Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Yes, Putin is to blame if Trump wins, but if not, then he had nothing to do with the election.

Russians are everywhere!

Don't look now but one is behind you.

Gipper is one.
Yes, I’m a traitor for recognizing and speaking out about Dumb Don’s multiple failures.

Yet, I also speak out about the multiple failures of Sniffy Joe and the horrendous Democrats.

I’m one of the few on this board not a dumb partisan. So, apparently partisans can’t comprehend my posts.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Yes, Putin is to blame if Trump wins, but if not, then he had nothing to do with the election.

Russians are everywhere!

Don't look now but one is behind you.

Gipper is one.
Yes, I’m a traitor for recognizing and sparking out about Dumb Don’s multiple failures.

Yet, I also speak out about the multiple failures of Sniffy Joe and the horrendous Democrats.

I’m one of the few on this board not a dumb partisan. So, apparently partisans can’t comprehend my posts.

No, you are a Russian stooge because Trump is clearly not of the political class, so he is clearly not part of the duopoly you claim to hate, yet you still attack Trump.

That makes you a liar, and a chump.

Now piss off pootin putz, you ain't fooling anyone.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Yes, Putin is to blame if Trump wins, but if not, then he had nothing to do with the election.

Russians are everywhere!

Don't look now but one is behind you.

Gipper is one.
Yes, I’m a traitor for recognizing and sparking out about Dumb Don’s multiple failures.

Yet, I also speak out about the multiple failures of Sniffy Joe and the horrendous Democrats.

I’m one of the few on this board not a dumb partisan. So, apparently partisans can’t comprehend my posts.

No, you are a Russian stooge because Trump is clearly not of the political class, so he is clearly not part of the duopoly you claim to hate, yet you still attack Trump.

That makes you a liar, and a chump.

Now piss off pootin putz, you ain't fooling anyone.
Lol. I attack Trump because he is a failure.

You are no better than the dumb libs, who love red baiting.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

The Democrats have pissed on the Middle Class, the American worker, Americans living in flyover country, and, most recently, law enforcement. Democrats continue to take Blacks for granted.
You forgot to add, Republicans are no better.

Under Trump’s Republicans, the Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. Under the globalist Democrats, the Middle Class will need to give that up so that wealthy elite Democrats on the coasts can get tax cuts.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

The Democrats have pissed on the Middle Class, the American worker, Americans living in flyover country, and, most recently, law enforcement. Democrats continue to take Blacks for granted.
You forgot to add, Republicans are no better.

Republicans are pretty bad. But to compare the $1T Republican proposal directed at jobs to the $3.4T Democrat proposal to fund government unions and socialist bogus energy policies says they aren't the same either
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Yes, Putin is to blame if Trump wins, but if not, then he had nothing to do with the election.

Russians are everywhere!

Don't look now but one is behind you.

Gipper is one.
Yes, I’m a traitor for recognizing and sparking out about Dumb Don’s multiple failures.

Yet, I also speak out about the multiple failures of Sniffy Joe and the horrendous Democrats.

I’m one of the few on this board not a dumb partisan. So, apparently partisans can’t comprehend my posts.

No, you are a Russian stooge because Trump is clearly not of the political class, so he is clearly not part of the duopoly you claim to hate, yet you still attack Trump.

That makes you a liar, and a chump.

Now piss off pootin putz, you ain't fooling anyone.
Lol. I attack Trump because he is a failure.

You are no better than the dumb libs, who love red baiting.

Yeah, sure he is. Eliminated ISIS in under a year, has been bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA that obummer had chased away, enacted real prison reform, properly funded HBCU's so they don't have to come begging for many every year, slowly bringing the judicial system back to the PEOPLE'S control with hundreds of appointments.

Yeah, he's done nothing you contemptible, feckless, liar.

Piss off and go suck pootins cock, you little bitch.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.

Gipper seems to be a Democrat. He doesn't think Joe Biden's massive tax increases, national healthcare or the green new deal that Biden support are "left"
Joe doesn’t support any of that. Why lie?

Me a Democrat...LOL.

It doesn't matter if he supports it or not since the party clearly does support it and he'll sign anything.

Pay attention to what they are telling you
What is propaganda?... you are not seriously suggesting that the Democrats have not allowed the leftist to take over???
Yes I am. The Ds aren’t leftists. They are corporatists and opportunists, just like the Rs. They allow this shit in the hopes of hurting your Orange Jesus.
Then you misunderstand.
Of course the Dems are globalist/elitist/corporatist. I have been saying this since the 1980's.
What they ARE - is irrelevant. Despite them being this, they have allowed the far-leftist to take over the party. So with the Democrats, you no longer will see just a continuation of the destruction of the middle class, the continuation of being China's bitch - but also add in an abundance of far left ideas that are even worse than that!
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
true that the dems have made a huge lurch to the left,,but that doesnt take away from the fact that the repubes are still a big government party,,
trump might be doing some good things but his solutions are still based on government actions not the people,,,

so at this point its the dems that might get me to vote for him not trump or the GOP,,,
did you read through his agenda?
removing federal power in places and returning it to the states - less gov
term limits - less "entrenched" gov
1 million small businesses back in business
10 million more jobs

and he goes on and on and yes, much of what he wants to do is deregulate and get gov out of our lives. no idea if he can pull it off but damn sure the best chance we've had at these changes in an awful long time. if biden or the left gets back in power, do you think they will take actions to "reduce" gov footprint when they're working so hard to take it now?
Ans also to boot gipper - the Democrats have sacrificed nearly every American, and willing to take a high risk of a deepening financial collapse.... and went on vacation (again) because they WANT THERE TO BE MASS FINANCIAL PROBLEMS so they can use the left media to scream "it's the Republicans fault! It's the Republicans fault - they wouldn't pass the relief bill!! - EVIL!! EVIL!!"
When it is obviously THEM that knowingly put up an impassable bill so they CAN do this.
And THAT is worse than Republicans
What is propaganda?... you are not seriously suggesting that the Democrats have not allowed the leftist to take over???
Yes I am. The Ds aren’t leftists. They are corporatists and opportunists, just like the Rs. They allow this shit in the hopes of hurting your Orange Jesus.
Then you misunderstand.
Of course the Dems are globalist/elitist/corporatist. I have been saying this since the 1980's.
What they ARE - is irrelevant. Despite them being this, they have allowed the far-leftist to take over the party. So with the Democrats, you no longer will see just a continuation of the destruction of the middle class, the continuation of being China's bitch - but also add in an abundance of far left ideas that are even worse than that!
far too much of the "current" version of democrats is all based in fear and hate. i can't support that. if they put up a candidate who honestly wanted to end the violence and unite the people, i'd listen. i would. but it would still be talk more or less but at least a vocal change is in effect, change.

as they stand today - they are willing to lie their asses off, blame everyone but themselves for their actions and choices, and do whatever it takes to get back power.

they say trump lies but really can't name them. i can name 150+ media lies and mistakes about him with documented proof. they don't care. i can show them biden promising to cure cancer, a lie - they don't care.

so why should i take them seriously when they are so obviously off the rails? this is todays "democrat" and i can only hope they crash n burn and change and put the country, not the party, first again.

that will go a long way to ending our divide.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

If Trump wins, the only people responsible for it will be those who voted for him.
Yes of course and that is bad enough, but then the D Party needs a scapegoat to cover up it’s failure to beat a lying corrupt buffoon again.

They seem to be intent on scapegoating people NOT voting for Trump (third party voters), as stupid as that sounds.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?
The Democrats are indeed this year letting Trump run away with the “law and order” issue, just as they let him run away with the “open borders” issue in 2016. They may well lose as a result.

Democrats have also allowed Trump to continue to pose as a man who is against “endless wars” despite his having increased U.S. overseas troop levels and international tensions — but to be honest Americans generally don’t seem to give a damn that we are wasting our resources acting as policeman of the world. The DNC and RNC and MIC and Trump and even the American people seem pretty much in agreement in supporting the U.S. “empire” — as long as we get away with it.

The seeming failure of Democrats to discuss openly and honestly “law and order” issues at their convention — despite having a prosecutor like Kamala Harris on the ticket — seems to me terribly short-sighted.

The Republicans have of course made it seem that “BLM” is burning down all our cities and that leniency toward “anarchism” and “communist revolutionaries” is the major problem in cities.

All that is preposterous. But ignoring this Republican propaganda and not vigorously but carefully dissecting the real problems in our society and in our cities is not helpful. Covid-19 related economic unemployment and boarded up businesses in big cities, budgeting crisis in cities and states, massive unemployment and economic failure of businesses while the stock market reaches new heights, these have nothing to do with BLM whatever. The Democrats have not yet won back the support of the great majority of white workers, nor built a convincing “New Deal” coalition. Social-democratic reformers like Elizabeth Warren are few and far between, and Democrats with genuine working-class credibility still almost invisible.

The reality is the U.S. is a mess. Trump is a talented demagogue but remarkably incompetent executive, and the Democrats continue to rather ineffectively confront the strong backlash to their policies of corporate rule, social reforms, liberal identity & gender politics. Trump is extremely vulnerable and many who would be happy to abandon him are still not convinced the Democrats are a better alternative.

A better, tougher, more radically honest candidate — one more willing to openly challenge corporate and Wall Street crony capitalism and restructure wealth and income and our relations with the world at large — such a candidate could win. Alas, the Democrats are again trying to play it safe ... and may end up just sorry.

But any vote for Trump is a vote for more division, more incompetence, more chaos. Better not to vote than to vote for that dangerous hustler.
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far too much of the "current" version of democrats is all based in fear and hate. i can't support that. if they put up a candidate who honestly wanted to end the violence and unite the people, i'd listen. i would. but it would still be talk more or less but at least a vocal change is in effect, change.

as they stand today - they are willing to lie their asses off, blame everyone but themselves for their actions and choices, and do whatever it takes to get back power.

they say trump lies but really can't name them. i can name 150+ media lies and mistakes about him with documented proof. they don't care. i can show them biden promising to cure cancer, a lie - they don't care.

so why should i take them seriously when they are so obviously off the rails? this is todays "democrat" and i can only hope they crash n burn and change and put the country, not the party, first again.

that will go a long way to ending our divide.
Well said... :clap:

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