who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

Of course. The solution to preventing older men from leering at younger boys is to prevent gay marriage. Maybe to prevent older men from leering at younger girls we should prevent straight marriage. BRILLIANT! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Christ, you're fuckin' stupid.

You truly are.......Maybe we just keep up the fight against all you perv's!.....I will!

:lol::lol::lol: I love it when you pretend to not understand exactly what I am saying.
I love how you think I don't know what you are saying.....Spinning my words to make your case is a sure sign of weakness, Chester my boy.....It show's you're stupid as all get out.

But like I said, we will keep up the fight against all you perves, who seek to destroy all morals in this country........A sexual deviant. is a sexual deviant. No matter their CHOSEN sexual deviancy, they are one in the same.

Whether its a grown man or woman molesting lil' boys and girls, or a lesbian eating the pussy of their own gender, they're sexual deviants, one in the same.
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Christ, you're fuckin' stupid.

You truly are.......Maybe we just keep up the fight against all you perv's!.....I will!

:lol::lol::lol: I love it when you pretend to not understand exactly what I am saying.
I love how you think I don't know what you are saying.....Spinning my words to make your case is a sure sign of weakness, Chester my boy.....It show's you're stupid as all get out.

But like I said, we will keep up the fight against all you perves, who seek to destroy all morals in this country........A sexual deviant. is a sexual deviant. No matter their CHOSEN sexual deviancy, they are one in the same.

Whether its a grown man or woman molesting lil' boys and girls, or a lesbian eating the pussy of their own gender, they're sexual deviants, one in the same.

So...tell me...when you see situations like you discribed and you get upset...is it a professional courtesy thingee or what? Just wondering because your story didn't have much to do with the topic at hand.
:lol::lol::lol: I love it when you pretend to not understand exactly what I am saying.
I love how you think I don't know what you are saying.....Spinning my words to make your case is a sure sign of weakness, Chester my boy.....It show's you're stupid as all get out.

But like I said, we will keep up the fight against all you perves, who seek to destroy all morals in this country........A sexual deviant. is a sexual deviant. No matter their CHOSEN sexual deviancy, they are one in the same.

Whether its a grown man or woman molesting lil' boys and girls, or a lesbian eating the pussy of their own gender, they're sexual deviants, one in the same.

So...tell me...when you see situations like you discribed and you get upset...is it a professional courtesy thingee or what? Just wondering because your story didn't have much to do with the topic at hand.
It has evrything to do with the topic at at hand. You're just to ignorant and stuck in your cause that you will never admit it.

So, are you saying that it doesn't upset you to see very young children being sexualized,
leered at, feminized (young boys), young girls dressed up like sluts and paraded around on a stage, mothers watching along with their young daughters and extolling the virtues of Katy Perry singing about being a dyke.....Hell, there are some mothers who actually take their young girls to her shows to sing along to that song.

Now, if you said no to any of the above, then god forbid you ever become a parent. Because that would only add to the problem.
I love how you think I don't know what you are saying.....Spinning my words to make your case is a sure sign of weakness, Chester my boy.....It show's you're stupid as all get out.

But like I said, we will keep up the fight against all you perves, who seek to destroy all morals in this country........A sexual deviant. is a sexual deviant. No matter their CHOSEN sexual deviancy, they are one in the same.

Whether its a grown man or woman molesting lil' boys and girls, or a lesbian eating the pussy of their own gender, they're sexual deviants, one in the same.

So...tell me...when you see situations like you discribed and you get upset...is it a professional courtesy thingee or what? Just wondering because your story didn't have much to do with the topic at hand.
It has evrything to do with the topic at at hand. You're just to ignorant and stuck in your cause that you will never admit it.

So, are you saying that it doesn't upset you to see very young children being sexualized,
leered at, feminized (young boys), young girls dressed up like sluts and paraded around on a stage, mothers watching along with their young daughters and extolling the virtues of Katy Perry singing about being a dyke.....Hell, there are some mothers who actually take their young girls to her shows to sing along to that song.

Now, if you said no to any of the above, then god forbid you ever become a parent. Because that would only add to the problem.

It upsets me quite a bit. And I know it's not something to be blamed on gays or gay marriage.

But it IS funny to watch you go off on a tangent...describing things in such a way that show you've thought on this subject.....a lot. A lot.

Christians aren't discriminated against. They have churches, are allowed to marry, are allowed the same freedoms as everyone else.

It's only in your deluded mind that you think they're discrimitated against.
Once the gays have equal rights across the nation, the Christian preachers will just continue to demonize Atheists as they always have. Of course, their bigotry toward Atheists stems from the fear that the more Atheists there are, the less money there would be, gathering in the plates being passed around during church services.
With Islam growing by leaps and bounds across the nation, once they gain control, the gays would have a new enemy. One that has a more violent attitude toward gays and lesbians.
Once the gays have equal rights across the nation, the Christian preachers will just continue to demonize Atheists as they always have. Of course, their bigotry toward Atheists stems from the fear that the more Atheists there are, the less money there would be, gathering in the plates being passed around during church services.
With Islam growing by leaps and bounds across the nation, once they gain control, the gays would have a new enemy. One that has a more violent attitude toward gays and lesbians.

Not happening.
I am Christian and have never been discriminated against in my 57 years.
You folks are funny. You have NO CLUE what it is like to be discriminated against.
I grew up in it and saw it. Christians are persecuted in other countries as many religions, spceifically Jews, are but not here.
Funny stuff here. Love it!!
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I am Christian and have never been discriminated against in my 57 years.
You folks are funny. You have NO CLUE what it is like to be discriminated against.
I grew up in it and saw it. Christians are persecuted in other countries as many religions, spceifically Jews, are but not here.
Funny stuff here. Love it!!

But not in this country.

When "Christians" whine about being discriminated here what they are really talking about is they aren't allowed to use their religion as an excuse to act like obnoxious rude louts. Its only Fundamentalist Christians who have this complaint. People who have trouble with the idea of living in a country which is religiously pluralistic in nature. Respect for religious beliefs is a two way street. If you don't show an ounce of consideration for those of a religion besides your own, you won't get it back.

Most of Americans who identify with the faith of Christianity do not feel persecuted.
I am Christian and have never been discriminated against in my 57 years.
You folks are funny. You have NO CLUE what it is like to be discriminated against.
I grew up in it and saw it. Christians are persecuted in other countries as many religions, spceifically Jews, are but not here.
Funny stuff here. Love it!!

I think discriminated against is too strong of a word. To put it in a proper context might be to say that Christians are harassed say like in the manner of being harassed by gnats or mosquitoes. Being harassed in this manner can be very annoying, but it is meaningless.

I am Christian and have never been discriminated against in my 57 years.
You folks are funny. You have NO CLUE what it is like to be discriminated against.
I grew up in it and saw it. Christians are persecuted in other countries as many religions, spceifically Jews, are but not here.
Funny stuff here. Love it!!

But not in this country.

When "Christians" whine about being discriminated here what they are really talking about is they aren't allowed to use their religion as an excuse to act like obnoxious rude louts. Its only Fundamentalist Christians who have this complaint. People who have trouble with the idea of living in a country which is religiously pluralistic in nature. Respect for religious beliefs is a two way street. If you don't show an ounce of consideration for those of a religion besides your own, you won't get it back.

Most of Americans who identify with the faith of Christianity do not feel persecuted.

You know, you are right. It is a two way street. I respect the religions of other people. I find it very interesting to discuss their religious beliefs. I also feel that the constant whining of the gnats that scream for the silencing of all religion in public places is damned annoying. It is annoying to be told that I can speak about any subject I want in the public arena except my faith, unless of course my speech is deemed politically incorrect by liberals.

I am Christian and have never been discriminated against in my 57 years.
You folks are funny. You have NO CLUE what it is like to be discriminated against.
I grew up in it and saw it. Christians are persecuted in other countries as many religions, spceifically Jews, are but not here.
Funny stuff here. Love it!!

But not in this country.

When "Christians" whine about being discriminated here what they are really talking about is they aren't allowed to use their religion as an excuse to act like obnoxious rude louts. Its only Fundamentalist Christians who have this complaint. People who have trouble with the idea of living in a country which is religiously pluralistic in nature. Respect for religious beliefs is a two way street. If you don't show an ounce of consideration for those of a religion besides your own, you won't get it back.

Most of Americans who identify with the faith of Christianity do not feel persecuted.

I completely agree. If you want to get respect, give it. It is disrespectful to others to continually try and convert people who aren't interested. It is disrespectful to others to say their beliefs are invalid. People are free to believe how they wish. That's the plurality of our socieity, and that's at the heart of separation of church and state. No one harasses Christians, nor discriminates against them. They have many advantages in our culture. Christians do discriminate against non-christians and they do harass no-christians. Christian get government money for their social service programs, and they are allowed to discriminate in hiring ONLY Christians. They also discriminate against gays in hiring, too. They harass people when they show up at the DMV waving their bibles and yelling at customers.

Some of us point out they have flaws, some of their churches and institutions do, and some of their church policies, IMO, are flawed. They are human, like the rest of us.

Telling lies, such as "gays caused the Holocaust", does not win respect for Christianity. That's NOT being politically incorrect, it's hate speech. There is a difference.
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I am Christian and have never been discriminated against in my 57 years.
You folks are funny. You have NO CLUE what it is like to be discriminated against.
I grew up in it and saw it. Christians are persecuted in other countries as many religions, spceifically Jews, are but not here.
Funny stuff here. Love it!!

But not in this country.

When "Christians" whine about being discriminated here what they are really talking about is they aren't allowed to use their religion as an excuse to act like obnoxious rude louts. Its only Fundamentalist Christians who have this complaint. People who have trouble with the idea of living in a country which is religiously pluralistic in nature. Respect for religious beliefs is a two way street. If you don't show an ounce of consideration for those of a religion besides your own, you won't get it back.

Most of Americans who identify with the faith of Christianity do not feel persecuted.

You know, you are right. It is a two way street. I respect the religions of other people. I find it very interesting to discuss their religious beliefs. I also feel that the constant whining of the gnats that scream for the silencing of all religion in public places is damned annoying. It is annoying to be told that I can speak about any subject I want in the public arena except my faith, unless of course my speech is deemed politically incorrect by liberals.


You can speak about it in public places. You can't have government sponsor or support that speech in any way.
Street preachers are the perfect example. NO law stops them and it is the ACLU that defends them each and every time a code is passed to ban it. They win every case.
Big difference.
But not in this country.

When "Christians" whine about being discriminated here what they are really talking about is they aren't allowed to use their religion as an excuse to act like obnoxious rude louts. Its only Fundamentalist Christians who have this complaint. People who have trouble with the idea of living in a country which is religiously pluralistic in nature. Respect for religious beliefs is a two way street. If you don't show an ounce of consideration for those of a religion besides your own, you won't get it back.

Most of Americans who identify with the faith of Christianity do not feel persecuted.

You know, you are right. It is a two way street. I respect the religions of other people. I find it very interesting to discuss their religious beliefs. I also feel that the constant whining of the gnats that scream for the silencing of all religion in public places is damned annoying. It is annoying to be told that I can speak about any subject I want in the public arena except my faith, unless of course my speech is deemed politically incorrect by liberals.


You can speak about it in public places. You can't have government sponsor or support that speech in any way.
Street preachers are the perfect example. NO law stops them and it is the ACLU that defends them each and every time a code is passed to ban it. They win every case.
Big difference.

Again, it is not that they can stop it. It is their efforts to stop it.

And street preachers are a prime example. They can be as annoying as hell, but they have the right to preach on the corners if they want. Neither you, I nor Sky Dancer has the right to try to shut them up. If they annoy me, then I must go find another street corner to eat lunch at, or tune them out.

Street preachers are one thing. Preachers inside the DMV during business hours are another.

Some yoyo preacher provoked his own arrest by repeatedly going to DMV and harassing customers. He even came with his own video camera so he could show the "discrimination" against him. That's bullshit.

Christians are taking the "culture war" that THEY CREATED, too far.
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You know, you are right. It is a two way street. I respect the religions of other people. I find it very interesting to discuss their religious beliefs. I also feel that the constant whining of the gnats that scream for the silencing of all religion in public places is damned annoying. It is annoying to be told that I can speak about any subject I want in the public arena except my faith, unless of course my speech is deemed politically incorrect by liberals.


You can speak about it in public places. You can't have government sponsor or support that speech in any way.
Street preachers are the perfect example. NO law stops them and it is the ACLU that defends them each and every time a code is passed to ban it. They win every case.
Big difference.

Again, it is not that they can stop it. It is their efforts to stop it.

And street preachers are a prime example. They can be as annoying as hell, but they have the right to preach on the corners if they want. Neither you, I nor Sky Dancer has the right to try to shut them up. If they annoy me, then I must go find another street corner to eat lunch at, or tune them out.


My county has the most churches per capita in Georgia. They had a ban on street preaching at one time. And guess who wanted the code banning it? The local merchants stated it disrupted their breakfast and lunchtime traffic into their businesses, mostly restaurants serving the downtown area which is primarily county government buildings.
And all of those merchants are Republican and influential in their churches also.There is not a Democrat elected official in this county and the Chamber of Commerce is all Republicans as officials there.
So the myth is it is "liberals", the anti God and anti religous that are the loudest opponents. We hear that myth here all the time. No evidence of that here and very little anywhere else. Poppy cock that Rush and Sean parrot all the time. Madelyn Murray O'Haire, the fat crooked swine that she was started that as she was an atheist. However, most all of the supporters of seperation of church and state here are Christian and active.
Street preachers are one thing. Preachers inside the DMV during business hours are another.

Some yoyo preacher provoked his own arrest by repeatedly going to DMV and harassing customers. He even came with his own video camera so he could show the "discrimination" against him. That's bullshit.

Christians are taking the "culture war" that THEY CREATED, too far.

If this is the guy you are talking about, it says that he was outside the DMV, not inside.


Street preachers are one thing. Preachers inside the DMV during business hours are another.

Some yoyo preacher provoked his own arrest by repeatedly going to DMV and harassing customers. He even came with his own video camera so he could show the "discrimination" against him. That's bullshit.

Christians are taking the "culture war" that THEY CREATED, too far.

If this is the guy you are talking about, it says that he was outside the DMV, not inside.

Man Arrested Outside Calif. DMV for Reading His Bible Out Loud | Video | TheBlaze.com


He was inside numerous times before he was outside. Get your facts straight. He came with a camera. He was deliberately provoking his arrest.

Does a guy creating a public disturbance get a pass because he happens to be Christian?


You guys are so "persecuted". God forbid you would have to obey the same laws as everyone else.
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