Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

The King of Debt getting America out of debt. Mr. Bankruptcy himself.

And his minions actually believe him. Hilarious!

Yeah, well Americans are gullible like that. You know, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. I'm going to save your family over $2,500 a year in health insurance costs. A home made video caused Benghazi. My hard drive crashed so I took it out and destroyed it.

I sure wish I could be Mr. Bankruptcy and be worth billions.
real talk
The King of Debt getting America out of debt. Mr. Bankruptcy himself.

And his minions actually believe him. Hilarious!

Yeah, well Americans are gullible like that. You know, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. I'm going to save your family over $2,500 a year in health insurance costs. A home made video caused Benghazi. My hard drive crashed so I took it out and destroyed it.

I sure wish I could be Mr. Bankruptcy and be worth billions.
how could this be
Millions of people are trying to elect a “Non-Politician” that has made his millions (billions) in the business world – not – off of and to the determent of the American people. Our politicians have been working their corrupt “politics” for too long now. Our politicians have been making themselves rich while “supposedly” serving the American people. Besides all of Trump’s plans to help the American people and get America out of debt and flourishing again (which will NOT be reported in the main stream media) - Trump has promised to stop the “politician”. All of them have corrupted themselves. That is WHY they are so desperate and pulling out all the nasty tricks. I am just so scared for my poor grandchildren that there are too many manipulated dumbed down Americans to see what is really going on. I am frightened for my grandchildren’s future.

Those that do not vote this election – will put Hillary Clinton in office. Those that vote for a third party ticket – will put Hillary Clinton in office. Those that vote for Hillary Clinton – are not informed Americans and have been manipulated by an also corrupt media (There is NO journalism in the main stream media – they are all POLITICAL OPERATIVES for Hillary).
Voting your conscience? Just remember – HOW – can anyone’s conscience allow more damage, more debt, more destruction of America? Please consider taking the “leap of faith” with Trump. We DO know what is in store with Hillary – Trump offers HOPE!

Questions that should be asked of Hillary Clinton at the next debate:

Mrs. Clinton, when you were secretary of state, why did you let a Russian company purchase one half of the United States uranium reserves in coordination with you and your husband's foundation? How much money was donated by Russian companies to your foundation in exchange for your moving half of our uranium supply to Kazakhstan?

Mrs. Clinton, when you worked for the State Department, how did you conduct secret classified business without using a secure email server? (NOTE: There are soldiers in prison for doing just a small fraction of what Hillary did or failed to do with her “communication” as Secretary of State.)

What kind of assault weapons were we funneling through Benghazi, and where were we sending them before Ambassador Stevens was murdered? Why did you ignore the hundreds of requests from our ambassador wanting “help” and then say, “What does it matter now”? Mrs. Clinton, why did you lie to the American people about the terror attack in Benghazi, but you managed to tell the truth to your daughter the same night that it happened?

Mrs. Clinton, why were you interested in the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad in Syria?

Mrs. Clinton, when you left the White House after your husband's last term as president in the year 2000, why did you steal $200,000 worth of furniture and China and artwork that you were forced to return?

Mrs. Clinton, when you were secretary of state, why did you solicit contributions from foreign governments to your family foundation after you promised President Obama you would not?

Mrs. Clinton, why do you and your husband claim to contribute millions of dollars to charity for a tax write-off when it goes to your family foundation that give less than 15% of the money you collect and you use the balance to support yourself tax-free?

Mrs. Clinton, why are you unable to account for $6 billion of State Department money that seemed to have disappeared while you were secretary of state?

Mrs. Clinton, you said you were broke when you left the White House, but you purchased a $2 million home. You built an addition for the Secret Service. You charged taxpayers of the United States rent in an amount equal to the entire mortgage.

Mrs. Clinton, could you tell the average American how their child could get a $600,000-a-year job at NBC with no experience like your daughter did?

Mrs. Clinton, why did you fail the bar exam in the District of Columbia? Why did your husband lose his law license?

Mrs. Clinton, for the past two weeks we have been treated to accounts of Donald Trump and his supposedly abusive treatment of women, many of whom have now been exposed as not having told the truth. Why did you feel it necessary to tarnish the reputations of women who had alleged that your husband had abused them, and in one case raped them? Tell us about the bimbo eruptions unit that helped your husband survive as president.

How could you destroy the life of a 12 year old girl who was raped by the defendant you were representing as a lawyer? (When Hillary was a lawyer before she failed the Washington D.C. bar exam she got a rapist of a 12 year old off.)

Mrs. Clinton, you made $21 million in two years giving speeches to, among others, Wall Street banks, often at $250,000 per 30-minute speech and in some cases $350,000. Why are you in such close relationships with Wall Street, and what are they expecting for what they paid you? (Tie her to the close relationships she has with Wall Street while her voters think that she's out to destroy Wall Street. Some of the WikiLeak document dumps indicate how close she is to these bankers. Lloyd Blankfein at Goldman Sachs is just one example.)

Reference: My Debate Questions for Mrs. Clinton - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

Neither one.
I mean the pensioners that retired from US companies after working their long enough to get a pension. What the hell are you talking about?
I know and meet a lot of these pensioners.
All they care about is their Cheap Labor Investments.
Their pensions are for basic needs.
A 70 year old with over 1.8 million in Investments need not sweat.

What about the 70 year old with no investments?
They will adjust just like the 30 year olds and the 40 year olds and the 50 year olds and the 60 year olds who are currently under and unemployed.

Most 70 year olds are unemployable while those you mention can change jobs, get an education and get better jobs. It isn't easy to adjust to eating 1 meal a day instead of two.
You probably live in a Trespasser & Business Visa free region.
If we all moved to where you live, you'd be unemployed real fast.
You can't get an education when you have bills to pay and your income disappears overnight.
US debt is $19 trillion, the largest in the world for a single country - we owe a ton of money to other nations

Who is better suited to getting our nation out of debt, or at least lower the amount substantially?
hope whoever wins addresses the debt issue
I know and meet a lot of these pensioners.
All they care about is their Cheap Labor Investments.
Their pensions are for basic needs.
A 70 year old with over 1.8 million in Investments need not sweat.

What about the 70 year old with no investments?
They will adjust just like the 30 year olds and the 40 year olds and the 50 year olds and the 60 year olds who are currently under and unemployed.

Most 70 year olds are unemployable while those you mention can change jobs, get an education and get better jobs. It isn't easy to adjust to eating 1 meal a day instead of two.
You probably live in a Trespasser & Business Visa free region.
If we all moved to where you live, you'd be unemployed real fast.
You can't get an education when you have bills to pay and your income disappears overnight.

I have been laid off three times and still survived.
I know and meet a lot of these pensioners.
All they care about is their Cheap Labor Investments.
Their pensions are for basic needs.
A 70 year old with over 1.8 million in Investments need not sweat.

What about the 70 year old with no investments?
They will adjust just like the 30 year olds and the 40 year olds and the 50 year olds and the 60 year olds who are currently under and unemployed.

Most 70 year olds are unemployable while those you mention can change jobs, get an education and get better jobs. It isn't easy to adjust to eating 1 meal a day instead of two.
You probably live in a Trespasser & Business Visa free region.
If we all moved to where you live, you'd be unemployed real fast.
You can't get an education when you have bills to pay and your income disappears overnight.
thats true
US debt is $19 trillion, the largest in the world for a single country - we owe a ton of money to other nations

Who is better suited to getting our nation out of debt, or at least lower the amount substantially?
Attempt after attempt on ‘Teflon Trump’ slides right off him and instead backfires and blows up in their collective faces. It reminds me of a scene in “Gladiator” (indulge me for a minute – there is a side of me that is a 19-year-old bro), where Commodus (after attempting to orchestrate Maximus’s death by forcing Maximus to fight the greatest living gladiator, only to have Maximus turn the tables by not only besting the opponent but showing him mercy), in a fit of frustration, exasperatedly wails: “And now they love Maximus for his mercy! So I can’t kill him or it makes him even more merciful. The whole thing is like a great nightmare!” That is not unlike what is happening right now in the smoke-filled rooms of the establishment.

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