Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

The Democrats are indeed this year letting Trump run away with the “law and order” issue, just as they let him run away with the “open borders” issue in 2016. They may well lose as a result.

Democrats have also allowed Trump to continue to pose as a man who is against “endless wars” despite his having increased U.S. overseas troop levels and international tensions — but to be honest Americans generally don’t seem to give a damn that we are wasting our resources acting as policeman of the world. The DNC and RNC and MIC and Trump and even the American people seem pretty much in agreement in supporting the U.S. “empire” — as long as we get away with it.

The seeming failure of Democrats to discuss openly and honestly “law and order” issues at their convention — despite having a prosecutor like Kamala Harris on the ticket — seems to me terrible short-sightedness.

The Republicans have of course made it seem that “BLM” is burning down all our cities and that leniency toward “anarchism” and “communist revolutionaries” is the major problem in cities.

All that is preposterous. But ignoring this Republican propaganda and not vigorously but carefully dissecting the real problems in our society and in our cities is not helpful. Covid-19 related economic unemployment and boarded up businesses in big cities, budgeting crisis in cities and states, massive unemployment and economic failure of businesses while the stock market reaches new heights, these have nothing to do with BLM whatever. The Democrats have not yet won back the support of the great majority of white workers, nor built a convincing “New Deal” coalition. Social-democratic reformers like Elizabeth Warren are few and far between, and Democrats with genuine working-class credibility still almost invisible.

The reality is the U.S. is a mess. Trump is a talented demagogue but remarkably incompetent executive, and the Democrats continue to rather ineffectively confront the strong backlash to their policies of corporate rule, social reforms, liberal identity & gender politics. Trump is extremely vulnerable and many who would be happy to abandon him are still not convinced the Democrats are a better alternative.

A better, tougher, more radically honest candidate — one more willing to openly challenge corporate and Wall Street crony capitalism and restructure wealth and income and our relations with the world at large — such a candidate could win. Alas, the Democrats are again trying to play it safe ... and may end up just sorry.

But any vote for Trump is a vote for more division, more incompetence, more chaos. Better not to vote than to vote for that dangerous hustler.
Oh my God... that is literally the most clueless post I have seen in some time.
Blow the mind how someone, who is capable of writing a well written and coherent letter, be so wrong.
Wow... it just goes to show you the effectiveness of misinformation when stated over and over and over.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R
Nobody is "at fault" if Trump gets re-elected.

While one side is rooting for four more years, the other side sees that possibility as for more tears. Then we have the crybaby-in-chief whining about the election's validity. No matter how it goes, I'll be so delighted when this is over with.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
The one flaw in your statement is that Biden will not be running the administration, He does not have the mental capacity
of the day to day rigors of the presidency. There is no conservative in the new democrat party.
If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Because if JOE BIDEN was President he would have PERSONALLY went into the labs and fixed all of the problems... IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
If JOE BIDEN was President.... there would be no virus!!! It would know better to even try!!!

And that is how realistic the post quoted is....
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up

Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up


Harry Truman never took blame for things that weren't his fault.

And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever.

This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity
Question: Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Answer: Biddable fools, Liars and Wedge Issue single issue voters.
Question: Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Answer: Biddable fools, Liars and Wedge Issue single issue voters.
and what single issue...............FREEDOM......damn skippy.............fuck communist...........thanks for pointing that out.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up


Harry Truman never took blame for things that weren't his fault.

And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever.

This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity

Once again an attack on President Obama sans any evidence and an attack on the intellectual integrity of another person. One more example of hate by a trump supporter.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up


Harry Truman never took blame for things that weren't his fault.

And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever.

This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity

Once again an attack on President Obama sans any evidence and an attack on the intellectual integrity of another person. One more example of hate by a trump supporter.

That's just a purely inane response. Be honest, you didn't even read my post before you responded to it, did you?
Question: Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Answer: Biddable fools, Liars and Wedge Issue single issue voters.
and what single issue...............FREEDOM......damn skippy.............fuck communist...........thanks for pointing that out.

You know what the Wedge Issues are, and you know that they are used by the GOP to exploit them for their own benefit.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up


Harry Truman never took blame for things that weren't his fault.

And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever.

This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity

Truman was a leader who took responsibility, that is not the same as blame. If my child gets sick, it is my responsibility to do everything possible to get him well. Does it matter if I'm not the one to blame for getting him sick?
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up


Harry Truman never took blame for things that weren't his fault.

And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever.

This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity

Once again an attack on President Obama sans any evidence and an attack on the intellectual integrity of another person. One more example of hate by a trump supporter.

That's just a purely inane response. Be honest, you didn't even read my post before you responded to it, did you?

It seems my comment was spot on, given this post of yours:

"And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever."

"This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity"
Question: Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Answer: Biddable fools, Liars and Wedge Issue single issue voters.
and what single issue...............FREEDOM......damn skippy.............fuck communist...........thanks for pointing that out.

You know what the Wedge Issues are, and you know that they are used by the GOP to exploit them for their own benefit.

You mean like melting down just because a cop is white and a shooting victim is black regardless of their individual actions? Oh wait, that's you ...
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
What do you call people who refuse to believe their own ears?

Right, he said he doesn't take responsibility for the virus. It was a gotcha question from fake news trying to get him to take blame for everything that happened. He did not say he doesn't take responsibility for all the stupid crap you made up. He never said all that stupid shit you said.

You think if Trump says he's not responsible for the virus, then you can fill whatever drivel you want after not responsible and you can't. You're the L-I-A-R

If you bothered to listen to the question it was about testing not the virus itself. He promised that everyone who wanted a test could get one. It has taken months and that still isn't completely true. I need to either pay a lot for the test or get a doctor or order one for me. He was asked if he took responsibility for the delays and he said no.

Right. Why would he take the blame for something that wasn't his fault?

You realize there are no tests for a virus that doesn't happened yet. That there were all these tests is just a lie. They're only coming out now with even semi-reliable tests.

You just hate Trump, there's nothing more to it.

And Obama, Pelosi, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, Al, Kerry, Reid. None of them never took the blame for shit, and you never asked them to. Grow the hell up


Harry Truman never took blame for things that weren't his fault.

And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever.

This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity

Once again an attack on President Obama sans any evidence and an attack on the intellectual integrity of another person. One more example of hate by a trump supporter.

That's just a purely inane response. Be honest, you didn't even read my post before you responded to it, did you?

It seems my comment was spot on, given this post of yours:

"And again, Obama took blame for nothing ever."

"This is yet another bull shit made up standard because you hate Trump and have no intellectual integrity"

alang1216: Trump won't take the blame

kaz: Obama never took blame

Rye: What? Kaz? How can you say that?

LOL, what a stupid douche

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