Who's illegitimate now Mr Birtherism?

and as an aside We also know the huge help Comey of the FBI was to chump opening his yap a week or so before election then saying she was not guilty 2 days before Think that didn't hurt too?
perhaps the demoturds shouldn't have put a candidate that was under investigation up for the presidency/ What exactly do Comey do wrong? His fking job? YES!!!
no you dufus ,,,it wasn't his job to alarm america with new warnings just weeks before the election only to exonerate her 2 days before ,,, the man helped your scum trump into the peoples house
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Yeah, but the U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize a hostile foreign government to help him do it.
exactly what did the hostile foreign government do?
did their best to make trump our president
No one illegitimate kaz Even if Russia lent a helping hand? are repubs and putin all buddy buddy now??
I'll ask again, how?

eddie like every other Democrat can't answer that question.

The question, eddie, is how did what the Russians did harm Hillary? Be specific
It's a difficult task mostly impossible that you put before me. I'm not privy to all the info those 17 agencies accusing russia and putin of hacking our system are BUT we do know repubs were using the hacked e mails against her and we do know repubs are slime balls that will go to the bottom of the barrel to achieve their aims
so is the information from the emails flawed? Or is it worth for the public to know about the corruption. So you prefer corrupted leaders of your own country?
corrupt? trump has been critical of the black senator the pope ,the CIA ,Streep etc etc ONE that hasn't felt his barbed tongue is PUTIN.....america has a sick man coming to our wh a corrupt sick man
Trump isn't allowed to be critical about a man who called his presidency illegitimate? Really, you think this guy is like a GOP loser that simply takes the abuse? NO!!!!! And please stop with the putin nonsense, you merely look like a fool. You got nothing now go back to your basement.

BTW, maybe the black dude should have kept his mouth shut.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
and as an aside We also know the huge help Comey of the FBI was to chump opening his yap a week or so before election then saying she was not guilty 2 days before Think that didn't hurt too?
perhaps the demoturds shouldn't have put a candidate that was under investigation up for the presidency/ What exactly do Comey do wrong? His fking job? YES!!!
no you dufus ,,,it wasn't his job to alarm america with new warnings just weeks before the election only to exonerate her 2 days before ,,, the man helped your scum trump into the peoples house
it wasn't? Why not? Are you saying he was obligated to let america vote in a corrupt criminal? Again, why did the demoturds put up a candidate under investigation by the FBI? Why all this russia shit then? Why do you live by two standards libturd?
and as an aside We also know the huge help Comey of the FBI was to chump opening his yap a week or so before election then saying she was not guilty 2 days before Think that didn't hurt too?
perhaps the demoturds shouldn't have put a candidate that was under investigation up for the presidency/ What exactly do Comey do wrong? His fking job? YES!!!
no you dufus ,,,it wasn't his job to alarm america with new warnings just weeks before the election only to exonerate her 2 days before ,,, the man helped your scum trump into the peoples house
it wasn't? Why not? Are you saying he was obligated to let america vote in a corrupt criminal? Why all this russia shit then? Why do you live by two standards libturd?
jc you puke you're the one whose standards are in the gutter
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Yeah, but the U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize a hostile foreign government to help him do it.
exactly what did the hostile foreign government do?
did their best to make trump our president

How so, specifically? General statement don't get it with me, boy.
and as an aside We also know the huge help Comey of the FBI was to chump opening his yap a week or so before election then saying she was not guilty 2 days before Think that didn't hurt too?
perhaps the demoturds shouldn't have put a candidate that was under investigation up for the presidency/ What exactly do Comey do wrong? His fking job? YES!!!
no you dufus ,,,it wasn't his job to alarm america with new warnings just weeks before the election only to exonerate her 2 days before ,,, the man helped your scum trump into the peoples house
it wasn't? Why not? Are you saying he was obligated to let america vote in a corrupt criminal? Why all this russia shit then? Why do you live by two standards libturd?
jc you puke you're the one whose standards are in the gutter

Says the Hillary supporter.
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Yeah, but the U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize a hostile foreign government to help him do it.
exactly what did the hostile foreign government do?
did their best to make trump our president
like what exactly? Why can't you articulate what it is you think happened? Did they hack the voting machines? Nope, not on line. Therefore, people voted for who they wanted and nobody interfered with their vote. Right?

So your argument is like yesterday's teabags, worn out.
Last edited:
I'll ask again, how?

eddie like every other Democrat can't answer that question.

The question, eddie, is how did what the Russians did harm Hillary? Be specific
It's a difficult task mostly impossible that you put before me. I'm not privy to all the info those 17 agencies accusing russia and putin of hacking our system are BUT we do know repubs were using the hacked e mails against her and we do know repubs are slime balls that will go to the bottom of the barrel to achieve their aims
so is the information from the emails flawed? Or is it worth for the public to know about the corruption. So you prefer corrupted leaders of your own country?
corrupt? trump has been critical of the black senator the pope ,the CIA ,Streep etc etc ONE that hasn't felt his barbed tongue is PUTIN.....america has a sick man coming to our wh a corrupt sick man
Trump isn't allowed to be critical about a man who called his presidency illegitimate? Really, you think this guy is like a GOP loser that simply takes the abuse? NO!!!!! And please stop with the putin nonsense, you merely look like a fool. You got nothing now go back to your basement.

BTW, maybe the black dude should have kept his mouth shut.
maybe your ah should not worry about ALL the shit that will be hurled at him and concentrate on trade health tax reform etc etc etc you know ACTING PRESIDENTIAL
Who’s the Illegitimate President Now, Mr. Birtherism?
Trump spent five years trying to delegitimize Obama. Now he's taking office under a cloud of suspicion, and only has himself to blame.
January 13, 2017

It is ironic that Donald Trump owes his success in Republican politics, and thus ultimately his presidency, to birtherism given the extent to which he failed to bring birtherism mainstream.

Don’t Watch Donald Trump’s Inauguration
He assumed leadership of the birther movement in March 2011 when he first expressed public doubts about whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. The next month, Obama put an end to the farce by producing his Hawaiian birth certificate at a White House press conference, and days later humiliated Trump during the White House Correspondents Dinner. But Trump kept expressing doubts about Obama’s country of origin until late in the 2016 presidential campaign, when he shamelessly attempted to blame the entire crusade on Hillary Clinton. Eventually he had the last laugh.

Birtherism was a huge plot line of his presidency, one generally pushed by elements of the conservative fringe. Though these conspiracy theorists were egged on by Republicans, birtherism never became a mainstream Republican rallying cry because it is racist and fabricated. But the propulsive force behind birtherism, if not the theory itself, was a widely shared right-wing desire to void Obama’s presidency. Racism led elements of the far right to adopt birtherism specifically, but their quest was for any revelation that could prevent Obama from running the country. Only a few criteria govern who can become president; one of them is that the president must be a natural-born citizen; birtherism thus emerges from circular reasoning and wishful thinking. It is a tool that allows political nemeses to trump all politics, which is why white candidates likeJohn McCain and Ted Cruz have also found themselves at the center of less obviously racist birther inquests.

But if it’s ironic that Trump rose to the pinnacle of global power on the strength of a failed campaign to delegitimize Obama, it’s also fitting that his own presidency will begin under a mix of suspicions and legitimacy questions that are very real and that Trump brought upon himself.

What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Yeah, but the U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize a hostile foreign government to help him do it.
exactly what did the hostile foreign government do?
did their best to make trump our president
like what exactly? Why can't you articulate what it is you think happened. Did they hack the voting machines? Nope, not on line. Therefore, people voted for who they wanted and nobody interfered with their vote. Right?

So your argument is like yesterday's teabags, worn out.

They use generalizations that sound good to them without substance. If they claim voting machines, something not connected to the internet can get hacked, they better look out. Their lamp might be next.
President Trump* can never be a legitimate President until he can win without Russian intervention
eddie like every other Democrat can't answer that question.

The question, eddie, is how did what the Russians did harm Hillary? Be specific
It's a difficult task mostly impossible that you put before me. I'm not privy to all the info those 17 agencies accusing russia and putin of hacking our system are BUT we do know repubs were using the hacked e mails against her and we do know repubs are slime balls that will go to the bottom of the barrel to achieve their aims
so is the information from the emails flawed? Or is it worth for the public to know about the corruption. So you prefer corrupted leaders of your own country?
corrupt? trump has been critical of the black senator the pope ,the CIA ,Streep etc etc ONE that hasn't felt his barbed tongue is PUTIN.....america has a sick man coming to our wh a corrupt sick man
Trump isn't allowed to be critical about a man who called his presidency illegitimate? Really, you think this guy is like a GOP loser that simply takes the abuse? NO!!!!! And please stop with the putin nonsense, you merely look like a fool. You got nothing now go back to your basement.

BTW, maybe the black dude should have kept his mouth shut.
maybe your ah should not worry about ALL the shit that will be hurled at him and concentrate on trade health tax reform etc etc etc you know ACTING PRESIDENTIAL

Trump isn't President until Friday. John Lewis has been in his district for 30 years and they still have 17% poverty with 1 in 5 getting food stamps. Perhaps Lewis should do the damn job he's been in.
President Trump* can never be a legitimate President until he can win without Russian intervention

What intervention specifically?

Seems Hillary can't win either. Her first time around, she lost to a black. The second time around she lost to someone you lefties consider an idiot. That must be embarrassing. I don't know which one is worse but it has to be embarrassing.
What suspicion? Trump won 304 electoral votes according to how the Constitution says the process should occur. Nothing suspicious about that?

Yeah, but the U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize a hostile foreign government to help him do it.
exactly what did the hostile foreign government do?
did their best to make trump our president
like what exactly? Why can't you articulate what it is you think happened. Did they hack the voting machines? Nope, not on line. Therefore, people voted for who they wanted and nobody interfered with their vote. Right?

So your argument is like yesterday's teabags, worn out.

They use generalizations that sound good to them without substance. If they claim voting machines, something not connected to the internet can get hacked, they better look out. Their lamp might be next.
ever hear of assange? and the other moron in hiding?
President Trump* can never be a legitimate President until he can win without Russian intervention

What intervention specifically?

Seems Hillary can't win either. Her first time around, she lost to a black. The second time around she lost to someone you lefties consider an idiot. That must be embarrassing. I don't know which one is worse but it has to be embarrassing.
what should embarrass you is the ah birther that will be our president doesn't like being called unqualified while he did that to obama for 5,6 years ,,,sorry if you get the shit you throw back in your face ,,,,get ready for at least 4 years of it
eddie like every other Democrat can't answer that question.

The question, eddie, is how did what the Russians did harm Hillary? Be specific
It's a difficult task mostly impossible that you put before me. I'm not privy to all the info those 17 agencies accusing russia and putin of hacking our system are BUT we do know repubs were using the hacked e mails against her and we do know repubs are slime balls that will go to the bottom of the barrel to achieve their aims
so is the information from the emails flawed? Or is it worth for the public to know about the corruption. So you prefer corrupted leaders of your own country?
corrupt? trump has been critical of the black senator the pope ,the CIA ,Streep etc etc ONE that hasn't felt his barbed tongue is PUTIN.....america has a sick man coming to our wh a corrupt sick man
Trump isn't allowed to be critical about a man who called his presidency illegitimate? Really, you think this guy is like a GOP loser that simply takes the abuse? NO!!!!! And please stop with the putin nonsense, you merely look like a fool. You got nothing now go back to your basement.

BTW, maybe the black dude should have kept his mouth shut.
maybe your ah should not worry about ALL the shit that will be hurled at him and concentrate on trade health tax reform etc etc etc you know ACTING PRESIDENTIAL
well first, he isn't president yet and as your side said yesterday, there can only be one president at a time. So, we'll wait until the 21st before my guy is at the desk. Fair enough?

Again, tell the black dude to keep his thoughts out of the media or live with the consequences. Again, Trump is not a GOP loser that takes in the stupid demands of the left. He will defend his position and the people for which he represents. D'oh!

BTW, it's fking fking refreshing to see my guy say fk you to you ah's
Last edited:
President Trump* can never be a legitimate President until he can win without Russian intervention

What intervention specifically?

Seems Hillary can't win either. Her first time around, she lost to a black. The second time around she lost to someone you lefties consider an idiot. That must be embarrassing. I don't know which one is worse but it has to be embarrassing.
what should embarrass you is the ah birther that will be our president doesn't like being called unqualified while he did that to obama for 5,6 years ,,,sorry if you get the shit you throw back in your face ,,,,get ready for at least 4 years of it

Go for it. What we won't have to deal with is Hillary. Your bitch lost.
President Trump* can never be a legitimate President until he can win without Russian intervention
oh, what exactly did the ruskies do? you still haven't answered. Please enlighten us. Did they hack voting machines? nope, they weren't on line. So the vote was legitimate. you lost. boo fking hoo.
President Trump* can never be a legitimate President until he can win without Russian intervention

What intervention specifically?

Seems Hillary can't win either. Her first time around, she lost to a black. The second time around she lost to someone you lefties consider an idiot. That must be embarrassing. I don't know which one is worse but it has to be embarrassing.
what should embarrass you is the ah birther that will be our president doesn't like being called unqualified while he did that to obama for 5,6 years ,,,sorry if you get the shit you throw back in your face ,,,,get ready for at least 4 years of it

Go for it. What we won't have to deal with is Hillary. Your bitch lost.
and your SOB won ..now reap the whirlwind,,,,a thin skinned loud mouthed bully ....and those are his good points
Yeah, but the U.S. Constitution doesn't authorize a hostile foreign government to help him do it.
exactly what did the hostile foreign government do?
did their best to make trump our president
like what exactly? Why can't you articulate what it is you think happened. Did they hack the voting machines? Nope, not on line. Therefore, people voted for who they wanted and nobody interfered with their vote. Right?

So your argument is like yesterday's teabags, worn out.

They use generalizations that sound good to them without substance. If they claim voting machines, something not connected to the internet can get hacked, they better look out. Their lamp might be next.
ever hear of assange? and the other moron in hiding?
assange didn't hack anything. So he acted like the media who propped up twelve women against trump. Bet you thought that was fair eh? you lost, fking grow up and act like an adult and let's fix our fked up country.

BTW, Assange stated multiple times the information he got was from someone in the DNC. just get your fking facts straight.

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