Who works for minimum wage?

Doesn't surprise me. I had already figured that those who worked in a service role, lie fast food, would be paid the least. The age group didn't surprise me either, however, I would have thought that men and women would be equal, instead of finding that women are more likely to be paid at a low rate.

Women have different expectations about the workplace than men, are more like to pursue different professions and work less hours overall. Women on average value flexibility. As a result, they make less on average.
Doesn't surprise me. I had already figured that those who worked in a service role, lie fast food, would be paid the least. The age group didn't surprise me either, however, I would have thought that men and women would be equal, instead of finding that women are more likely to be paid at a low rate.

You were unaware that women get paid less than men? Welcome from under the rock!
Doesn't surprise me. I had already figured that those who worked in a service role, lie fast food, would be paid the least. The age group didn't surprise me either, however, I would have thought that men and women would be equal, instead of finding that women are more likely to be paid at a low rate.

Women have different expectations about the workplace than men, are more like to pursue different professions and work less hours overall. Women on average value flexibility. As a result, they make less on average.

Your kidding right? Women CEO's that make 20%-30% less than their male counterparts have 'different expectations about the workplace'? You've got to be a man dressing as a woman.
Doesn't surprise me. I had already figured that those who worked in a service role, lie fast food, would be paid the least. The age group didn't surprise me either, however, I would have thought that men and women would be equal, instead of finding that women are more likely to be paid at a low rate.

You were unaware that women get paid less than men? Welcome from under the rock!

I have NEVER been paid less than men, in any job capacity. I have usually been the highest earner. One can overcome any challenge, if one takes the right steps to develop their strengths and has the courage to overcome their weaknesses.
When I worked for minimum wage, I needed more money, and found two roommates. It wasn't perfect, but it fit all our needs at the time. Much fun was had, and our apartment was very nice.

I also found a second part time job. :D

There is always a way to get there from here, I have found.

The fact that you were working and had to find roommates is the problem. The very sad problem.

I didn't see it as a problem at all. I saw it as a solution.

So your efforts were substandard and you deserved the substandard pay?
Employee costs are 100% deductible.

As a former AND current employer....Yeah...Really.

There are no positive aspects to paying a better than average wage?

1. Lower to zero turn-over which costs a ton of cash.

2. Ability to attract better employees.

3. Ability to steal top employees from your competitor.

4. Lower if any customer failures.

Yeah, you will find that your workers will be very happy, they will work very hard and productivity will be maximized, but you will also be able to find that your employees will be unable to re-coop their cost and your business will fail.

Didn't occur in the first two that I owned and sold for an ungodly amount, and not currently happening in the two companies I Angel Invest which are coming up to their 4th year and looking at a $6M net.

That's a nice personal anecdote, but the world doesn't operate this way. Most businesses today operate on razor thin margins. These low wage employers would barely be able to stay afloat with a $10 - $12 minimum wage, let alone a $23.50 minimum wage. All the jobs which doesn't generate a profit at this level will cease to exist.

Very easy to see what a 227% increase in the minimum wage would lead to. Or even a 122% increase in the minimum wage for that matter.

Just look at American Samoa...
Doesn't surprise me. I had already figured that those who worked in a service role, lie fast food, would be paid the least. The age group didn't surprise me either, however, I would have thought that men and women would be equal, instead of finding that women are more likely to be paid at a low rate.

You were unaware that women get paid less than men? Welcome from under the rock!

I have NEVER been paid less than men, in any job capacity. I have usually been the highest earner. One can overcome any challenge, if one takes the right steps to develop their strengths and has the courage to overcome their weaknesses.

Congrats! You're one of the small percentage of exceptions.
Doesn't surprise me. I had already figured that those who worked in a service role, lie fast food, would be paid the least. The age group didn't surprise me either, however, I would have thought that men and women would be equal, instead of finding that women are more likely to be paid at a low rate.

Women have different expectations about the workplace than men, are more like to pursue different professions and work less hours overall. Women on average value flexibility. As a result, they make less on average.

Your kidding right? Women CEO's that make 20%-30% less than their male counterparts have 'different expectations about the workplace'? You've got to be a man dressing as a woman.

Only 20% of CEO compensation is salary based. You should already know this, being a 'One Percenter' and all.
The fact that you were working and had to find roommates is the problem. The very sad problem.

I didn't see it as a problem at all. I saw it as a solution.

So your efforts were substandard and you deserved the substandard pay?

I didn't consider it substandard pay. It motivated me to stay in college and continue learning, so I could earn more money, doing my own thing, which was to become self-employed.

"To most of our questions, we are the answer. To most of our problems, WE are the solution. "

I have always understood that. :D

Night-night....and thanks for the civil discourse...:)
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As a former AND current employer....Yeah...Really.

Yeah, you will find that your workers will be very happy, they will work very hard and productivity will be maximized, but you will also be able to find that your employees will be unable to re-coop their cost and your business will fail.

Didn't occur in the first two that I owned and sold for an ungodly amount, and not currently happening in the two companies I Angel Invest which are coming up to their 4th year and looking at a $6M net.

That's a nice personal anecdote, but the world doesn't operate this way. Most businesses today operate on razor thin margins. These low wage employers would barely be able to stay afloat with a $10 - $12 minimum wage, let alone a $23.50 minimum wage. All the jobs which doesn't generate a profit at this level will cease to exist.

Very easy to see what a 227% increase in the minimum wage would lead to. Or even a 122% increase in the minimum wage for that matter.

Just look at American Samoa...

So with every American receiving a huge raise that will double and triple their spendable income will turn the US into American Samoa? Like they're even comparable. :lol:
Didn't occur in the first two that I owned and sold for an ungodly amount, and not currently happening in the two companies I Angel Invest which are coming up to their 4th year and looking at a $6M net.

That's a nice personal anecdote, but the world doesn't operate this way. Most businesses today operate on razor thin margins. These low wage employers would barely be able to stay afloat with a $10 - $12 minimum wage, let alone a $23.50 minimum wage. All the jobs which doesn't generate a profit at this level will cease to exist.

Very easy to see what a 227% increase in the minimum wage would lead to. Or even a 122% increase in the minimum wage for that matter.

Just look at American Samoa...

So with every American receiving a huge raise that will double and triple their spendable income will turn the US into American Samoa? Like they're even comparable. :lol:

Now you're invoking Special Pleading.

Special pleading - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wages are a commodity, which means it's not an issue of demographics. Either a substantial increase in the minimum wage is good for the economy, or it isn't. If it's 'theoretically' good for the US, why wasn't it good for American Samoa?
That's a nice personal anecdote, but the world doesn't operate this way. Most businesses today operate on razor thin margins. These low wage employers would barely be able to stay afloat with a $10 - $12 minimum wage, let alone a $23.50 minimum wage. All the jobs which doesn't generate a profit at this level will cease to exist.

Very easy to see what a 227% increase in the minimum wage would lead to. Or even a 122% increase in the minimum wage for that matter.

Just look at American Samoa...

So with every American receiving a huge raise that will double and triple their spendable income will turn the US into American Samoa? Like they're even comparable. :lol:

Now you're invoking Special Pleading.

Special pleading - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wages are a commodity, which means it's not an issue of demographics. Either a substantial increase in the minimum wage is good for the economy, or it isn't. If it's 'theoretically' good for the US, why wasn't it good for American Samoa?

Wages are a human commodity. America Samoa doesn't have the domestic product infrastructure like the US.
So with every American receiving a huge raise that will double and triple their spendable income will turn the US into American Samoa? Like they're even comparable. :lol:

Now you're invoking Special Pleading.

Special pleading - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wages are a commodity, which means it's not an issue of demographics. Either a substantial increase in the minimum wage is good for the economy, or it isn't. If it's 'theoretically' good for the US, why wasn't it good for American Samoa?

Wages are a human commodity. America Samoa doesn't have the domestic product infrastructure like the US.

I don't see what this has to do with wage increases being good for the economy.
Black women with bad additudes at BK and Mickey D's
What because of this maybe ?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjtnAK0KcOk]McNuggets Rampage Woman Goes Crazy At Drive Thru Assault Caught On Security Cam - YouTube[/ame]

These people need a medal....Wow.
Now you're invoking Special Pleading.

Special pleading - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wages are a commodity, which means it's not an issue of demographics. Either a substantial increase in the minimum wage is good for the economy, or it isn't. If it's 'theoretically' good for the US, why wasn't it good for American Samoa?

Wages are a human commodity. America Samoa doesn't have the domestic product infrastructure like the US.

I don't see what this has to do with wage increases being good for the economy.
There needs to be an entrance wage set in each company, as based upon each specific business and it's setting of the entrance wage by what it deems correct, but it needs to be a wage worth working for (imho), and then there needs to be a structural system of wage increases afterwards, that will have a top out within so many years if a person decides to hang in there for the company as is his or her choice. Companies who have joined together in order to form a unity against paying their workers by some kind of structural pay system, is a company or companies that need to be looked at heavily by the feds for other dubious workings and goings on within them (imho), because I guarantee you that they are crooked in other ways if they have decided to shaft their employee's by not having a proper pay wage system, that at least has an entrance pay set up, and then a wage increase scale set up until exits are made by the employee who decided to stay on and be loyal to a company till the very end.

Companies with no pay scale systems are highly suspect to me in why they have abandoned this concept over the years. Greed is a problem that has evolved over the years, and it keeps being revisited by these companies in unity there of, and if they would just put back in place proper pay scales, and an entrance level living wage, and it is one that is based upon the type of company and it's long term goals, these problems would not even exist today in our nation.
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Why would anyone attack the source, you have not used it to make a POINT.

You seem to be a regular at posting something and then not making a point about it. There is nothing to debate if you do not bring a subject and a contention to the table. Please clarify what you are getting at, why you used this particular graph and what your goals are for the thread. That might make debate possible.

Kinda hard to make a point when there isn't one.
Wages are a human commodity. America Samoa doesn't have the domestic product infrastructure like the US.

I don't see what this has to do with wage increases being good for the economy.
There needs to be an entrance wage set in each company, as based upon each specific business and it's setting of the entrance wage by what it deems correct, but it needs to be a wage worth working for (imho), and then there needs to be a structural system of wage increases afterwards, that will have a top out within so many years if a person decides to hang in there for the company as is his or her choice. Companies who have joined together in order to form a unity against paying their workers by some kind of structural pay system, is a company or companies that need to be looked at heavily by the feds for other dubious workings and goings on within them (imho), because I guarantee you that they are crooked in other ways if they have decided to shaft their employee's by not having a proper pay wage system, that at least has an entrance pay set up, and then a wage increase scale set up until exits are made by the employee who decided to stay on and be loyal to a company till the very end.

Companies with no pay scale systems are highly suspect to me in why they have abandoned this concept over the years. Greed is a problem that has evolved over the years, and it keeps being revisited by these companies in unity there of, and if they would just put back in place proper pay scales, and an entrance level living wage, and is one that is based upon the type of company and it's long term goals, these problems would not even exist today in our nation.
There are many companies that have no real pay scale. They have a pay range for each job classification. This allows them to hire the best qualified at the time at the lowest acceptable pay. So two workers with similar jobs and equivalent qualifications may have big differences in pay. Workers are often forbidden from discussing salaries and people can end up making as much or more than their boss.

In my experience, companies that do this have a high turnover rate and depend as much on contract employees as they do permanent employees.
4.7% of the workers are at or below minimum wage. The majority are under 25.

And still the right gets ticked because they can stay on their parent's insurance. They want these people to work their way up but they forget to explain how you pay your college tuition, rent, car pymt, child care and the odd new t-shirt.

We really do need to invest in our own country but the right is against that.
Why would anyone attack the source, you have not used it to make a POINT.

You seem to be a regular at posting something and then not making a point about it. There is nothing to debate if you do not bring a subject and a contention to the table. Please clarify what you are getting at, why you used this particular graph and what your goals are for the thread. That might make debate possible.

Kinda hard to make a point when there isn't one.

Actually, me stating an opinion or pov does not make or break debate. In the case of this graphic, it stands quite well on its on. But, then, the facts always do.

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