Who would Republicans vote for if it was these two?

Depends. Did they swallow your narrative? Do they blame Democrats? Do they think Republicans will do better?

Most voters are sheep. Things not going well, change parties. They forget these are election riggers who won't impeach a corrupt president who tried to steal our elections and fuck democracy.

I may not love Putin's opposition but they're better than him. But Putin supporters love Putin. He must be better for their economy.

Signed the Inflation Reduction Act​

Improved health care for veterans​

Signed the CHIPS and Science Act​

Ended America’s longest war​

Passed the American Rescue Plan​

Biggest year of job growth in American history​

Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law​

Took action to combat the climate crisis and reduce emissions​

Expanded health care to millions of Americans​

Appointed pro choice judges

Took big steps toward a future made in America​

Since President Biden took office, he has been relentlessly focused on revitalizing American manufacturing.

Manufacturing is most important industry and it's been doing fine under Biden.

I could go on and on but I will stop here.

Didn't he do a child tax credit thingy too?
You just listed the very things that CAUSED the inflation that's killing Americans right now, Sealy and claimed them as a positive! I'm sorry but they were AWFUL policy decisions that Democrats thought would buy them votes with all of the stuff they were giving away but what they actually did was create the worst inflation we've had since Carter was in office!

And I can't believe you have the nerve to claim the end of the Afghanistan war as a plus for the Biden Administration! Have you forgotten how badly they botched that?
Are you voting for Republicans or Democrats today?

Good! I hope you didn't give Republicans your vote today!!!
most likely not,, but since schmidt told the feds to fuck off I might vote for him as a thank you,,

to date I have never voted for a dem or repube at the fed level and very few times at the state,,

if you dont want me to vote for repubes then you for sure dont want me voting for dems since they are ten times worse,,,
You just listed the very things that CAUSED the inflation that's killing Americans right now, Sealy and claimed them as a positive! I'm sorry but they were AWFUL policy decisions that Democrats thought would buy them votes with all of the stuff they were giving away but what they actually did was create the worst inflation we've had since Carter was in office!

And I can't believe you have the nerve to claim the end of the Afghanistan war as a plus for the Biden Administration! Have you forgotten how badly they botched that?
Trump's tax breaks to EVERYONE caused inflation.

You guys weren't impressed with Obama getting BinLadin or Biden getting out of Afganistan. I know. It wasn't good enough. You would have done better. LOL.
Trump's tax breaks to EVERYONE caused inflation.

You guys weren't impressed with Obama getting BinLadin or Biden getting out of Afganistan. I know. It wasn't good enough. You would have done better. LOL.
obama didnt get bin laden and biden fucked up the withdraw and ended up arming terrorist with the most advanced weapon we have
to many choices,, best one would be quid pro quo with a foreign country to effect the elections here,, and then theres espionage to undermine the country by having his son work for a hostile foreign country to buy american military secrets,,

so many reasons but so little time,,
Is it true Democrats have picked up 1 Senate seat and Republicans have lost one? So far?

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