Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.

It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!
The thing is, people want to live with and around white people and people don't want to live around blacks
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world
Blacks seem to be more physical than whites but I don't know about violence. Perhaps their rough and tumble play leads to violence more so than with whites. I am not a physical person in the sense that I like to play grab ass with people but aside from that I don't mind working at my tasks and I love country dancing, which can be physical.

Perhaps blacks are like frustrated small children in that acting out their frustrations gives them some emotional relief? Perhaps they see their problems as being unsurmountable?
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels
The thing is, people want to live with and around white people and people don't want to live around blacks

Hey, I serously don't have an issue with whites not wanting to be around blacks....I just wish we could convey that message to white women, cause they simply love the idea of desegregation...just sayin!!
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!

Back in the 80s, my big political concern was the COld War.

Why? Because the Soviets were a tremendous threat to me and mine, and the dems didn't want to do squat about it.

The Soviets were (mostly white). The potential violence inherent in the Military forces, designed to fight ours was immense.

Their whiteness did not soften my concerns about their intentions or capabilities.

The reason I was not concerned about some black nation launched a Global War on the US was because none of the black nations had the military capacity to be a threat on the scale of the Soviet Union.

YOur attempt to use history to make some point about whites or to make me and/or other whites uncomfortable is going to fail because you misunderstand what our motives in discussing black crime rates are.

It is not to put down blacks but to discuss, and hopefully someday address a problem.
I'm sure white women will find out how bad black men are the same way black women have always known
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world
Blacks seem to be more physical than whites but I don't know about violence. Perhaps their rough and tumble play leads to violence more so than with whites. I am not a physical person in the sense that I like to play grab ass with people but aside from that I don't mind working at my tasks and I love country dancing, which can be physical.

Perhaps blacks are like frustrated small children in that acting out their frustrations gives them some emotional relief? Perhaps they see their problems as being unsurmountable?

Listen, what black children lack in their lives are role models that need to teach them out to negotiate conflict. We don't allow our children options when it comes to conflict. I can't tell you how many parents I see kicking thier kids ass because they lost a fight....lost a fight. How many parents I see yelling at their kids and beating on their kids....remember the black mother that beat her kid after he showed up for a protest and all the media was applauding this bitch? A strong black parents presence alone should have made that kid want to go with his mother, a look should have done the trick...instead, she used violence....do you think for a second this kid is gonna grow up not wanting to use the same tatics to convey his message?
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!

Back in the 80s, my big political concern was the COld War.

Why? Because the Soviets were a tremendous threat to me and mine, and the dems didn't want to do squat about it.

The Soviets were (mostly white). The potential violence inherent in the Military forces, designed to fight ours was immense.

Their whiteness did not soften my concerns about their intentions or capabilities.

The reason I was not concerned about some black nation launched a Global War on the US was because none of the black nations had the military capacity to be a threat on the scale of the Soviet Union.

YOur attempt to use history to make some point about whites or to make me and/or other whites uncomfortable is going to fail because you misunderstand what our motives in discussing black crime rates are.

It is not to put down blacks but to discuss, and hopefully someday address a problem.

I have commented numerous times about blacks and their use of violence and where it stems from. Violence is a cultural thing in black families. Its a mean cycle that generations must attack and address. When white families discuss times out for bad behavior with kids, our parents are getting out the belts and whipping our ass. We havent' learned the art of negotiating conflict and it gets worse as generations grow.
Why stop at the 15th century?

If you really want to show white violence you should go back further and lump in the Huns, the Vikings and the ROmans.

Even if the African tribes were busy killing each other at those times, worse record keeping should enable you to juice up the number reeeeal good.

That would help deflect from the current sorry state of Black America.

Thus, you can keep your precious status quo, which is so helpful to libs and dems for getting their agenda advanced at the tiny, tiny cost of generations of black suffering and death.


LOLOLOLOLOL.....black on black crime has been around for a long time. YET it seems to get steam around the 90's...with gang wars and drugs. But its not black people coming here, talking about it, its you white people....so I just turned the tables and true to form, you people can't handle the truth.....and you failed to mention Hitler, your buddy!!
I think there have been some black tyrants in Africa that have killed and maimed an incredible number of their people. If you think that most whites see Hitler as their role model and hero then you are sadly mistaken. We shed a lot of blood to put that sob down.
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels

LOLOLOLOL.....Tell that to Obama, the most intelligent president we've had in decades....just sayin
Have you seen Obama's mama?
Blacks on average have higher testosterone and lower IQ levels

LOLOLOLOL.....Tell that to Obama, the most intelligent president we've had in decades....just sayin
Have you seen Obama's mama?

Whatever...he's still the smartest ever and just for the record......he's among many black smart people
If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down.

In the past, sure. Today, completely disagree. Federal statistics show that blacks commit an amount of violent crime grossly disproportional to their population.

For instance, here are the FBI murder stats for 2013

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
The thing is, people want to live with and around white people and people don't want to live around blacks
Blacks get to have their exclusive clubs, schools, and such and nothing is said but just let a white group try that and look out for the flak. We all should have the freedom to associate or not to associate, but the PC crowd doesn't see it that way.

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