Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Does that word give you bloodlust noomi? Are you so angry at the fetus that you can't see a baby in that picture?

I bet it gives you a hard on to think of all the women you can force to have babies.
I see, so you are good with killing the baby in the picture because you think men get a hard on for forcing women to carry babies to term. No, Noomi, I don't get a hard on thinking about this subject. You've got a pretty sick mind.

My wife of thirty years is the only woman that does it for me. We lost our first 3 babies, then had three great kids.

Good for you, that is your opinion....and in this nation, you are entitled to your opinion (not matter how stupid or ignorant it is). That does not mean that you can force your religious beliefs down women's throats on their right to choose....and I think you are arrogant for thinking that way. Those who believe abortions should be illegal no matter the situation, need to be strapped to an anchor and thrown off the pier. You think you can sit on a moral high ground because you will NEVER be in a situation where you might want/need an abortion...so you (or your party) cannot force this on those women who chose to seek abortions.
I think that cartoon just about sums up the Republicans' pro-life position.


Well, that is a waste of bandwidth...you are telling me what I stated is untrue. Please show me evidence to the contrary. What programs have Republicans proposed or sponsored which will help single women and teens that are forced to have children? I can tell you, absolutely zero...zip, nada, zilch. Your party feels that it has the RIGHT to force women to give birth to children due to their religious beliefs, what happened to the separation of church and state that you guys parade around??? The fact is, is that men have NO place in telling women what they can or cannot do....anyone who thinks so needs some sense knocked into them :mad:

You are so full of shit it's coming out of every one of your orifices. Millions of infants murdered in the womb. And for what? To save the mother from the horror of having to raise a child? How many children have you helped kill to save yourself some time, and money? Or is it the one day of child birth or carrying the baby to term? What angers you so much with babies that you want to kill them rather than give them the gift of life?
I have not helped kill any fetus's nor do I have hatred towards them. And that statement about one day and carrying to term, is nice to read on paper but it real life it is something else completely. The real world is not the movie "Juno," there are no sunshines and rainbows for those women who cannot afford or sustain a child/pregnancy. And you are in no place to judge them....

My main issue (which I can tell you cannot grasp or refuse to acknowledge) is that it is not OUR place to tell women what they can or cannot do when it comes to childbirth and pregnancy. Women are a hell of a lot better fit to decide as it affects them, you have not given birth and never will...same for me, we are in no place to tell them what to do.

I would love for you to point out where I am full of shit, because all of what I have stated are facts and also exposing disgusting talking points of the right wing. I WANT YOU TO GIVE ME ONE BILL WHERE REPUBLICANS HAVE INTRODUCED LEGISLATION OR SPONSORED IT, TO HELP SINGLE MOTHERS AND TEENS WHO WERE FORCED TO HAVE CHILDREN DUE TO THEIR RESTRICTIVE POLICIES...JUST ONE FUCKING PIECE. You can't, because the fuckers have not done a single damn thing except chastise and insult women who chose to do what they want with their body. Also, the GOP is intent on defunding financial assistance to those in need while stuffing their own pockets...re: SNAP benefit cuts. So do not tell me I am full of shit, when I am pointing out your party's disgusting stance.
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Well, that is a waste of bandwidth...you are telling me what I stated is untrue. Please show me evidence to the contrary. What programs have Republicans proposed or sponsored which will help single women and teens that are forced to have children? I can tell you, absolutely zero...zip, nada, zilch. Your party feels that it has the RIGHT to force women to give birth to children due to their religious beliefs, what happened to the separation of church and state that you guys parade around??? The fact is, is that men have NO place in telling women what they can or cannot do....anyone who thinks so needs some sense knocked into them :mad:

You are so full of shit it's coming out of every one of your orifices. Millions of infants murdered in the womb. And for what? To save the mother from the horror of having to raise a child? How many children have you helped kill to save yourself some time, and money? Or is it the one day of child birth or carrying the baby to term? What angers you so much with babies that you want to kill them rather than give them the gift of life?

No babies are murdered in the womb. Abortion is not murder.
Well, that is a waste of bandwidth...you are telling me what I stated is untrue. Please show me evidence to the contrary. What programs have Republicans proposed or sponsored which will help single women and teens that are forced to have children? I can tell you, absolutely zero...zip, nada, zilch. Your party feels that it has the RIGHT to force women to give birth to children due to their religious beliefs, what happened to the separation of church and state that you guys parade around??? The fact is, is that men have NO place in telling women what they can or cannot do....anyone who thinks so needs some sense knocked into them :mad:

You are so full of shit it's coming out of every one of your orifices. Millions of infants murdered in the womb. And for what? To save the mother from the horror of having to raise a child? How many children have you helped kill to save yourself some time, and money? Or is it the one day of child birth or carrying the baby to term? What angers you so much with babies that you want to kill them rather than give them the gift of life?

No babies are murdered in the womb. Abortion is not murder.

What do humans give birth to noomi? A baby is a baby is a baby. When it's heart starts to beat it's a baby and it's murder

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.
You are so full of shit it's coming out of every one of your orifices. Millions of infants murdered in the womb. And for what? To save the mother from the horror of having to raise a child? How many children have you helped kill to save yourself some time, and money? Or is it the one day of child birth or carrying the baby to term? What angers you so much with babies that you want to kill them rather than give them the gift of life?

No babies are murdered in the womb. Abortion is not murder.

What do humans give birth to noomi? A baby is a baby is a baby. When it's heart starts to beat it's a baby and it's murder

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.

In the womb its a fetus.
No babies are murdered in the womb. Abortion is not murder.

What do humans give birth to noomi? A baby is a baby is a baby. When it's heart starts to beat it's a baby and it's murder

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.

In the womb its a fetus.

Scott Peterson was convicted of a double murder his wife and unborn BABY.
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

If people were killed due to physical or mental defect, you wouldn't last long. :evil:
No babies are murdered in the womb. Abortion is not murder.

What do humans give birth to noomi? A baby is a baby is a baby. When it's heart starts to beat it's a baby and it's murder

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.

In the womb its a fetus.

"A man accused of shooting and killing his pregnant teenage girlfriend and their unborn child was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder on Wednesday"


"Rodriguez was nearly five months pregnant at the time and was expecting a baby boy."

Source: Man Found Guilty in Murder of Pregnant Teen Girlfriend, Unborn Baby | NBC 7 San Diego

"Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill."

Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill - Americas - World - The Independent

" A Duval County jury convicted a 27-year-old man in the death of Felicia Burney and her unborn child.Andrew Wayne King, 27, was found guilty of murder in the first-degree, killing an unborn child and burglary with assault and battery."

Jacksonville man convicted in deaths of woman, her unborn child | News - Home

"When an Apple Valley woman died in March, her 15-week-old fetus, too young to survive outside the womb, died with her.
Margorie Holland's husband, Roger Holland, is charged with murder in the deaths."
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Funny how many women get killed because they refuse to get abortions.

Funny how the death cultists maintain that women are never coerced into abortions.
"A jury in eastern Oklahoma has convicted a 27-year-old man of shooting dead his pregnant girlfriend and her unborn baby after she refused to get an abortion."

"The 20-year-old woman, who aspired to be a nurse, allegedly told a friend a short time before the slaying that Simpson had threatened to end the pregnancy for her if she refused to abort the baby."

Read more: Ka'loni Flynn case: Man found GUILTY of shooting dead pregnant girlfriend execution-style because 'he didn't want another child to support' | Mail Online
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any anti-choicers on this thread NOT Repub/t party voters?

I'm not a Republican or a tea party person. I know the real reason behind the Boston Tea Party and so would never join an organization that named themselves for it. The real reason was that the tax was too low, not that it was too high. The tax on tea was so low that the smugglers, our forefathers couldn't make money as the legal tea was cheaper than the black-market tea.

While I do not believe abortion should be outlawed, I don't think it should ever be used as a means of birth control. Had the parents decided to terminated this pregnancy knowing the child would die within days of it's birth, I would have no problem with it. I have a problem with someone suggesting that the child was not terminated due to abortion laws or that the child should have been terminated. The decision was up to the parents not a person who's never had a child in her life. As for aborting a child that's not perfect? Well, my husband and I had a discussion when I was pregnant and if they discovered something wrong with my baby, I was going to abort. I now have 2 sons with autism. It's not been easy but do I regret giving birth to them? Absolutely not! A real eye opener for me.

Sometimes things are the way they are because God wants us to learn from them. Have I learned anything from my sons? You bet. I still remember the day my youngest son's teacher called to tell me that Andrew had drawn a stick figure on the board and written his name under it for the first time in his life. He was in 2nd grade and the entire class cheered. My sons are here for a reason. How sad to deprive the world of them because they weren't perfect. I was an idiot. I like to think I'm wiser now.

Noomi has never had a child, she's young and in my opinion has a lot to learn. I found her OP insulting and I took it on a personal level seeing as I have two children who are not considered "normal".
What do humans give birth to noomi? A baby is a baby is a baby. When it's heart starts to beat it's a baby and it's murder

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.

In the womb its a fetus.

"A man accused of shooting and killing his pregnant teenage girlfriend and their unborn child was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder on Wednesday"

Attorneys for Apple Valley man argue fetus' death was an abortion - TwinCities.com

"Rodriguez was nearly five months pregnant at the time and was expecting a baby boy."

Source: Man Found Guilty in Murder of Pregnant Teen Girlfriend, Unborn Baby | NBC 7 San Diego

"Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill."

Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill - Americas - World - The Independent

" A Duval County jury convicted a 27-year-old man in the death of Felicia Burney and her unborn child.Andrew Wayne King, 27, was found guilty of murder in the first-degree, killing an unborn child and burglary with assault and battery."

Jacksonville man convicted in deaths of woman, her unborn child | News - Home

"When an Apple Valley woman died in March, her 15-week-old fetus, too young to survive outside the womb, died with her.
Margorie Holland's husband, Roger Holland, is charged with murder in the deaths."

There is something wrong in our society when only the mother can decide if the baby is a baby or a fetus.
In the womb its a fetus.

"A man accused of shooting and killing his pregnant teenage girlfriend and their unborn child was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder on Wednesday"

Attorneys for Apple Valley man argue fetus' death was an abortion - TwinCities.com

"Rodriguez was nearly five months pregnant at the time and was expecting a baby boy."

Source: Man Found Guilty in Murder of Pregnant Teen Girlfriend, Unborn Baby | NBC 7 San Diego

"Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill."

Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill - Americas - World - The Independent

" A Duval County jury convicted a 27-year-old man in the death of Felicia Burney and her unborn child.Andrew Wayne King, 27, was found guilty of murder in the first-degree, killing an unborn child and burglary with assault and battery."

Jacksonville man convicted in deaths of woman, her unborn child | News - Home

"When an Apple Valley woman died in March, her 15-week-old fetus, too young to survive outside the womb, died with her.
Margorie Holland's husband, Roger Holland, is charged with murder in the deaths."

There is something wrong in our society when only the mother can decide if the baby is a baby or a fetus.

Whom else would you suggest decide, the state?
"A man accused of shooting and killing his pregnant teenage girlfriend and their unborn child was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder on Wednesday"

Attorneys for Apple Valley man argue fetus' death was an abortion - TwinCities.com

"Rodriguez was nearly five months pregnant at the time and was expecting a baby boy."

Source: Man Found Guilty in Murder of Pregnant Teen Girlfriend, Unborn Baby | NBC 7 San Diego

"Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill."

Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill - Americas - World - The Independent

" A Duval County jury convicted a 27-year-old man in the death of Felicia Burney and her unborn child.Andrew Wayne King, 27, was found guilty of murder in the first-degree, killing an unborn child and burglary with assault and battery."

Jacksonville man convicted in deaths of woman, her unborn child | News - Home

"When an Apple Valley woman died in March, her 15-week-old fetus, too young to survive outside the womb, died with her.
Margorie Holland's husband, Roger Holland, is charged with murder in the deaths."

There is something wrong in our society when only the mother can decide if the baby is a baby or a fetus.

Whom else would you suggest decide, the state?

Currently when the life of a child is threatened by its parents, law enforcement intercedes. All that needs to be done is use the same measure used for proof of death as proof of life. Beating heart? Then you are alive.
"A man accused of shooting and killing his pregnant teenage girlfriend and their unborn child was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder on Wednesday"

Attorneys for Apple Valley man argue fetus' death was an abortion - TwinCities.com

"Rodriguez was nearly five months pregnant at the time and was expecting a baby boy."

Source: Man Found Guilty in Murder of Pregnant Teen Girlfriend, Unborn Baby | NBC 7 San Diego

"Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill."

Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill - Americas - World - The Independent

" A Duval County jury convicted a 27-year-old man in the death of Felicia Burney and her unborn child.Andrew Wayne King, 27, was found guilty of murder in the first-degree, killing an unborn child and burglary with assault and battery."

Jacksonville man convicted in deaths of woman, her unborn child | News - Home

"When an Apple Valley woman died in March, her 15-week-old fetus, too young to survive outside the womb, died with her.
Margorie Holland's husband, Roger Holland, is charged with murder in the deaths."

There is something wrong in our society when only the mother can decide if the baby is a baby or a fetus.

Whom else would you suggest decide, the state?

How about the father? Why is it only the mother can decide if she want's to be a parent AFTER conception? Why is it the father always gets the bill even though he has no say? How about we give the father 3 months after finding out the woman is pregnant to decide if he wants to be a father or not? Let him sign a paper opting out. Then he's off the hook for child support and the woman has to make her decision based on that?

I think it's sick that so many men are given the bill for a child they didn't want when the woman, and I KNOW this has happened, get pregnant on purpose. One woman I talked to quit taking her pills that HE was paying for without ever telling him. Then she wondered why he kicked her out when she got pregnant. SHE wanted a baby so SHE had one and HE got the bill even though he paid for the birth control. We really need a birth control pill for men.

Here's another idea...when a woman has a child 50% of the time give custody to the FATHER! You know what single moms have told me when I've asked them what they would do if there was a 50/50 chance the father would get custody? Every single one of them said they wouldn't get pregnant or would abort. A lot like that woman in the Bible who'd rather the baby be dead than given to his real mom, huh? And this is after they already had their children. Those I've asked what they'd do if they couldn't force the father to pay child support?..it was 1/2 and 1/2.

How about adoption? There a people waiting years to adopt babies. And don't give me that crap about the special needs or non white babies. I know a lady that adopted a severe autistic boy when he was 16 and became available for adoption. She'd been his school aid for years.

My neighbors adopted 2 special needs children from China. They wouldn't adopt here to babies like Jessica who was taken away from her adoptive parents because the mother wanted her back. If you give up your child for adoption, that's it, no second chances. If your child is in foster care, 2 years and your parental rights are eliminated giving the child a chance for a real loving home. My neighbor's oldest son and his wife have adopted 2 children in a foster to adopt program. One is black and special needs, the other is white.

And why, in society where birth-control is so readily available, are we even talking about abortion? You don't want to have a kid don't have one. Get birth control, you can get it for free at any public health department or planned parenthood and even some of our public schools. And with Obama care you can get it even when you are 80.
I cannot imagine how a newborn could go so long without food. The article says, "..after 13 days of no food and 11 days of no fluid he passed away.." No one can go 11 days with no fluid." And 13 days with no food would be a challenge for an adult, but not possible for a newborn. Also, it seems to me like it would be unlikely that the entire small intestine would have died. Something is just off with this story.

But going on the assumption that the facts are correct, I would not have allowed anyone to starve to death. In the case of a small child, I would leave it up to the parents in a hospital setting to decide about a course of action. If absolutely nothing could be done, there is no sense in allowing a child to starve to death. That is barbaric.

You are so full of shit it's coming out of every one of your orifices. Millions of infants murdered in the womb. And for what? To save the mother from the horror of having to raise a child? How many children have you helped kill to save yourself some time, and money? Or is it the one day of child birth or carrying the baby to term? What angers you so much with babies that you want to kill them rather than give them the gift of life?

Can the woman be forced to be a mother after the child is born?

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