Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

To avoid abortions is maybe a chance, isn't it. Basically no woman is really happy with abortion.

First, you declare the decision of one person to kill another is acceptable, now you presume to tell us that no person who has made such a decision is really happy with it?
So, if no women would be "really happy with abortion", why do any women choose to do it?
Oh, yeah! Every woman has a choice not to have an abortion, it's called "prevention". She doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex.

Were are you from? Smurf village? I think to discuss with naive people is a waste of time

Not actually naive. They are what I generally refer to as "willfully ignorant."
First, you declare the decision of one person to kill another is acceptable, now you presume to tell us that no person who has made such a decision is really happy with it?
So, if no women would be "really happy with abortion", why do any women choose to do it?
Oh, yeah! Every woman has a choice not to have an abortion, it's called "prevention". She doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex.

Were are you from? Smurf village? I think to discuss with naive people is a waste of time

Not actually naive. They are what I generally refer to as "willfully ignorant."

:lol: I have to remember that term "willfully ignorant" - great!
Nice try - this german sentence is completely without logical content!!!!

Hey, thanks for reminding me why I left Germany in the first place. You're a peach!

You've never been in Germany

You know this how? Been to Germany? Honey, I lived there. But don't let me try to change you mind. People like you are one of the reasons I left Germany. People like you are why I cringe each and every time some German shows up here and makes a total ass of himself. "Und vhat tym vill zee moose be here?"
Hey, thanks for reminding me why I left Germany in the first place. You're a peach!

You've never been in Germany

You know this how? Been to Germany? Honey, I lived there. But don't let me try to change you mind. People like you are one of the reasons I left Germany. People like you are why I cringe each and every time some German shows up here and makes a total ass of himself. "Und vhat tym vill zee moose be here?"

You don't speak any german. :eusa_boohoo:
No german woman would ever say: "She doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex." Only she is older than 80 years!
To avoid abortions is maybe a chance, isn't it. Basically no woman is really happy with abortion.

First, you declare the decision of one person to kill another is acceptable, now you presume to tell us that no person who has made such a decision is really happy with it?
So, if no women would be "really happy with abortion", why do any women choose to do it?

Because,my brave and warlike friend, women who have abortions may consider them to be the lesser of two evils. Choices are not always between the good and the bad. They are often bewteen bad and worse.

Nope. Having a baby isn't "bad" unless a woman is in an abusive relationship.

So what you maintain is that women in abusive relationships should kill their babies, to protect their abusers. Got it.
You've never been in Germany

You know this how? Been to Germany? Honey, I lived there. But don't let me try to change you mind. People like you are one of the reasons I left Germany. People like you are why I cringe each and every time some German shows up here and makes a total ass of himself. "Und vhat tym vill zee moose be here?"

You don't speak any german. :eusa_boohoo:
No german woman would ever say: "She doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex." Only she is older than 80 years!

Again with your ASS-up-tions. You don't know how old I am, either. But keep 'em comin', sugartits. I notice that you liked "willfully ignorant" so much that you've decided to adopt it as a lifestyle.
First, you declare the decision of one person to kill another is acceptable, now you presume to tell us that no person who has made such a decision is really happy with it?
So, if no women would be "really happy with abortion", why do any women choose to do it?

Because,my brave and warlike friend, women who have abortions may consider them to be the lesser of two evils. Choices are not always between the good and the bad. They are often bewteen bad and worse.

Nope. Having a baby isn't "bad" unless a woman is in an abusive relationship.

So what you maintain is that women in abusive relationships should kill their babies, to protect their abusers. Got it.

Is there any reason for you to judge about a woman? Be glad never have been in such a worse situation. I truly be glad not have to concider to get a Baby or not! An abortion is not to kill an baby! It's to remove a cell cluster. But I think many woman have that feeling as if they would kill a baby. Also because of women and men like you. It is presumptuous!
You know this how? Been to Germany? Honey, I lived there. But don't let me try to change you mind. People like you are one of the reasons I left Germany. People like you are why I cringe each and every time some German shows up here and makes a total ass of himself. "Und vhat tym vill zee moose be here?"

You don't speak any german. :eusa_boohoo:
No german woman would ever say: "She doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex." Only she is older than 80 years!

Again with your ASS-up-tions. You don't know how old I am, either. But keep 'em comin', sugartits. I notice that you liked "willfully ignorant" so much that you've decided to adopt it as a lifestyle.

Yes, in relation to you I'm willfully ignorant now! I'll see you in Smurf Village :smiliehug:
First, you declare the decision of one person to kill another is acceptable, now you presume to tell us that no person who has made such a decision is really happy with it?
So, if no women would be "really happy with abortion", why do any women choose to do it?

Because,my brave and warlike friend, women who have abortions may consider them to be the lesser of two evils. Choices are not always between the good and the bad. They are often bewteen bad and worse.

Nope. Having a baby isn't "bad" unless a woman is in an abusive relationship.

So what you maintain is that women in abusive relationships should kill their babies, to protect their abusers. Got it.

I've just thanked you by mistake. Never mind - enjoy!

There are many circumstances where carrying a potential baby to term is bad for the potential mother, the wider family or, indeed, the eventual child itself. Better no baby than an unwanted baby.

You have a right to your religious principles but no right to attempt to force them on the rest of us by means of legislation. Do you not agree with this simple proposition?
Returning to the OP:
Decisions of this nature should be left to the family. Like that whole Terri Shaivo media circus here. Do I think that euthanasia should be an option? Why not? I know I wouldn't want to bet pumped full of drugs and plugged into machinery just to live. Again, that would be my decision, or my family's decision, if I were incapacitated.
Abortion really is an entirely different issue.
Heart wrenching story, my heart goes out to the family.

As to the OP, yes the cause of this baby's death was starvation because his body was incapable of processing food, no stone was left unturned to fix the problem but in the end, nothing could be done. While he did starve to death, he did not suffer. He was given morphine the entire time to ease any pain. While it did not hasten or halt his death, it did give the family time to cherish him. As far as I can tell, he did not suffer.

This past year has been shitty for us. Lost my sil 5/20; my aunt (my mom's sister) 5/28; my dad 5/30; my mom fell and broke her hip (snapped the ball from the bone) 6/2 and she died 6/10.

My mom had r/a, congestive heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis. Her c02 levels were 120 (normal is 45, lowest her dropped to on 100% oxygen were 75). She had a directive/living will .. no heroic measures. She had been on oxygen the past 2 1/2 years or so. Due to the circumstances (she fell Sun night, my aunt's funeral was Mon, my dad's funeral was Wed) we talked to the staff and all agreed that using a bi-pap (forced oxygen) was not heroic. She was on morphine the entire time, had swallowing problems and could not eat. Fluids were given via i/v but no feeding tube per her directives. She was in and out of consciousness and, except for Thursday, was completely aware ... but she was fading. We were discussing long-term options (surgery wasn't one of them). She made the decision on Fri night to have the bi-pap taken off (she still was receiving oxygen via tubes in her nose, as she had been). We had a good Friday ... she was awake and knew us all, don't think she remembered about her sister and my dad, we talked, laughed. Last thing my mom said to us was "I love you all, each and every one of you". Man, how many people get to have that? She never woke up again. She faded quickly and died early Monday morning. A feeding tube may have extended her time by ... a few days at best.

My brothers and I watched her for a solid week, as did the staff. She did not suffer. Let me repeat that. She was without food for a week but she did not suffer. Morphine was administered as needed for pain. She did not suffer. Too much would have killed her (yes, she was dying anyway), not enough would have meant awful pain (from her r/a, awful bedsores, broken hip, but as far as I've read, starvation is not painful). She did not suffer. Had we had the option to give her a lethal dose of morphine, would we have? No. Had we done that we never would have had that Friday,never would have heard her last words to us.

Until you are actually in certain situations/circumstances ... it's very, very easy to say what you would or would not do. Having been in a circumstance where a lethal dose of morphine would have brought about the end of my mom's life a few days early I know that I would not be able to do that. Easing any pain and letting nature take it's course is a delicate balancing act, but is what seems most appropriate in these types of situations.

I think this is quite a difficult topic ... don't you? What is considered too much suffering? What if they aren't suffering at all, pain meds are controlling the suffering ... do we kill them because oh well, they're going to be dead in a few days anyway? What if they are in horrific pain and pain meds do nothing to ease their suffering ... do we kill them then? What of the stories where someone was suppose to die, there was no chance ... but they lived? imo, legalizing euthanasia presents a slippery slope with no easy answers.

As far as abortion goes, killing a fetus takes away their choice of ... well, everything.
Returning to the OP:
Decisions of this nature should be left to the family. Like that whole Terri Shaivo media circus here. Do I think that euthanasia should be an option? Why not? I know I wouldn't want to bet pumped full of drugs and plugged into machinery just to live. Again, that would be my decision, or my family's decision, if I were incapacitated.
Abortion really is an entirely different issue.

Which is why adults should have a living will/directive to ensure that their wishes are followed.
:eusa_angel: My tits are really sweet and nice :eusa_angel: Thanks!
But how do you know ...

I lived in Germany for two years not to many sweet breasted German girls in that country. Have they found out what a bar of soap is used for?

We don't use bars of Soap, do you???? We prefer liquid Soap.
I'm really sorry for you not to have seen many sweet breasted German Girls. I think you could buy Penthouse or Playboy to have fun with yourself instead.
You know this how? Been to Germany? Honey, I lived there. But don't let me try to change you mind. People like you are one of the reasons I left Germany. People like you are why I cringe each and every time some German shows up here and makes a total ass of himself. "Und vhat tym vill zee moose be here?"

You don't speak any german. :eusa_boohoo:
No german woman would ever say: "She doesn't want a baby, she shouldn't have sex." Only she is older than 80 years!

Again with your ASS-up-tions. You don't know how old I am, either. But keep 'em comin', sugartits. I notice that you liked "willfully ignorant" so much that you've decided to adopt it as a lifestyle.

I don't think "gallant" means what you think it means.
I lived in Germany for two years not to many sweet breasted German girls in that country. Have they found out what a bar of soap is used for?

We don't use bars of Soap, do you???? We prefer liquid Soap.
I'm really sorry for you not to have seen many sweet breasted German Girls. I think you could buy Penthouse or Playboy to have fun with yourself instead.

really? so germans have learned what a bath is for? Glad to hear that.
I lived in Germany for two years not to many sweet breasted German girls in that country. Have they found out what a bar of soap is used for?

We don't use bars of Soap, do you???? We prefer liquid Soap.
I'm really sorry for you not to have seen many sweet breasted German Girls. I think you could buy Penthouse or Playboy to have fun with yourself instead.

really? so germans have learned what a bath is for? Glad to hear that.

What part of those last few posts has anything to do with abortion or euthanasia? This thread is about pushing for your side in the abortion/euthanasia argument and not a place to debate the regular bathing habits of German women. If you really want to discuss that go make a thread somewhere else.

Sick pervs...

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