
Wow. Standardized testing again (again!) today. One student showed up an hour and a half late, didn't have his laptop, and fell asleep at least 5 times during the test. Each test room was assigned two proctors, at least one person from my department in each room to facilitate communication where needed. Boy, was it needed! I had never met this particular student before. A nice young man, but extremely "emerging" in his English language skills. Some a-hole in some ivy tower decided a few years ago that saying "beginner" or "low level" might hurt someone's feelings (it never did), so we tend to say things like "emerging." :rolleyes: Many people unfamiliar with language acquisition tend to say things like "zero English," or "doesn't speak a word" but that is just inaccurate. Anyway, the bottom line is that this young man did not speak one word of English to me the entire time he was there. Doesn't mean he can't, but he didn't. This does not bode well for his results on the test.

"fell asleep at least 5 times during the test."

That is the only thing that means shit in your post. Until you evaluate why that happened you are pissing in the wind.
Then why attend a school in which the curses are in a language you don't understand? They need to accommodate to us, not us to them.
This is what I don't understand. I lived for decades where the 'outlier' was expected to adapt to the majority of society in any setting rather the vast majority being expected to adapt to and accommodate the outlier. New immigrants were expected arrange to learn English on their own and take their citizenship test and oath of citizenship in English. This wasn't mean. It was the best way for them to have the best chance of becoming independent, self sufficient and living the American dream. New immigrants in my family fully expected that to be the way it was and all have lived the American dream.
.....Most 'immigrants' don't even bother with citizenship any more though. They just come, get what freebies they can get, and have little fear anybody will tell them they can't stay.
Entirely incorrect.
Entirely incorrect.
Legal immigrants to the USA is capped at 625,000 annually. In the last two years millions of migrants have crossed the border and are still here. Far more of these undocumented immigrants are allowed in than are turned back.
Legal immigrants to the USA is capped at 625,000 annually. In the last two years millions of migrants have crossed the border and are still here. Far more of these undocumented immigrants are allowed in than are turned back.
What does that have to do with what you said originally?
I was told about an illegal immigrant from africa that came here not so long ago....somehow he got our government to go and fetch his wife and kids for him and he was put up in a nice apartment in nashville which is expensive as hell. Then they got him a job at mcdonalds.....somebody went to interview and they found him pissed off big time. He said he came here to be a surgeon or movie star, not sweep the parking lot at mcdonalds.....
Where exactly do you see "pissing in the wind"?
You said, perhaps he worked the overnight shift. I mean first, I don't see how that is legal, at least not in my state, unless he is over 18. But you are pissing in the wind until you know. Maybe he is homeless, maybe he has immense responsibilities at home. Hell, maybe he is bottle feeding an infant twice a night. You need to know, you can't make an impact until you do.

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