Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?

Put into the same situations any race would act the same. The whole context of the OP is racist.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Simple question and simple answer. There is no doubt white people are the most violent of the human race. There own history and heroes stand as towering testaments to this fact. They celebrate one of the first bumbling genocidal maniacs to touch the north american continent in Columbus. The one thing they excel at is violence. The list goes on but I did promise to make it short.

meanwhile you celebrate bumbling perps like Michael Brown and Trayvon Purple Drank

poor innocent black men. your heroes lol
It's not just in America, blacks display the same violence everywhere else in the world
Blacks seem to be more physical than whites but I don't know about violence. Perhaps their rough and tumble play leads to violence more so than with whites. I am not a physical person in the sense that I like to play grab ass with people but aside from that I don't mind working at my tasks and I love country dancing, which can be physical.

Perhaps blacks are like frustrated small children in that acting out their frustrations gives them some emotional relief? Perhaps they see their problems as being unsurmountable?

Listen, what black children lack in their lives are role models that need to teach them out to negotiate conflict. We don't allow our children options when it comes to conflict. I can't tell you how many parents I see kicking thier kids ass because they lost a fight....lost a fight. How many parents I see yelling at their kids and beating on their kids....remember the black mother that beat her kid after he showed up for a protest and all the media was applauding this bitch? A strong black parents presence alone should have made that kid want to go with his mother, a look should have done the trick...instead, she used violence....do you think for a second this kid is gonna grow up not wanting to use the same tatics to convey his message?
So the violent nature of blacks is nurtured by their mothers?

I'm not calling out all black women, but I see these young girls and how they interact with their boys, and from what I see, its not healthy...."Boy, I'ma whip yo ass", get yo ass....I'm mean its always yelling. I attribute a lot of young black boys turning to white women as a result of this harshness they recieve from black women. I see soft spoken quiet white teachers who for 12 years of schooling as being a catalyst for the wanting of white women as they age.
Put into the same situations any race would act the same. The whole context of the OP is racist.
Thats your opinion, David Duke

How in the hell do you get from what I posted that i am David Duke? This whole thread is predicated on OPINION. The YOU are making a distinction based on race, not me. I don't mind critical replies but outright stupidity I really do not understand.
Also, it's a victim mentality that is passed down from generation to generation. I'm sure that must also play some role. If you see yourself as a victim all the time, then you are going to feel as if you are a victim and that would tend to make people feel resentment. Given their background of slavery in this country, there is also probably some kind of hatred for white people that is passed down from generation to generation.
I think what you've said is spot on.

While the lives of most slaves were utterly miserable, some were kept by kind masters who treated them comparatively well. When slavery was abolished many slaves were simply abandoned to survive by their wits in a mainly hostile environment and subjected to the new cruelties of Jim Crow segregation.

The more fortunate slaves continued living with their former masters as paid employees, leading relatively healthy and tolerable lives, raising and educating their children. Others who had learned useful skills became gainfully employed and led peaceful, productive lives -- some starting profitable businesses.

Today's more successful Blacks have descended from the genetic lines of those more fortunate freed slaves who managed to lead relatively normal lives, emulating and assimilating the social habits and attitudes of the Whites they lived closer to. But those slaves who simply walked away from cruel masters when Abolition set them free lived essentially like abandoned domestic animals, surviving by their wits, producing bastard offspring who disseminate generations of uneducated, feral, psychologically damaged, violence-prone misfits with innate but carefully concealed (and understandable) loathing for Whites.

Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.
what do black guys have to offer anyone? let alone a woman?
For a woman the ultimate man of course.

the ultimate man is in prison, has no job, does drugs and sleeps around?
What makes you think that dummy. The ultimate man is Black, amazingly intelligent, well built and successful. Why do you think all Black men have to do is smile at white women?.

The "ultimate" black man doesn't exist. Only in your mind. They literally can offer nothing, unless they are rich and even then they cannot be faithful.
Of course they exist. I know that frightens white guys because they like to pretend their wives nipples dont get hard whenever they see us in the grocery store and other places. Happens all the time.

Oh good geebus, shut the hell up, will you? If you don't have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, then (as Archie Bunker would say) stifle yourself.
Also, it's a victim mentality that is passed down from generation to generation. I'm sure that must also play some role. If you see yourself as a victim all the time, then you are going to feel as if you are a victim and that would tend to make people feel resentment. Given their background of slavery in this country, there is also probably some kind of hatred for white people that is passed down from generation to generation.
I think what you've said is spot on.

While the lives of most slaves were utterly miserable, some were kept by kind masters who treated them comparatively well. When slavery was abolished many slaves were simply abandoned to survive by their wits in a mainly hostile environment and subjected to the new cruelties of Jim Crow segregation.

The more fortunate slaves continued living with their former masters as paid employees, leading relatively healthy and tolerable lives, raising and educating their children. Others who had learned useful skills became gainfully employed and led peaceful, productive lives -- some starting profitable businesses.

Today's more successful Blacks have descended from the genetic lines of those more fortunate freed slaves who managed to lead relatively normal lives, emulating and assimilating the social habits and attitudes of the Whites they lived closer to. But those slaves who simply walked away from cruel masters when Abolition set them free lived essentially like abandoned domestic animals, surviving by their wits, producing bastard offspring who disseminate generations of uneducated, feral, psychologically damaged, violence-prone misfits with innate but carefully concealed (and understandable) loathing for Whites.

Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.

Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
For a woman the ultimate man of course.

the ultimate man is in prison, has no job, does drugs and sleeps around?
What makes you think that dummy. The ultimate man is Black, amazingly intelligent, well built and successful. Why do you think all Black men have to do is smile at white women?.

The "ultimate" black man doesn't exist. Only in your mind. They literally can offer nothing, unless they are rich and even then they cannot be faithful.
Of course they exist. I know that frightens white guys because they like to pretend their wives nipples dont get hard whenever they see us in the grocery store and other places. Happens all the time.

Oh good geebus, shut the hell up, will you? If you don't have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, then (as Archie Bunker would say) stifle yourself.
Touched a nerve? You shouldnt be so transparent.
Also, it's a victim mentality that is passed down from generation to generation. I'm sure that must also play some role. If you see yourself as a victim all the time, then you are going to feel as if you are a victim and that would tend to make people feel resentment. Given their background of slavery in this country, there is also probably some kind of hatred for white people that is passed down from generation to generation.
I think what you've said is spot on.

While the lives of most slaves were utterly miserable, some were kept by kind masters who treated them comparatively well. When slavery was abolished many slaves were simply abandoned to survive by their wits in a mainly hostile environment and subjected to the new cruelties of Jim Crow segregation.

The more fortunate slaves continued living with their former masters as paid employees, leading relatively healthy and tolerable lives, raising and educating their children. Others who had learned useful skills became gainfully employed and led peaceful, productive lives -- some starting profitable businesses.

Today's more successful Blacks have descended from the genetic lines of those more fortunate freed slaves who managed to lead relatively normal lives, emulating and assimilating the social habits and attitudes of the Whites they lived closer to. But those slaves who simply walked away from cruel masters when Abolition set them free lived essentially like abandoned domestic animals, surviving by their wits, producing bastard offspring who disseminate generations of uneducated, feral, psychologically damaged, violence-prone misfits with innate but carefully concealed (and understandable) loathing for Whites.

Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.

Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.
Also, it's a victim mentality that is passed down from generation to generation. I'm sure that must also play some role. If you see yourself as a victim all the time, then you are going to feel as if you are a victim and that would tend to make people feel resentment. Given their background of slavery in this country, there is also probably some kind of hatred for white people that is passed down from generation to generation.
I think what you've said is spot on.

While the lives of most slaves were utterly miserable, some were kept by kind masters who treated them comparatively well. When slavery was abolished many slaves were simply abandoned to survive by their wits in a mainly hostile environment and subjected to the new cruelties of Jim Crow segregation.

The more fortunate slaves continued living with their former masters as paid employees, leading relatively healthy and tolerable lives, raising and educating their children. Others who had learned useful skills became gainfully employed and led peaceful, productive lives -- some starting profitable businesses.

Today's more successful Blacks have descended from the genetic lines of those more fortunate freed slaves who managed to lead relatively normal lives, emulating and assimilating the social habits and attitudes of the Whites they lived closer to. But those slaves who simply walked away from cruel masters when Abolition set them free lived essentially like abandoned domestic animals, surviving by their wits, producing bastard offspring who disseminate generations of uneducated, feral, psychologically damaged, violence-prone misfits with innate but carefully concealed (and understandable) loathing for Whites.

Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.

Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.

the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Also, it's a victim mentality that is passed down from generation to generation. I'm sure that must also play some role. If you see yourself as a victim all the time, then you are going to feel as if you are a victim and that would tend to make people feel resentment. Given their background of slavery in this country, there is also probably some kind of hatred for white people that is passed down from generation to generation.
I think what you've said is spot on.

While the lives of most slaves were utterly miserable, some were kept by kind masters who treated them comparatively well. When slavery was abolished many slaves were simply abandoned to survive by their wits in a mainly hostile environment and subjected to the new cruelties of Jim Crow segregation.

The more fortunate slaves continued living with their former masters as paid employees, leading relatively healthy and tolerable lives, raising and educating their children. Others who had learned useful skills became gainfully employed and led peaceful, productive lives -- some starting profitable businesses.

Today's more successful Blacks have descended from the genetic lines of those more fortunate freed slaves who managed to lead relatively normal lives, emulating and assimilating the social habits and attitudes of the Whites they lived closer to. But those slaves who simply walked away from cruel masters when Abolition set them free lived essentially like abandoned domestic animals, surviving by their wits, producing bastard offspring who disseminate generations of uneducated, feral, psychologically damaged, violence-prone misfits with innate but carefully concealed (and understandable) loathing for Whites.

Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.

Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.

the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Try harder to convince me. Slavery and whitey are definitely the cause of the majority of issues in the Black community. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this. Why would you think you as a white boy would be more convincing?
White people are extremely violent. The one thing Blacks wanted was to be be left alone to prosper on their land. Whites initiated a campaign of terror to stop this.

Elaine Massacre - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

"The Elaine Massacre was by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States. While its deepest roots lay in the state’s commitment to white supremacy, the events in Elaine stemmed from tense race relations and growing concerns about labor unions. A shooting incident that occurred at a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union escalated into mob violence on the part of the white people in Elaine (Phillips County) and surrounding areas. Although the exact number is unknown, estimates of the number of African Americans killed by whites range into the hundreds; five white people lost their lives."

Bet not many people learned about this shining example of white violent apelike behavior in school. Would kind of mess up all that "white is right" indoctrination.
I think what you've said is spot on.

While the lives of most slaves were utterly miserable, some were kept by kind masters who treated them comparatively well. When slavery was abolished many slaves were simply abandoned to survive by their wits in a mainly hostile environment and subjected to the new cruelties of Jim Crow segregation.

The more fortunate slaves continued living with their former masters as paid employees, leading relatively healthy and tolerable lives, raising and educating their children. Others who had learned useful skills became gainfully employed and led peaceful, productive lives -- some starting profitable businesses.

Today's more successful Blacks have descended from the genetic lines of those more fortunate freed slaves who managed to lead relatively normal lives, emulating and assimilating the social habits and attitudes of the Whites they lived closer to. But those slaves who simply walked away from cruel masters when Abolition set them free lived essentially like abandoned domestic animals, surviving by their wits, producing bastard offspring who disseminate generations of uneducated, feral, psychologically damaged, violence-prone misfits with innate but carefully concealed (and understandable) loathing for Whites.

Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.

Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.

the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Try harder to convince me. Slavery and whitey are definitely the cause of the majority of issues in the Black community. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this. Why would you think you as a white boy would be more convincing?

I don't.

I think you mind is closed to any information that doesn't fit your preconceived notions.

i note that you ask me to make my case while twice ignoring a very strong point about the vast gap of time between slavery and some of it's supposed effects even starting.

THat is pretty stupid. Of you.
Thanks! :)

Hmm. That's an interesting theory. I can imagine a lot of black people were like "lost souls" after the abolition of slavery, suddenly left to their own devices and perhaps not really knowing much about how to survive in this type of environment.

Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.

the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Try harder to convince me. Slavery and whitey are definitely the cause of the majority of issues in the Black community. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this. Why would you think you as a white boy would be more convincing?

I don't.

I think you mind is closed to any information that doesn't fit your preconceived notions.

i note that you ask me to make my case while twice ignoring a very strong point about the vast gap of time between slavery and some of it's supposed effects even starting.

THat is pretty stupid. Of you.
Whats pretty stupid is thinking that the effects werent there until recently. Thats why I ignored you.
Except that the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.

the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Try harder to convince me. Slavery and whitey are definitely the cause of the majority of issues in the Black community. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this. Why would you think you as a white boy would be more convincing?

I don't.

I think you mind is closed to any information that doesn't fit your preconceived notions.

i note that you ask me to make my case while twice ignoring a very strong point about the vast gap of time between slavery and some of it's supposed effects even starting.

THat is pretty stupid. Of you.
Whats pretty stupid is thinking that the effects werent there until recently. Thats why I ignored you.

The collapse of the black family did not occur until the latter half of the 20th century, as I stated above, and you were to dishonest to address.
Gang culture was started by whites. Does the Mafia ring a bell? Face it whites are the most violent segment of the human race.

the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Try harder to convince me. Slavery and whitey are definitely the cause of the majority of issues in the Black community. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this. Why would you think you as a white boy would be more convincing?

I don't.

I think you mind is closed to any information that doesn't fit your preconceived notions.

i note that you ask me to make my case while twice ignoring a very strong point about the vast gap of time between slavery and some of it's supposed effects even starting.

THat is pretty stupid. Of you.
Whats pretty stupid is thinking that the effects werent there until recently. Thats why I ignored you.

The collapse of the black family did not occur until the latter half of the 20th century, as I stated above, and you were to dishonest to address.
More stupidity. The Black family has never collapsed. We are the strongest people standing. Having issues does not = collapsing. Try your white boy jedi mind tricks on someone thats not your intellectual superior.
. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this.

Most of you can't pronounce "th" words...huge lips make ya sound like a fairy with a lisp....most of you have a high school diploma you can't read and most of you hate whites because we don't want to be around you....and for good reason...you're violent morons who only win because you fight in packs....one on one you're gutless loudmouths..
. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this.

Most of you can't pronounce "th" words...huge lips make ya sound like a fairy with a lisp....most of you have a high school diploma you can't read and most of you hate whites because we don't want to be around you....and for good reason...you're violent morons who only win because you fight in packs....one on one you're gutless loudmouths..
It takes 10 white boys with weapons to meet my stare without turning red and looking away. That is the reason whites developed superior weaponry. They are violent but only when they have overwhelming odds. Otherwise they are cowards.

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