Who's Lying to us the Media or Think Tanks?

Those coxuckers have been wrong all the time. That's why the US is in such a mess.
The media is biased, and the think tanks can be bought off to give any answer you pay for.

i certainly trust brookings' game theory simulations more than anyone should trust some goofy dude's "gut feelings."
Those coxuckers have been wrong all the time. That's why the US is in such a mess.
The media is biased, and the think tanks can be bought off to give any answer you pay for.
The media is worse than "biased". More the most part, specifically amongst the MSM, journalism is dead. These days the main stream news outlets are advocates for their preferred party, not the unbiased critics real journalism is intended to be.
I imagine it is as easy to load a so called Think Tank and obtain a pre-determined narrative as it is to control answers from a so called Opinion Poll .

The difficulty as ever is deciding what to believe and whom .
I guess there is no guaranteed method to ensure honesty and transparency .
Previous accuracy and reliability — - - where applicable —- are the only helpful determinants that I know of or use .
i certainly trust brookings' game theory simulations more than anyone should trust some goofy dude's "gut feelings."
Well remember not all think tanks are evil or purposely lying to us. Reminds me of how Republicans in the 2000's were against regulations. Not all regulations are bad. But Republicans flat out hated REGULATIONS. Without being specific. Some regulations are necessary and good. Probably most. Same with think tanks.
Corporations own both, but think tanks are probably more prone to lying because they don't have to rely on ratings or even having any semblance of being rooted in reality
Everybody. Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.
Our politicians listen to these think tanks.

Interesting. Trump didn't use or listen to think tanks. Doesn't mean I like or trust him. He's his own think tank. But he certainly didn't listen to Washington Think Tanks unless they came with money in hand.
Well remember not all think tanks are evil or purposely lying to us. Reminds me of how Republicans in the 2000's were against regulations. Not all regulations are bad. But Republicans flat out hated REGULATIONS. Without being specific. Some regulations are necessary and good. Probably most. Same with think tanks.
Regulations have intertwining strings that can strangle improvements. We live in a form of near all or nothing when regs are added and perhaps removed. The regulations needed in front of us all are important. The way our government works in legislation there are tens of thousands of pages of other regulations that have added up to hurt our economy. Also, we went from a physical infrastructure to a human infrastructure some decades ago which makes some things seem worse.
Our politicians listen to these think tanks.

Interesting. Trump didn't use or listen to think tanks. Doesn't mean I like or trust him. He's his own think tank. But he certainly didn't listen to Washington Think Tanks unless they came with money in hand.
Trump used think tanks too.....he has no interest in policy making or ideology in general, just whining and having his feelings coddled....

He gets his policies from think tanks like ALEC and the Heritage foundation...

And he gets his Federal judge picks from the Federalist society.......

Trump used think tanks too.....he has no interest in policy making or ideology in general, just whining and having his feelings coddled....

He gets his policies from think tanks like ALEC and the Heritage foundation...

And he gets his Federal judge picks from the Federalist society.......

People want to believe Trump's Supreme Court picks are globalists because they didn't support the lie that the election was rigged. RINO's. Globalist. Deep Staters.

But the fact is, it wasn't close enough that they could seriously make an argument for it. If it were, they would cheat for him just like the Supreme's gave Bush the election in 2000.
Speaking of the media....

Biden is talking about investigating Comcast and trying the CEO for treason....that is wild....

oh, never mind.....Just Trump being Trump....nothing to see here folks......this would have been a major issue if like a real political figure said it or something....However, when Trump says it -- now we have to pretend he makes "an interesting point"

“They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Sunday."

And this is NOT the first, second or third time that Trump felt he could just shut down the free press just because he doesn't like what they report about him....this is the same guy who thought he could criminalize Saturday Night Live because his feelings were hurt
i certainly trust brookings' game theory simulations more than anyone should trust some goofy dude's "gut feelings."
Uh-huh. The new "Matrix" style simulations include AI.
They are all computer programs subject to the Law of GIGO (Garbage-in Garbage-Out)

I don't know Brooking's batting average. I'm sure an outfit like that has more than a few "sanity checks" based on experience and "gut feelings".

Case in point. Who decides on the path forward regarding the Budget and Fed Policy? As far as I know they are totally separate. The Congress makes the Budget based on politics, and the Fed reacts to the situation by raising or lowering the interest rate.

I would like to see Congress get an opinion and recommendation from the Fed as to the Budget (spending) and Revenue (taxes).
Right now we're screwed. Congress can't stop spending and keeps borrowing more and more, we're getting to the tipping point when US bonds will be "junk" and no one will buy them.

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