Who would Republicans vote for if it was these two?

Steve Harvey was ripping Hershel Walker on the radio this morning. It was so true and funny. He said Hershel Walker in the most ignorant n*$r the Republicans could find. Beats his wife, can't spell, he's stupid. He has no business being a politician. And yet white Republicans don't mind voting for a piece of shit as long as the shit spells R and votes R.

I/we truly believe deep down the southern white Republicans are laughing at what a ignorant dope Hershel is and they love it that he's like a cartoon character the way he looks and talks. It's comical. And yet you would make him president over Biden. That says a lot.

My nephew tried to wiggle out of answering the question. "He would never be the nominee". I said that's not an appropriate answer to my question. Biden or Walker. He said he'd vote for Biden. So my nephew isn't completely that far gone.....yet. Give him time he's only 21.
You’d have to make a point to prove a point.
You would vote for a horrible human being like Hershel Walker over Biden. So please stop telling us how bad Whitmer is or Pelosi or Clinton or Obama. You're lying. They are all great. You just don't like anyone who's a D. You're clearly not open minded. Brainwashed if you ask me.

Anyways, this explains why you guys don't care how many laws Trump breaks. You are like Putin supporters. You don't care that he's corrupt. He's your guy. Got it.

I suppose we did the same thing for Clinton but that was just about lying about cheating on your wife. Clinton should have done what Trump did. Plead the 5th.
You’d have to make a point to prove a point.
You guys don't even care that trump is a hypocrite and liar. Here is a great example. You all agreed with him when he said only guilty people plead the fifth. Then months later Trump had to testify and he plead the 5th.

Then you said that doesn't mean he's guilty. LOL.
You guys don't even care that trump is a hypocrite and liar. Here is a great example. You all agreed with him when he said only guilty people plead the fifth. Then months later Trump had to testify and he plead the 5th.

Then you said that doesn't mean he's guilty. LOL.
Did it matter to you when you voted for that douchebag Biden?
Clinton did the best, but that's like saying a category 1 hurricane is better than a category 5 hurricane.
Clinton was amazing.

But I can see why you like him best. He went along with the GOP the most. I remember he was called the Great Triangulator. That means he would give the GOP something but he would get something in return too. Great negotiator.

And willing to see us out. He signed NAFTA. He deregulated the media in 1996. I believe it was called the 1996 Telecommunications Act. It allowed Republicans to buy up and control all the radio stations and start brainwashing/organizing right wing nut jobs in America. They say right wing radio reaches 10 x what Fox News does. So Clinton deregulating the media was a real stab in the back to us liberals. And the funny thing is, it probably played a role in getting him impeached. Long story but it's true.

And no one can deny that the 90's were the greatest decade for workers in America. At least since Carter.
Clinton was amazing.

But I can see why you like him best. He went along with the GOP the most. I remember he was called the Great Triangulator. That means he would give the GOP something but he would get something in return too. Great negotiator.

And willing to see us out. He signed NAFTA. He deregulated the media in 1996. I believe it was called the 1996 Telecommunications Act. It allowed Republicans to buy up and control all the radio stations and start brainwashing/organizing right wing nut jobs in America. They say right wing radio reaches 10 x what Fox News does. So Clinton deregulating the media was a real stab in the back to us liberals. And the funny thing is, it probably played a role in getting him impeached. Long story but it's true.

And no one can deny that the 90's were the greatest decade for workers in America. At least since Carter.
You're just admitting that you're a Stalinist who believes in censorship. Clinton was better than Obama, but he still sucked ass.
So who would you vote for:
Stacy Abrams
Hillary Clinton

(the first 4 are proven pos)

Listen Kyzr. Trump is the biggest piece of shit and he runs your party. The second biggest piece of shit is Hershel Walker and you Republicans in GA prove you'll vote for anyone who's got a R next to their name.

If you guys can vote for Trump and Hershel and not hate yourselves, you have no business trying to judge who is and isn't a piece of shit.

Guy forced several women to get abortions, now he's anti abortion. Can't read, speak or communicate an intelligent thought and you guys are going to try to make him a Senator. Boy the rich people who run your party must be getting a big laugh out of Hershel Walker. You should hear how the black community is talking about him. The GOP picked him because he makes black people look bad. And he's still winning!!!
Guy forced several women to get abortions, now he's anti abortion. Can't read, speak or communicate an intelligent thought...
-Still- a better choice than Biden.
You disasgree? Why do you hate black people?
-Still- a better choice than Biden.
You disasgree? Why do you hate black people?
See, this is why your masters chose him. He will vote with Trump 100% of the time. Even to throw out the election results.

He will never get out of line.

Steve Harvey and Obama trash Hershel Walker for the hypocrite and ignorant bastard he is.

A recent poll stated that 39% of voters would definitely vote for Warnock and an additional 10% would probably vote for him, while 33% of voters said they would definitely give their vote to Walker and 11% probably voting for him. The poll, conducted from Oct. 20 to Oct. 24, was completed among 615 Georgia registered voters, and had a margin of error of 5 percentage points, according toMonmouth University.

That's outside the margin of error by 1% point.

Whitmer in MI is going to win. There's another loss you guys are going to suffer tomorrow.

I think Staci Abraham is going to lose but what if she wins?
See, this is why your masters chose him. He will vote with Trump 100% of the time. Even to throw out the election results.
I'm sorry you don't like the fact Walker is a better candidate than Biden, but there's nothing I can do about it.

You guys prove my point. It doesn’t matter who the pos is. Walker, trump, Luther

Moron.....give us an actual choice during a primary.....not the difference between a Republican and a piece of crap, evil minion like biden......you doofus.
Youre all making my point. Doesn’t matter how stupid, crazy, liar, evil, etc. You’re all in.

Same way putin supporters are, nazis, I’m sure even 40% of North Koreans like Kim jung un

Do you understand that biden is stupid, mentally ill, evil, and corrupt....has been his entire life...sold his political office to foreign countries to enrich himself, while destroying the lives of his own children.........

You are an idiot.
See, this is why your masters chose him. He will vote with Trump 100% of the time. Even to throw out the election results.

He will never get out of line.

Steve Harvey and Obama trash Hershel Walker for the hypocrite and ignorant bastard he is.

A recent poll stated that 39% of voters would definitely vote for Warnock and an additional 10% would probably vote for him, while 33% of voters said they would definitely give their vote to Walker and 11% probably voting for him. The poll, conducted from Oct. 20 to Oct. 24, was completed among 615 Georgia registered voters, and had a margin of error of 5 percentage points, according toMonmouth University.

That's outside the margin of error by 1% point.

Whitmer in MI is going to win. There's another loss you guys are going to suffer tomorrow.

I think Staci Abraham is going to lose but what if she wins?

Warnock is evil......and corrupt..........you moron.
You would vote for a horrible human being like Hershel Walker over Biden.
He isn’t a horrible human being. And he doesn’t have my vote. (I don’t live in Georgia. 😃) Of course I would never vote for Brandon.
So please stop telling us how bad Whitmer is or Pelosi or Clinton or Obama.

They are all hideously evil sacks of shit. No wonder you like them sillybozo.
You're lying.
No no. That’s your job

They are all great. You just don't like anyone who's a D. You're clearly not open minded. Brainwashed if you ask me.
Partial credit. I don’t vote for Dims. I prefer candidates who value our Constitution.
Anyways, this explains why you guys don't care how many laws Trump breaks.
First things first, you idiot. First you need to show that he did break laws. You’ve never met that burden, you lying turd.
You are like Putin supporters. You don't care that he's corrupt. He's your guy. Got it.
Ah. Irony.
I suppose we did the same thing for Clinton but that was just about lying about cheating on your wife.
No. It wasn’t just lying about his blow job, you liar. It was about lying under oath.
Clinton should have done what Trump did. Plead the 5th.
Maybe so. But Bubba assumed he was slick enough to get away with lying. By contrast, Trump is smart enough to know that when the holders of prosecutorial powers in this nation are out to get you, that it is unwise to assist them by saying anything.

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