Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?

Was the fact that Trump was impeached ever mentioned during the 4 days of the DNC? What about the riots all over the nation?

You don't honestly think they would mention those riots do you??

Hell The Dem Governors of those States and the Dem mayors of those states are the reason the riots are going on.

The mayors told their police forces to stand down and let businesses be looted and burned. I sure wouldn't want to discuss that Dem stupidity or even mention it at the DNC convention.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Well it does sort of depend on whether all the votes are counted, and whether blacks are blocked from voting by closed precients. But at least 45% of those trying to cast votes will probably be for Trump. So it's not like he doesn't have support.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Fault? The voters. If Trump ia re elected it’s because he got more electoral votes. There is no fault. I think it is going to be the wrong decision.
Not according to the MSM and D Party. They will blame anyone but themselves or the system, and millions of Americans will get duped again.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Fault? The voters. If Trump ia re elected it’s because he got more electoral votes. There is no fault. I think it is going to be the wrong decision.
Yeah sure COMMIEcrat... that worked so well for you last time. Instead of spending money on ads in Wisconsin, Michigan, PA and all those other former blue states you LOST, you sent millions to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA via Marc Elias and Fusion GPS.
You Commiecrats planning to do that again? BAHAHAHAA
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
Well it does sort of depend on whether all the votes are counted, and whether blacks are blocked from voting by closed precients. But at least 45% of those trying to cast votes will probably be for Trump. So it's not like he doesn't have support.
Don't you mean it depends on whether you find the black's BLACK ENOUGH?
You sound as racist as Debbie Wasserman-Sgt-Shultz did trying to say ALL BLACKS make minimum wage.
Or Joe Biden saying all blacks think alike, unlike latinos.
"WHAAA precients (in DEMOCRAT RUN PRECIENTS) are going to close to BLOCK blacks from voting for my pale white cracker Joe Biden!"

Just rub his white leg hairs like a good boy, and stop trying to play the RACE CARD for Joe YOU AIN'T BLACK Biden..
Who’s at fault if Trump gets re-elected?
For the sake of discussion, let's assume it happens. It will be the fault, again, of the Democratic party for failing to put forth a viable candidate that espouses a program that is palpable to enough people to gain election.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.

Comparing Nancy's $3.4T socialist giveaway to the Republicans $1T which is at least mostly actual stimulus, the Democrat's destruction of law and order and stated desire to nationalize medical care and implement California brown outs nationally while making us dependent again on foreign energy says you're full of shit that they are still the same
None of that will happen. It’s all propaganda. Joe has already stated nothing will change.

Democrats have actually moved forward with defunding the police. They have implemented national health care and a bunch of "moderate" Senators and congress critters took a bullet to do it. Democrats are actually stopping fracking. The brown outs in California are real with their wacko environmental policies. Democrats aren't kidding anymore. Better open your eyes before you realize you were wrong and it's no longer business as usual. Bernie was right when he said just four years ago he was a Democrat extremist and now that's mainstream Democrat. But bury your head in the sand, just don't complain when you realize it already happened and you did nothing to stop it
Its like whatever you enjoy in life Progs demand you suffer a bit. At heart they are sadists that speaks all the nice thigs about anyone wronged.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
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Democrats are never responsible for anything, particularly their own actions

“I don’t take responsibility at all.”
That’s what President Trump said this month when asked whether he takes responsibility for the slow rollout of testing that public health officials say handicapped the country’s ability to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

But Trump’s desire to not take responsibility could also be extrapolated to the coronavirus crisis in general. Trump has thrown blame in nearly a dozen different directions for the virus’s spread and different aspects of the response to it.
As he acknowledges that 100,000 to 200,000 Americans could die of the virus, here are the people and places he’s blamed for it, with some added context:

For: Not doing enough to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

But: Back in January, Trump praised China for doing two things that, in hindsight, we know it has not done: 1) keep the spread of the virus under control and 2) be forthright about how many people in the country are infected.

Two months later, as the virus infected thousands of people in the United States and China was bragging that it had the virus under control, Trump put the blame on Beijing: “It would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier,” he said in a March 19 news conference, adding: “It could have been stopped right where it came from, China,” and, “The world is paying a very big price for what they did.”

Trump is right that China tried to hide the extent of the problem. But even if he didn’t know the full rate of infection in China, he repeatedly, and wrongly, says that he wasn’t warned that China’s slow response was going to make the virus worse for the rest of the world. “No one saw this coming,” he says regularly.

But U.S. intelligence officials had been warning in reports to Trump administration officials in January and February about the danger the virus presented to Americans, warnings that largely went unheeded. “The system was blinking red,” a U.S. official said.

Past presidents
For: Not building up the national stockpile of medical equipment
“Many administrations preceded me,” he said in March, in response to a question about why his administration did not spend weeks trying to build up a supply of medical equipment despite knowing ahead of time that the coronavirus posed a serious threat. “For the most part they did very little with regard to what you’re talking about.”

We’ll get into how the national stockpile was indeed ignored under past administrations, but also how Trump could have done more to prevent such a shortage for hospitals that are now in desperate need.

The Obama administration
For: Proposing regulations that Trump claims eventually slowed the rollout of coronavirus testing

But: U.S. testing was so far behind where it needed to be because of a faulty test the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made under the Trump administration, and because of the regulations that weren’t lifted fast enough to get the private sector involved sooner, according to an investigation by the New York Times. A prominent member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, Anthony S. Fauci, has said the latter was a “failure” and did not point back to the Obama administration. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker reports that the CDC under Obama did propose increased oversight of medical testing, though it was not related to the coronavirus, which wasn’t in existence yet, and it was just that: a proposal that was never implemented

The New York Times investigation into testing specifically singles out three agency leaders for being too slow to pivot from a faulty test and in one case putting in regulations that actually made things worse: the heads of the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC, and the Health and Human Services secretary, all nominated by Trump.
What went wrong with coronavirus testing

The media
For: Negative stories about his response

As he has throughout his entire time as a politician, Trump has conflated negative coverage of him and his administration with a perceived agenda by journalists to make him look bad. He recently accused journalists of making up facts and sources in their coronavirus stories.

But: There is no evidence of that happening, and plenty of evidence, reported by The Washington Post and others, of the federal government’s missteps in dealing with the virus. Such as:

U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned of a likely pandemic
Governors and mayors in growing uproar over Trump government’s lagging coronavirus response
Seven days as a ‘wartime president:' Trump’s up-and-won command of a pandemic
As Trump invokes presidential powers to fight the coronavirus, he sows confusion along the way

For: Ventilator shortages
But: The national stockpile of medical equipment is not prepared for a pandemic that seizes the entire nation, and it was not replenished with medical equipment after the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, report my Washington Post colleagues. But what equipment it does have tucked away, the Trump administration has been slow to deliver to governors pleading for it — and Trump has even accused those governors of making up what they need, or not doing their own due diligence to get it.

“He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators,” Trump said in a Fox News town hall last week of New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D), who said the administration had given him 400 ventilators when he estimates that his hard-hit state will need 30,000.
“Governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work,” Trump has said of trying to get U.S. manufactures to make ventilators, something only the president has the authority to do under the Defense Production Act.
And on Friday, he told Fox News’s Sean Hannity the following, insinuating that some governors were requesting more to make the president look bad:
“I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be. I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You go into major hospitals sometimes, and they’ll have two ventilators. And now, all of a sudden, they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’ ”

General Motors
For: Ventilator shortages
“Always a mess with Mary B.” Trump tweeted Friday, referring to General Motors CEO Mary Barra. The automaker had teamed up with a ventilator-manufacturing company and switched voluntarily to making the lifesaving devices, sometimes doing in a matter of days what normally takes months, the New York Times reports. Trump said Friday in a tweet that the company wants “top dollar” and would come up short of what it initially said.

At the time, Trump was under bipartisan criticism for not using the Defense Production Act, a decades-old wartime law, to force U.S. companies and other manufacturers to make medical equipment for hospitals. The Washington Post reported that some of his advisers warned that it would seem socialist. Later that afternoon, Trump said he had finally put it to use, to force GM to make ventilators quickly.
But: If Trump had enacted the DPA in February, before hospitals in hard-hit areas were overwhelmed, the ventilators would have been ready by mid- to late April, points out the New York Times. Now, some overwhelmed hospitals are considering do-not-resuscitate orders and how to have patients share ventilators while they wait for more.

For: Ventilator and mask shortages

In a news conference Sunday, Trump accused hospitals of squandering tens of thousands of masks, without providing much detail about what he is alleging they did with them.
“It’s a New York hospital, very — it’s packed all the time,” he said on Sunday in a Rose Garden news conference. “How do you go from 10 to 20 [thousand masks per week] to 300,000? Ten [thousand] to 20,000 masks, to 300,000 — even though this is different? Something is going on, and you ought to look into it as reporters. Are they going out the back door?”
NBC,ABC,CBS,CNN and MSNBC will say the reason President Trump is reelected and the Republicans control Congress is that Americans are racist and sexist. They will also most likely include a chorus of RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA.
Well...according to the corporate media it won’t be Biden, the D Party, or Ears. It might be the fault of the Russians again, since that worked so well last time.
Democrats just might reelect Trump, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
if I decide to vote for trump it will be because of the democrats and their actions and words,,,

Yep. Except I have decided to vote for Trump and that's exactly why. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and I've said since I left the Republican party circa 1990 there is little difference between the parties. Democrats have gone so totally insane I can't tell myself that anymore
You can still tell yourself that, because it’s still true. Clearly, Sniffy Joe is more conservative than Dumb Don. It’s the same old bs. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system.
when you lie do a better job
Biden is a liberal
I’m amazed how easily duped you cons are. Joe’s record is readily available for you guys to research, but you don’t do it. You prefer allowing Rush or Vannity do your thinking and they so easily dupe you.

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