Whoopie Goldberg Cusses Out Anne Coulter Because She Thinks Whites Don't Understand

I think what you're seeing is people like myself who have NEVER been involved in racial issues, FUCKING TIRED of hearing the shit now.. Liberals have managed to fuck up race relations, probably for decades... constantly accusing people who have never done or said a racist thing in their entire lives is old and worn.. and we're not going to listen to it any longer.. Shove your racist whine and your race whores like MarcATL up your race obsessed asses.

Being white in America means not having to think about it.

Being black anywhere means you can just bitch for aid. You people are laughable...

The more you bitch the more I'm going to laugh. :badgrin:

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

You should sue your high school history teacher, he screwed you big time.

Today's GOP existed in the 1960's... They were called the Southern Dems.

Lincoln was a progressive.
No they weren't. You're lying. Democrats gave Republican President Eisenhower's efforts in Little Rock and Washington for the advancement of blacks the cold shoulder and extremely few votes. When Lyndon Baines Johnson came along, Kennedy was doing the same thing. He told the Kennedys that blacks were a large segment of the population in voters, go for it.

They did.

They promised blacks power, prestige, free money, free housing, no questions asked, big name lawyers pro bono, ad nauseum.

The wining and dining worked. When Republicans noticed black children were falling even further behind in their education, we fought Democrats tooth and nail for better and equal schools. It wasn't easy, but we got it through.

At some point, Democrats decided to rewrite history and recruit believers by the brainwashers Democrats inserted into political departments in universities.

We're still the antislavery party because we believe people are equal. Democrats have made our insistence on equal opportunities in the workplace out to be racism, promising more welfare, more food stamps, more everything in place of doing what it really takes to go for equality--and that is competition.

Looking at the sport world, I know blacks can go toe to toe with persons of other ethnic backgrounds.

I believe that if you teach them they are equal and can do what others do, they could indeed become international award-winning physicists, writers, poets, intellectuals.

Keep giving them boosts, blacks will not think they can make it in a white world without the freebies.

I think they can make it in this world by the sweat of their brow, their intelligence and imagination, and their ability to love the prize of winning when they have to fight it out to become the best human beings they can be.

Democrats damn us for so thinking. Why do Democrats think they have to perpetually help people with as much talent as blacks have?

Why this emphasis on rewritten history.

Calumny is not fair play. Democrats get what they want effortlessly with it.

Not everyone signs on to the lying and bullshit.

If I were black, I'd be pissed at Democrats using the Pavlovian response of animals to give assistance rather than instilling courage in blacks. It takes courage to do the right thing, courage to pull yourself up in the face of adversity, courage to win, and courage to keep your winnings. I'd be mad at whoever was holding me back from coming into my own the tried-and-true hard way of developing what Democrats hate and Republicans love--rugged individualism.
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Racists have always been conservatives, Pub or Dem. Coulter makes tons of money off you ignorant rubes...Assume the position- people are sick to death of ignorant RW a-holes...

Obama by 10 in Ohio, 8 in Fla... Ok. will probably go 75% DUPE. LOL

That's the dumbest thing you ever posted. And that's saying a lot.

How so, dingbat? Saying liberal Dems were the racists is like saying Hitler was a socialist. RW drivel for ignorant dupes only...Assume the position, angry fools...
Yawn...I didn't know newby and mud where older black women and could relate to whoopies life...

Why do you have to be black and a woman? What about a comedian? Actress? Ugly? Stupid? can you not relate to Whooopi with those categories?

Well to be an actress one needs to be a woman no?
well the reason those don't work is because that's not really what the topic is about.

Had this been ann doesn't understand what's its like to be a black woman who is an actress/comedian you would have a wonderful point.

But its not.
Racists have always been conservatives, Pub or Dem. Coulter makes tons of money off you ignorant rubes...Assume the position- people are sick to death of ignorant RW a-holes...

Obama by 10 in Ohio, 8 in Fla... Ok. will probably go 75% DUPE. LOL

That's the dumbest thing you ever posted. And that's saying a lot.

How so, dingbat? Saying liberal Dems were the racists is like saying Hitler was a socialist. RW drivel for ignorant dupes only...Assume the position, angry fools...

Explain to me what race didn't mistreat the blacks? Whites free'd them. It's all history and we got to move into the future.

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

You should sue your high school history teacher, he screwed you big time.

Today's GOP existed in the 1960's... They were called the Southern Dems.

Lincoln was a progressive.

That is an outright lie. The GOP did not grow in the south until years later when businesses started to pop up and the republican party was more business friendly.

Lincoln was not a progressive he was a leader. He said he would do whatever it took to save the union if it meant keeping slavery he would have done that but most people, white people, wanted slavery to end
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Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

You should sue your high school history teacher, he screwed you big time.

Today's GOP existed in the 1960's... They were called the Southern Dems.

Lincoln was a progressive.

That is an outright lie. The GOP did not grow in the south until Yeats later when businesses started to pop up and the republican party was more business friendly.

Lincoln was not a progressive he was a leader. He said he would do whatever it took to save the union if it meant keeping slavery he would have done that but most people, white people, wanted slavery to end

Whites tried to end slavery world wide. I doubt blacks, asians, arabs, meso's would of gave a damn about the human rights of blacks.

So blaming whites as some kind of evil race from hell makes you look like a fool. :eusa_boohoo:
goddamn, what do you people want us whites to do? Lay down and put the chains on?

Go around on our knee's?

Give up our jobs and businesses to you like we did in Zimbabwe and South Africa.


Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

Democrats ran the South back during the time of her Grandmother. That fact has been white-washed by the left. All of the sins of Democrats have been passed off onto the GOP just like Obama keeps blaming all of his crap on Bush.

If you believe the truth don't go on The View because they know the real deal. Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism. Whoopie acts like the only race that matters in America is African-Americans.

GOLDBERG: You know what, hold up Mrs. Coulter. Please stop, please stop! If you're going to talk about race, at least know what you're talking about. At least know what you're talking about.

Tell me how much you know about being black?

COULTER: Well, this isn't about being black.

GOLDBERG: But you just said that this is, you just made all these statements about how black people feel, tell me how you know.

COULTER: This is not a book about black people, it is a book about white liberals. And I do know and this is a fact, once for years, Republican policies on crime and welfare for example were called racist.

When they finally got implemented after the OJ verdict, implemented by Giuliani in New York, Reagan and Bush judges overall, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. That's a fact.

This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

SHEPARD: Everyone understands Republicans are way different than the way they are now and

COULTER: And that's what we are told and The Democratic segregationist were all Democrats, it's a lie that they were Conservative democrats

GOLDBERG: Everyone was a segregationist , everybody was! White people were, they didn't matter whether they were Republican or not.

COULTER: Republicans were not...

GOLDBERG: Bullshit! Bullshit, I'm sorry! That's bull, that's bull

COULTER: No, no that is not... ok just read chapter 14 in the book, the first Republicans to be elected in the south

GOLDBERG: I listen to my grandmother, who was there! Who remembers what happened.

COULTER: Howard Baker, an aggressive integrationist. first Republican elected in Tennessee to the Senate, Winford Brokford, first republican governor in Arkansas, an integrationist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.

Then Barbara Walters chimed in and asked Anne Coulter "Is this all you do is write books to make people go OMG???"

Course she does. She makes millions bucking stereotypes.


Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on 'The View,' Whoopi Bleeped... - Ann Coulter - Fox Nation

God bless the bravery of the beautiful Ann Coulter, she has more balls then pretty much anyone in the country.

She speaks the truth and gets her points across with enormous amounts of intellect!
Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

Democrats ran the South back during the time of her Grandmother. That fact has been white-washed by the left. All of the sins of Democrats have been passed off onto the GOP just like Obama keeps blaming all of his crap on Bush.

If you believe the truth don't go on The View because they know the real deal. Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism. Whoopie acts like the only race that matters in America is African-Americans.

GOLDBERG: You know what, hold up Mrs. Coulter. Please stop, please stop! If you're going to talk about race, at least know what you're talking about. At least know what you're talking about.

Tell me how much you know about being black?

COULTER: Well, this isn't about being black.

GOLDBERG: But you just said that this is, you just made all these statements about how black people feel, tell me how you know.

COULTER: This is not a book about black people, it is a book about white liberals. And I do know and this is a fact, once for years, Republican policies on crime and welfare for example were called racist.

When they finally got implemented after the OJ verdict, implemented by Giuliani in New York, Reagan and Bush judges overall, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. That's a fact.

This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

SHEPARD: Everyone understands Republicans are way different than the way they are now and

COULTER: And that's what we are told and The Democratic segregationist were all Democrats, it's a lie that they were Conservative democrats

GOLDBERG: Everyone was a segregationist , everybody was! White people were, they didn't matter whether they were Republican or not.

COULTER: Republicans were not...

GOLDBERG: Bullshit! Bullshit, I'm sorry! That's bull, that's bull

COULTER: No, no that is not... ok just read chapter 14 in the book, the first Republicans to be elected in the south

GOLDBERG: I listen to my grandmother, who was there! Who remembers what happened.

COULTER: Howard Baker, an aggressive integrationist. first Republican elected in Tennessee to the Senate, Winford Brokford, first republican governor in Arkansas, an integrationist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.

Then Barbara Walters chimed in and asked Anne Coulter "Is this all you do is write books to make people go OMG???"

Course she does. She makes millions bucking stereotypes.


Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on 'The View,' Whoopi Bleeped... - Ann Coulter - Fox Nation

there was never a governor of arkansas named winford brokford. tom petty may have been thinking of winthrop rockefeller, who was a republican but not the first one elected in arkansas.

howard baker was not the first republican senator elected from tennessee, so she's doing a little better here, in that he existed.

to paraphrase the sainted ronald reagan, the problem with ms coulter is not what she knows, but that so much of what she knows is wrong.

List of United States Senators from Tennessee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of Governors of Arkansas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You blacks can't stand being criticized or being treated equally. You think we should look the other way for blacks that rob and rape people. At least this is what some of you people are saying.

Again what do you want us whites to do?

Whoopie's Grandmother was there......she knew everything about racism in the South. Problem is Whoopie believes a warp version of history. She may be attaching blame on the GOP when they barely existed in the South of Whoopie's Grandmother.

Democrats ran the South back during the time of her Grandmother. That fact has been white-washed by the left. All of the sins of Democrats have been passed off onto the GOP just like Obama keeps blaming all of his crap on Bush.

If you believe the truth don't go on The View because they know the real deal. Whoopie started swearing and telling Coulter that because she wasn't black she didn't know anything about racism. Whoopie acts like the only race that matters in America is African-Americans.

GOLDBERG: You know what, hold up Mrs. Coulter. Please stop, please stop! If you're going to talk about race, at least know what you're talking about. At least know what you're talking about.

Tell me how much you know about being black?

COULTER: Well, this isn't about being black.

GOLDBERG: But you just said that this is, you just made all these statements about how black people feel, tell me how you know.

COULTER: This is not a book about black people, it is a book about white liberals. And I do know and this is a fact, once for years, Republican policies on crime and welfare for example were called racist.

When they finally got implemented after the OJ verdict, implemented by Giuliani in New York, Reagan and Bush judges overall, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. That's a fact.

This is the definition of racism. That by virtue of your race you're better or more knowledgeable than another race.

SHEPARD: Everyone understands Republicans are way different than the way they are now and

COULTER: And that's what we are told and The Democratic segregationist were all Democrats, it's a lie that they were Conservative democrats

GOLDBERG: Everyone was a segregationist , everybody was! White people were, they didn't matter whether they were Republican or not.

COULTER: Republicans were not...

GOLDBERG: Bullshit! Bullshit, I'm sorry! That's bull, that's bull

COULTER: No, no that is not... ok just read chapter 14 in the book, the first Republicans to be elected in the south

GOLDBERG: I listen to my grandmother, who was there! Who remembers what happened.

COULTER: Howard Baker, an aggressive integrationist. first Republican elected in Tennessee to the Senate, Winford Brokford, first republican governor in Arkansas, an integrationist.

The Southern Strategy is a lie.

Then Barbara Walters chimed in and asked Anne Coulter "Is this all you do is write books to make people go OMG???"

Course she does. She makes millions bucking stereotypes.


Ann Coulter Causes Mass Hysteria on 'The View,' Whoopi Bleeped... - Ann Coulter - Fox Nation

God bless the bravery of the beautiful Ann Coulter, she has more balls then pretty much anyone in the country.

She speaks the truth and gets her points across with enormous amounts of intellect!

i believe she's had that taken care of.

they're gonna take care of the adams apple on the next round of surgery.
You should sue your high school history teacher, he screwed you big time.

Today's GOP existed in the 1960's... They were called the Southern Dems.

Lincoln was a progressive.

That is an outright lie. The GOP did not grow in the south until Yeats later when businesses started to pop up and the republican party was more business friendly.

Lincoln was not a progressive he was a leader. He said he would do whatever it took to save the union if it meant keeping slavery he would have done that but most people, white people, wanted slavery to end

Whites tried to end slavery world wide. I doubt blacks, asians, arabs, meso's would of gave a damn about the human rights of blacks.

So blaming whites as some kind of evil race from hell makes you look like a fool. :eusa_boohoo:

Heck....Muslims today have slaves.

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