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Why Africa is Africa

Originally posted by OCA
What a friggin plaigarist. D you're credibility is shot here, might be time to move on.
Give me a break, you know how many times I have posted that article with the link on this message board. Thats probably how Jim knows about it.

I like to post the writing and then wait to be called a racist, I then let them know the article was written by a black man.

Just like I did with you, remember when you called Larry Elder a racist?
Originally posted by Big D
Give me a break, you know how many times I have posted that article with the link on this message board. Thats probably how Jim knows about it.

I just want to be clear, I wasn't labeling you a plagiarist. I know you usually supply links with all of your posts. I just wanted to make sure that article got credit, and to cover my ass here on the board!
If the fellow who started this thread had some IQ, I suspect he would have done some proper research. I see that some here have bought into this garbage. Suggest you independently search on Rushton and race. You will find pages of links and summaries like this one:

Currently a professor in psychology in the University of Western Ontario, Rushton's earlier controversial history began when he presented a paper at the Symposium on Evolutionary Theory, Economics, and Political Science on 1989. He classified all human beings somewhere among the three major racial groups: Black (Negroid), White (Caucasoid), Asian (Mongoloid). He claimed to have scientific evidence of an inherited link between brain size, intelligence and race, where Blacks and Asians are on opposite ends and Whites are in between.
Blacks, according to Rushton, have larger genitals, making them more promiscuous, and smaller brains, making them less intelligent than whites and Asians. Using 60 different measures, Rushton ranks the races along an evolutionary scale with blacks at the bottom and Asians at the top.

Rushton's racial research goes far beyond noticing minor physical characteristics, such as why whites have lighter skin and blacks have darker skin. Rushton's agenda is to segregate the human sub-race groups as entirely separate races and beings, in order to portray his perceived genetic inferiority of Blacks to justify segregation and legalized racism. Such scientific racist research was and is used by many white supremacy and hate groups, notably the former Klansman David Duke to portray Blacks as a sub-human race and the missing link between humans and monkeys.

Rushton's key point is to segregate Blacks as an inferior race, declaring Africans having far less intelligence than white people. Therefore, by Rushton's theory, the evolutionary "survival strategy" of Africans does not rely on intelligence, but on promiscuous sexual breeding. This fraudulent analysis has led Rushton to claim that genetically inherited sexual promiscuity is responsible for single-parent families and the AIDS epidemic among Canadians and Americans of African descent, as well as increased crime rates among Blacks.

What is especially dangerous about Rushton is his influence on mainstream public policy. His racist research to portray Blacks as genetically inferior in mental capacity has been used as a weapon to justify denying employment and equal education and economic status against Blacks. Instead of shouting out hateful racial slurs, Rushton disguises his racist propaganda in intellectual scientific terminology to carry out his agenda.

Beyond his close circle of right-wing racists, Rushton has been consistently rejected by scientists, educators, and the general public. Then Prime Minister of Ontario, David Peterson, declared Rushton's arguments 'offensive to the way Ontario thinks', and called for the University to dismiss him; a group of students lodged a complaint about him with the Ontario Human Rights Commission. He was not fired nor suspended, but when he tried to give classes, the students themselves howled him down. Poor Rushton was forced to lecture to the television cameras, safe from the howling mob.

Even the Canadian police found interest in Rushton's works. Rushton was investigated several times by the Canadian police for possible violations of Canada's hate crime laws, for promoting hatred against any identifiable group. Eventually, in the words of attorney-general Ian Scott, the police decided that Rushton's theories were 'loony but not criminal' and therefore dropped all criminal charges.

Because Rushton was consistently rejected by the scientific community for his faulty empirical data and unscientific research methods, his sole source to fund his racist research program was the fascist group, the Pioneer Fund. The Pioneer Fund was established in 1937 by the American white supremacist multimillionaire Wickliffe Draper and others who were supportive of Nazi race policies in Germany The incorporation papers of the Fund states its policy to support the "procreation of the white colonial stock" and to finance research into "problems of race betterment" and "problems of heredity and eugenics in the human race."

Among the projects supported by the Pioneer Fund:
1. Pay for the distribution of a Nazi propaganda film, "Hereditary Defective" to high schools, colleges, and churches across the US. The film was produced by the Racial Political Office of the Nazi Party, and had been authorized directly by Adolf Hitler.
2. In the 1950s and 60s, the Fund aligned itself with white racist factions opposed to the desegregation of education.
3. Since the mid-1960s, Pioneer Fund money in the millions of dollars has bankrolled numerous racist and fascist psychologists - Rushton, Jensen, Cattell, Shuey, Eysenck, and many others - as well as William Shockley's scheme to pay African-Americans to have themselves "voluntarily" sterilized.
4. In the early 1970s, the Pioneer Fund paid the Foundation of Human Understanding to distribute hundreds of free copies of pamphlets by white supremacist psychologists Richard Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen to the registrars' offices of universities across the US in a blatant attempt to influence administration policies against the admittance of African-American students.
Being a primary recipient of the Pioneer fund for over 20 years and receiving over a cumulative half-a-million dollars, Rushton became the new leader of the Pioneer Fund in January 2003 to help spread the cause of Nazi-style racist research. A racist who hides his agenda behind the disguise of science, it is time to bring Philippe Rushton out in the open, and to target the other breed of racists, the intellectual racist.

I suppose Joyce thinks that he fits this category. Any others? Why waste time replying to this pseudointellectual nonsense.
The National Library of Medicine is racist too, they say that blacks have higher levels of testosterone, The result in blacks was statistically significant. Black cases tended to have more frequent sexual intercourse than black controls at all ages; the difference became statistically significant for intercourse late in life. Data from controls suggested that, overall, blacks have earlier and more frequent sexual activity than whites.

Originally posted by Big D
Give me a break, you know how many times I have posted that article with the link on this message board. Thats probably how Jim knows about it.

I like to post the writing and then wait to be called a racist, I then let them know the article was written by a black man.

Just like I did with you, remember when you called Larry Elder a racist?

And I told you that regardless of his race he was a racist by trying to even compare those two events in question.

Face it man you're a joke.
Originally posted by Big D
The National Library of Medicine is racist too, they say that blacks have higher levels of testosterone, The result in blacks was statistically significant. Black cases tended to have more frequent sexual intercourse than black controls at all ages; the difference became statistically significant for intercourse late in life. Data from controls suggested that, overall, blacks have earlier and more frequent sexual activity than whites.


They were observing these people having sex or what? As you might know we all tend to exaggerate our sexual prowess at a young age. Complete nonsense. Are you advocating abstinence by castration or what is your point or do you even know?

Which is my point, you have no direction with your meaningless stats.
Originally posted by OCA
My sides winning Willie. Hows yours doing?

Winning what?
Blacks and hispanics are imprisoned today at a all time high.
Blacks and hispanics are droping out of school at a all time high.
Blacks and hispanics lead the U.S in Aids and obiesity.

Do I need to go on?
Originally posted by OCA
And I told you that regardless of his race he was a racist by trying to even compare those two events in question.

Face it man you're a joke.
You told me Larry Elder was a racist because he talked about the fat that 90% of interecial crime is blacks attacking Whites.

Heres the article:

Bet you have never heard of the Wichita muders.
It would be nice if prejudice and racism were on the decline.

But it ….would be hard to imagine being able to undo all the layers of conditioning-the internalized messages from our families, social groups, and culture (e.g., media) about our group and other groups. But it does seem that individuals with certain personality traits seem to demonstrate higher levels of prejudice toward other groups. One study found that children who were rated as "high bias" at 6 years of age showed differences from "low bias" children as early as the age of 6 months (Katz & Barrett, 1997). The infants who later were rated as "high bias," for example, paid less attention to the race of adults who came in and out of the room than the children who were later rated as "low bias." This difference was noted at an age that predates the assumed influence of parents on children's ideas and prejudices and points to the possibility that personality differences may lead some persons to be more prejudiced than others. While commonsense may suggest that parents' specific attitudes toward other groups directly influence their children's views, studies have not shown this to be the case. But parents do seem to play a role. For example, in the study just mentioned, the high bias children lived in more socially homogenous environments than low bias children, and their parents did not value diversity as highly as "low bias" children. Social dominance orientation (SDO) is a recently developed concept which focuses on individuals' attitudes toward intergroup relations. Individuals with a high social dominance orientation (SDO) are thought to believe that hierarchical relations are necessary and natural and prefer their group is on top, as opposed to an orientation which prefers equal relations among groups. Individuals high in SDO tend to be political conservatives and to have higher levels of sexism and racism.

Well, at least many contributors to this thread are in the right place: a Republican chat board where you can't do much harm.
Originally posted by Big D
Winning what?
Blacks and hispanics are imprisoned today at a all time high.
Blacks and hispanics are droping out of school at a all time high.
Blacks and hispanics lead the U.S in Aids and obiesity.

Do I need to go on?

Multiculturalism is winning, the fact that we will not base policies on racism and hate is winning, the fact that this country will continue to try and heal the racial divide is winning. Your side, the ones who would like to see the riff continue is a minute minority with no solutions, in other words loser.
Originally posted by Big D
You told me Larry Elder was a racist because he talked about the fat that 90% of interecial crime is blacks attacking Whites.

Heres the article:

Bet you have never heard of the Wichita muders.

I repeat my question, what solutions do you have? We've all seen you're endless parade of meaningless stats but are you going to tie this together at some point? If you have no solution then really you should remain mute on this topic.

William Joyce and Big D are the only two race-haters on the board. I think that you'll find everyone else capable of discussion without blind hatred of people who are different than they are.

is that you are probably right and at least slightly wrong. When good people support a president who is elected on the force of racism that continues to pervade the country, it is racism just the same, subtle or otherwise. The simple fact is that the Republican party ascended into prominence only after it incorporated the remnants of Jim Crow. It is for no small reason that every Republican president since Reagan has paid homage to Jim Jones University. That gesture is a bold statement that the party will cater to white supremacy if in disguise. It has deniability. But when I hear good people denying the obvious because they don't want to be labeled racist, it makes me feel that they are just lying to themselves. Blackman's point seems to be that racism can't be helped. It is a personality trait. But I still think that there are many among us who support racism without intending to,who may not realize that that is just what they are doing. Nonetheless, it is good to hear someone say that it is not what I want to be, even though they may support others who are riding into office on its skirts.
A poster called BLACKMAN is here to lecture us about the evils of racial thinking?

Ladies and gents, I give you... Amerikwa.
Ya, could you imagine what the treatment would be like for anyone who would post under the name WHITE MAN?

I don't even understand what the "black man" is babbling about anyways.
Originally posted by Big D
Winning what?
Blacks and hispanics are imprisoned today at a all time high.
Blacks and hispanics are droping out of school at a all time high.
Blacks and hispanics lead the U.S in Aids and obiesity.

Do I need to go on?

Originally posted by OCA
Multiculturalism is winning, the fact that we will not base policies on racism and hate is winning, the fact that this country will continue to try and heal the racial divide is winning. Your side, the ones who would like to see the riff continue is a minute minority with no solutions, in other words loser.

This is the difference between you and I OCA.

I am willing to bring out into the open the problems that minority's are causing for themselfs and others, because they are getting worse every year.

You are just worried that someone will call you a racist.

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