Who will Liberals Blame


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
After last night's epic beat down, the big question today will be who will the Democrats blame?
They only have themselves to blame. They nominated a candidate so bad, that a retarded oragnutan with a dead ferret on it's head was able to beat her.
They only have themselves to blame. They nominated a candidate so bad, that a retarded oragnutan with a dead ferret on it's head was able to beat her.
They never blame themselves. It is always some body else's fault.
They only have themselves to blame. They nominated a candidate so bad, that a retarded oragnutan with a dead ferret on it's head was able to beat her.
They never blame themselves. It is always some body else's fault.

Well, I don’t know who I’m blaming more here…her or me.

Campaigns are about packaging and the package. Humans have 3 dimensions. I was very happy with Clinton’s packaging of ready, competent and experienced. President Elect Trump showed his dimensions that were not always presentable or professional….

I thought the American people would veer toward ready, competent, and experienced. They better liked textured and down to earth.

Can’t blame the people. You have to blame the candidate and the packagers and yes, folks like me, who gave them the thumbs up.
They only have themselves to blame. They nominated a candidate so bad, that a retarded oragnutan with a dead ferret on it's head was able to beat her.
They never blame themselves. It is always some body else's fault.

Well, I don’t know who I’m blaming more here…her or me.

Campaigns are about packaging and the package. Humans have 3 dimensions. I was very happy with Clinton’s packaging of ready, competent and experienced. President Elect Trump showed his dimensions that were not always presentable or professional….

I thought the American people would veer toward ready, competent, and experienced. They better liked textured and down to earth.

Can’t blame the people. You have to blame the candidate and the packagers and yes, folks like me, who gave them the thumbs up.
Your error was being a linear thinker instead of thinking cyclically.
They only have themselves to blame. They nominated a candidate so bad, that a retarded oragnutan with a dead ferret on it's head was able to beat her.

I wouldn't blame the Democratic voters all that much for their nomination of Hillary. The only legitimate alternative their party offered up was nothing but an Indepentent-old-socialist. Meanwhile the GOP provided us at least a half dozen realistic contenders.

I''d hang this one on Hillary herself. With her e-mail server and the Clinton Foundation, she made Slick Willie seem like an amateur.
I am guessing that the Fall Guy will be George Bush....just because that is the default position for all Democratic/Bolshevik Dumb-Asses...and there has not been time to update the talking points they get from...who knows where...Oz maybe.
I am guessing that the Fall Guy will be George Bush....just because that is the default position for all Democratic/Bolshevik Dumb-Asses...and there has not been time to update the talking points they get from...who knows where...Oz maybe.

Pretty Spot On. Thanks.
It appears that the leading candidates for who Democrats will blame are global warming, white men and George Bush!
Did any one mention Fox News? Let's not leave them off of the list.

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