Who Would Vote For This Again?

Democrat/Liberal policy was the cause of the mortgage meltdown.
That garbage is years past it's expiration date. It was proven false years ago.

The simple fact is that Republicans controlled the House from 1995-2007. Republicans controlled the Senate, and therefore all of the government from 2000-2007. Republicans held the Chairmanships of every committee during this time. They decided which Bills and legislation came up for a vote. If there are problems with mortgage lending, it was their responsibility to fix it. If there were problems with the VA, it was their responsibility to fix it.

You cannot dispute a single thing I've just written.
and when a republican president asked democratic congress to look into potential issues, the democratic Chairman (Barney Frank) came back saying "all is fine"....

Nice little rant you had....but really holds no water.

Interesting...when did Barney Frank take the chair?
Not only that, Republicans have blocked this president again and again and yet, one old gay guy can defeat the entire party. Considering how much Republicans hate gays, I find that highly unlikely.
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
OK....now back to the sterling record of the economic whiz in the White House.
He's had a terrible impact on the financial efforts of black Americans.

7. And not just black Americans....

a. "Tyler Durden | People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million
Posted on January 13 2014 - 11:30 AM- Posted by:Doug Brady| Follow Doug onTwitter!

Curious why despite the huge miss in payrolls the unemployment rate tumbled from 7.0% to 6.7%? The reason is because in December the civilian labor force did what it usually does in the New Normal: it dropped from 155.3 million to 154.9 million, which means the labor participation rate just dropped to a fresh 35 year low, hitting levels not seen since 1978, at 62.8% down from 63.0%…

And the piece de resistance: Americans not in the labor force exploded higher by 535,000 to a new all time high 91.8 million."
Tyler Durden People Not In Labor Force Soar To Record 91.8 Million - Conservatives4Palin

b. " White House economic policy can be more than a little confusing these days. Among its novel claims of late have been that paying people longer not to work is a jobs stimulus, and that ObamaCare's incentives not to work are a virtue. Now comes news that a higher minimum wage is splendid even if it throws half a million poor people out of work.

.... the Congressional Budget Office, which on Tuesday retained some intellectual respectability by reporting what every economist already knows, which is that artificially high wage floors cost jobs. The Democratic-run budget shop examined Democratic proposals to raise the minimum wage to $9 or $10.10, and it found that they would both price some Americans out of the workforce.

CBO says a $10.10 minimum wage could cost 500,000 jobs."
Hurting the 0.3 - WSJ

Who Would Vote For This Again?

Only an idiot.

Raise your paws, idiots.
Republican economics claim that you need to slash taxes to reduce the debt

Why would anyone vote for that?
I'm not surprised Political C doesn't know Obama isn't running again.

I understand fully why you are being so defensive, NYLiar.

The nature of the thread is to chastise the dopes who were warned about Obama, but made the mistake of voting for him.

Just for you, because you are a slow learner, I'll put up a few more panels of Obama, and your, ineptitude.
Never fear PC

You can recycle this thread once Hillary wins
8. What an embarrassment it must be to those folks who voted for this incompetent.

Imagine, having to admit that they voted for "Hope and Change," or "Fundamentally Transform America." or "the most transparent administration in history....."

As David Mamet writes:
    1. Demagoguery is the attempt to convince the people that they can be led into the Promised Land.
    2. America would be better if the electorate would notice the similarities between ‘Lose Weight Without Dieting,’ and ‘Hope.’

Beyond stupid.....we on the Right warned them....and it turns out that everything we said came true.

So embarrassed are the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, that they've doubled down...and voted for incompetence, corruption, and mismanagement AGAIN!

There can be no other conclusion gleaned from the actions and results of the Obama regime than that he, Obama, intends for America to be a permanent welfare state, and the citizens no longer having an incentive to work and earn a living.

People will have only what government give them:

9. Neither Obama nor his acolytes can function in a nation based on the free-market, and capitalism.

" Obama comes from a long line of liberals whose guiding star is the equality of result, i.e., income leveling, rather than the equality of opportunity, which is the heart of free-market capitalism.

.... his idea that the defining challenge of our time is to reduce income inequality is completely wrong.

This is the worst recovery in the modern era going back to 1947. But Obama is always more interested in income redistribution than growth. He never speaks the language of growth, such as a rising tide would lift all boats.

That's the basic economic truth of the remarkable prosperity of the 1980s and 1990s, a period during which tax, regulatory, trade and monetary barriers were reduced, and the door opened to innovation, entrepreneurship, capital formation and job creation.

.... his obsession with income inequality, he repeats his tired mantra of raising the minimum wage, ending so-called tax loopholes, launching shovel-ready infrastructure projects, and ending budget caps and the spending-cut sequester.

And none of that has a thing to do with income inequality."
Obama Doesn t Understand The Dynamic Power Of The Free Market - Investors.comFollow us:@IBDinvestors on Twitter|InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook

Judge Obama by the results of his policies.....

Who Would Vote For This Again?
8. What an embarrassment it must be to those folks who voted for this incompetent.

Imagine, having to admit that they voted for "Hope and Change," or "Fundamentally Transform America." or "the most transparent administration in history....."

As David Mamet writes:
    1. Demagoguery is the attempt to convince the people that they can be led into the Promised Land.
    2. America would be better if the electorate would notice the similarities between ‘Lose Weight Without Dieting,’ and ‘Hope.’

Beyond stupid.....we on the Right warned them....and it turns out that everything we said came true.

So embarrassed are the Liberal/Progressive/Democrats, that they've doubled down...and voted for incompetence, corruption, and mismanagement AGAIN!

There can be no other conclusion gleaned from the actions and results of the Obama regime than that he, Obama, intends for America to be a permanent welfare state, and the citizens no longer having an incentive to work and earn a living.

People will have only what government give them:

You know that's stupid, right? Or do you?
10. Two sets of data, both real, summarize the result of Obama's time in office.

a. First.....Obama has lowered the standard of living of Americans

"Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

New estimates derived from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey by Sentier Research indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.

During the recession, the median American household income fell by $1,002 (from $55,480 to $54,478). During the recovery—that is, from the officially defined end of the recession (in June 2009) to the most recent month for which figures are available (June 2013)—the median American household income has fallen by $2,380 (from $54,478 to $52,098). So the typical American household is making almost $2,400 less per year (in constant 2013 dollars) than it was four years ago, when the Obama "recovery" began." Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

b. Secondly....Obama has lowered the standard of living of Americans.

"Food and energy prices are rising dramatically , while wages remain stagnant.....According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, food prices are up 9 % since June 2009. Thats caused by increases in the price of pork (14%), poultry12%), eggs (27%), and milk (20%). During the same time, energy pricdes have risen by 18%, ....not to mention a 23% rise in what it costs you to send your kids to college."
Michael Savage, "Stop The Coming Civil War," p. 114.

Imagine....had he run on the motto 'I'm gonna lower the standard of living in this country'...
Who Would Vote For This Again?
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.
Simple enough to prove you are lying: if the government....FDR....hadn't decided to move into the private mortgage market, and left it up to the banks to whom to give mortgages, would there have been a mortgage meltdown?
FDR? What the hell are you talking about?

Were banks mandated to give mortgages to unqualified applicants, yes or no?
Democrats: Tax and spend, pro big government.

Republicans: Borrow and spend, pro big government.

After you live through enough Democratic and Republican Congresses and Presidents, this truth gets hammered home to you.
And what makes it worse, is Republicans borrow, leaving Democrats to find ways to pay it back. That leads to raising taxes, which Republicans then use to attack the Democrats.
Democrats: Tax and spend, pro big government.

Republicans: Borrow and spend, pro big government.

After you live through enough Democratic and Republican Congresses and Presidents, this truth gets hammered home to you.
And what makes it worse, is Republicans borrow, leaving Democrats to find ways to pay it back. That leads to raising taxes, which Republicans then use to attack the Democrats.
Wow....The fact that you believe that is incredible.
Funny how many of Obama's so called fuckups were fuckups that the GOP handed to him. How many times have we asked the Republicans to name something, anything that helped the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. How many things have they named? None, ziltch, nada, zero.

That is hard to do

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America
You wrote:

In terms of GOP accomplishments in the last 40 years:

Supply Side economics destroying the middle class
Freezing the minimum wage
Allowing the 9-11 attacks
War in Afghanistan
War in Iraq
Nearly causing a Depression
Shutting down Government

Why? Because Republicans were not raised like you and I, they do not love America

I hate to, but I have to agree. How many times have they threatened to secede? How many proposals have they put forward to change the constitution they swear they love so much?
These are not people who "love" America. That fact is self evident.

Republicans hate the Constitution. That is why they always want to change it. They even want to stop We the People from electing our Senators

Republicans were raised to hate the people....they are not like you and I

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