Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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That’s not how it played out from what I saw. Trump whined about how bad things are. Was light on substance and solutions. Kamala talked about a new chapter and laid out her agenda… she was also light on details
Her details are to spread money around; $50,000 here, $25,000, there, $6,000 over here. And raise taxes on the rich, more money to buy votes with next time.
It was pretty much a draw. It'll change few minds.


I give Trump a C-.
I give Harris a C-.

  • Harris looked nervous,
  • she went off into euphemistic word salad epithets full of vague idealisms,
  • she never explained why she hasn't already tried to fix all these problems that occurred on her watch,
  • seldom directly answered questions,
  • and she stood off making funny, mocking faces looking childish. She looked weak.
But Trump could have been better, too.
  • He looked angry, probably because he hates ABC for their slander of him, and I'm sure he can't stand being near Harris!
  • But Trump still fails to give clear, simple, well-worded, direct, cogent answers as he just isn't a disciplined public speaker! Instead he gets side-tracked, goes off on tangents and gets lost in circular, repetitive answers.
  • He failed to point out to the viewer to simply ask themselves whether they have been better off these past few years or back in 2018, 2019 when he was president. This would have resolved who would be and has been the better leader.
  • He failed to simply point out on foreign policy that the only time the USA has not been at war and the world at peace was when he was in office!
  • He could have gotten over the issue about people eating cats and dogs in Ohio and feeding democrats talking points by simply saying that this is what he has heard reported in the news, instead of treating it as a known factual event. Now if the story turns out to be fake news, he looks like a crazy conspiracy theorist.
  • He should stop taking credit for ending RvW and just point out that the SC did what was constitutionally required and that the president doesn't (and shouldn't) set abortion policy, so only has an opinion, but that ultimately, it is a state issue that should be settled by the people, taking himself out of the abortion topic.
  • He failed to point out that the protest on J6 turned ugly only after the crowd was incited by the Cap police, and that he was powerless to do anything really as he couldn't go down there (he wasn't allowed) and just wave his hands yelling STOP! and it was impractical to think 10,000 people would be checking their cellphones during a riot to see Trump tweeting to stop, much less have listened. That implies he actually CONTROLLED the mob, which he didn't. The only solution was to keep it from starting in the first place by having the required police there to prevent it from starting, and Pelosi nixed that.
So the debate was pretty much a failure all around.
  1. The moderators failed to turn off mics at times letting both speak.
  2. The moderators got involved in fact-checking (trump) yet not Harris much (which isn't their jobs.
  3. The set stunk.
  4. There was far too little actual policy substance between the two.
  5. Harris started every sentence with the word 'so,' looked nervous, looked unprofessional and unpresidential, and did not instill confidence.
  6. Trump constantly looked angry, rattled, and he replies went all over the place on several subjects, often having nothing to do with the question, leaving the viewer lost what point he had intended to make, instead of simple, cogent replies.
  7. Harris seemed to bait Trump with accusations and it seemed fairly effective in getting Trump miffed, but he could have handled it much better by staying calm and clear.
In the end, it won't change minds, the democrats will regard it as a soaring success for Harris and the republicans will probably say the same of Trump but only the polls will tell. Fact is that if Trump is so bad, he still ties Harris neck & neck! Apparently Harris cannot swamp even a convicted felon! But Trump also missed a big opportunity to put her clearly away and looked frazzled, unprepared and unsettled instead.

What these two really need is another debate, another chance to go at each other, but I question whether Harris will let that happen. I know Trump would be all for it.
Do you think Harris effectively baited Trump landed some blows?

She seemed to be steering him off track into angry rants that he usually saves for his rallies and base but sound unhinged to moderate voters… she seemed to provoke and mock which is usually the roll Trump plays
Yes. If anything, Trump punched himself more than she did.

She was really quite weak.

But he stole the show.
Her only real stumble was the first answer where she dodged the question to jump into a prepared opening statement. After that she seemed to control the flow, poking Trump and then letting him rant like a madman
After the debate....
Both sides rush to claim victory.
Kinda SOP. Dems have MSM to get a jump on the claim.
However in three days to a week after the polls will reflect the truth of who won...
Just like usual.

Now will Kamala do a fox debate in October with less moderator assistance?
We shall see.
Harris showed the real Trump to America

Wasn’t pretty
You mean her thus your interp of him- created by the Media and DNC demonization and Mandela effect.
Don't be so gullible McFly, if he was so bad why did she/they/you need to lie to make up those bad things that has nothing to do with his policy and performance Residing as President?
I mean really, she literally called the lowest unemployment he had "the highest unemployment ever".
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Well, certainly not what I was hopeing for, but more what I was expecting.

If he loses this election, it will be because he lost it.

And will never want to hear his name again.

Sure she was terrible.

Sure the mods were biased.

But he flat out pissed away chance after chance in exchange for the opportunity to look stupid.
I thought you said you didn't see it
Honestly I think it was a draw. Trump's final statement was the single best thing said.

Agreed. I think during his closing statement it might have served Trump well to just take a deep breath, calm down, and speak directly to the camera instead of the moderators.
And because it was a draw, I think this demands a second debate.
After the debate....
Both sides rush to claim victory.
Kinda SOP. Dems have MSM to get a jump on the claim.
However in three days to a week after the polls will reflect the truth of who won...
Just like usual.

Now will Kamala do a fox debate in October with less moderator assistance?
We shall see.
Trump said on Fox he won so he doesn’t need to do another debate. He said that only losers want a rematch. I just saw him say that on Hannity

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