Who Would YOU Rather Have as President?

Who would you prefer to be President?

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FDR for his economic outlook
Ike for his love of science
Theodore Roosevelt for his anti-trust beliefs and love of nature

Wrap that up in one package.

FDR was one of the worst. He had no economic outlook and he hated science. You were taught nothing but lies and you believed them. You have no idea that he and churchill ceded off eastern europe to russian after ww2.
Mitch McConnell is not in the Presidential line of succession.

And there are 18 people in the line of succession, not 4.

And yet the succession has never gone past the VP, so the rest of them are kind of a list of futility as if they are called upon to serve as POTUS, your shit is likely dead anyway so what is the point of arguing about it?

But we have almost had the President Pro Tempore of the Senate become President a few times, however the current serving Senator in that capacity is not Mich McConnel, you are correct, it is Orrin Hatch, lol.

United States presidential line of succession - Wikipedia

So how many people do you have to impeach to get to the chocolatey nooget you prefer?

If the choice were mine, Newt Gingrich.

Yea, that's it, Ray. Did you know back when the Republicans talked about doing something with healthcare old Newt was still in Congress and guess what? He wanted an individual mandate, lol, go figure.

I never said he was perfect, but name me a better Speaker. He's very experienced, very intelligent, and has a little bit of guts about him. I think he would have made a great President.
If the choice were mine, Newt Gingrich.

Yea, that's it, Ray. Did you know back when the Republicans talked about doing something with healthcare old Newt was still in Congress and guess what? He wanted an individual mandate, lol, go figure.

I never said he was perfect, but name me a better Speaker. He's very experienced, very intelligent, and has a little bit of guts about him. I think he would have made a great President.

I liked him then and would have voted for him back then since he has gone mentally off the deep end.
There are only four people in line to be President, and one of them actualy *is* President, whether you like him or not, and that is Trump.

But if if you could have Trump get impeached or assassinated along with anyone else in the way, who would you prefer to see as President?

Mike Pence? He is far more conservative than Trump is and I think he understands how to run our Federal Presidency better than Trump.

Paul Ryan? He is more libertarian and Open borders, but still fairly conservative, as is Mich McConnell.

So who would it be; the devil you know (Trump) or the devil you dont know (the rest)?

McConnell isn't in the line of succession.

Orin Hatch is. I'll pick him.
There are only four people in line to be President, and one of them actualy *is* President, whether you like him or not, and that is Trump.

But if if you could have Trump get impeached or assassinated along with anyone else in the way, who would you prefer to see as President?

Mike Pence? He is far more conservative than Trump is and I think he understands how to run our Federal Presidency better than Trump.

Paul Ryan? He is more libertarian and Open borders, but still fairly conservative, as is Mich McConnell.

So who would it be; the devil you know (Trump) or the devil you dont know (the rest)?

Its a toss up- but I would choose Pence.

I think that Pence's philosophy is actually more dangerous for civil liberties than Trump- but I think Pence would actually have a sane foreign and military policy.
Mitch McConnell is not in the Presidential line of succession.

And there are 18 people in the line of succession, not 4.
Coinciding with the rise of the new Republican majority in the upper chamber, Utah's archconservative Senator Orrin Hatch is now the Senate president pro tempore. That means that he's been transformed overnight from a minority-party graybeard to third in line to the presidency.Jan 16, 2015
Mitch McConnell is not in the Presidential line of succession.

And there are 18 people in the line of succession, not 4.

And yet the succession has never gone past the VP, so the rest of them are kind of a list of futility as if they are called upon to serve as POTUS, your shit is likely dead anyway so what is the point of arguing about it?
If there is to be an impeachment for russian collusion, Pence would probably go down first, as head of the Trump transition team.
Mitch McConnell is not in the Presidential line of succession.

And there are 18 people in the line of succession, not 4.

And yet the succession has never gone past the VP, so the rest of them are kind of a list of futility as if they are called upon to serve as POTUS, your shit is likely dead anyway so what is the point of arguing about it?
If there is to be an impeachment for russian collusion, Pence would probably go down first, as head of the Trump transition team.


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There are only four people in line to be President, and one of them actualy *is* President, whether you like him or not, and that is Trump.

But if if you could have Trump get impeached or assassinated along with anyone else in the way, who would you prefer to see as President?

Mike Pence? He is far more conservative than Trump is and I think he understands how to run our Federal Presidency better than Trump.

Paul Ryan? He is more libertarian and Open borders, but still fairly conservative, as is Mich McConnell.

So who would it be; the devil you know (Trump) or the devil you dont know (the rest)?

Its a toss up- but I would choose Pence.

I think that Pence's philosophy is actually more dangerous for civil liberties than Trump- but I think Pence would actually have a sane foreign and military policy.

Please, did you ever hear him speak or interviewed? Ask him a question and he dances around the table giving you form letter responses. Who knows what he really believes? Pence is too robotic for me. He's what I refer to as a baby kissing politician.
There are only four people in line to be President, and one of them actualy *is* President, whether you like him or not, and that is Trump.

But if if you could have Trump get impeached or assassinated along with anyone else in the way, who would you prefer to see as President?

Mike Pence? He is far more conservative than Trump is and I think he understands how to run our Federal Presidency better than Trump.

Paul Ryan? He is more libertarian and Open borders, but still fairly conservative, as is Mich McConnell.

So who would it be; the devil you know (Trump) or the devil you dont know (the rest)?

Its a toss up- but I would choose Pence.

I think that Pence's philosophy is actually more dangerous for civil liberties than Trump- but I think Pence would actually have a sane foreign and military policy.

Please, did you ever hear him speak or interviewed? Ask him a question and he dances around the table giving you form letter responses. Who knows what he really believes? Pence is too robotic for me. He's what I refer to as a baby kissing politician.

Only when his wife is in the room.

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