Who's not "Racist"?

Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumhereped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
learn to read dumbass.....what does this say?....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" ....see the word AND in there?...
Stop whining HD. Post a link so we can see context. Until then youre full of shit looking for a place to take a dump.
it happened months ago....you try and find a link....and of course you aint man enough to admit when you get busted for your bullshit..but i know you remember....

Theres a search feature. Stop stalling.
HD must be a slow thinker. I think i blew his mind and he cant figure out how to make my comment an example of racism. :laugh:
oh gee my last post was what 10 minutes ago?....unlike a rich motherfucker like you who has servants to do things for him,i dont,i had to get up and answer the phone...
Whatever conversation occurred discussing my net worth must have really stuck with you and caused some cerebral trauma. Now I have servants?

I see you deflected again instead of explaining how my post was racist.
you are a better dancer than dean..and you are dancing.....i proved you wrong about what you said,and as usual....its dance the night away...
You only proved you cant show me how my comment is racist. No worries. You have melted down before due to not being able to prove your point. I can see this is going to be more stalling and deflecting from you.
i dont melt down with racist liars.....they do all the dancing i just set them off,like im doing with you....
So get busy and post a remark i made unprovoked and stop talking.
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
i asked you a question you could not answer.....how come?...
HD must be a slow thinker. I think i blew his mind and he cant figure out how to make my comment an example of racism. :laugh:
oh gee my last post was what 10 minutes ago?....unlike a rich motherfucker like you who has servants to do things for him,i dont,i had to get up and answer the phone...
Whatever conversation occurred discussing my net worth must have really stuck with you and caused some cerebral trauma. Now I have servants?

I see you deflected again instead of explaining how my post was racist.
you are a better dancer than dean..and you are dancing.....i proved you wrong about what you said,and as usual....its dance the night away...
You only proved you cant show me how my comment is racist. No worries. You have melted down before due to not being able to prove your point. I can see this is going to be more stalling and deflecting from you.
i dont melt down with racist liars.....they do all the dancing i just set them off,like im doing with you....

I didnt say you melted down with racist liars. I said you are melting down with me because nothing you claim has been backed up by proof. Its OK but you have run your course. Youre done. This silliness is making my stomach hurt from laughing at you.
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
no i doubt he is rich because of the bullshit that he was throwing in that thread...he was doing alright until he started getting ridiculous.....

You should doubt I am rich because I never told you i was rich. I think thats your inferiority complex and latent racism coming through again.
you know what you said and i know what you said.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that,because you know....but hey keep on dancing...your good at it...
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
I don't know that Harry doubts Ascelepias is rich is because Ascelepias is black. Harry may simply be skeptical because many people lie about themselves on the Internet. There are several people on this forum that claim to be rich that I have my doubts about.
Weird thing is I never claimed to be rich financially. I think its HD's inferiority complex and latent racism. Dude must be in the closet like Narnia.
you lying sack of shit.....what a pussy.....whats the matter your spine give away?...

Well you could prove this definitely by posting a link. I would bet a million dollars you wont just like you wont answer my question about how my comment was racist. Face it HD. You have to get over your emotional butt hurt. Its pretty pathetic watching you get your ass handed to you whenever you try to test yourself against my superior brain.
i answered your question but you danced away from mine...how come?....cant give an honest answer?....
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumhereped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
learn to read dumbass.....what does this say?....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" ....see the word AND in there?...
Stop whining HD. Post a link so we can see context. Until then youre full of shit looking for a place to take a dump.
it happened months ago....you try and find a link....and of course you aint man enough to admit when you get busted for your bullshit..but i know you remember....

Theres a search feature. Stop stalling.
it only goes back so many posts.....
oh gee my last post was what 10 minutes ago?....unlike a rich motherfucker like you who has servants to do things for him,i dont,i had to get up and answer the phone...
Whatever conversation occurred discussing my net worth must have really stuck with you and caused some cerebral trauma. Now I have servants?

I see you deflected again instead of explaining how my post was racist.
you are a better dancer than dean..and you are dancing.....i proved you wrong about what you said,and as usual....its dance the night away...
You only proved you cant show me how my comment is racist. No worries. You have melted down before due to not being able to prove your point. I can see this is going to be more stalling and deflecting from you.
i dont melt down with racist liars.....they do all the dancing i just set them off,like im doing with you....

I didnt say you melted down with racist liars. I said you are melting down with me because nothing you claim has been backed up by proof. Its OK but you have run your course. Youre done. This silliness is making my stomach hurt from laughing at you.
liars usually do laugh....if you cant defend yourself you start laughing...its their defense mechanism...
So get busy and post a remark i made unprovoked and stop talking.
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
no i doubt he is rich because of the bullshit that he was throwing in that thread...he was doing alright until he started getting ridiculous.....

You should doubt I am rich because I never told you i was rich. I think thats your inferiority complex and latent racism coming through again.
you know what you said and i know what you said.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that,because you know....but hey keep on dancing...your good at it...
Whys he a good dancer because he's black? I know you think dancing with the stars is gay but last night NFL star Vaughn Miller and facts of life tootie got tossed so don't think Asclepias can dance just because he's black.
So get busy and post a remark i made unprovoked and stop talking.
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
Whats funny is that you think I'm debating anyone. I'm laughing at HD not being able to prove or explain even one of his claims. Do you want to help him out or are you at a loss as well?

What is racist about my first, second, or third statement?
Yes, that's why you posted so many? ....

Have I posted any?

Were you saying that racist remarks by leftists take up half the bandwidth? .....

At least.

Okay....so where are the links?

Go look up any or all posts from guno, drean, huey, asslickius, dot cum, bobo, etc. All avowed leftists.

You hurt the feelings if tigerred59 for neglecting to put her on the "honor" list along with the worthies you mention.
Have I posted any?

Were you saying that racist remarks by leftists take up half the bandwidth? .....

At least.

Okay....so where are the links?

Go look up any or all posts from guno, drean, huey, asslickius, dot cum, bobo, etc. All avowed leftists.

You hurt the feelings if tigerred59 for neglecting to put her on the "honor" list along with the worthies you mention.

Good point.
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
Whats funny is that you think I'm debating anyone. I'm laughing at HD not being able to prove or explain even one of his claims. Do you want to help him out or are you at a loss as well?

What is racist about my first, second, or third statement?
There you go again by denying the obvious. It's not that HD has not proven or explained his claims, it's that you will deny any explanation or proof no mater what.
President Obama's daughter Malia announced that she would be attending Harvard....being a President's daughter it was considered news worthy by most news media. Fox News opted to print the article. It didn't take long for all the hate and racism to start pouring in. So much that Fox News was forded to close down the "Comments" on the article.

Who watches Faux News? We all know who.....and then they claim they're not racist. Yep, we hear ya.

Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
I am so ashamed of my country.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
Whats funny is that you think I'm debating anyone. I'm laughing at HD not being able to prove or explain even one of his claims. Do you want to help him out or are you at a loss as well?

What is racist about my first, second, or third statement?
There you go again by denying the obvious. It's not that HD has not proven or explained his claims, it's that you will deny any explanation or proof no mater what.
If its so obvious why cant you prove it or explain it? Yes its hilarious to me that HD has made these claims but cannot prove or explain them. I cant deny an explanation or proof. I think you and HD are just afraid to post your weak or non existent findings. Any other time your posts would be filled with links. Your silence is deafening.
So get busy and post a remark i made unprovoked and stop talking.
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
exactly and he does this just about every time he is confronted with his bullshit...
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
no i doubt he is rich because of the bullshit that he was throwing in that thread...he was doing alright until he started getting ridiculous.....

You should doubt I am rich because I never told you i was rich. I think thats your inferiority complex and latent racism coming through again.
you know what you said and i know what you said.....and there aint a dam thing you can do about that,because you know....but hey keep on dancing...your good at it...
Whys he a good dancer because he's black? I know you think dancing with the stars is gay but last night NFL star Vaughn Miller and facts of life tootie got tossed so don't think Asclepias can dance just because he's black.
a racist thinks that way bobo....are you a racist?....i have accused many whites here of dancing....and besides bobo you aint that stupid so quit acting like shootspeeders,he is that stupid.....
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
Whats funny is that you think I'm debating anyone. I'm laughing at HD not being able to prove or explain even one of his claims. Do you want to help him out or are you at a loss as well?

What is racist about my first, second, or third statement?
how come you dont answer what i asked?....you said you only use the term cave chimp when you are replying to a blatant racist ...in post no. 2 you used that term,so i asked you what did mertek say that was blatant enough you had to say that? instead of being honest, you, as Joe said, just replied with your usual obtuse reply.. ......so i proved you dont just say that responding to a racist.....but go ahead and dance some more,this time i have the music ready to go....
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
its funny how when you get proved wrong everyone is deflecting.....
Its funny how when I ask you to prove my comment is racist you deflect.
What is funny is that you think you are winning a debate by being deliberately obtuse.
Whats funny is that you think I'm debating anyone. I'm laughing at HD not being able to prove or explain even one of his claims. Do you want to help him out or are you at a loss as well?

What is racist about my first, second, or third statement?
how come you dont answer what i asked?....you said you only use the term cave chimp when you are replying to a blatant racist ...in post no. 2 you used that term,so i asked you what did mertek say that was blatant enough you had to say that? instead of being honest, you, as Joe said, just replied with your usual obtuse reply.. ......so i proved you dont just say that responding to a racist.....but go ahead and dance some more,this time i have the music ready to go....
Maybe him and Mertek have a history you don't know about. You didn't say anything stupid in this post that I am replying to right now, but I might call you stupid because of something you've written in the past. I think you butted into a discussion and now Asclepias is making you look foolish. It's like one racist is saying something really racist and you walk by and say, "yea darky". Don't be surprised when Asclepias pulls out his intellect oozy and sprays every one of you white crackers. None of you are innocent. Not even me.

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