who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

It did at one time and it will again...just like it currently recognizes the marriage of *people like you.*

Since you support the vote of the civil right to marry, we can hold a vote on the marriage rights of *people like you*.

*People like you* live a choice. But that choice to live as *people like you* does not include taking away other people's civil rights. And the courts will show that to be the case.

And you and *people like you* are so utterly intolerant of gay people that you deprive them of the legal rights of marriage.....

But gay people do not try to deprive *people like you* of the legal rights of marriage, even tho, being a *person like you* is a choice.
You have the right to marry. Go get married.....We're talking about the definition. It's defined as between a man a woman. In this state, the voters voted to keep it that way. Oh well, that's what the voting process is all about. Nobody is forcing you to live here.

So, hold your vote to deny a man and womans right to marry, if ya' get it on it on a ballot, go for it.....Nothing wrong with that.....Good luck to ya'!......Unlike YOU, i'm not going to claim you're a bigot for doing so.

Yeah, i'm so "utterly intolerant of gays", that I employed them, paid them well, offered them benefits, invited them into my home, and continue to do so seeing as my wifes cousin is gay (at least he has the guts to admit it's a choice. And admits the sissy act put on by many gay males is just that, an act). If I was "utterly intolerant of gays, I would have told 'em all to get the fuck outta here, you're not welcome.

"utterly intolerant of gays"......Knock off the dramatics, bigot!:eusa_hand:

Used to be in these parts you could have had a vote for sending all the blacks back to Africa.
It would have passed overwhelmingly.
We are not a democracy, majority rule country. Sorry about that.
The Constitution protects individual rights, not majority rights.
It's a states issue.....States issue those licenses based on the states requirements....If the voters elect to not recognize, so be it.
It did at one time and it will again...just like it currently recognizes the marriage of *people like you.*

Since you support the vote of the civil right to marry, we can hold a vote on the marriage rights of *people like you*.

*People like you* live a choice. But that choice to live as *people like you* does not include taking away other people's civil rights. And the courts will show that to be the case.

And you and *people like you* are so utterly intolerant of gay people that you deprive them of the legal rights of marriage.....

But gay people do not try to deprive *people like you* of the legal rights of marriage, even tho, being a *person like you* is a choice.
You have the right to marry. Go get married.....We're talking about the definition. It's defined as between a man a woman. In this state, the voters voted to keep it that way. Oh well, that's what the voting process is all about. Nobody is forcing you to live here.

So, hold your vote to deny a man and womans right to marry, if ya' get it on it on a ballot, go for it.....Nothing wrong with that.....Good luck to ya'!......Unlike YOU, i'm not going to claim you're a bigot for doing so.

Yeah, i'm so "utterly intolerant of gays", that I employed them, paid them well, offered them benefits, invited them into my home, and continue to do so seeing as my wifes cousin is gay (at least he has the guts to admit it's a choice. And admits the sissy act put on by many gay males is just that, an act). If I was "utterly intolerant of gays, I would have told 'em all to get the fuck outta here, you're not welcome.

"utterly intolerant of gays"......Knock off the dramatics, bigot!:eusa_hand:

Frankly, I have no idea why bodecea gives you the time of day.

He's funny and his kind needs to be showcased.
Because most Christians adhere strictly to the word of the bible. The LGBT community can't stand that....So, Christians are not only labeled bigots by the clowns, but non-Christians who don't buy into their BS are also labeled bigots.

The LGBT primarily attacks the Christian faith, because it's the dominate faith in this country.

In all actuality, it's the LGBT community who are the true bigots. They just refuse to admit it. As we see daily on this board.

The majority of gays are christian.............................

Survey Explores Faith of Homosexuals, Christian News
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.
You have the right to marry. Go get married.....We're talking about the definition. It's defined as between a man a woman. In this state, the voters voted to keep it that way. Oh well, that's what the voting process is all about. Nobody is forcing you to live here.

So, hold your vote to deny a man and womans right to marry, if ya' get it on it on a ballot, go for it.....Nothing wrong with that.....Good luck to ya'!......Unlike YOU, i'm not going to claim you're a bigot for doing so.

Yeah, i'm so "utterly intolerant of gays", that I employed them, paid them well, offered them benefits, invited them into my home, and continue to do so seeing as my wifes cousin is gay (at least he has the guts to admit it's a choice. And admits the sissy act put on by many gay males is just that, an act). If I was "utterly intolerant of gays, I would have told 'em all to get the fuck outta here, you're not welcome.

"utterly intolerant of gays"......Knock off the dramatics, bigot!:eusa_hand:

Used to be in these parts you could have had a vote for sending all the blacks back to Africa.
It would have passed overwhelmingly.
We are not a democracy, majority rule country. Sorry about that.
The Constitution protects individual rights, not majority rights.
It's a states issue.....States issue those licenses based on the states requirements....If the voters elect to not recognize, so be it.

A state can not issue licenses based on race.
Why should sexual orientation matter between 2 consenting legal adults that are nor related?
The majority of gays are christian.............................

Survey Explores Faith of Homosexuals, Christian News
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

Lester just shows that the question posed by the OP doesn't really need to be asked.
The majority of gays are christian.............................

Survey Explores Faith of Homosexuals, Christian News
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:
Marriage is NOT a "right".
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:
Marriage is NOT a "right".

The Supreme Court disagrees with you.....

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

From Loving v. Virginia

Interestingly enough, the defendants, the State of Virginia, used Biblical arguments too:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.
How'd that religious argument work out? How do we today think of that kind of biblical argument?
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:

Marriage is NOT a "right".

Why does the particular sin matter? Where is this "sin scale" besides the 10 commandments (which as we know has nothing about homosexuality) does it say one sin is worse than another? You say gay sex is a sin, which I assume you mean sodomy and I'm quite confident more straight people do sodomy than gays and that has nothing to do with lesbians, but why are your sins "less bad" than the sins of gay people? That sounds like arrogance of the highest order, especially when Jesus never said anything like that.

I would think I'd hear more negative comments about adultery in marriage that leads to so many divorces, or kids not honoring their parents, or people not keeping the Sabbath holy etc, however you hear roughly 687812517565678612156468 gay bashing comments for every one of those comments that deals with the 10 commandments.
I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:
Marriage is NOT a "right".

The Supreme Court disagrees with you.....

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....
From Loving v. Virginia

Interestingly enough, the defendants, the State of Virginia, used Biblical arguments too:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.
How'd that religious argument work out? How do we today think of that kind of biblical argument?
That was a convoluted argument, to say the least.
And that's being kind.....

But thanks for the case law
I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:

Marriage is NOT a "right".

Why does the particular sin matter? Where is this "sin scale" besides the 10 commandments (which as we know has nothing about homosexuality) does it say one sin is worse than another? You say gay sex is a sin, which I assume you mean sodomy and I'm quite confident more straight people do sodomy than gays and that has nothing to do with lesbians, but why are your sins "less bad" than the sins of gay people? That sounds like arrogance of the highest order, especially when Jesus never said anything like that.

I would think I'd hear more negative comments about adultery in marriage that leads to so many divorces, or kids not honoring their parents, or people not keeping the Sabbath holy etc, however you hear roughly 687812517565678612156468 gay bashing comments for every one of those comments that deals with the 10 commandments.

I would like to point out that in such cases as Prop H8 in California, those wishing to make gay marriage illegal use lying tactics extensively. Now, if I remember correctly, bearing false witness is one of the 10 big ones in the 10 commandments. They have no problem breaking that one left and right.

6 Lies right here: Guy Dads: Fears and Lies of Prop 8 Supporters
I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:

Marriage is NOT a "right".

Why does the particular sin matter? Where is this "sin scale" besides the 10 commandments (which as we know has nothing about homosexuality) does it say one sin is worse than another? You say gay sex is a sin, which I assume you mean sodomy and I'm quite confident more straight people do sodomy than gays and that has nothing to do with lesbians, but why are your sins "less bad" than the sins of gay people? That sounds like arrogance of the highest order, especially when Jesus never said anything like that.

I would think I'd hear more negative comments about adultery in marriage that leads to so many divorces, or kids not honoring their parents, or people not keeping the Sabbath holy etc, however you hear roughly 687812517565678612156468 gay bashing comments for every one of those comments that deals with the 10 commandments.

I didn't intend to imply that there is a sin scale. In fact I said just the opposite either further up or in another thread.
No sin is worse than another.
I know that I am a sinner and fall short of the glory of God. I humbly pray daily in thanks for His Grace.

I agree that there should be just as many threads/discussions about adultery or lust as there is on this topic.
A sin is a sin and no one person is any worse off for one than they are another.
I don't start the threads, I just reply... :)
I see, so now you judge and decide who's a christian, not your God, that sounds like blasphemy to me.

I'm sure you live a totally sin-free life and have all the right to attack others for what you deem as sins.

This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:
Marriage is NOT a "right".

The Supreme Court disagrees with you.....

Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival....

From Loving v. Virginia

Interestingly enough, the defendants, the State of Virginia, used Biblical arguments too:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.
How'd that religious argument work out? How do we today think of that kind of biblical argument?

You Compared the Courts Conclusion about OUR VERY EXISTENCE and Marrriage to one of the Defendants Arguments?...

You Christian, Bodey?... You just Talking about Bearing False Witness?... Lying?...

Look in the Fucking Mirror.

If you Claim Christianity, then you must Stop your Sin. :thup:

God does not Embrace your Perversion of his Creation.

True Story.


This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:

Marriage is NOT a "right".

Why does the particular sin matter? Where is this "sin scale" besides the 10 commandments (which as we know has nothing about homosexuality) does it say one sin is worse than another? You say gay sex is a sin, which I assume you mean sodomy and I'm quite confident more straight people do sodomy than gays and that has nothing to do with lesbians, but why are your sins "less bad" than the sins of gay people? That sounds like arrogance of the highest order, especially when Jesus never said anything like that.

I would think I'd hear more negative comments about adultery in marriage that leads to so many divorces, or kids not honoring their parents, or people not keeping the Sabbath holy etc, however you hear roughly 687812517565678612156468 gay bashing comments for every one of those comments that deals with the 10 commandments.

I didn't intend to imply that there is a sin scale. In fact I said just the opposite either further up or in another thread.
No sin is worse than another.
I know that I am a sinner and fall short of the glory of God. I humbly pray daily in thanks for His Grace.

I agree that there should be just as many threads/discussions about adultery or lust as there is on this topic.
A sin is a sin and no one person is any worse off for one than they are another.
I don't start the threads, I just reply... :)

Well said, good post.
This subject crossed my heart, last night after replying to Tinydancer.

As a Christian you accept Christ in to your heart, receive forgiveness and repent of all your sins.
ALL your sins.

Yea, we've all lied or stole or committed adultery, or whatever sin you care to name.
When you accept Christ you vow to sin no more.
Sure, we all slip, or 'backslide", from time to time. When that happens we come to Him in prayer and re-establish our connection.

I don't fault anyone for who they fall in love with. You can't help what your heart does.
You can, however, help what your body does. It's the homosexual sex that is the sin. Not the love.
To continue this behavior, when you know it's a sin, can be seen as blasphemous in the eyes of the Lord.
You wouldn't continue to steal or lie or kill and still call yourself a Christian.
Why is it okay for homosexuals, that call them selves Christians, to habitually commit this sin?

Back on topic of the O for a split-second:

Marriage is NOT a "right".

Why does the particular sin matter? Where is this "sin scale" besides the 10 commandments (which as we know has nothing about homosexuality) does it say one sin is worse than another? You say gay sex is a sin, which I assume you mean sodomy and I'm quite confident more straight people do sodomy than gays and that has nothing to do with lesbians, but why are your sins "less bad" than the sins of gay people? That sounds like arrogance of the highest order, especially when Jesus never said anything like that.

I would think I'd hear more negative comments about adultery in marriage that leads to so many divorces, or kids not honoring their parents, or people not keeping the Sabbath holy etc, however you hear roughly 687812517565678612156468 gay bashing comments for every one of those comments that deals with the 10 commandments.

I didn't intend to imply that there is a sin scale. In fact I said just the opposite either further up or in another thread.
No sin is worse than another.
I know that I am a sinner and fall short of the glory of God. I humbly pray daily in thanks for His Grace.

I agree that there should be just as many threads/discussions about adultery or lust as there is on this topic.
A sin is a sin and no one person is any worse off for one than they are another.
I don't start the threads, I just reply... :)

Nice post with one caveat. Not everyone believes homosexuality is even a sin. If you do...fine. Don't act on any homosexual urges (tho that doesn't seem to work very well). But please do not hold use to a standard of a religious belief we do not even hold. It is common sense and common courtesy. (Note: this is a generic request...not saying that you personally do this)
Why does the particular sin matter? Where is this "sin scale" besides the 10 commandments (which as we know has nothing about homosexuality) does it say one sin is worse than another? You say gay sex is a sin, which I assume you mean sodomy and I'm quite confident more straight people do sodomy than gays and that has nothing to do with lesbians, but why are your sins "less bad" than the sins of gay people? That sounds like arrogance of the highest order, especially when Jesus never said anything like that.

I would think I'd hear more negative comments about adultery in marriage that leads to so many divorces, or kids not honoring their parents, or people not keeping the Sabbath holy etc, however you hear roughly 687812517565678612156468 gay bashing comments for every one of those comments that deals with the 10 commandments.

I didn't intend to imply that there is a sin scale. In fact I said just the opposite either further up or in another thread.
No sin is worse than another.
I know that I am a sinner and fall short of the glory of God. I humbly pray daily in thanks for His Grace.

I agree that there should be just as many threads/discussions about adultery or lust as there is on this topic.
A sin is a sin and no one person is any worse off for one than they are another.
I don't start the threads, I just reply... :)

Nice post with one caveat. Not everyone believes homosexuality is even a sin. If you do...fine. Don't act on any homosexual urges (tho that doesn't seem to work very well). But please do not hold use to a standard of a religious belief we do not even hold. It is common sense and common courtesy. (Note: this is a generic request...not saying that you personally do this)

Cool.... Just as I wasn't speaking directly to you, regarding the sin. I was referring to the mention of homosexuals that call them selves Christians.

I have a niece that is gay. She was raised in our church.
I can't count the conversations we've had and the struggles she has with her relationship with Jesus. She's not currently dating anyone so as to remove the temptation from her.
I can only reassure her of His love for her and how He would want her to act. The rest is up to her.
(I should add that 'not dating' was her choice and decision and wasn't suggested, in the slightest, by me or my wife)

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