graduated 8 years earlier with a degree in sociology.

OSHA is a jobs program for Mexicans, Chinese and now Vietnamese.

SWEET! I'm sure your comp carrier is VERY HAPPY!

So minorities are your issue.....VERY TELLING?
Mexicans aren't minorities in Mexico, Chinese aren't minorities in China, Vietnamese aren't minorities in Vietnam.

And yes my carrier's pleased, not that it has stopped my rates from rising.

Rantings of a true RACIST!!!!!
There you have it folks the surest sign a leftist is losing an argument, cry racism. Now make sure to follow up with bigot, misogynist, homophobe, islamaphobe, fascist and nazi. You have to make sure to hit all your virtue signals.
Of course he did. Obama was handed a disaster. Bush was handed a balanced budget and no wars.

That doesn't justify idiotic spending like Cash for Clunkers, the Pork Bill, Commie Care and others. There was no need to spend half of the money he did. It was an opportunity for him.

Yes actually it is a real big reason. He had the fix the economy. What other president was handed 2 wars, a recession, and out of control spending?
Why would prices go up?
Oye vay...to offset the money workers here are now earning

They approved a $15 an hr increase occurring over 5 yrs.
Last yr workers making 8.25 hr, were now making $10.
This past July, it went up another.50 cents.

BTW...thx for the newsflash

What is the net cost for an employee making $10.00/hr vs. $15.00/hr.

Answer that, and you'll answer why I asked the question.
I'm sorry but, I don't understand the question
Yes actually it is a real big reason. He had the fix the economy. What other president was handed 2 wars, a recession, and out of control spending?

Out of control spending? So the solution was even more out of control spending?

He had to end the recession first and get us out of the wars. The spending had to be last. The recovery has been slow, but things could have easily gone worse rather than better.
Government regulations aren't related to crime? Did you see the Wells Fargo verdict today? Explain how what they did wasn't a crime?

Bad news, The fine was peanuts, and the CEO didn't go to jail. :-( When we get a Democrat in the White House and majority in congress we'll get a change in the peanut verdicts!

Nice try to change the subject, but it's not working for you.

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