Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.
Or this from the radical leftist Joe Biden...lol.

“Nothing will fundamentally change” -Joe Biden
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
The one flaw in your statement is that Biden will not be running the administration, He does not have the mental capacity
of the day to day rigors of the presidency. There is no conservative in the new democrat party.
Lol. Biden’s a conservative, but libs and cons don’t know it n

Yes, people who want national healthcare, dramatic tax increases on the rich and the green new deal are "conservatives." How left are you? Is AOC to your right?
Biden has already stated he’s against all those things. Why don’t you know this?
uh-huh. He is now owned by Bernie and Company.
No he’s not. He’s already stated nothing Bernie proposed will be enacted.
So now you believe everything a politician says, huh? :rolleyes-41:
You won't acknowledge that Joe at this point in in life is as sharp as a marble.

I really am surprised at you, Gipper. He's moved way left as the party has.
Sounds like the way you're posting, they are leaving you behind.
He hasn’t moved left at all.
At least you can put a smile and a chuckle on my face.
Your words are just empty otherwise.
I feel the same about yours.

Uh, huh. It's pretty funny to think about great conservatives like Lenin, Marx and Ho Chi Minh, huh Jim Jong Un?
This from progressive Jimmy Dore...is anything getting through?

Joe Biden is actually a corrupt war mongering pathological liar who has really screwed working families hard.

But after an entire campaign the only thing America really knows about him is that he’s Bernies “good friend who’s a DECENT GUY who can also BEAT TRUMP”

"That was like a war rally at their convention," Dore responded. "I was waiting for a football game to break out. You know, one thing John Kerry is right about his Trump's foreign policy is kind of incoherent but Joe Biden, his entire career has been nothing but imperialism. Joe Biden not only voted for the Iraq war, he shamed Democrats who weren't supporting it. He was a vocal supporter of it."
"How about when he became the vice president, they took us from two wars to seven," he said. "He did Libya. Then he wanted to do Syria. We're still in Yemen. So these guys are nothing but saber-rattling, warmongering maniacs."

"We have one party in this country, Tucker, it's the military-industrial complex party and that's what we are seeing," Dore added.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
The one flaw in your statement is that Biden will not be running the administration, He does not have the mental capacity
of the day to day rigors of the presidency. There is no conservative in the new democrat party.
Lol. Biden’s a conservative, but libs and cons don’t know it n

Yes, people who want national healthcare, dramatic tax increases on the rich and the green new deal are "conservatives." How left are you? Is AOC to your right?
Biden has already stated he’s against all those things. Why don’t you know this?
uh-huh. He is now owned by Bernie and Company.
No he’s not. He’s already stated nothing Bernie proposed will be enacted.

He never said that. You're just a Democrat sheep
Max did say that, fool. Lol.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.

And you think that makes your favorite communist a conservative?
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.

And you think that makes your favorite communist a conservative?
Biden’s a commie now? Oh my...LMFAO. I don’t think you could get more dumb.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.
Or this from the radical leftist Joe Biden...lol.

“Nothing will fundamentally change” -Joe Biden

"Fundamentally" could mean anything. Democrats say that all the time when they burn down civilization
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
The one flaw in your statement is that Biden will not be running the administration, He does not have the mental capacity
of the day to day rigors of the presidency. There is no conservative in the new democrat party.
Lol. Biden’s a conservative, but libs and cons don’t know it n

Yes, people who want national healthcare, dramatic tax increases on the rich and the green new deal are "conservatives." How left are you? Is AOC to your right?
Biden has already stated he’s against all those things. Why don’t you know this?
uh-huh. He is now owned by Bernie and Company.
No he’s not. He’s already stated nothing Bernie proposed will be enacted.
So now you believe everything a politician says, huh? :rolleyes-41:
You won't acknowledge that Joe at this point in in life is as sharp as a marble.

I really am surprised at you, Gipper. He's moved way left as the party has.
Sounds like the way you're posting, they are leaving you behind.
He hasn’t moved left at all.
At least you can put a smile and a chuckle on my face.
Your words are just empty otherwise.
I feel the same about yours.

Uh, huh. It's pretty funny to think about great conservatives like Lenin, Marx and Ho Chi Minh, huh Jim Jong Un?
This from progressive Jimmy Dore...is anything getting through?

Joe Biden is actually a corrupt war mongering pathological liar who has really screwed working families hard.

But after an entire campaign the only thing America really knows about him is that he’s Bernies “good friend who’s a DECENT GUY who can also BEAT TRUMP”

"That was like a war rally at their convention," Dore responded. "I was waiting for a football game to break out. You know, one thing John Kerry is right about his Trump's foreign policy is kind of incoherent but Joe Biden, his entire career has been nothing but imperialism. Joe Biden not only voted for the Iraq war, he shamed Democrats who weren't supporting it. He was a vocal supporter of it."
"How about when he became the vice president, they took us from two wars to seven," he said. "He did Libya. Then he wanted to do Syria. We're still in Yemen. So these guys are nothing but saber-rattling, warmongering maniacs."

"We have one party in this country, Tucker, it's the military-industrial complex party and that's what we are seeing," Dore added.

No, I don't give a shit what anyone says about Biden. I care what Biden says. And I already addressed this. If you want to say Trump is no conservative, I agree with you. That Biden is a conservative is completely clueless and uninformed
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
The one flaw in your statement is that Biden will not be running the administration, He does not have the mental capacity
of the day to day rigors of the presidency. There is no conservative in the new democrat party.
Lol. Biden’s a conservative, but libs and cons don’t know it n

Yes, people who want national healthcare, dramatic tax increases on the rich and the green new deal are "conservatives." How left are you? Is AOC to your right?
Biden has already stated he’s against all those things. Why don’t you know this?
uh-huh. He is now owned by Bernie and Company.
No he’s not. He’s already stated nothing Bernie proposed will be enacted.
So now you believe everything a politician says, huh? :rolleyes-41:
You won't acknowledge that Joe at this point in in life is as sharp as a marble.

I really am surprised at you, Gipper. He's moved way left as the party has.
Sounds like the way you're posting, they are leaving you behind.
He hasn’t moved left at all.
At least you can put a smile and a chuckle on my face.
Your words are just empty otherwise.
I feel the same about yours.

Uh, huh. It's pretty funny to think about great conservatives like Lenin, Marx and Ho Chi Minh, huh Jim Jong Un?
This from progressive Jimmy Dore...is anything getting through?

Joe Biden is actually a corrupt war mongering pathological liar who has really screwed working families hard.

But after an entire campaign the only thing America really knows about him is that he’s Bernies “good friend who’s a DECENT GUY who can also BEAT TRUMP”

"That was like a war rally at their convention," Dore responded. "I was waiting for a football game to break out. You know, one thing John Kerry is right about his Trump's foreign policy is kind of incoherent but Joe Biden, his entire career has been nothing but imperialism. Joe Biden not only voted for the Iraq war, he shamed Democrats who weren't supporting it. He was a vocal supporter of it."
"How about when he became the vice president, they took us from two wars to seven," he said. "He did Libya. Then he wanted to do Syria. We're still in Yemen. So these guys are nothing but saber-rattling, warmongering maniacs."

"We have one party in this country, Tucker, it's the military-industrial complex party and that's what we are seeing," Dore added.

No, I don't give a shit what anyone says about Biden. I care what Biden says. And I already addressed this. If you want to say Trump is no conservative, I agree with you. That Biden is a conservative is completely clueless and uninformed
Biden is a conservative. Certainly more conservative than Don.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Warmongers are everywhere in our political class dummy. The MIC controls nearly all of them. If you don’t know that by now, you never will.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
The one flaw in your statement is that Biden will not be running the administration, He does not have the mental capacity
of the day to day rigors of the presidency. There is no conservative in the new democrat party.
Lol. Biden’s a conservative, but libs and cons don’t know it n

Yes, people who want national healthcare, dramatic tax increases on the rich and the green new deal are "conservatives." How left are you? Is AOC to your right?
Biden has already stated he’s against all those things. Why don’t you know this?
uh-huh. He is now owned by Bernie and Company.
No he’s not. He’s already stated nothing Bernie proposed will be enacted.
So now you believe everything a politician says, huh? :rolleyes-41:
You won't acknowledge that Joe at this point in in life is as sharp as a marble.

I really am surprised at you, Gipper. He's moved way left as the party has.
Sounds like the way you're posting, they are leaving you behind.
He hasn’t moved left at all.
At least you can put a smile and a chuckle on my face.
Your words are just empty otherwise.
I feel the same about yours.

Uh, huh. It's pretty funny to think about great conservatives like Lenin, Marx and Ho Chi Minh, huh Jim Jong Un?
This from progressive Jimmy Dore...is anything getting through?

Joe Biden is actually a corrupt war mongering pathological liar who has really screwed working families hard.

But after an entire campaign the only thing America really knows about him is that he’s Bernies “good friend who’s a DECENT GUY who can also BEAT TRUMP”

"That was like a war rally at their convention," Dore responded. "I was waiting for a football game to break out. You know, one thing John Kerry is right about his Trump's foreign policy is kind of incoherent but Joe Biden, his entire career has been nothing but imperialism. Joe Biden not only voted for the Iraq war, he shamed Democrats who weren't supporting it. He was a vocal supporter of it."
"How about when he became the vice president, they took us from two wars to seven," he said. "He did Libya. Then he wanted to do Syria. We're still in Yemen. So these guys are nothing but saber-rattling, warmongering maniacs."

"We have one party in this country, Tucker, it's the military-industrial complex party and that's what we are seeing," Dore added.

No, I don't give a shit what anyone says about Biden. I care what Biden says. And I already addressed this. If you want to say Trump is no conservative, I agree with you. That Biden is a conservative is completely clueless and uninformed
Biden is a conservative. Certainly more conservative than Don.

OK, Che
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Warmongers are everywhere in our political class dummy. The MIC controls nearly all of them. If you don’t know that by now, you never will.

You're the one who equated war monger with conservative. Leftists have killed a hundred million people the last century, that was ridiculous. That's what I said, and those are the facts.

And the only hesitation the Democrat party ever had for overseas conquests was they oppose it ... when they aren't behind the steering wheel. What they really oppose is that they aren't behind the steering wheel ...
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Warmongers are everywhere in our political class dummy. The MIC controls nearly all of them. If you don’t know that by now, you never will.

You're the one who equated war monger with conservative. Leftists have killed a hundred million people the last century, that was ridiculous. That's what I said, and those are the facts.

And the only hesitation the Democrat party ever had for overseas conquests was they oppose it ... when they aren't behind the steering wheel. What they really oppose is that they aren't behind the steering wheel ...
Abby Martin is certainly right. No?

The entire RNC was based on hysterical fearmongering about socialism, when Joe Biden is essentially a republican.

Biden lets Trump dictate the politics of the election, only concerned with pandering to the right, denouncing the left & a return back to the era that gave us Trump. - Abby Martin.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Warmongers are everywhere in our political class dummy. The MIC controls nearly all of them. If you don’t know that by now, you never will.

You're the one who equated war monger with conservative. Leftists have killed a hundred million people the last century, that was ridiculous. That's what I said, and those are the facts.

And the only hesitation the Democrat party ever had for overseas conquests was they oppose it ... when they aren't behind the steering wheel. What they really oppose is that they aren't behind the steering wheel ...
Abby Martin is certainly right. No?

The entire RNC was based on hysterical fearmongering about socialism, when Joe Biden is essentially a republican.

Biden lets Trump dictate the politics of the election, only concerned with pandering to the right, denouncing the left & a return back to the era that gave us Trump. - Abby Martin.

I still can't think of anything less relevant than your endless stream of opinion quotes over evidence.

That you think Biden is a conservative says all that needs to be said that you're a leftist extremist anarchist, not a small government anarchist
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Warmongers are everywhere in our political class dummy. The MIC controls nearly all of them. If you don’t know that by now, you never will.

You're the one who equated war monger with conservative. Leftists have killed a hundred million people the last century, that was ridiculous. That's what I said, and those are the facts.

And the only hesitation the Democrat party ever had for overseas conquests was they oppose it ... when they aren't behind the steering wheel. What they really oppose is that they aren't behind the steering wheel ...
Abby Martin is certainly right. No?

The entire RNC was based on hysterical fearmongering about socialism, when Joe Biden is essentially a republican.

Biden lets Trump dictate the politics of the election, only concerned with pandering to the right, denouncing the left & a return back to the era that gave us Trump. - Abby Martin.

I still can't think of anything less relevant than your endless stream of opinion quotes over evidence.

That you think Biden is a conservative says all that needs to be said that you're a leftist extremist anarchist, not a small government anarchist
The evidence is right in front of you, but your partisan ignorance prevents you from seeing it. Open your eyes.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
anyone who claims Joe Biden is a conservative is not very informed
No. It’s the other way around. Research his decades long voting record. He’s a conservative D. He has clearly stated none of Bernie’s or AOC’s ideas will be implemented.
you need to get informed
Lol. Just research Biden’s 36 year voting record in the senate. It’s not hard.

No, it's not hard to research Biden's 36 year voting record. It is hard though to call it "conservative" unless you are to the left of Che
This from Max Blumenthal might help you guys.

Everything Rand Paul just said about Biden being a warmongering regime change addict who’s responsible in part for the New Jim Crow is true. But saying this in support of Pompeo’s militaristic boss a night after the racist gunwaving ambulance chaser couple is laughable hypocrisy.
How about this from Glenn Greenwald?

Joe Biden has left a string of victims all over the world -- in Iraq, in Yemen, in US prisons, in home foreclosures, dozens of women, in destroyed communities.

If you're demanding everyone vote for him while ignoring the huge piles of victims he's left, reckon with yourself.

You think war mongerers are on the right not the left? That's just more of your ignorance.

Leftists have killed a hundred million over the last century. The right hasn't scratched the surface of that
Warmongers are everywhere in our political class dummy. The MIC controls nearly all of them. If you don’t know that by now, you never will.

You're the one who equated war monger with conservative. Leftists have killed a hundred million people the last century, that was ridiculous. That's what I said, and those are the facts.

And the only hesitation the Democrat party ever had for overseas conquests was they oppose it ... when they aren't behind the steering wheel. What they really oppose is that they aren't behind the steering wheel ...
Abby Martin is certainly right. No?

The entire RNC was based on hysterical fearmongering about socialism, when Joe Biden is essentially a republican.

Biden lets Trump dictate the politics of the election, only concerned with pandering to the right, denouncing the left & a return back to the era that gave us Trump. - Abby Martin.

I still can't think of anything less relevant than your endless stream of opinion quotes over evidence.

That you think Biden is a conservative says all that needs to be said that you're a leftist extremist anarchist, not a small government anarchist
The evidence is right in front of you, but your partisan ignorance prevents you from seeing it. Open your eyes.

You either don't know what a conservative is or you're Lenin
organized money could help re-elect Trump. but i will always believe organized money can be defeated by organized people. but you need a decent big-hearted people. i don't know if we have that. i guess we'll find out soon!

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