Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Let's review...

Jonathon Pie... British commentator and comedian... on how Rump got elected in 2016, and who was to blame back then...


At least the Dems don't seem likely to make the same mistake twice...

Then again, they aren't much brighter than your average Orange Baboon-God worshiper, so they could still screw-the-pooch...
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Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Let's review...

Jonathon Pie... British commentator and comedian... on how Rump got elected in 2016, and who was to blame back then...


At least the Dems don't seem likely to make the same mistake twice...

Then again, they aren't much brighter than your average Orange Baboon-God worshiper, so they could still screw-the-pooch...
They’ve already screwed up by picking Joe Biden.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Not sure Hillary still has not picked a specific thing to blame for 2016 she blames something else at least once a week. But I am guessing they going to try to cheat the mail in voting and it is going to fail(or they get caught) but then blame Trump for using mail in voting to cheat. Because that is what they do they lie cheat and steal then accuse someone else of doing what they were already doing.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
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Trump is gonna be rich and famous whether he gets re-elected or not, my friends

Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Fault? The voters. If Trump ia re elected it’s because he got more electoral votes. There is no fault. I think it is going to be the wrong decision.
Not according to the MSM and D Party. They will blame anyone but themselves or the system, and millions of Americans will get duped again.
Oh gee, if we were only as smart as you...:rolleyes:
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.
Lol. You really need to get informed.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
WHen Trump wins again it will indeed be the Democratic parties own doing.
Trump is not popular, not even among many Republicans.... but the alternative is considerably worse.
Despite what you read on this forum from liberal loyalist, the vast majority of Americans know Biden's mental state is less than good. Add to this, all of the leftist storm troopers tearing up liberal cities and burning down small businesses... and then add to that the OBVIOUS problems with BlackLivesMatter.... Trump will win.
And once again all the Democrats had to do was put up someone reasonable. But they screwed up again.
Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus ...

Stopped reading at your first lie. Which was the first paragraph at your post. That isn't what Trump said, you're a L-I-A-R. Trump Derangement Syndrome does that to people. Seek medical help. I understand you can get treatment in ointment form now
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.

Biden is controlled by leftists. What's the difference? Do you have a TV? Do you ever watch the news?

He's advocated the new green deal, national healthcare, severe fracking restrictions, massive tax increases.

And he's not left? You a Democrat?
When President Trump is reelected and the Republicans also control Congress after November 3rd the one thing that you can say deep sixed the Communist Democrats was their very open support for Communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM and their refusal to call what is going on riots. :smoke:
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.

Gipper seems to be a Democrat. He doesn't think Joe Biden's massive tax increases, national healthcare or the green new deal that Biden support are "left"
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

The Democrats have pissed on the Middle Class, the American worker, Americans living in flyover country, and, most recently, law enforcement. Democrats continue to take Blacks for granted.
You forgot to add, Republicans are no better.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.
If you believe biden is a conservative you don't know what a conservative is dumb assery is all you know.

Gipper seems to be a Democrat. He doesn't think Joe Biden's massive tax increases, national healthcare or the green new deal that Biden support are "left"
Joe doesn’t support any of that. Why lie?

Me a Democrat...LOL.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

The Democrats have pissed on the Middle Class, the American worker, Americans living in flyover country, and, most recently, law enforcement. Democrats continue to take Blacks for granted.
You forgot to add, Republicans are no better.
Not true today.
The Democrats are worse because they allowed the fringe fanatics within the party to literally take over everything.
What you said, I would agree for the past 40 years or so... but it is no longer true. The Democrats are worse.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

If Trump wins, the only people responsible for it will be those who voted for him.
Yes of course and that is bad enough, but then the D Party needs a scapegoat to cover up it’s failure to beat a lying corrupt buffoon again.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

The Democrats have pissed on the Middle Class, the American worker, Americans living in flyover country, and, most recently, law enforcement. Democrats continue to take Blacks for granted.
You forgot to add, Republicans are no better.
Not true today.
The Democrats are worse because they allowed the fringe fanatics within the party to literally take over everything.
What you said, I would agree for the past 40 years or so... but it is no longer true. The Democrats are worse.

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