Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Well, possibly my english is too bad. In context with an abortion there is no born baby. In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy it is not even viable. It's mother have the right to decide to have it or not! After birth, a baby has the same rights as every other person - even more: born babys and children are under special protection!

No your English isn't bad, he knows what you're saying.

What he's asking you is what is the difference between a baby one minute after it's born and one minute before it's born and he's pointing out that since there are two humans involved why is it only the opinion of one that counts?

At least I think that's what he's asking, if I got it wrong I apologize :)

The difference between a born and an unborn baby? I'm not able to speak for the US, but in Germany unborn babys don't have the same rights as born babys. And "Cell Clusters" (first 12 weeks) don't have any rights.

In Germany, first 12 weeks: said zygote is referred to as a "Cell cluster?"
If quality of life could be judged by those not living that life, Stephen Hawking would have been euthanized decades ago.
1.9 primary and 2.2 secondary so on primary I scored higher than 34.7% of the people who had tested at the time and on secondary I scored higher than 35.2% who had tested.
So abortion is murder of humans?

If you push a pregnant woman, she falls and loses her unborn baby. Are you a murderer in accordance with current legal? Or manslaughter? Or is it serious injury to the woman?

Scott Peterson Google it.
Peterson Convicted Of Double Murder (washingtonpost.com)

I always forget that laymen speak right in America! :doubt: This legal system is awful ...
How I know you, in the US a stillbirth (Weight below 500 g) will be buried.
If you push a pregnant woman, she falls and loses her unborn baby. Are you a murderer in accordance with current legal? Or manslaughter? Or is it serious injury to the woman?

Scott Peterson Google it.
Peterson Convicted Of Double Murder (washingtonpost.com)

I always forget that laymen speak right in America! :doubt: This legal system is awful ...
How I know you, in the US a stillbirth (Weight below 500 g) will be buried.

Convicted by a jury of his peers
and in California of all places.
Everyone on this thread should shut up. Anybody ever wonder why the American Congress and most governments are ineffective? Maybe it's because they bicker like idiots and fail to see the bigger picture. Perhaps if you bigoted fools would shut up and honestly listen to the other side's argument and keep an open mind, somone might actually get something done. Stop being so prejudiced. Clearly both sides have flaws, why not work together to eliminate those?

Others are idiots and fools and should shut up. They don't see the big picture but I'm willing to bet you think you see the big picture, don't you?

Oh, lakeview. You are not among the bigoted idiots of whom I spoke. Anyone smart enough to catch that I never call myself wrong and imply that I see the bigger picture is definitely brilliant enough to see that. And no, this is not sarcasm.
This Cell Cluster have not any change to live without the body were it grows in. And that body (and god) determines, if this cell cluster becomes a baby or not!

We are in agreement.

I am asking if what we call a 'zygote' here is referred to as a Cell Cluster in Germany.

No, a Zygote is only one cell which has just been fertilized by a sperm. After short time the cell devision begins. After 11 weeks we call it Fetus! Until the Zygote becomes a fetus it is nothing more than a cell Cluster. That's why the first 12 weeks an abortion is justifiable.
We are in agreement.

I am asking if what we call a 'zygote' here is referred to as a Cell Cluster in Germany.

No, a Zygote is only one cell which has just been fertilized by a sperm. After short time the cell devision begins. After 11 weeks we call it Fetus! Until the Zygote becomes a fetus it is nothing more than a cell Cluster. That's why the first 12 weeks an abortion is justifiable.

Oh, sorry; that was a very long time ago for me. So embryo is what we are talking about as Cell Cluster.
You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Windbag, you are a total contradiction, I guess a product of your hypocrisy. You are callous and have what appears to be a total disregard for those who have been born, yet claim to care so much for a fetus.

I'm sure you support the cut to food stamps which was effective today, effecting living, thinking children and oppose the ACA which would provide health care for many children not previously covered.

I don't understand that ideology, in all honesty I find it evil.
No, a Zygote is only one cell which has just been fertilized by a sperm. After short time the cell devision begins. After 11 weeks we call it Fetus! Until the Zygote becomes a fetus it is nothing more than a cell Cluster. That's why the first 12 weeks an abortion is justifiable.

Oh, sorry; that was a very long time ago for me. So embryo is what we are talking about as Cell Cluster.

yes, embryo is scientifically correct.

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