Whoa: Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.

But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.


Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

Wow! Thanks for ANOTHER fine post.:)
It's no big deal, Biden has a huge burden ahead of him, BLM marxist wants a piece of the action the squad wants a piece of him, the Yahoo virus will consume most of the years he have left.

I wouldn't want that job
Every American election since 1788 has come with a bit of shenanigans. We pretend they don't to maintain the illusion of fairness.

I have no doubt that the official story of this election will be that it was fair and open and above-board. This will happen to preserve our system and prevent what might be much worse consequences if the general public were convinced of wide-spread perfidy.

However, there are just too many discrepancies with this years election to allow any fair-minded person to honestly believe it was untainted.
IT'S not surprising that there's buyers remorse, even the reporters who had to wait 3 minutes to hear a butchered response by Biden on a softball pre announced question, are face palming right now.

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Every American election since 1788 has come with a bit of shenanigans. We pretend they don't to maintain the illusion of fairness.

I have no doubt that the official story of this election will be that it was fair and open and above-board. This will happen to preserve our system and prevent what might be much worse consequences if the general public were convinced of wide-spread perfidy.

However, there are just too many discrepancies with this years election to allow any fair-minded person to honestly believe it was untainted.

There are no more discrepancies in this election than others. Hence the complete repudiation of every suit
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

There are a LOT of the American constituency that identify as left leaning MODERATE Democrats. Most of my closer friends are in this moderate Democrat arena & truly are great folks that believe in our founding fathers/visions, our Republic & the citizens federal Constitution that guarantees stated individual liberties. The moderate Democrats I know are in all reality more like Libertarians but they just have not figured out that fact yet! These moderate Democrats(the ones I know personally anyways) are VERY concerned that the violent anti American/anti capitalist marxists will ensnare ALL Democrats into being identified as marxists. I am concerned about this possibility also.
As a life long student in the field of historical sociology I am quite aware of how the marxists(dark nature) worm their way inbetween the cracks & cause mayhem. I am also quite aware of what happens to the marxist cultists when a society gets fed up with them(not pretty). So it is important that we as a society make sure the law abiding innocent among the Democrat moderates do not get branded as marxists by mistake when push comes to shove in the coming future.
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

Ratmuffen and pjmedia, now there are two unbiased sources if ever there was one! NOT!
I really believe the dems and the media and even hollywood greatly underestimates the number of former democrats that are Trump supporters...the vote fraudsters are going to get caught...the election fraud participants are already running scared....the Dominion reps were set to testify today but suddenly cancelled...the jig is up and the crooks will be brought to justice.....and we will all watch it unfold live.....you can't steal a landslide win from someone without leaving a huge trail.....get out the popcorn.....
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

PJ Media? LMFAO! You fucking trolls are ridiculous? Garbage source. 70% of Republicans believe that Democrats cheated and stole the election. Unfounded. Now go and google that shit, Beotch.
I really believe the dems and the media and even hollywood greatly underestimates the number of former democrats that are Trump supporters...the vote fraudsters are going to get caught...the election fraud participants are already running scared....the Dominion reps were set to testify today but suddenly cancelled...the jig is up and the crooks will be brought to justice.....and we will all watch it unfold live.....you can't steal a landslide win from someone without leaving a huge trail.....get out the popcorn.....
Really. If that is the case, then how did DJT become POTUS to begin with? If he was elected POTUS one time around, it stands to reason that your "former democrats" would have been out in droves to keep him in office for a second term. 306.
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

There are a LOT of the American constituency that identify as left leaning MODERATE Democrats. Most of my closer friends are in this moderate Democrat arena & truly are great folks that believe in our founding fathers/visions, our Republic & the citizens federal Constitution that guarantees stated individual liberties. The moderate Democrats I know are in all reality more like Libertarians but they just have not figured out that fact yet! These moderate Democrats(the ones I know personally anyways) are VERY concerned that the violent anti American/anti capitalist marxists will ensnare ALL Democrats into being identified as marxists. I am concerned about this possibility also.
As a life long student in the field of historical sociology I am quite aware of how the marxists(dark nature) worm their way inbetween the cracks & cause mayhem. I am also quite aware of what happens to the marxist cultists when a society gets fed up with them(not pretty). So it is important that we as a society make sure the law abiding innocent among the Democrat moderates do not get branded as marxists by mistake when push comes to shove in the coming future.

You must just like throwing out terms because you don't know what they mean, but you like saying them
I really believe the dems and the media and even hollywood greatly underestimates the number of former democrats that are Trump supporters...the vote fraudsters are going to get caught...the election fraud participants are already running scared....the Dominion reps were set to testify today but suddenly cancelled...the jig is up and the crooks will be brought to justice.....and we will all watch it unfold live.....you can't steal a landslide win from someone without leaving a huge trail.....get out the popcorn.....
Close to a million former Dem constituency now Pub constituency. No doubt the Dem constituency that jettisoned the Dem party were moderates that could not stomach the primitive marxist savages.
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

Ratmuffen and pjmedia, now there are two unbiased sources if ever there was one! NOT!

They are only BONFIDE media outlets if they bow at the alter of Trump.
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

There are a LOT of the American constituency that identify as left leaning MODERATE Democrats. Most of my closer friends are in this moderate Democrat arena & truly are great folks that believe in our founding fathers/visions, our Republic & the citizens federal Constitution that guarantees stated individual liberties. The moderate Democrats I know are in all reality more like Libertarians but they just have not figured out that fact yet! These moderate Democrats(the ones I know personally anyways) are VERY concerned that the violent anti American/anti capitalist marxists will ensnare ALL Democrats into being identified as marxists. I am concerned about this possibility also.
As a life long student in the field of historical sociology I am quite aware of how the marxists(dark nature) worm their way inbetween the cracks & cause mayhem. I am also quite aware of what happens to the marxist cultists when a society gets fed up with them(not pretty). So it is important that we as a society make sure the law abiding innocent among the Democrat moderates do not get branded as marxists by mistake when push comes to shove in the coming future.

You must just like throwing out terms because you don't know what they mean, but you like saying them
70% of Republicans believe that Biden and Democrats cheated. Thank you Donnie. Biden whipped you ass despite what your echo chambers say.
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

And they would be right. This election was stolen.

Hundred of signed affidavits from both Rep and Dem watchers, 6,000 Trump votes given to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Oh yeah. Stolen election is right.
Thirty percent to be exact in this poll. Eyes are opening all over America.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.​
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.​

And they would be right. This election was stolen.

Hundred of signed affidavits from both Rep and Dem watchers, 6,000 Trump votes given to Biden. They caught that one. How many didn't they catch??

Oh yeah. Stolen election is right.
lol. grow up.

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