Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Law doesn't determine when life begins.

No one ever said it did.

Again, as we see in Casey, the Court wisely and correctly left that determination up to each individual, as deciding when life begins is not the purview of the courts, or the state, or a governing entity, or a majority of voters, for that matter.

Prior to viability, the woman alone makes that decision.

I know that she can.

I also know it's wrong.

And that the woman does not have the *right* to determine whether her baby is alive, or shall continue living, or not. It is a false right accorded to her by bad law, that flies in the face of science.

And you did maintain that a woman is best qualified to determine whether her baby is alive or not. And that is ridiculous.

""Although life is a continuous process, fertilization is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new, genetically distinct human organism is thereby formed.... The combination of 23 chromosomes present in each pronucleus results in 46 chromosomes in the zygote. Thus the diploid number is restored and the embryonic genome is formed. The embryo now exists as a genetic unity."
[O'Rahilly, Ronan and M�ller, Fabiola. Human Embryology & Teratology. 2nd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1996, pp. 8, 29. This textbook lists "pre-embryo" among "discarded and replaced terms" in modern embryology, describing it as "ill-defined and inaccurate" (p. 12}]
The time of fertilization represents the starting point in the life history, or ontogeny, of the individual."
[Carlson, Bruce M. Patten's Foundations of Embryology. 6th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996, p. 3]
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.

any anti-choicers on this thread NOT Repub/t party voters?

I'm libertarian not republican. Defending the right of the baby to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Heart beating? Then you are an American with rights, IMO.

Except if that beating heart belongs to a homosexual, transgender, a person of color or a woman.

Before you can BE a Libertarian, you first must know what it means.

From your posts, I'd say you're t-potty, through and through.

Screw you ass hole.
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


The baby is not her body you POS Libtard.
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The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


Wrong again. A woman doesn't have the right to use her body to kill anyone.

Including her baby. Born or unborn.

Her rights end when they impede upon the rights of another.

German law dictated it was A-Ok to kill, maim and abort women in concentration camps, too.

Imagine the surprise of the women who supervised those horrors when they found out that they could be tried...and found guilty...of murder, regardless.

And hanged, too.

Which is why it took Poland so long to legalize abortion. They remembered the horrors inflicted upon women in the name of "health" for a really long time.
Nice to see that you believe that women who get abortions are criminals and should be hung, shows what an ignorant fuck you are....not to mention completely arrogant and self-righteous. Since you are ramming your religious beliefs down our throats, how's about taking a lesson out of the book you are thumping. In the Bible, it preaches "Let he is without sin, cast the first stone." You have NO right to to judge or tell women what they can or cannot do with their bodies. You can tell me that life begins at conception, I do not accept that....you are telling me that life is when there is a microscopic zygote that isn't even aware of its own existence????? Now that is hilarious.....women across the US are being PERSECUTED by Republicans in red states, passing restrictive law after restrictive law....and claiming religious grounds. You fuckers put up the founding documents every time you open your mouths, what happened to separation of church and state??? This is why your party will NEVER be elected to the White House for a LONG time, women are not on your side on this issue...only OLD WHITE MEN (as you can see from resident redneck RKMBrown). Also, I want you to tell me what legislation your party has proposed to help these single women and teens that you have forced to have children? You can keep ignoring the question or you can try and pull something out of your ass quick, BECAUSE NO SUCH LEGISLATION HAS BEEN PROPOSED OR SPONSORED BY REPUBLICANS. Instead, they force them to have children and then kick them to the curb....all while calling them whores, sluts, moochers, etc.

Your party is circling the drain when it comes to almost all issues (especially social issues), because they are so ass backwards and downright HATEFUL

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Law doesn't determine when life begins.

No one ever said it did.

Again, as we see in Casey, the Court wisely and correctly left that determination up to each individual, as deciding when life begins is not the purview of the courts, or the state, or a governing entity, or a majority of voters, for that matter.

Prior to viability, the woman alone makes that decision.

^ that. We use Blacks Law dictionary NOT koshergirl's creationism dictionary ;)

koshergirl seems to want to ram her ideology down everyone else's throats, the law be damned. Wonder if she is familiar w/ the phrase "we are a nation of laws, not of men" :eusa_whistle:
Yes, or no late term abortions are illegal?

Thus, the law has already decided "birth" is not a requirement for the baby to have protection from the blood-lust of the parents. Just a matter of time before humans are shown just how vile 2nd trimester abortions are and the line will be moved to the left. My guess is it will be moved to heart beat.
Nice to see that you believe that women who get abortions are criminals and should be hung, shows what an ignorant fuck you are....not to mention completely arrogant and self-righteous. Since you are ramming your religious beliefs down our throats, how's about taking a lesson out of the book you are thumping. In the Bible, it preaches "Let he is without sin, cast the first stone." You have NO right to to judge or tell women what they can or cannot do with their bodies. You can tell me that life begins at conception, I do not accept that....you are telling me that life is when there is a microscopic zygote that isn't even aware of its own existence????? Now that is hilarious.....women across the US are being PERSECUTED by Republicans in red states, passing restrictive law after restrictive law....and claiming religious grounds. You fuckers put up the founding documents every time you open your mouths, what happened to separation of church and state??? This is why your party will NEVER be elected to the White House for a LONG time, women are not on your side on this issue...only OLD WHITE MEN (as you can see from resident redneck RKMBrown). Also, I want you to tell me what legislation your party has proposed to help these single women and teens that you have forced to have children? You can keep ignoring the question or you can try and pull something out of your ass quick, BECAUSE NO SUCH LEGISLATION HAS BEEN PROPOSED OR SPONSORED BY REPUBLICANS. Instead, they force them to have children and then kick them to the curb....all while calling them whores, sluts, moochers, etc.

Your party is circling the drain when it comes to almost all issues (especially social issues), because they are so ass backwards and downright HATEFUL


Just wondering, when do you believe life within the womb has a right to survive?

..and why
What do humans give birth to noomi? A baby is a baby is a baby. When it's heart starts to beat it's a baby and it's murder

Day 22: heart begins to beat with the child's own blood, often a different type than the mothers'.

In the womb its a fetus.

"A man accused of shooting and killing his pregnant teenage girlfriend and their unborn child was found guilty of two counts of second-degree murder on Wednesday"

Attorneys for Apple Valley man argue fetus' death was an abortion - TwinCities.com

"Rodriguez was nearly five months pregnant at the time and was expecting a baby boy."

Source: Man Found Guilty in Murder of Pregnant Teen Girlfriend, Unborn Baby | NBC 7 San Diego

"Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill."

Man pleads guilty to killing his unborn child after tricking his girlfriend into taking abortion pill - Americas - World - The Independent

" A Duval County jury convicted a 27-year-old man in the death of Felicia Burney and her unborn child.Andrew Wayne King, 27, was found guilty of murder in the first-degree, killing an unborn child and burglary with assault and battery."

Jacksonville man convicted in deaths of woman, her unborn child | News - Home

"When an Apple Valley woman died in March, her 15-week-old fetus, too young to survive outside the womb, died with her.
Margorie Holland's husband, Roger Holland, is charged with murder in the deaths."
Lacy Peterson death happen in California of all stats
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


Wrong again. A woman doesn't have the right to use her body to kill anyone.

Including her baby. Born or unborn.

Her rights end when they impede upon the rights of another.

German law dictated it was A-Ok to kill, maim and abort women in concentration camps, too.

Imagine the surprise of the women who supervised those horrors when they found out that they could be tried...and found guilty...of murder, regardless.

And hanged, too.


A fetus has no rights. The woman's rights are greater than it.
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


The baby is not her body you POS Libtard.

It is inside her body, using her body to sustain its own life. Why the fuck should she have to rent out her womb for nine months?
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


Wrong again. A woman doesn't have the right to use her body to kill anyone.

Including her baby. Born or unborn.

Her rights end when they impede upon the rights of another.

German law dictated it was A-Ok to kill, maim and abort women in concentration camps, too.

Imagine the surprise of the women who supervised those horrors when they found out that they could be tried...and found guilty...of murder, regardless.

And hanged, too.


A fetus has no rights. The woman's rights are greater than it.

really? why is a person charged with a double murder if he kills a pregnant woman ?
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


Wrong again. A woman doesn't have the right to use her body to kill anyone.

Including her baby. Born or unborn.

Her rights end when they impede upon the rights of another.

German law dictated it was A-Ok to kill, maim and abort women in concentration camps, too.

Imagine the surprise of the women who supervised those horrors when they found out that they could be tried...and found guilty...of murder, regardless.

And hanged, too.


A fetus has no rights. The woman's rights are greater than it.

No, they aren't. That's what is so sad about this discussion. You actually think some people have *more* rights than others.

That's what every fascist gov't that has ever committed genocide was committed to convincing people of. That some people just don't count.

And they, and you, are wrong. Nobody has the right to remove life from an innocent human. No matter what the circumstances.
The good news is that nutters like kosher girl don't make the law.

There is only one person who has the right to control what a woman does with her own body.

The woman herself.


The baby is not her body you POS Libtard.

It is inside her body, using her body to sustain its own life. Why the fuck should she have to rent out her womb for nine months?

If a FETUS is not an person like you say it isn't why will it have blood different than the mother?

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