Why a war with N. Korea may be imminent....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
When in 2002-2003 GWB's poll numbers were down and his economic policies (mostly tax breaks for the rich) were met with serious opposition, his advisers must have told him that the very, very best way to get re-elected and stifle opposition was to start a war with Iraq, on dubious charges of WMDs.....Sure enough, the tactic "worked", except for the US body count, the trillions of debt incurred, and the instability that we now find in the region, this adventure brought to us

That lesson is not being lost by the Trump administration....No doubt N Korea IS a serious threat to that country's neighbors and, in a few years, to our own country.

However, given Trump's ego and the relinquishing of war powers by our do-nothing congress, a preemptive strike against N.Korea may be imminent, regardless of the serious concerns voiced by both Japan and S. Korea.

If such strikes against Kim Jung Un's corrupt regime do materialize, our 30, 000 troops in S. Korea AND the entire peninsula will see lots of blood.....and, of coure, our relationship with China will be greatly and adversely impacted.

Putin must be ecstatic for the instabilities away from his borders and Putin must be very happy to have installed the Trumpster in the WH. .
I don't think war with N Korea is imminent at all, it all depends on North Koreas reaction. They are a rogue nation, far worse than Iraq was.

Furthermore, GWB gave Suddam an ultimatum to avoid war. He could have stepped down and nothing would have happened so this fact alone denies your premise.

Finally, N Korea is a vastly different military challenge than Iraq and they have much bigger friends.
The war with Iraq was years in the making.
Remember the talking of Iraq war after Korean war?
Remember Clinton bombing them for not letting weapon inspectors do their jobs?
You are a complete idiot.
If Trump's poll number's are down, he'll simply make better one's up. Which is his luxury. Considering the position he's been in from the start, it's not like his career is hanging by a thread dependent on public attitude.
Sure. That's why Iraq was started...

I thought the war was because God told him to invade.

No, scratch that, it was over oil.

No, scratch that, it was because "W" wanted to win another term.


Listening to left wingers ramble on is like listening to them whine about terrorism. At first, terrorism was due to US aggression in the Middle East, then it was because of climate change.

I give up.
When in 2002-2003 GWB's poll numbers were down and his economic policies (mostly tax breaks for the rich) were met with serious opposition, his advisers must have told him that the very, very best way to get re-elected and stifle opposition was to start a war with Iraq, on dubious charges of WMDs.....Sure enough, the tactic "worked", except for the US body count, the trillions of debt incurred, and the instability that we now find in the region, this adventure brought to us

That lesson is not being lost by the Trump administration....No doubt N Korea IS a serious threat to that country's neighbors and, in a few years, to our own country.

However, given Trump's ego and the relinquishing of war powers by our do-nothing congress, a preemptive strike against N.Korea may be imminent, regardless of the serious concerns voiced by both Japan and S. Korea.

If such strikes against Kim Jung Un's corrupt regime do materialize, our 30, 000 troops in S. Korea AND the entire peninsula will see lots of blood.....and, of coure, our relationship with China will be greatly and adversely impacted.

Putin must be ecstatic for the instabilities away from his borders and Putin must be very happy to have installed the Trumpster in the WH. .
Highly unlikely, but the Chicken Little crowd has been screaming since November 9th and there's no reason to think they'll stop now.

Difference between Iraq and North Korea? Saddam & Iraq were/are very intelligent and experienced at war & how to play the game. Kim is neither. He is dangerous because of that. Like a little kid with their first gun......shooting at anything that moves, but doesn't know how it works.
Difference between Iraq and North Korea? Saddam & Iraq were/are very intelligent and experienced at war & how to play the game. Kim is neither. He is dangerous because of that. Like a little kid with their first gun......shooting at anything that moves, but doesn't know how it works.

Sound like he is going to figure things out pretty quick here shortly
The LEFT want's the US to GO TO WAR!

Why you ask?

Because they are willing to kill our soldiers so they can use THE WAR as leverage and as a political hammer to get back in to power.

They will rattle their sabers, and DEMAND WAR, and then hide when it's time to take responsibility for it and instead point the Finger At Trump while asking for Donations and Campaigning for the next 2 years.
Difference between Iraq and North Korea? Saddam & Iraq were/are very intelligent and experienced at war & how to play the game. Kim is neither. He is dangerous because of that. Like a little kid with their first gun......shooting at anything that moves, but doesn't know how it works.

Sound like he is going to figure things out pretty quick here shortly

Yeah, for every stupid move and failure so far and the reactions from US and the rest of the world......he's learning.
If Trump's poll number's are down, he'll simply make better one's up. Which is his luxury. Considering the position he's been in from the start, it's not like his career is hanging by a thread dependent on public attitude.
Actually his numbers are steadily climbing and this is despite a BILLION DOLLAR effort to attempt to keep his poll numbers down.

But anyone with intelligence pays NO ATTENTION to POLLS, really.
If Trump's poll number's are down, he'll simply make better one's up. Which is his luxury. Considering the position he's been in from the start, it's not like his career is hanging by a thread dependent on public attitude.
Actually his numbers are steadily climbing and this is despite a BILLION DOLLAR effort to attempt to keep his poll numbers down.

But anyone with intelligence pays NO ATTENTION to POLLS, really.

I do find it rather comical how MSM & the left keep saying how bad Trump is.....'he's not going to win the election', 'he's taking a big hit because of (fill in the blank)', 'nobody likes Ivanka's clothing line, her business is failing'.....on & on......and yet, that's not what happens :badgrin:
The LEFT want's the US to GO TO WAR!

Why you ask?

Because they are willing to kill our soldiers so they can use THE WAR as leverage and as a political hammer to get back in to power.

They will rattle their sabers, and DEMAND WAR, and then hide when it's time to take responsibility for it and instead point the Finger At Trump while asking for Donations and Campaigning for the next 2 years.

Obama was too black to fail in NK, so they got Trump instead.

Obama would only pick on dictators that could not fight back, like Gaddafi and then say it's not really a war.

Any half wit could have removed Gaddafi. But true to form, he even failed at this as ISIS moved in and took over.
BTW the strongest evidence there is that no war with n Korea will happen is that nat thinks it will
Furthermore, GWB gave Suddam an ultimatum to avoid war. He could have stepped down and nothing would have happened so this fact alone denies your premise.

Finally, N Korea is a vastly different military challenge than Iraq and they have much bigger friends.

The intent of my O/P must have gone way over your head....

I am NOT comparing the military capacities of Iraq and N. Korea...What I AM alluding to is the similarities as to WHY we choose war when someone who is sitting in the oval office needs a boost to their approval ratings.

(BTW, to tell a sovereign nation's leader, like Saddam, to step down based on made up charges of possessing WMDs, may be a bit arrogant on our part.)
When in 2002-2003 GWB's poll numbers were down and his economic policies (mostly tax breaks for the rich) were met with serious opposition, his advisers must have told him that the very, very best way to get re-elected and stifle opposition was to start a war with Iraq, on dubious charges of WMDs.....Sure enough, the tactic "worked", except for the US body count, the trillions of debt incurred, and the instability that we now find in the region, this adventure brought to us

That lesson is not being lost by the Trump administration....No doubt N Korea IS a serious threat to that country's neighbors and, in a few years, to our own country.

However, given Trump's ego and the relinquishing of war powers by our do-nothing congress, a preemptive strike against N.Korea may be imminent, regardless of the serious concerns voiced by both Japan and S. Korea.

If such strikes against Kim Jung Un's corrupt regime do materialize, our 30, 000 troops in S. Korea AND the entire peninsula will see lots of blood.....and, of coure, our relationship with China will be greatly and adversely impacted.

Putin must be ecstatic for the instabilities away from his borders and Putin must be very happy to have installed the Trumpster in the WH. .

The LEFT want's the US to GO TO WAR!

Why you ask?

Because they are willing to kill our soldiers so they can use THE WAR as leverage and as a political hammer to get back in to power.

They will rattle their sabers, and DEMAND WAR, and then hide when it's time to take responsibility for it and instead point the Finger At Trump while asking for Donations and Campaigning for the next 2 years.

Obama was too black to fail in NK, so they got Trump instead.

Obama would only pick on dictators that could not fight back, like Gaddafi and then say it's not really a war.

Any half wit could have removed Gaddafi. But true to form, he even failed at this as ISIS moved in and took over.

This Puke of an Ex President did not "Pick on Anyone"

He was actively participating in the Spread of Radical Islam.

There is no denying that. He funded Coups in Egypt and Libya who share a border in close proximity to Israel and with each other. He funded Islamic Extremists sworn to Israel's Destruction. He paid Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage the coups.

He should be hung or shot for that bit of treason alone. And HE INTENTIONALLY against all advice created the vacumn in the ME and helped ISIS to come to power, and then PAID THEM to try to overthrow SYRIA, along with AL NUSRA.

Syria is seen as soft against Israel, and radical ISLAM wants Assad out because of that.

Exactly how is Obama not in LIFE PRISON for funding Terrorists?

People look at his Foreign Policy and see it as The Most Historic Failure of a President in our Entire History in Foreign Policy.

Phuck that. He Succeeded Wildly. Destabilizing The Middle East WAS INTENTIONAL. That was Obama Bin Lying's goal from the day he was elected. Piece of Shit Marxist Radicals like him think like Hitler, if you can exterminate "The Jew" we can have world peace.

Obama intentionally aided and abetted and even funded the Populating of The ME with Terrorists Hell bent on the Destruction of Israel and his actions were INTENTIONAL.


His Foreign Policy was a STROKE OF EVIL GENIUS.

Imagine Syria, Libya, and Egypt run by ISIS, Al Nusra, Al Queda, and the Muslim Brotherhood, all with Obama Bin Lying's Blessings and US Backing! Yes he funded those groups as well as Iran's Terrorist Actions and even gave money to HAMAS and THE PLO.

The first thing these three countries would have done under that leadership was to go to war with Israel with Iran's help.
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The LEFT want's the US to GO TO WAR!

Why you ask?

Because they are willing to kill our soldiers so they can use THE WAR as leverage and as a political hammer to get back in to power.

They will rattle their sabers, and DEMAND WAR, and then hide when it's time to take responsibility for it and instead point the Finger At Trump while asking for Donations and Campaigning for the next 2 years.

Obama was too black to fail in NK, so they got Trump instead.

Obama would only pick on dictators that could not fight back, like Gaddafi and then say it's not really a war.

Any half wit could have removed Gaddafi. But true to form, he even failed at this as ISIS moved in and took over.

This Puke of an Ex President did not "Pick on Anyone"

He was actively participating in the Spread of Radical Islam.

There is no denying that. He funded Coups in Egypt and Libya who share a border in close proximity to Israel. He funding Islamic Extremists sworn to Israel's Destruction. He paid Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage the coups.

He should be hung or shot for that bit of treason alone. And HE INTENTIONALLY against all advice created the vacumn in the ME and helped ISIS to come to power, and then PAID THEM to try to overthrow SYRIA, along with AL NUSRA.
Syria is seen as soft against Israel, and radical ISLAM wants Assad out because of that.

Exactly how is Obama not in LIFE PRISON for funding Terrorists?

People look at his Foreign Policy and see it as The Most Historic Failure of a President in our Entire History in Foreign Policy.

Phuck that. He Succeeded Wildly. Destabilizing The Middle East WAS INTENTIONAL. Populating it with Terrorists Hell bent on the Destruction of Israel was INTENTIONAL.


His Foreign Policy was a STROKE OF EVIL GENIUS.

Well, moront, i guess you MUST be "correct" since you bolded your entire crap....LOL (what an asshole.)
What I AM alluding to is the similarities as to WHY we choose war when someone who is sitting in the oval office needs a boost to their approval ratings.

If put into context, it had nothing to do with approval ratings.....lack of, or boost to.......it had to do with Saddam not following thru with the requirements imposed by the Security Council's sanctions after he had invaded Kuwait.....back in 91 & under Bush SR. Saddam also continued to dodge the inspectors for 8+ years after that (the timeline includes the Bill Clinton years).

With all that going on and then hit with 9/11 and threatened with more........WTF should have Bush JR done? Sit on his ass & take it, like Obama? What do you think Hussein did with all those weapons? Gee he had 8 or more years to hide or sell them. Are you really so naïve to think he didn't have them at all? If that were the case, then why didn't he let inspectors in to do their jobs right up front......if he didn't have anything to hide?

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