Who's illegitimate now Mr Birtherism?

This has to be the longest run of complete idiocy I have ever seen, Trump WON, he will not be in trouble because there is nothing you igmo liberals can do but bitch and moan and cry in your beer or Starbucks. The press is about to be sectioned into REAL news organizations, and the National Enquirer group of shitrags. As you liberals will be pumping shitrags and decrying every lie they vomit up. You will be getting NO NEWS or any information at all but your crying dying parties last gasps. Shithole wood will be vomiting their usual labels, and making movies of Trump screwing his daughter as if they had the scoop and billing it as the great expose of Trump. But guess what they will be showing it to themselves and you MURDERERS.
This is what passes for an articulate, intelligent and thoughtful post from a typical Trumpster. No idea that he I saw spouting hypocrisy. No idea that the concerns aren't based on election results but the worry about Trump's conflicts of interest.

These guys see politics the way football fans see their favorite teams. Only wins and losses.

But governance isn't about wins and losses, is it? It's about maintaining openness and trustworthiness in our elected leaders.
What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
Conflicts of interest. Russian connections. These are the salient issues concerning Trump's legitimacy. Had he disclosed his tax returns, had he had a more responsible response to the Russian hacking story, he might not be under this cloud of suspicion. Trump did not win a majority of the vote. He cannot effectively govern with just the support of his base. He will need the support of the whole nation.

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

If the IRS is not concerned, why should anyone else be?

What on earth could it possibly show that is not already known?
Oh ,the amount of money he made that year whether he's telling the truth How much money he actually donated of his own money ,how much in taxes he paid his tax return will be like an open book into the lying sos 's finances,,,No wonder the thief won't show it

Why is that any of you freakin' business?
Conflicts of interest. Russian connections. These are the salient issues concerning Trump's legitimacy. Had he disclosed his tax returns, had he had a more responsible response to the Russian hacking story, he might not be under this cloud of suspicion. Trump did not win a majority of the vote. He cannot effectively govern with just the support of his base. He will need the support of the whole nation.

Has the IRS charged him with anything? Has the IRS even suggested a problem with his taxes?


Shut up then!
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?

To make such a claim means you would have already had to have seen them. Is that the case? Since it's not, so much for your claim.
Trump must deal with his birtherisms over the next 4 years. Obama did it for 8 years! Why can't Trump do 4 years Trump deal with the same????
Why you ask ?? because he's a thin skinned phony pos Bashes Lewis ,the media ,the CIA, the FBI Streep NATO The EU etc etc When will the ah take care of the peoples business ALL the people???

You couldn't answer the question with even a hint of intelligence.
This has to be the longest run of complete idiocy I have ever seen, Trump WON, he will not be in trouble because there is nothing you igmo liberals can do but bitch and moan and cry in your beer or Starbucks. The press is about to be sectioned into REAL news organizations, and the National Enquirer group of shitrags. As you liberals will be pumping shitrags and decrying every lie they vomit up. You will be getting NO NEWS or any information at all but your crying dying parties last gasps. Shithole wood will be vomiting their usual labels, and making movies of Trump screwing his daughter as if they had the scoop and billing it as the great expose of Trump. But guess what they will be showing it to themselves and you MURDERERS.
This is what passes for an articulate, intelligent and thoughtful post from a typical Trumpster. No idea that he I saw spouting hypocrisy. No idea that the concerns aren't based on election results but the worry about Trump's conflicts of interest.

These guys see politics the way football fans see their favorite teams. Only wins and losses.

But governance isn't about wins and losses, is it? It's about maintaining openness and trustworthiness in our elected leaders.

The country is divided into ENEMY camps. Do you think your enemy is trustworthy?
His tax returns will reveal his foreign connections. Presidents have released their taxes since Roosevelt. What is Trump hiding?
it will? based on what information you have?

That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?
Sometimes it's not what we know that's so important but what we don't know ,what the thin skinned liar is hiding
again, again, again, what is it you think he is going to do and why you should see his returns?
Why?? I'd like to see how much Putin gave him and how he's hiding it

How about the half million that Hillary got for speaking fees in Russia and she turned over control of our uranium supplies?


That's what we're asking for!

This isn't irresponsible allegations like Birtherism. This is the information EVERY president has released. What makes Trump so special that we cannot know the information every other modern president has provided?
Sometimes it's not what we know that's so important but what we don't know ,what the thin skinned liar is hiding
again, again, again, what is it you think he is going to do and why you should see his returns?
Why?? I'd like to see how much Putin gave him and how he's hiding it
it isn't going to show you that you stupid fk.
LOL yeah I'll bet he's hidden putins money real well

You have no evidence Putin gave him a dime, but we know Hillary got hers!
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?
Questions about his legitimacy go well beyond the popular vote vs. the electoral college. Heard much about Russia? How about golden showers gate?? What goes around come around. The punk now needs to take a dose of his own medicine

So how often do you take those golden showers since you seem to be an expert in that field?
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Don't be stupid.

No one's talking about the electoral college vote.

The irony is sweet, Trump now being seen as less legitimate than Obama ever was.

Trump's parents were married - to each other. Can't say that about Obama. can you?
Sounds to me like Race Pimp and House Negro John Lewis is the thin skinned one. Trump told the Truth about how bad his district in and how he failed them for 30 years and Lewis gets his feelings hurt.

When will Lewis take care of the majority minority district that continues to elect him?
Lewis has control over monies given in his district?? or the scum pubs who would rather cut their arm off before giving money to poor black areas

More excuses for a failed race pimp

I think Trump is a successful race pimp.

Since you've proven your thinker is broken, we'll chalk up what you say to being meaningless drivel.
Trump will be President in less than 4 days.

Trump will be President in less than 4 days.

And he is a successful race pimp.

Impossible on the latter. That's reserved for black elected officials. You lefties already say there is white privilege so there's no need for it. Thanks for playing but your bitch still lost.

Get some help and some blood pressure medicine. No, wait. Don't get any, let it go way up, have a stroke, and move on.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

From what I understand Hillary was the first one to question Douchebag's American birth.

Oh and won't you have egg on you're face if they do in fact find out Obama wasn't born in the US??
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40%, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, the lowest of any recent president and 44 points below that of President Barack Obama, the 44th president.

Following a tumultuous transition period, approval ratings for Trump's handling of the transition are more than 20 points below those for any of his three most recent predecessors. Obama took the oath in 2009 with an 84% approval rating, 67% approved of Clinton's transition as of late December 1992 and 61% approved of George W. Bush's transition just before he took office in January 2001.
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post | The Huffington Post

Silly little LibTard bitches...
Green Day Just Gave Trump The ULTIMATE Pre-Inauguration ‘F*ck You’ And Conservatives Are FURIOUS (VIDEO/SCREENSHOTS) | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

On Friday, more than half the nation will mourn as a bigot with tiny hands and orange skin who is the physical embodiment of all that is wrong with our country is sworn into office. The other 48 percent will celebrate by burning crosses or whatever racists do with their friends these days. On Martin Luther King Day, punk band Green Day released a completely appropriate song that sums up this election and the resulting series of disasters both past and future perfectly.
No one is illegitimate, both Obama and Trump won the electoral college. It was hilarious though how Obama accused himself of being born in Kenya to his publisher. He was the original birther. What a dumb ass.

BTW, he was legit even if he was, his mother was American, he's a natural born American. But what an idiot, who gets their own country of birth wrong?
No one illegitimate kaz Even if Russia lent a helping hand? are repubs and putin all buddy buddy now??
I'll ask again, how?

eddie like every other Democrat can't answer that question.

The question, eddie, is how did what the Russians did harm Hillary? Be specific
It's a difficult task mostly impossible that you put before me. I'm not privy to all the info those 17 agencies accusing russia and putin of hacking our system are BUT we do know repubs were using the hacked e mails against her and we do know repubs are slime balls that will go to the bottom of the barrel to achieve their aims
so is the information from the emails flawed? Or is it worth for the public to know about the corruption. So you prefer corrupted leaders of your own country?

I like that he's parroting the DNC that Russia influenced the election while he even admits he can't explain how they did that. It's sad how many people are like that. There are lots of them in the Republican party, but wow, the Democrats have so many more
Can we all agree the birther stuff is fake news?

Trump being a user of fake news is now getting his fake news cumuppence .

Just ask ted cruzs assassin dad and call girl wife .
Why do you suppose Obama started it all accusing himself of being born in Kenya? r

Why do you suppose kaz keeps making this lie?

He has been lying about this for years.

"Why do you think that Donald Trump had a three way with Putin?"

That is as truthful as kaz's posts.
ovember ninth to discover the worlds greatest democracy is being governed by a single party, and leadby a lawless authoritarian. All the checks and balances the framers of our constitution put in place to prevent this nightmare have been lowered by the people.
We, the freedom loving Americans must stand up to this tyranny while we still can. Time is short very, very short.
~Kevin McDermott ~

Grow up, Buttercup. Hyperbole is a terrible argument
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

The media and the LEft, will of course spew shit from their shit holes. BUt who gives a fuc?

Trump is under no cloud. TRY TO BE LESS CRAZY.
Can we all agree the birther stuff is fake news?

Trump being a user of fake news is now getting his fake news cumuppence .

Just ask ted cruzs assassin dad and call girl wife .
Why do you suppose Obama started it all accusing himself of being born in Kenya? r

Why do you suppose kaz keeps making this lie?

He has been lying about this for years.

"Why do you think that Donald Trump had a three way with Putin?"

That is as truthful as kaz's posts.
ovember ninth to discover the worlds greatest democracy is being governed by a single party, and leadby a lawless authoritarian. All the checks and balances the framers of our constitution put in place to prevent this nightmare have been lowered by the people.
We, the freedom loving Americans must stand up to this tyranny while we still can. Time is short very, very short.
~Kevin McDermott ~

Who is Kevin McDermott and why should we care what he thinks?

Talk about no one caring. Unless he's the football player, even Google has never heard of him.

So edward. Did you whine like this when Democrats had total control all those decades since the fifties?
Can we all agree the birther stuff is fake news?

Trump being a user of fake news is now getting his fake news cumuppence .

Just ask ted cruzs assassin dad and call girl wife .
Why do you suppose Obama started it all accusing himself of being born in Kenya? r

Why do you suppose kaz keeps making this lie?

He has been lying about this for years.

"Why do you think that Donald Trump had a three way with Putin?"

That is as truthful as kaz's posts.
ovember ninth to discover the worlds greatest democracy is being governed by a single party, and leadby a lawless authoritarian. All the checks and balances the framers of our constitution put in place to prevent this nightmare have been lowered by the people.
We, the freedom loving Americans must stand up to this tyranny while we still can. Time is short very, very short.
~Kevin McDermott ~

Who is Kevin McDermott and why should we care what he thinks?
Just care about what conservatives think.......you nim rod.

At least conservatives do think, you just parrot

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