Why again do leftists NOT want this country secure the borders?

I don't see any answers yet.
Border patrol agents with 'shoot to kill' orders will be part of the answer.

No, they won't.
In a year from now YOU drive across the border into Mexico then attempt to sneak into the US on foot. PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Where would you like your belongings sent?

Read carefully, junior: the US Border Patrol is NOT going to "shoot to kill" unarmed civilians trying to cross the border. Grow up.

No. You stop them and record. If they don't want to stop and they're on our side of the border, then you force this issue, even if that means dogs or a bullet. That's how you enforce the fucking border. All else is BS.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.



The blacks are onto them and their game they need another demographic to put on their plantation

Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in this nation's history.

He did it partly to provide Southwestern businesses with ultra-cheap labor, which helped to reverse creeping unionization in agricultural, food service, and construction.

However, Regan's Amnesty bill (and all those that followed) also serves the propaganda wing, which points at illegals and chants "Borders, Language, Culture."

Win Win.

(Wink wink)

I realize it's Reagan's fault and if that fails it's Bush's fault, but how many years has it been? You figure the dynamics have since changed?
He is a fucking tea sucking loser who gladly pays taxes to the fucking queen. He is a proud fucking ignorant English dick.

Who'd be wise to pull his head out of his ass and recognize England's current muzzie problems
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.



The blacks are onto them and their game they need another demographic to put on their plantation

Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in this nation's history.

He did it partly to provide Southwestern businesses with ultra-cheap labor, which helped to reverse creeping unionization in agricultural, food service, and construction.

However, Regan's Amnesty bill (and all those that followed) also serves the propaganda wing, which points at illegals and chants "Borders, Language, Culture."

Win Win.

(Wink wink)

I realize it's Reagan's fault and if that fails it's Bush's fault, but how many years has it been? You figure the dynamics have since changed?
He is a fucking tea sucking loser who gladly pays taxes to the fucking queen. He is a proud fucking ignorant English dick.

Who'd be wise to pull his head out of his ass and recognize England's current muzzie problems
Obvious fucking proud subject all while being a demented cocksucking globalist.



Ask the fucking busicuit eating faggot what he thinks about the 1.4 trillion dollar carbon industry.

Fucking morons.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.



The blacks are onto them and their game they need another demographic to put on their plantation

Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in this nation's history.

He did it partly to provide Southwestern businesses with ultra-cheap labor, which helped to reverse creeping unionization in agricultural, food service, and construction.

However, Regan's Amnesty bill (and all those that followed) also serves the propaganda wing, which points at illegals and chants "Borders, Language, Culture."

Win Win.

(Wink wink)

The President does not pass legislation.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


Liberals want secure borders. They just do not believe that a wall across the Mexican border will provide security.

In fact, a wall would be as STALINISTIC as hell. We got rid of the Berlin Wall not so long ago and now wingnuts want us to build wall that makes the Berlin wall look insignificant. Besides a wall may look impressive, but it probably will not stop much illegal immigration.

Negotiate 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' that would be restructure our current immigration system combined with new immigration policies. It would be negotiated between Republicans and Democrats. Since the Republicans hold the majority power in Washington, they would get the majority say. Make laws that prevent illegals from benefiting from government programs.

In short, a wall is a stupid idea. It will not solve the issue. The Republicans refuse to really fix the problem through immigration reform because the Republicans gain a huge political following by complaining about immigrants - they have no intention of fixing the problem.

I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


Liberals want secure borders. They just do not believe that a wall across the Mexican border will provide security.

In fact, a wall would be as STALINISTIC as hell. We got rid of the Berlin Wall not so long ago and now wingnuts want us to build wall that makes the Berlin wall look insignificant. Besides a wall may look impressive, but it probably will not stop much illegal immigration.

Negotiate 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' that would be restructure our current immigration system combined with new immigration policies. It would be negotiated between Republicans and Democrats. Since the Republicans hold the majority power in Washington, they would get the majority say. Make laws that prevent illegals from benefiting from government programs.

In short, a wall is a stupid idea. It will not solve the issue. The Republicans refuse to really fix the problem through immigration reform because the Republicans gain a huge political following by complaining about immigrants - they have no intention of fixing the problem.
How do you feel about sanctuary cities?

Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
So we should take down that fence around the White House.

You should remove your front door.

They'll just get in anyway.


Trump is getting ready for his 1st day in office..

View attachment 100422

The Conservatives know exactly why Democrats want open borders, and yes they are willing to close them, as long as all the illegals here today get a path to citizenship.

The whole phony debate is about power for certain Americans, not taking care of illegal immigrants. The Democrats constantly make deals to move the ball down the field, that they never intend on keeping true to. (let me redefine that, FAR LEFTISTS) Who remembers NO FEDERAL DOLLARS FOR ABORTION EVER?!?!?! Well, what has Obamacare done, or aren't you far leftists even aware! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, etc, etc. All they want to do is move the ball, then go back on the deal. They did it with Reagan after amnesty.

Regular people, namely independents; want to know why the country is so divided. The answer is simple-------------->you can't trust either party to stick to their deals, and for the last 8 years, you can see how the leftists crapped all over everyone. Now it is the Republicans turn, and crap they should all over the Democrats! The difference may be, for once, maybe the Republicans can tell the people they are going to crap on the leftists! Why? Because Americans want the borders locked down, and want America 1st. That could very well be the death knell for the far left, for if the economy picks up while he has the border locked down and throwing crooks back from whence they came, then the public is going to want more of the same, and there, goes, your voters, and no comprehensive, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION reform.

I may not be correct, but personally...........I think the far left is in a peck of trouble, and in a trick bag. I have some Democrats as friends, and even they believe the Dems are in trouble, because they just went to far when they knew, the American people did NOT support their vision.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.



The blacks are onto them and their game they need another demographic to put on their plantation

Reagan passed the largest amnesty bill in this nation's history.

He did it partly to provide Southwestern businesses with ultra-cheap labor, which helped to reverse creeping unionization in agricultural, food service, and construction.

However, Regan's Amnesty bill (and all those that followed) also serves the propaganda wing, which points at illegals and chants "Borders, Language, Culture."

Win Win.

(Wink wink)

I realize it's Reagan's fault and if that fails it's Bush's fault, but how many years has it been? You figure the dynamics have since changed?

Agreed. Fair point.

FYI: It's not Reagan's fault. He had a libertarian strategy for lowering labor costs. [Study your Milton Friedman. Free Markets are not supposed to be enclosed by borders or anything that prevents capital from finding the lowest costs = highest returns] Once you understand how the Libertarianism inside your party works, you'll be better equipped to understand why your side hasn't built a wall.

The whole point of Reaganomics was to provide cheaper operating costs to suppliers. Cheaper operating costs translates into higher returns, and higher returns increases the incentive to invest. Maximizing incentives is what separates capitalism from socialism.

Capitalism hates iron curtains around the economy - it hates borders because borders interrupt the flow of capital to the cheapest resources and labor markets. If Nike investors can get their products made for pennies in Taiwanese Sweatshops, they're not going to pay an American wage. If California fruit growers can get their strawberries picked for pennies by illegals, they're not going to pay anything close to a livable American wage.

Remember: your side promised to bring back livable wages to the working class, but the whole logic of free market capitalism runs against it. This is why Trump gets his ties made in Mexico and his Steel from China.

FYI: I'm on your side more than you will ever know on this issue. I'd love to see more control at the border. But your question doesn't allow people on the Left to agree with you.

If you want to understand why we moved to a more globalized, borderless world, you need to dig a little deeper. You need to see how deeply your party is invested in the hyper-profitable, globalized capitalism we now practice.

Rather than screaming at Liberals, who control nothing starting in January, why not figure out what is truly driving globalization. Why not figure out why none of your presidents have done anything about the border? Why not increase your knowledge and clean your own house before vomiting all over us?
The fact remains we are a borderless country, and that sucks by any account… :lmao:
We are not a borderless country, you kool-aid guzzling asshole.

Yeah, we can't even call this a country with no border… Fact

A refrigerate...omg..How stupid, they probably left grandma at home and to the freezer..lol..
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


Their irrational explanation is that nationalism starts wars. They prefer surrender instead.

Another strange impulse, which they refer to as "reason," is that by jamming incompatible people together, they'll learn to get along.

Why is the president elect backing away from building that promised wall? It was his main goal during the campaign, and the cost doesn't matter, because Mexico will pay for it. Will you demand he keeps his promise?
He still wants a wall, but like a smart man he listened to his advisors and realized some spots a fence would do. Unlike the man child you support.
A canal, or even a very wide highway, will have side benefits covering the cost.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


Their irrational explanation is that nationalism starts wars. They prefer surrender instead.

Another strange impulse, which they refer to as "reason," is that by jamming incompatible people together, they'll learn to get along.

The only "incompatible people" are the frightened little animals who piss themselves over superficial differences in appearance. No one can get along with those evolutionary back-steps.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.

I have no problem securing the borders.......I don't appreciate being lied to by RWrs who really don't want the border closed because of their cheap labor source.
Specious Spectacle Reflecting a Specious Spectrum

That proves that the Preppy Progressives are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Any medium that tells us to take self-righteous preaching seriously and doesn't say "Follow the Money" is being paid off.
I don't see any answers yet.
Border patrol agents with 'shoot to kill' orders will be part of the answer.

Do you really think that illegal immigration should be punishable by death????

In western civilization we've believed that punishment should be scaled according to the crime.

Islamic fundamentalists and Chinese communists are the ones that believe any infraction should be punishable far beyond the scale of the crime, including the death penalty for minor crimes.

Geez, how Islamic of you!

We don't have to answer your twisted and dishonest analogies. We'll leave an opening in the Wall so traitors will have a way out of here.

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