Why again do leftists NOT want this country secure the borders?

Why is the president elect backing away from building that promised wall? It was his main goal during the campaign, and the cost doesn't matter, because Mexico will pay for it. Will you demand he keeps his promise?
He still wants a wall, but like a smart man he listened to his advisors and realized some spots a fence would do. Unlike the man child you support.

So he didn't know what he was talking about and he was just making shit up to make his supporters happy? Of course, we will be receiving a check from Mexico soon, though, right?
Obama didn't keep half of his campaign promises, you still polished his knob for almost eight years.
Another goddamn good reason to secure the borders and keep out the moochers.

Feds cut $167 million in domestic programs to house, feed illegals for just 1 month

The Department of Health and Human Services is raiding several of its accounts, including money for Medicare, the Ryan White AIDS/HIV program and those for cancer and flu research to cover a shortfall in housing illegal youths pouring over the border at a rate of 255 a day.

HHS is trying to come up with $167 million to fund the Office of Refugee Resettlement that is accepting the youths, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

Feds cut $167 million in domestic programs to house, feed illegals for just 1 month
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.

The immigration bill of 2013, that included major border security measures, and passed the Senate with bi-partisan support,

was killed by the Republicans in the House.

Why is the president elect backing away from building that promised wall? It was his main goal during the campaign, and the cost doesn't matter, because Mexico will pay for it. Will you demand he keeps his promise?
He still wants a wall, but like a smart man he listened to his advisors and realized some spots a fence would do. Unlike the man child you support.

So he didn't know what he was talking about and he was just making shit up to make his supporters happy? Of course, we will be receiving a check from Mexico soon, though, right?
Obama didn't keep half of his campaign promises, you still polished his knob for almost eight years.

Yes. Republicans did block a lot of his efforts. Opposing him was their stated #1 goal after all. The difference is that Trump is backing off of his promises with no opposition at all.
Another goddamn good reason to secure the borders and keep out the moochers.
Taking the lord's name in vain AGAIN are you? Now that isn't very christian-like, is it?

Oh, that's right, you are one of those hypocrite christians, nevermind. You just talk it, you don't walk it.
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.


That is what we know. I would respect them a tad if they just admitted it.

Like when Harry Reid said they deliberately lied about Romney tax shit and laughed when he said, "it worked didn't it?"

As much of a scumbag that piece of unrepentant lying shit he is, at least he just came out and said it. Oh, and the stupid left wing voters will still not admit they lied about it, even though the democrats admitted they did...sigh.

Like I said, I would respect them a tad. As it is, they can all kiss my proud American button.

Liberal/progtards are vile....they will never earn any respect from me

Good thing no one is losing sleep over your opinion.
Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
Razor wire twenty yards high and fifty yards wide. Electronic sensors can detect ANYthing that touches the razor wire. Increased border patrols who have President Trump's 'blessing' if a few illegals happen to reach for a weapon and are shot dead!
THAT news will get around in the illegal community in mexico.
Electronic sensors can pick up ANY tunneling activity down to 200 yards deep.
All that's good, but it still needs a 50 ft wall right down the middle of it all the way from California to Texas. It's what we were promised.
you didnt support or vote for him, you still dont support him. You werent promised anything. All you get is the back seat of the buss if there is room (if not, walk) so I suggest you move on back and let the grown ups take over from here.
I hear hillary is going to start having fake tea parties in her garden on nice days, maybe you could get an invite, wear a pretty dress, you know, important stuff.
The reason is simple: Demography is Destiny.

The Leftists know that essentially all of the wretched bastards who invade our shores and their progeny will be some combination of (1) welfare dependents, (2) oppressed minority, or (3) Leftists leaving leftist-hellholes with the intention of making the U.S. just as bad as where they came from.

In any of these cases, they will ultimately become reliable Democrat voters - for generations. And the more of them get in now, the more certain is the ultimate triumph of American Leftism, where we are an American version of the failed and failing social democracies of Europe. Mark it well: The election of Donald Trump is a mere anomaly, caused by the Democrats presenting the electorate with the worst candidate of the past hundred years. By the end of Trump's presidency, the tidal wave will have taken full effect. He will be the last Republican President in any of our lifetimes.

If a couple of terrorists make it across the border, so what? They won't kill any more Americans that the thugs inhabiting our inner cities right now. The end result justifies the means.
I see a far different outcome.

I see Europe moving away from traditional socialism and closer to nationalism(permanently). I see immigration dropping. I see illegal immigration dropping. I see a bigger GOP minority vote in 2020 than 2016, and I see a much higher white vote for the GOP than 2016.

If Trump runs for re-election after even just a decent first term, Democrats won't have prayer, and I really think he will have more votes than the Democratic candidate(so called "popular vote"), on top of an even bigger electoral vote victory than he had this year.
Here are the border security measures in the bill the house REPUBLICANS killed:

Title I includes a number of provisions which are explained more explicitly in the bill's text. This is a short list of some of them:

  • Definitions: "Rural, high-trafficked areas" are rural areas through which drugs and undocumented aliens are routinely smuggled, as designated by the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The "Southwest border region" is the area in the United States that is within 100 miles of the Southern border.
  • Additional U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers are added - 3,500 additional federal law enforcement officers to be trained by 2017
  • Authorization for the National Guard to be deployed to the Southwest border for the following purposes:
(1) to construct fencing, including double-layer and triple-layer fencing;
(2) to increase ground-based mobile surveillance systems;
(3) to deploy additional unarmed, unmanned aerial systems and manned aircraft sufficient to maintain continuous surveillance of the Southern Border;
(4) to deploy and provide capability for radio communications interoperability between U.S. Customs and Border Protection and State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies;
(5) to construct checkpoints along the Southern border to bridge the gap to long-term permanent checkpoints; and
(6) to provide assistance to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, particularly in rural,high-trafficked areas, as designated by the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
  • Authorizes and funds border crossing prosecutions and related court costs in the Tucson Sector at a level sufficient to increase the average number of prosecutions from 70 a day to 210 a day ($50 million from the $3 billion Border Security Fund). It also provides increased funding for Operation Stonegarden to assist state and local law enforcement to help prevent illegal activity along the border.
  • Provides additional funding for additional border patrol stations and forward operating bases to interdict individuals entering the United States unlawfully immediately after such individuals cross the Southern border and to provide full operational support in rural, high-trafficked areas.
  • Provides funding for vital radio communications and interoperability between CBP -Office of Border Patrol and state, local, and tribal law enforcement to assist in apprehension efforts along the border.
Border Security[edit]
The bill contains many border security measures, some of which must be implemented before illegal immigrants can adjust from the provisional status to full green card status. However, the DHS Secretary simply must submit a plan for border security within the first six months of the bill in order to initiate the provisional legal status for illegal immigrants.[31] Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) explained that whether or not the border is secure will have no impact on the advancement of the legalization of illegal immigrants, saying, "We're not using border security as an excuse or a block to the path to citizenship. [The Gang of Eight] wants to make sure the border is secure, but not to use it as a barrier to prevent the 11 million from eventually gaining a path to citizenship"[32] The bill provides resources for additional CBP officers, improvements in the border security infrastructure, and increasing the number of immigration prosecutions. It also provides resources for and requires additional training for CBP officers.

The bill sets a goal of achieving a 90% success rate (Section 3(a)(3)) of intercepting and deporting undocumented immigrants who attempt to cross the border in one of the "High Risk Border Sectors" - places where more than 30,000 people cross per year (Section 3(a)(5)). In order to accomplish this, the bill would increase the number of border security personnel by 3,500 people by 2017, authorize the National Guard to participate in missions related to border security, fund additional surveillance and surveillance technology, and provide funding to build a border fence. If the bill is enacted, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has 180 days to write and submit two reports. First, the "Comprehensive Southern Border Security Strategy", which is a strategy meant to explain their plans for achieving and maintaining effective control in all high risk border sectors along the international border between the United States and Mexico. Congress grants the Department of Homeland Security $3,000,000,000 in order to pursue this strategy (Section 6(a)(3)(A)(i)). The second report that the DHS is required to write and submit in 180 days is the "Southern Border Fencing Strategy" to identify where fencing, including double-layer fencing, infrastructure, and technology should be deployed along the Southern border (Section 5(b)). Congress grants the Department of Homeland Security $1,500,000,000 in order to pursue this strategy (Section 6(a)(3)(A)(iii)).
Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
Razor wire twenty yards high and fifty yards wide. Electronic sensors can detect ANYthing that touches the razor wire. Increased border patrols who have President Trump's 'blessing' if a few illegals happen to reach for a weapon and are shot dead!
THAT news will get around in the illegal community in mexico.
Electronic sensors can pick up ANY tunneling activity down to 200 yards deep.
All that's good, but it still needs a 50 ft wall right down the middle of it all the way from California to Texas. It's what we were promised.
you didnt support or vote for him, you still dont support him. You werent promised anything. All you get is the back seat of the buss if there is room (if not, walk) so I suggest you move on back and let the grown ups take over from here.
I hear hillary is going to start having fake tea parties in her garden on nice days, maybe you could get an invite, wear a pretty dress, you know, important stuff.

The buss! Whazzat???
I always forget the reasons. Why is that? Do they have any sort of rational explanations whatsoever?

Let us see if they can say anything that is not utilizing victimology.

Maybe the reason is some kind of "internationalism"
I mean maybe they believe all world and all culture are just one so they think securing the borders is something "reactionary" or "fascist"
I don't know if this is the real reason but maybe it's a credible explanation :)
The immigration bill of 2013, that included major border security measures, and passed the Senate with bi-partisan support,

was killed by the Republicans in the House.
could that be because that bill was going to automatically give legal status to 11 million illegals? do you think thats why it had to be killed? Nobody wants those filthy bastards in this country besides other filthy bastards.
Had the democrats an actual bill in it with an actual border wall instead of just a fence and not included all of the illegals becoming citizens, that would have passed.
But as always the dems have to add some unacceptable bullshit to the bill so they can claim that the republicans killed the one thing out of the bill that they did agree with. (even if a fence is not a wall by any means.)
Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
Razor wire twenty yards high and fifty yards wide. Electronic sensors can detect ANYthing that touches the razor wire. Increased border patrols who have President Trump's 'blessing' if a few illegals happen to reach for a weapon and are shot dead!
THAT news will get around in the illegal community in mexico.
Electronic sensors can pick up ANY tunneling activity down to 200 yards deep.
All that's good, but it still needs a 50 ft wall right down the middle of it all the way from California to Texas. It's what we were promised.
you didnt support or vote for him, you still dont support him. You werent promised anything. All you get is the back seat of the buss if there is room (if not, walk) so I suggest you move on back and let the grown ups take over from here.
I hear hillary is going to start having fake tea parties in her garden on nice days, maybe you could get an invite, wear a pretty dress, you know, important stuff.

So is he going to be my president or not?
The immigration bill of 2013, that included major border security measures, and passed the Senate with bi-partisan support,

was killed by the Republicans in the House.
could that be because that bill was going to automatically give legal status to 11 million illegals? do you think thats why it had to be killed? Nobody wants those filthy bastards in this country besides other filthy bastards.
Had the democrats an actual bill in it with an actual border wall instead of just a fence and not included all of the illegals becoming citizens, that would have passed.
But as always the dems have to add some unacceptable bullshit to the bill so they can claim that the republicans killed the one thing out of the bill that they did agree with. (even if a fence is not a wall by any means.)

The bill passed the Senate. Even Trump has backed off deporting 11 million. LOL, the Dreamers are you people who believed him about mass deportation and a 2000 mile wall.
Trump now thinks that some area's can be just fences...Every single illegal will know those area's and get in anyway...

If he is going to do it, do it right...but that won't happen it is too expensive...
Razor wire twenty yards high and fifty yards wide. Electronic sensors can detect ANYthing that touches the razor wire. Increased border patrols who have President Trump's 'blessing' if a few illegals happen to reach for a weapon and are shot dead!
THAT news will get around in the illegal community in mexico.
Electronic sensors can pick up ANY tunneling activity down to 200 yards deep.
All that's good, but it still needs a 50 ft wall right down the middle of it all the way from California to Texas. It's what we were promised.
you didnt support or vote for him, you still dont support him. You werent promised anything. All you get is the back seat of the buss if there is room (if not, walk) so I suggest you move on back and let the grown ups take over from here.
I hear hillary is going to start having fake tea parties in her garden on nice days, maybe you could get an invite, wear a pretty dress, you know, important stuff.

So is he going to be my president or not?
I wouldnt if I were him. Nothing you would want should be done.
oh let me put it this way, he will be every bit as much your president as obama tried to be for the white males born in this country.

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