Whomever ends up debating Biden must bring up one issue.

To identify and call out the dishonesty, malicious innuendo and blatant libel/slander, the gaslighting, the maliciousness of the Democrats when we have clear evidence before our eyes is a good thing to do.

It is not justification for us to the same.
By allowing one side to use weapons to beat their unarmed opponents, it just encourages them to keep winning these fights by using these weapons against unarmed people. The only way to stop this cycle is by getting everyone to disarm, but until they get hit back, they arent disarming.

Taking the high road in a knife fight is a guaranteed way to lose that fight. :dunno:
Anything is possible, but its highly likely that its true. I mean, its possible that OJ didnt murder Nicole, but we can assume that he did, right?
I think the evidence in the trial was pretty conclusive. That he was acquitted is because all the jurors with any intelligence were apparently disqualified or otherwise replaced during the trial--a near unprecedented 10 of them if I remember correctly.

Those that were left came out of the courthouse saying things like "Lots of people can have the same DNA."

So yes, it is not unreasonable to think OJ did it, but intellectual honesty also requires us to say that he was tried and acquitted.

Do I believe the incidents of the showers with the daughter happened? I think the diary entry is probably credible. But I don't know that based on any other evidence so I have never and will never accuse Biden of it without such evidence. I would need more than a single diary entry many years ago to disqualify somebody for that now.
I think the evidence in the trial was pretty conclusive. That he was acquitted is because all the jurors with any intelligence were apparently disqualified or otherwise replaced during the trial--a near unprecedented 10 of them if I remember correctly.

Those that were left came out of the courthouse saying things like "Lots of people can have the same DNA."

So yes, it is not unreasonable to think OJ did it, but intellectual honesty also requires us to say that he was tried and acquitted.

Do I believe the incidents of the showers with the daughter happened? I think the diary entry is probably credible. But I don't know that based on any other evidence so I have never and will never accuse Biden of it without such evidence. I would need more than a single diary entry many years ago to disqualify somebody for that now.
There is FAR more evidence that this is true than there is that its false, right?
By allowing one side to use weapons to beat their unarmed opponents, it just encourages them to keep winning these fights by using these weapons against unarmed people. The only way to stop this cycle is by getting everyone to disarm, but until they get hit back, they arent disarming.

Taking the high road in a knife fight is a guaranteed way to lose that fight. :dunno:
The Torah states an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But as Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof" observed when that scripture was cited, "Very good. And that way, the whole world will be blind and toothless."

We fight their dishonesty and venom by calling them out, requiring them to show their evidence for their dishonest statements while we practice intellectual honesty, integrity and ethics ourselves.

It is only in that way that we set ourselves apart from them and give the people a clear choice. Otherwise we are no better than they and we allow the whole country to sink into chaos and depravity.
The Torah states an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But as Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof" observed when that scripture was cited, "Very good. And that way, the whole world will be blind and toothless."

We fight their dishonesty and venom by calling them out, requiring them to show their evidence for their dishonest statements while we practice intellectual honesty, integrity and ethics ourselves.

It is only in that way that we set ourselves apart from them and give the people a clear choice. Otherwise we are no better than they and we allow the whole country to sink into chaos and depravity.
Well, you tell Tevye that the entire premise of justice is based off of "an eye for an eye". If there isnt any payback for taking eyes, then a lot of innocent people are going to lose their eyes because of bad guys. :dunno:
There is FAR more evidence that this is true than there is that its false, right?
I believe the trial showed that O.J. was guilty, yes. But when they got so tediously technical for hour after hour, even my intensely interested eyes began to glaze over. It was completely lost on a poorly educated, biased, and not all that bright jury and the stunt with the glove was their clincher and justification for the acquittal.

We have much evidence that Joe Biden is creepy and inappropriate with women and children, but no evidence whatsoever that he is a pedo, no evidence whatsoever that his motives are nefarious in any way. Intellectual honesty demands that we admit that and use the mountain of verifiable evidence that we have on other things to condemn/disqualify him.
Well, you tell Tevye that the entire premise of justice is based off of "an eye for an eye". If there isnt any payback for taking eyes, then a lot of innocent people are going to lose their eyes because of bad guys. :dunno:
You tell him. In his situation he was absolutely right. To have taken up arms against the Czar would be to have himself and most likely his entire family wiped out. Far better to strategically retreat and live to fight a winnable battle another day.

There is a poorer and better way to chose to do almost everything. Much of life includes many necessary choices that we wish could be perfect or at least much better but we settle for what we hope is the best that we can get.

Now there is something to say for say Trump's suggestion to use the laws they push on the rest of us to fight fire with fire in the upcoming election. I suspect he was hoping they would change those laws to prevent us from doing that, but if not, we can justify using the same laws to benefit ourselves because they certainly will do so. That falls in the category of being as harmless as doves but wise as serpents. (Mark 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.)

But if we sink into the depravity of hatefulness, dishonesty, lack of integrity or ethics that they exercise daily, we will accomplish nothing even if we win because we would be just as bad or worse than they are.
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So his daughter lied?

Say, why do you think Biden's children suffer from drug and alcohol addictions, and why is Hunter a pervert?
That all of Hunter's children are a mess certainly gives us cause to speculate on how they were parented but is not proof. That the daughter made that single diary entry many years ago is of interest and noteworthy, but is not proof.

We cannot demand to be allowed benefit of the doubt or require due process and proof of wrong doing to convict us if we do not apply the same principle to those we despise.

We have much evidence that Joe Biden is creepy and inappropriate with women and children. We have that diary entry and accusations of several women (eight I think is the count now?) of inappropriate sexual behavior by Joe Biden. But few prominent politicians are not accused of that because that (plus accusations of racism) is so effective to smear people. We have absolutely no proof of any crime committed.

No matter how much we believe the accusations to be credible, they alone are not proof. And if we do not apply to Biden the same principle of innocent until declared guilty by a jury of our peers in a valid court of law, we violate one of the most important cornerstones our country was founded on.

There is a mountain of verifiable evidence of wrong doing we can use to condemn Biden. Let's use THAT instead of what we just suspect is true or want to be true in order to condemn him.
That all of Hunter's children are a mess certainly gives us cause to speculate on how they were parented but is not proof. That the daughter made that single diary entry many years ago is of interest and noteworthy, but is not proof.

We cannot demand to be allowed benefit of the doubt or require due process and proof of wrong doing to convict us if we do not apply the same principle to those we despise.

We have much evidence that Joe Biden is creepy and inappropriate with women and children. We have that diary entry and accusations of several women (eight I think is the count now?) of inappropriate sexual behavior by Joe Biden. But few prominent politicians are not accused of that because that (plus accusations of racism) is so effective to smear people. We have absolutely no proof of any crime committed.

No matter how much we believe the accusations to be credible, they alone are not proof. And if we do not apply to Biden the same principle of innocent until declared guilty by a jury of our peers in a valid court of law, we violate one of the most important cornerstones our country was founded on.

There is a mountain of verifiable evidence of wrong doing we can use to condemn Biden. Let's use THAT instead of what we just suspect is true or want to be true in order to condemn him.
a jury of our peers is for punishment reasons only,, theres enough evidence I can say joe biden is a pedo that abuses his own children,,
a jury of our peers is for punishment reasons only,, theres enough evidence I can say joe biden is a pedo that abuses his own children,,
I don't think you can say that without showing the evidence. I think it is wrong to do so.

Focus on what we can show evidence for. There is a mountain of that in which no speculation is necessary.
I don't think you can say that without showing the evidence. I think it is wrong to do so.

Focus on what we can show evidence for. There is a mountain of that in which no speculation is necessary.
of course I can,, in fact I just did,,

for what reason would she write that in her diary if it didnt happen??
and for what reason would joe have the FBI raid a journalists home to get it back if it wasnt true??
of course I can,, in fact I just did,,

for what reason would she write that in her diary if it didnt happen??
and for what reason would joe have the FBI raid a journalists home to get it back if it wasnt true??
We don't know. Maybe she was just angry with him or fantasizing or who knows what at the time? Probably it is true but we cannot know that for certain. Certainly that and his creepy behavior, with no evidence of crime committed, is insufficient to condemn him.

Intellectual honesty requires we apply equal standards to others that we want applied to ourselves. We cannot dismiss accusations against Trump or any others when there is no evidence provided if we do not apply that same standard to everybody else.

It is intellectually honest to say that it has been widely reported that his daughter recorded in her diary that Biden showered with her and was probably inappropriate with her. It is not intellectually honest to say that is evidence that it happened.

In fact we do not have proof positive that the diary or diary content has been honestly and in full context provided to the public. The behavior of the government strongly suggests the diary and its contents are real, and that the diary has not been made public is suspect, but it still is not proof beyond reasonable doubt.
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Biden forced his daughter to shower with him.
That alone should disqualify him from EVER holding ANY public office.

This is a serious thread on a serious topic so if you move it I guess you support borderline pedophilia.

There is NO WAY a rational human being who possesses empathy can vote for someone like that.

No one is going to be allowed to debate Biden.
We don't know. Maybe she was just angry with him or fantasizing or who knows what at the time? Probably it is true but we cannot know that for certain. Certainly that and his creepy behavior, with no evidence of crime committed, is insufficient to condemn him.

Intellectual honesty requires we apply equal standards to others that we want applied to ourselves. We cannot dismiss accusations against Trump or any others when there is no evidence provided if we do not apply that same standard to everybody else.
I can think of only one reason a young girl would write such a thing in her personal diary,, because it happened,,

I've seen no evidence on trump but have seen a lot on biden,,

my opinion stands,,
I can think of only one reason a young girl would write such a thing in her personal diary,, because it happened,,

I've seen no evidence on trump but have seen a lot on biden,,

my opinion stands,,
Your opinion nor my opinion however is not proof. And it is wrong to unequivocally accuse anybody of anything without proof. End of story.
Your opinion nor my opinion however is not proof. And it is wrong to unequivocally accuse anybody of anything without proof. End of story.
you say that,, but I just did it,,

and stop switching between evidence and proof,,
evidence is what leads me to believe its true,, proof is whats needed to punish them,,,
you say that,, but I just did it,,

and stop switching between evidence and proof,,
evidence is what leads me to believe its true,, proof is whats needed to punish them,,,
I will just converse about it with somebody else okay? If I am not allowed to say that accusations are not evidence if they cannot be verified with evidence, we won't have any kind of productive discussion on this issue.

It is WRONG to bear false witness against anybody, even someone thoroughly despicable or evil. And just because we want it to be true or even believe it is true does not justify doing that.
You tell him. In his situation he was absolutely right. To have taken up arms against the Czar would be to have himself and most likely his entire family wiped out. Far better to strategically retreat and live to fight a winnable battle another day.

There is a poorer and better way to chose to do almost everything. Much of life includes many necessary choices that we wish could be perfect or at least much better but we settle for what we hope is the best that we can get.

Now there is something to say for say Trump's suggestion to use the laws they push on the rest of us to fight fire with fire in the upcoming election. I suspect he was hoping they would change those laws to prevent us from doing that, but if not, we can justify using the same laws to benefit ourselves because they certainly will do so. That falls in the category of being as harmless as doves but wise as serpents. (Mark 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.)

But if we sink into the depravity of hatefulness, dishonesty, lack of integrity or ethics that they exercise daily, we will accomplish nothing even if we win because we would be just as bad or worse than they are.
If we dont fight back with the same weapons that dems continue to use against us, then what happens? We win? No, i think we lose, right? Im assuming we are having a realistic conversation here.

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