Who would Republicans vote for if it was these two?

So, let's see here

Neither are intelligent and neither are qualified to be President.

On the other hand, one is a pedophile, and one isn't. One has indulged in much in criminal behavior by selling political influence, and one hasn't. One is supported by a vast network of globalist interests aiming to undermine American sovereignty, and one isn't. One poops his pants, and one doesn't.

Seems a pretty clear choice to me.

Oh, and I forgot.

One scores touchdowns and one falls off his bike.
That about sums it up. ;)
Yes, by a country mile. Biden took money from Russia, Ukraine, China and several other countries.
President Trump sold Saudi Arabia nuclear technology. Not a good idea. Then after the Saudi's gave Jared $3 billion dollars. Are you kidding?
President Trump sold Saudi Arabia nuclear technology. Not a good idea. Then after the Saudi's gave Jared $3 billion dollars. Are you kidding?
could you be more specific about this nuclear tech trump sold???

they didnt give jared 3 billion dollars,,
Steve Harvey was ripping Hershel Walker on the radio this morning. It was so true and funny. He said Hershel Walker in the most ignorant n*$r the Republicans could find. Beats his wife, can't spell, he's stupid. He has no business being a politician. And yet white Republicans don't mind voting for a piece of shit as long as the shit spells R and votes R.

I/we truly believe deep down the southern white Republicans are laughing at what a ignorant dope Hershel is and they love it that he's like a cartoon character the way he looks and talks. It's comical. And yet you would make him president over Biden. That says a lot.

My nephew tried to wiggle out of answering the question. "He would never be the nominee". I said that's not an appropriate answer to my question. Biden or Walker. He said he'd vote for Biden. So my nephew isn't completely that far gone.....yet. Give him time he's only 21.
Steve Harvey and the rest of the lefts problems isn't what Walker did years and decades ago, it's because he has the audacity to be a Republican when the Democrats mandate that all minorities must support the party.
could you be more specific about this nuclear tech trump sold???

they didnt give jared 3 billion dollars,,
Yes they did. Look it up. Google it and tell us what you find. I'm not your monkey boy I know what happened.

No, Trump didn't sell Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons but just like Obama allows Iran to play with nuclear energy, Trump sold Saudi the ability to do so. As if they aren't to be feared. As if they should have nuclear capabilities. Most of the 9-11 hyjackers were Saudi's. Then they killed that reporter. Very very corrupt and we sold them nukes on Trump's watch.

Then later they Saudi's gave Jared $3 billion. What did he do to deserve that? You cry about Hunter making a measly $1 million a year. Jared got $3 billion and you don't mind. What a fucking hypocrite loser you must be

Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund’s advisers about the merits of the deal.

You must be naive and gullable. Or just an ignorant fool. Or liar.
Yes they did. Look it up. Google it and tell us what you find. I'm not your monkey boy I know what happened.

No, Trump didn't sell Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons but just like Obama allows Iran to play with nuclear energy, Trump sold Saudi the ability to do so. As if they aren't to be feared. As if they should have nuclear capabilities. Most of the 9-11 hyjackers were Saudi's. Then they killed that reporter. Very very corrupt and we sold them nukes on Trump's watch.

Then later they Saudi's gave Jared $3 billion. What did he do to deserve that? You cry about Hunter making a measly $1 million a year. Jared got $3 billion and you don't mind. What a fucking hypocrite loser you must be

Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund’s advisers about the merits of the deal.

You must be naive and gullable. Or just an ignorant fool. Or liar.
one has to wonder what trump could have gotten done if the dems werent spending all their time attacking him,, I am sure he would have gotten us out of afgan without arming the enemy like biden did,,,

as for jared his company got the money not him and hunters money was for buying american tech companies that specialized in military tech,, I call that a traitor dont you,, and thats not even getting into the cut for the big guy,, you know him better as pedo peter,,

biden has been fleecing this country for over 40 yrs and you still voted for him,, trump never fleeced us and I still didnt vote for him,,
one has to wonder what trump could have gotten done if the dems werent spending all their time attacking him,, I am sure he would have gotten us out of afgan without arming the enemy like biden did,,,

as for jared his company got the money not him and hunters money was for buying american tech companies that specialized in military tech,, I call that a traitor dont you,, and thats not even getting into the cut for the big guy,, you know him better as pedo peter,,

biden has been fleecing this country for over 40 yrs and you still voted for him,, trump never fleeced us and I still didnt vote for him,,
So it's okay if the money goes through a corporation. Got it. LOL.

Or a Foundation.
Biden verse Herschel Walker?

Im trying to prove a point.
You’d have to pick someone a lot worse than Walker to come close to the worst, most disastrous President this country has ever had.

I can’t think of any prospective or current politician that would look worse than Joe Biden as a candidate.

He won’t be running again. Though his ass should have been 25th Amendment removed from office and hopefully he will be impeached since Democrats have no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law and wouldn’t remove a nakedly obvious dementia patient from executive authority.
You’d have to pick someone a lot worse than Walker to come close to the worst, most disastrous President this country has ever had.

I can’t think of any prospective or current politician that would look worse than Joe Biden as a candidate.

He won’t be running again. Though his ass should have been 25th Amendment removed from office and hopefully he will be impeached since Democrats have no respect for the Constitution or the rule of law and wouldn’t remove a nakedly obvious dementia patient from executive authority.
So what are you going to impeach Biden for?
So what are you going to impeach Biden for?
to many choices,, best one would be quid pro quo with a foreign country to effect the elections here,, and then theres espionage to undermine the country by having his son work for a hostile foreign country to buy american military secrets,,

so many reasons but so little time,,
to many choices,, best one would be quid pro quo with a foreign country to effect the elections here,, and then theres espionage to undermine the country by having his son work for a hostile foreign country to buy american military secrets,,

so many reasons but so little time,,
So unproven false allegations. Good luck with that.

Is Ukraine hostile to the USA now?
So unproven false allegations. Good luck with that.

Is Ukraine hostile to the USA now?
all has been proven,,,

no in ukraine that was a pure for profit scam,,
I'm talking about how biden flew his son on air force two to china for a private equity deal,,

of course we also have how biden used his office to get his brother government contracts in Iraq and central america
all has been proven,,,

no in ukraine that was a pure for profit scam,,
I'm talking about how biden flew his son on air force two to china for a private equity deal,,

of course we also have how biden used his office to get his brother government contracts in Iraq and central america
I've never heard of any of this. Don't believe it. Need more evidence. And since you guys have kept this conspiracy under wraps, I'll wait to hear the lies when you're back in power.

It's easier to lie when Dennis Hastert or Paul Ryan is in charge.
Yes they did. Look it up. Google it and tell us what you find. I'm not your monkey boy I know what happened.
Why do you refuse to understand that when you make a claim, the onus is on you to back it up?
Your claim is false. Prove otherwise.
I've never heard of any of this. Don't believe it. Need more evidence. And since you guys have kept this conspiracy under wraps, I'll wait to hear the lies when you're back in power.

It's easier to lie when Dennis Hastert or Paul Ryan is in charge.
figures you havent heard about any of it,,

its all well documented here,,

I've never heard of any of this. Don't believe it. Need more evidence. And since you guys have kept this conspiracy under wraps, I'll wait to hear the lies when you're back in power.

It's easier to lie when Dennis Hastert or Paul Ryan is in charge.
When the Nazi's take over, thank god most of my nazi friends don't believe me when I tell them I'm a liberal. Because I don't sound like one. I don't look like one. I am critical of other races just like Republicans are. I say fuck the poor too. I know for the have's in this country trickle down with no unions is the best. But I'm a worker. I may not be in a union but I know without them, all workers are screwed even non union workers because unions bring everyones wages up. Even non union workers. Why else do they think their company pays them so well? For fear they'll unionize.

Anyways, I'm white, a male, make good money, no debt. When interest goes up to 20%, that will only help me because I have a lot of investments that I want the interest rates to be 4% not .05% on my money. It's about time they raise interest rates. But that's going to affect a lot of you nazi's. That's okay you'll blame the former Democratic party people for your woes and like Putin supporters, forgive your leaders of all their crimes because they're your criminals. Tribal.

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